What do conservatives support?

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Conservatives aren't for anything, they are only against things. They hate everything that's ever been beneficial to society.
If you are for freedom then you are against just about everything the left wants to impose on us.

But no one seeks to suppress your right to post whatever you feel at the moment - allowing you to make a complete fool of yourself adds entertainment to the board.

I suppose that't the best you can come up with rather than refuting what I said.
YOu are talking crazy.

Have you heard of wikipedia?

They have a nice article on American conservatism.

Conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism and a defense of Western culture from perceived threats posed by creeping socialism, moral relativism, multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism. Liberty is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, limiting the size and scope of government, and opposition to high taxes and to government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur. American conservatives consider individual liberty, within the bounds of conformity to American values as the fundamental trait of democracy, which contrasts with modern American liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality and social justice."

YOur pretense of ignorance on this is silly.

Today's brand of conservative would be attacked by William F. Buckley as he attacked the John Birch Society decades ago, calling it an extremist organization. Many well known conservatives have spoken out against the New Right and Trump, and even today Colin Powell called Trump a "National Disgrace".

Powell attacked both trump and hillary or did that slip your mind?

Powell called Trump a national disgrace! He was pissed HRC brought his name into the e-mail fiasco. Being called a national disgrace trumps everything Powell said about HRC.

Still want to ignore Powell called hillary a bitch in so many terms?

"WASHINGTON (AP) — In a private email exchange last year leaked this week by hackers, former Secretary of State Colin Powell discussed Israel's nuclear weapons capability with a friend, saying the country has 200 warheads."
Colin Powell in leaked email: Israel has 200 nukes

What the fuck dude, first you are on Powell side now you trash him?

Btw Obama henchmen told the world a few years ago about Israel's nukes.

Since your such a partisan hack....

General Colin Powell just humiliated Hillary before the whole American public!
August 19, 2016 • B

This is how Hillary blames everyone except herself for her mistakes.

She is really a winy bitch! She is never taking responsibility for her wrongdoings!

Imagine if she became president, then after every mistake she will blame some of the staff around her or someone in the office before her, that is a recipe for disaster.

Former secretary of state Gen. Colin Powell gave a statement Friday about Hillary Clinton’s claim that he advised
her at a dinner party to use a private email server, saying he had no recollection of such a conversation.

Colin Powell rips Hillary Clinton's private serve…:
Maybe the radical left slept through civics 101 or they are just plain un-educated. There are other governments within the Nation besides the bloated incredible bureaucracy known as the federal government. You almost gotta laugh that lefties hate paying taxes just like everyone else but the freaking hypocrites pretend to love the IRS as long as a left wing president uses the agency to punish political enemies. Yes, the federal government is too big and too bloated and has been used by democrats as a freaking employment agency. In case you weren't looking the "man-made global warming" theory is just that, an unproven theory. The federal dominated education system hasn't achieved much more than produce a generation of idiots who can't do much more than put a condom on a banana. The left wing idiots want to punish an entire state over allowing freakazoid men to use the ladies room. How stupid is that? The big question is why doesn't the radical left want to do better? Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness".
Q. What do the current crop of conservatives support?

A. All 14 of the points listed in this link:
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Conservatives of today have Buckley & Goldwater spinning in their graves.

I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

And you have had your ass kicked over it every time. You merge conservatism with anything on the right together to build your straw man, many of the shot you use as evidence is completely made up either in your own mind or by left wing nut job media.

The result is that you post a lot but say absolutely nothing.

Not a rebuttal, but what I expect from a fascist hypocrite like you.

It's the truth, unlike your worthless garbage post.
Only if you believe that ONE historical example demonstrates that that is the ONLY POSSIBLE scenario.

Which is utterly ridiculous.

Using that "logic" the fact the ONE planet, Earth, has life on it, that would mean that ALL planets have life on them.

Or that ONE apple was poisoned by an evil witch, that means ALL apples have been poisoned by evil witches.

You are utterly ridiculous.

Get your head out of the sand and listen to Trump's stump speech - in short you will hear hate, fear and ridiculous promises, if you listen. One example can be, and in this case is, instructive, but only for those who apply sagacious reasoning to the issue.

You are the one making an extreme claim.

Back it up with a transcript, if you can.

Otherwise, you are just engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion combined with a Godwin at that, which is a FAIL, and thus my point stands.

One extreme example today of your unhinged nominee:

Trump: Clinton's bodyguards should drop guns and 'see what happens to her'

What if Trump changed the target from HRC to the Pope or Wayne LaPierre? Be honest, if you can.
Only if you believe that ONE historical example demonstrates that that is the ONLY POSSIBLE scenario.

Which is utterly ridiculous.

Using that "logic" the fact the ONE planet, Earth, has life on it, that would mean that ALL planets have life on them.

Or that ONE apple was poisoned by an evil witch, that means ALL apples have been poisoned by evil witches.

You are utterly ridiculous.

Get your head out of the sand and listen to Trump's stump speech - in short you will hear hate, fear and ridiculous promises, if you listen. One example can be, and in this case is, instructive, but only for those who apply sagacious reasoning to the issue.

You are the one making an extreme claim.

Back it up with a transcript, if you can.

Otherwise, you are just engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion combined with a Godwin at that, which is a FAIL, and thus my point stands.

One extreme example today of your unhinged nominee:

Trump: Clinton's bodyguards should drop guns and 'see what happens to her'

What if Trump changed the target from HRC to the Pope or Wayne LaPierre? Be honest, if you can.

The point of that argument, which has been used before, and indeed, I believe WITH a pope

is to point out the hypocrisy of anti-gun people who use gun toting security.

That is NOT Authoritarian. It is not Hateful. It is not trying to scare people. It is not a ridiculous promise.

Mendacity is your game, you cannot be honest - crooked Correll

There is nothing untruthful about my post.

It is somewhat hypocritical of people with armed guards to be anti-gun.

That was Trump's point.

AND there is nothing "Authoritarian, hateful, scary, or ridiculous promise" about that.

Your example, that example THAT YOU PICKED TO DEMONSTRATE your claims, instead have demonstrated that you are completely wrong.
Conservatives aren't for anything, they are only against things. They hate everything that's ever been beneficial to society.
If you are for freedom then you are against just about everything the left wants to impose on us.

But no one seeks to suppress your right to post whatever you feel at the moment - allowing you to make a complete fool of yourself adds entertainment to the board.

I suppose that't the best you can come up with rather than refuting what I said.

There is nothing of substance to refute, you are an extremist and not well educated or sagacious.
Q. What do the current crop of conservatives support?

A. All 14 of the points listed in this link:
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Conservatives of today have Buckley & Goldwater spinning in their graves.


Gee, the source of the quote is missing. You know why, it is not a quote from Powell, it is the usual mendacious bullshit by a right wing source. If evidence exists, that the words printed are actually from Powell's lips, I will offer an apology. If the author of this post does not provide two credible sources, he should never be accepted as anything but a liar.
Conservatives aren't for anything, they are only against things. They hate everything that's ever been beneficial to society.
If you are for freedom then you are against just about everything the left wants to impose on us.

But no one seeks to suppress your right to post whatever you feel at the moment - allowing you to make a complete fool of yourself adds entertainment to the board.

I suppose that't the best you can come up with rather than refuting what I said.

There is nothing of substance to refute, you are an extremist and not well educated or sagacious.
You wish I posted nothing of substance. The reality is that you know what I posted is truth.
It isn't true public education. It is government education
I've yet to see the public school run by "government" agents/bureaucrats/employees. They are run by local parents, making up school boards.

Bullshit. The are run by teacher's unions and government bureaucrats. Anyone who believes parents have any realistic control over public schools is terminally gullible.
Conservatives aren't for anything, they are only against things. They hate everything that's ever been beneficial to society.
If you are for freedom then you are against just about everything the left wants to impose on us.

But no one seeks to suppress your right to post whatever you feel at the moment - allowing you to make a complete fool of yourself adds entertainment to the board.

I suppose that't the best you can come up with rather than refuting what I said.

There is nothing of substance to refute, you are an extremist and not well educated or sagacious.
You wish I posted nothing of substance. The reality is that you know what I posted is truth.

If you truly believe this ^^^, you are out of touch with reality and in need of psychiatric intervention.
Today's brand of conservative would be attacked by William F. Buckley as he attacked the John Birch Society decades ago, calling it an extremist organization. Many well known conservatives have spoken out against the New Right and Trump, and even today Colin Powell called Trump a "National Disgrace".

Powell attacked both trump and hillary or did that slip your mind?

Powell called Trump a national disgrace! He was pissed HRC brought his name into the e-mail fiasco. Being called a national disgrace trumps everything Powell said about HRC.

Still want to ignore Powell called hillary a bitch in so many terms?

"WASHINGTON (AP) — In a private email exchange last year leaked this week by hackers, former Secretary of State Colin Powell discussed Israel's nuclear weapons capability with a friend, saying the country has 200 warheads."
Colin Powell in leaked email: Israel has 200 nukes

What the fuck dude, first you are on Powell side now you trash him?

Btw Obama henchmen told the world a few years ago about Israel's nukes.

Since your such a partisan hack....

General Colin Powell just humiliated Hillary before the whole American public!
August 19, 2016 • B

This is how Hillary blames everyone except herself for her mistakes.

She is really a winy bitch! She is never taking responsibility for her wrongdoings!

Imagine if she became president, then after every mistake she will blame some of the staff around her or someone in the office before her, that is a recipe for disaster.

Former secretary of state Gen. Colin Powell gave a statement Friday about Hillary Clinton’s claim that he advised
her at a dinner party to use a private email server, saying he had no recollection of such a conversation.

Colin Powell rips Hillary Clinton's private serve…:

Tell us some more about the dangers of Clinton's emails and how her "gross negligence" should be prosecuted because she put us at risk.

There is no evidence she was hacked

Now tell us where this information came from and why it's irrelevant and why Powell did the same thing as SOS but is in no way open to the same criticism
Last edited:
It isn't true public education. It is government education
I've yet to see the public school run by "government" agents/bureaucrats/employees. They are run by local parents, making up school boards.

Clearly you do not understand how government education works.

All schools fall under the state governed department of education , which divides the region into a number of school districts with their own offices and such.

The Board of Education consists primarily of elected officials. Trustees for example.

The superintendent is elected by the Board of Education which hold higher accountability to the regional Department of Education, and therefore the state government.

While previously state governments had independence in this process, the federal government leverages funding to intimidate schools into following its regulations and initiatives, such as common core for example. Pretty much ever school abides by federal government standards in order to stay up to state standards (in which they also receive funding), which have all had the bar raised due to the federal funding.

It is government education through and through.
If you are for freedom then you are against just about everything the left wants to impose on us.

But no one seeks to suppress your right to post whatever you feel at the moment - allowing you to make a complete fool of yourself adds entertainment to the board.

I suppose that't the best you can come up with rather than refuting what I said.

There is nothing of substance to refute, you are an extremist and not well educated or sagacious.
You wish I posted nothing of substance. The reality is that you know what I posted is truth.

If you truly believe this ^^^, you are out of touch with reality and in need of psychiatric intervention.

Turning every disagreement into a psychiatric condition is a leftwing propaganda technique that Joseph Stalin invented.
Powell attacked both trump and hillary or did that slip your mind?

Powell called Trump a national disgrace! He was pissed HRC brought his name into the e-mail fiasco. Being called a national disgrace trumps everything Powell said about HRC.

Still want to ignore Powell called hillary a bitch in so many terms?

"WASHINGTON (AP) — In a private email exchange last year leaked this week by hackers, former Secretary of State Colin Powell discussed Israel's nuclear weapons capability with a friend, saying the country has 200 warheads."
Colin Powell in leaked email: Israel has 200 nukes

What the fuck dude, first you are on Powell side now you trash him?

Btw Obama henchmen told the world a few years ago about Israel's nukes.

Since your such a partisan hack....

General Colin Powell just humiliated Hillary before the whole American public!
August 19, 2016 • B

This is how Hillary blames everyone except herself for her mistakes.

She is really a winy bitch! She is never taking responsibility for her wrongdoings!

Imagine if she became president, then after every mistake she will blame some of the staff around her or someone in the office before her, that is a recipe for disaster.

Former secretary of state Gen. Colin Powell gave a statement Friday about Hillary Clinton’s claim that he advised
her at a dinner party to use a private email server, saying he had no recollection of such a conversation.

Colin Powell rips Hillary Clinton's private serve…:

Tell us some more about the dangers of Clinton's emails and how her "gross negligence" should be prosecuted because she put us at risk.

There is no evidence she was hacked

Now tell us where this information came from and why it's irrelevant and why Powell did the same thing as SOS but is in no way open to the same criticism

Did powell use a private server? Did Powell use bleachbit? Look at the thread title btw...
Q. What do the current crop of conservatives support?

A. All 14 of the points listed in this link:
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Conservatives of today have Buckley & Goldwater spinning in their graves.


Where did that come from dope?

You all want to string Clinton up for the possibility of a hack without proof and you hold a hack of Powell up as evidence of guilt against Clinton?


I mean, really?

Lmao powell is a hack? That dude is the most honest guy around.
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