What do conservatives support?

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But no one seeks to suppress your right to post whatever you feel at the moment - allowing you to make a complete fool of yourself adds entertainment to the board.

I suppose that't the best you can come up with rather than refuting what I said.

There is nothing of substance to refute, you are an extremist and not well educated or sagacious.
You wish I posted nothing of substance. The reality is that you know what I posted is truth.

If you truly believe this ^^^, you are out of touch with reality and in need of psychiatric intervention.

Turning every disagreement into a psychiatric condition is a leftwing propaganda technique that Joseph Stalin invented.

LOL, I only suggested you needed psychiatric intervention because you are challenged by reality. There is no argument or disagreement on that condition, the many posts you make are both necessary and sufficient to see you suffer from paranoid delusions and a fantasy reality. It's sad, but your axis 5 (Global Assessment of Functioning) is probably about 30. In layman's words you are one very sick puppy.
Q. What do the current crop of conservatives support?

A. All 14 of the points listed in this link:
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Conservatives of today have Buckley & Goldwater spinning in their graves.


Where did that come from dope?

You all want to string Clinton up for the possibility of a hack without proof and you hold a hack of Powell up as evidence of guilt against Clinton?


I mean, really?

Lmao powell is a hack? That dude is the most honest guy around.

I think he's a hack as well, but I think he's a liberal pretending to be a Republican.
I suppose that't the best you can come up with rather than refuting what I said.

There is nothing of substance to refute, you are an extremist and not well educated or sagacious.
You wish I posted nothing of substance. The reality is that you know what I posted is truth.

If you truly believe this ^^^, you are out of touch with reality and in need of psychiatric intervention.

Turning every disagreement into a psychiatric condition is a leftwing propaganda technique that Joseph Stalin invented.

LOL, I only suggested you needed psychiatric intervention because you are challenged by reality. There is no argument or disagreement on that condition, the many posts you make are both necessary and sufficient to see you suffer from paranoid delusions and a fantasy reality. It's sad, but your axis 5 (Global Assessment of Functioning) is probably about 30. In layman's words you are one very sick puppy.

What you're trying to say is that you're a left-wing douche bag who can't win an argument using logic and facts so you resort to personal attacks.
Q. What do the current crop of conservatives support?

A. All 14 of the points listed in this link:
The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Conservatives of today have Buckley & Goldwater spinning in their graves.


Where did that come from dope?

You all want to string Clinton up for the possibility of a hack without proof and you hold a hack of Powell up as evidence of guilt against Clinton?


I mean, really?

Lmao powell is a hack? That dude is the most honest guy around.

That's not who I said dope.
Less government.. FREEDOM.. it's rather simple. We are true Originalists who believe in our Founding Document.
There is nothing of substance to refute, you are an extremist and not well educated or sagacious.
You wish I posted nothing of substance. The reality is that you know what I posted is truth.

If you truly believe this ^^^, you are out of touch with reality and in need of psychiatric intervention.

Turning every disagreement into a psychiatric condition is a leftwing propaganda technique that Joseph Stalin invented.

LOL, I only suggested you needed psychiatric intervention because you are challenged by reality. There is no argument or disagreement on that condition, the many posts you make are both necessary and sufficient to see you suffer from paranoid delusions and a fantasy reality. It's sad, but your axis 5 (Global Assessment of Functioning) is probably about 30. In layman's words you are one very sick puppy.

What you're trying to say is that you're a left-wing douche bag who can't win an argument using logic and facts so you resort to personal attacks.

Actually you've once again proved reality is something which exists in the great void between your ears, and anything which intrudes on that space is alien and creates a clash, resulting from the combination of two disharmonious elements which are not congruent with your fantasies/delusions.

Life for you is consistency, when the dogma implanted in the great void between your ears is questioned, you shit all over ideas which upset you. Sad, but meds and a good therapist is your only resource. More sadly, it appears to be chronic and a malady without mitigation.
Every-time I read one of WarCatcher's post I can't help but to think he is entirely clueless.

Please get an education. Before you do so straw mans and ignorance is all you can show.
Every-time I read one of WarCatcher's post I can't help but to think he is entirely clueless.

Please get an education. Before you do so straw mans and ignorance is all you can show.

"Before you do so straw mans and ignorance is all you can show", huh, and you claim I need to be educated? I suggest you need to start with Bone-Head English, if you can pass that, then move on to English 101 & 102. BTW, don't use terms you don't understand.
In 12 pages no one has been able to rebut the general concept of the OP. In fact every effort by Conservatives result in more evidence in support of the claim that conservatives are defined by what they oppose,

Is it any wonder The Congress under the control of McConnell and Boehner/Ryan have done nothing of substance since gaining control.

Who really cares ?

I consider myself both conservative and liberal depending on the subject.

To think people fit in boxes is left wing.

LOL, and your use of left wing in context is ............................... Ironic.
Sometimes a single word is sufficient for a rebuttal:


All intelligent rebuttals designed to maintain intellectual dialogue, consist of a counterargument and factual/emotional/logical support.

Saying that one word can constitute a sufficient rebuttal is a frail attempt at sustaining a status quo of widespread intellectual dishonesty.

If I drop this bowling ball from the roof of my house is will rise to the moon.

Interesting tidibt.

Edmund Burke, one of the father's of Conservatism, believed that social evolution should spring from what people actually believe and want. In Burke's critique of the French Revolution, he showed the dangers that come with overturning social orders and traditions virtually form the top-down.

In short, Conservatism opposes revolutions because revolutions are too disruptive, and they don't leave sufficient room for a nation to evolve naturally/organically.

Under Burke's standards, the Reagan Revolution was not conservative. Indeed, revolutions, because of their centralized, top-down organization, are anti-conservative by definition.

Reagan inherited a nation where a huge swath of the electorate trusted big government. This makes sense because the American Government helped defeat the Nazis and put a man on the moon. Government administered the building of the Hoover Dam, the great Interstate system and satellite system and the massive public works projects that brought water and energy to unsettled territories. Seniors - who faced overwhelming poverty prior to the 40s - liked cashing their Social Security checks.

According to Reagan, the problem with Big Government is that it taxed the wealthy at too high a rate. Reagan wanted to reverse the relationship between the wealthy and government. He wanted the wealthy to be the takers, meaning he wanted them to benefit from subsidies, bailouts, infrastructure, patent protection, legal protection and military defense of overseas supply chains, but he didn't want them to have to pay for it. He turned Washington into a modern lobby state whereby large corporations (rather than "brownshirts") used financial donations to dictate the legislative behavior of politicians. He made it possible for big business to suck at the teat of big government, while lowering the cost (taxes) they paid for those services.

But the Reagan Revolution had a problem. The citizenry had lived with big Government too long, and they needed to be re-educated.
So the Reagan Revolution reinvigorated the Rightwing Think Tank and Media revolution for the purpose of changing national opinion on government. Reagan wanted American citizens to hate government so that it would become harder for government to tax and regulate business. Rather than trusting the peoples' faith in things like Social Security and infrastructure investment, the Reagan Revolution did what all revolutions do: it changed peoples' minds/opinions. Indeed, the Reagan Revolution opened the floodgates for money to pour from big business into Rightwing think tanks and media. The Reagan Revolution created a massive incentive system which rewarded anyone who would make the case against government. It took 30 years, but now it is common sense to hate government.

Edmund Burke, the father of Conservatism, is turning over in his grave because he trusts the people more than he trusts a small, centralized command of revolutionaries who want to re-educate all citizens. When the Reagan Revolution decided to re-educate people by creating a talk radio/Fox/internet network of opinion shapers, it became every bit as corrupt and dangerous as the Liberals who enacted the French Revolution.

Well said!
It is funny too, because a lot of the time they try to pass off bullshit.

Back when I was in school, I was suspended several times for contesting teachers, because it undermined their authority. My favorite activity was studying history scholars and classical philosophy, but government education has no room for free thought.

Thank god I dropped out when I did. Best decision I ever made in my life.

I was very combative with my teachers as well when I got into high school because I was reading on a 10th grade level when I was in the 5th grade. My reading comprehension scores were off the charts in grade school because I lived to read. I was on a first name basis with the local librarian at the school and the one by my home and I couldn't believe how it was never bustling with readers...I mean, you could find ANY thing to read for free! I questioned a lot of things that didn't seem right to me. I was on the speech team when I was a freshman in HS and I always picked the most controversial topics to speak on. I wasn't an "anti-authoritarian" but I had problems with laws (that I later learned were simply acts, statutes, codes and ordinances) and what actual functions they had a useful purpose other than control? I loved English Lit and would read waaaay ahead of the reading assignments and ace the tests even though I had read them weeks earlier. Algebra was a different topic and struggled with it. When I went to tech school and had to take Boolean algebra, I did fine but it never really helped me to troubleshoot an electronic circuit that I know of....

Odd that being so smart you never learned to write anything but simple sentences sans paragraphs.

Please, by all means, pick a topic and debate me.......bring the best that you have and allow me to bury you under an avalanche of facts. You have nothing to lose but what little pride you have left.

I already have, read the OP and provide a response with evidence that the 21st
century conservative isn't defined by what they oppose?

Good luck with that; I await your "avalanche of facts".

The organic Constitution is what I am about.....in so much that is the groundwork for a striving Republic, not a democracy...a democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner . I have nothing but disdain for the two party system. Now, tell me and explain to the masses as to how the Fabian socialist left has it "going on" and why I should embrace it and submit to it's agenda, punkinpuss.....

I have very few peers when it comes to the knowledge I have.... and there is no one that can go "toe to toe" with me in a debate or discussion...no brag, simply fact. I would have the Barrypuppet, Hitlery or any neocon looking for the nearest exit if allowed to engage them in an honest debate....you are "small time".....

You're not only uneducated, you are a lunatic.! This would be seen as an ad hominem, but there is no argument offered by you which needs a rebuttal. You're nuts, and that's an obvious truth.
You're not only uneducated, you are a lunatic.! This would be seen as an ad hominem, but there is no argument offered by you which needs a rebuttal. You're nuts, and that's an obvious truth.


He made a fair argument, and this is just some petty deflection.
In 12 pages no one has been able to rebut the general concept of the OP. In fact every effort by Conservatives result in more evidence in support of the claim that conservatives are defined by what they oppose,

Is it any wonder The Congress under the control of McConnell and Boehner/Ryan have done nothing of substance since gaining control.

Who really cares ?

I consider myself both conservative and liberal depending on the subject.

To think people fit in boxes is left wing.

LOL, and your use of left wing in context is ............................... Ironic.

I understand your comment.

Just be clear that I consider many on the right to actually be on the left.
You wish I posted nothing of substance. The reality is that you know what I posted is truth.

If you truly believe this ^^^, you are out of touch with reality and in need of psychiatric intervention.

Turning every disagreement into a psychiatric condition is a leftwing propaganda technique that Joseph Stalin invented.

LOL, I only suggested you needed psychiatric intervention because you are challenged by reality. There is no argument or disagreement on that condition, the many posts you make are both necessary and sufficient to see you suffer from paranoid delusions and a fantasy reality. It's sad, but your axis 5 (Global Assessment of Functioning) is probably about 30. In layman's words you are one very sick puppy.

What you're trying to say is that you're a left-wing douche bag who can't win an argument using logic and facts so you resort to personal attacks.

Actually you've once again proved reality is something which exists in the great void between your ears, and anything which intrudes on that space is alien and creates a clash, resulting from the combination of two disharmonious elements which are not congruent with your fantasies/delusions.

Life for you is consistency, when the dogma implanted in the great void between your ears is questioned, you shit all over ideas which upset you. Sad, but meds and a good therapist is your only resource. More sadly, it appears to be chronic and a malady without mitigation.

That's just one big ad hominem. Have you ever considered trying logic and facts to make your case?
In 12 pages no one has been able to rebut the general concept of the OP. In fact every effort by Conservatives result in more evidence in support of the claim that conservatives are defined by what they oppose,

Is it any wonder The Congress under the control of McConnell and Boehner/Ryan have done nothing of substance since gaining control.

YOu are talking crazy.

Have you heard of wikipedia?

They have a nice article on American conservatism.

Conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism and a defense of Western culture from perceived threats posed by creeping socialism, moral relativism, multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism. Liberty is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, limiting the size and scope of government, and opposition to high taxes and to government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur. American conservatives consider individual liberty, within the bounds of conformity to American values as the fundamental trait of democracy, which contrasts with modern American liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality and social justice."

YOur pretense of ignorance on this is silly.

Today's brand of conservative would be attacked by William F. Buckley as he attacked the John Birch Society decades ago, calling it an extremist organization. Many well known conservatives have spoken out against the New Right and Trump, and even today Colin Powell called Trump a "National Disgrace".
You have no clue what conservatism is...you're too far left to ever understand.....

You have no clue. There is no singular definition for 'conservatism'; a 21st Century self defined conservative is unlike conservatives in other decades / ERA's.
You're not only uneducated, you are a lunatic.! This would be seen as an ad hominem, but there is no argument offered by you which needs a rebuttal. You're nuts, and that's an obvious truth.


He made a fair argument, and this is just some petty deflection.

And what argument was that?
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