What do conservatives support?

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I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose...
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:
Explain that in the context of Donald Trump's own words, cheered upon by mostly Red State inhabitants. Or, are these people mostly RINO's?
Some are RINOS. Some are old fashioned Republicans. Some are independents. But all are tired of fascist progressives trying to force their bat-shit crazy ideology down the throats of society like little Adolf Hitler dictators. I love the fact that you people have lost your tiny little fucking minds over Trump when he's your creation. :lol:

Denial in the form of Word Salad ^^^, on a logical fallacy foundation is your creation. I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention. BTW, you failed to answer the seminal question asked above: Who are what made you into the piece of shit you are today?

I've been busy. This is page 30.

Can you quickly bring me up to speed on your current position on why you are refusing to accept the standard definition(s) that have been supplied, including the one I posted?

I don't recall your "standard definition", please post it.

That asked, conservatives are not all alike. The term was adopted, IMO, by a new iteration of people who are racist, sexist (misogynists), bigots, anti government and the polar opposite of the root word, to conserve. In a word they are Reactionaries, a radical element which has created a schism in the Republican Party and has the values of fascism.

The 14 points of fascism, well known and denied by some, are clearly highlighted in Donald Trump's off the cuff statements and his stump speech - which are on going despite the efforts of his team to walk them back.

 Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Any honest reading of these points, be they accurate in terms of fascism or not, is what Trump advocates and what his supporters support. What they are too, is a repudiation of American ethos.
I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention.
Well I am sure that you get really pissed over facts because you prefer ideology over reality. I am sure that you're a fascist little progressive who can't handle liberty or respect other people's freedoms and rights.
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:
Explain that in the context of Donald Trump's own words, cheered upon by mostly Red State inhabitants. Or, are these people mostly RINO's?
Some are RINOS. Some are old fashioned Republicans. Some are independents. But all are tired of fascist progressives trying to force their bat-shit crazy ideology down the throats of society like little Adolf Hitler dictators. I love the fact that you people have lost your tiny little fucking minds over Trump when he's your creation. :lol:

Denial in the form of Word Salad ^^^, on a logical fallacy foundation is your creation. I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention. BTW, you failed to answer the seminal question asked above: Who are what made you into the piece of shit you are today?

I've been busy. This is page 30.

Can you quickly bring me up to speed on your current position on why you are refusing to accept the standard definition(s) that have been supplied, including the one I posted?

I don't recall your "standard definition", please post it.

That asked, conservatives are not all alike. The term was adopted, IMO, by a new iteration of people who are racist, ....s.

Right here your "definition" became self serving pap.

Here is a real definition, quite in depth.

Conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from threats perceived by conservatives as posed by "creeping socialism", moral relativism,multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism. Liberty is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, limiting the size and scope of government, and opposition to high taxes and government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur. American conservatives consider individual liberty, within the bounds of conformity to American values, as the fundamental trait of democracy, which contrasts with modern American liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality andsocial justice"

In our current culture "racist" has been morphed into nothing but a smear meaning "asshole who disagrees with me, a lib".

And that is the way you are using it here.

Knock that shit off.
As a Conservative I support:

Personal responsibility
Fiscal responsibility
Limited government
Non interventionism
Right to life.
Minimal taxation
Minimal government interference in my life

Cool. BTW, how many more people would have died, and how many more people were left with nothing and would have no hope of recovery after Matthew, if no government agency was there to provide aid and assistance before and after the event?

There are no atheists in a fox hole, and no Conservatives (by your definition) in a 140 MPH windstorm.

Dumbass response from a Moon Bat.

Government mostly sucks.

Nobody has a problem with minimal government services like defense, police, courts etc. There a few collective things we need as a society but that is much less than this bloated debt ridden oppressive corrupt welfare state government that we have now.

Government gets out of control when it is in the business of taking money from the people that earn it and give it away to the shithead welfare queens that didn't earn it.

Government also is out of control when shithead corrupt politicians find out they can get power and get rich (like Crooked Hillary) by promising free stuff to greedy special interest groups.

By the way Moon Bat. I take personal responsibility for my own well being and I don't need the government to give me handouts if something goes wrong. I don't need other people paying my bills unlike you greedy Moon Bats.

Your last paragraph is most likely the opinion held by those who didn't leave when warned, and died.

BTW, no one pays my bills but me, and I will probably pay more in taxes this year than you gross this year.

Welfare was reformed two decades ago when AFDC was replaced by TANF; it allowed each state to develop their own method for providing aid and assistance to the needy. The term "welfare queen" is both a pejorative and an echo of an ignoramus and a racist.

BTW, I have family who live outside of Tampa, I've been to FL half a dozen times; you have become an anachronism and likely don't know it yet.
BTW, no one pays my bills but me, and I will probably pay more in taxes this year than you gross this year.
Well if that's the case big-shot...why do you act like a fascist little douche insisting that all of society have their wealth confiscated against their will for those in need? Why don't you just take your own tax dollars and instead of giving it to the government, give it to those in need? Too selfish? Too greedy? Too lazy?

As a Conservative I support:

Personal responsibility
Fiscal responsibility
Limited government
Non interventionism
Right to life.
Minimal taxation
Minimal government interference in my life

Cool. BTW, how many more people would have died, and how many more people were left with nothing and would have no hope of recovery after Matthew, if no government agency was there to provide aid and assistance before and after the event?

There are no atheists in a fox hole, and no Conservatives (by your definition) in a 140 MPH windstorm.

Dumbass response from a Moon Bat.

Government mostly sucks.

Nobody has a problem with minimal government services like defense, police, courts etc. There a few collective things we need as a society but that is much less than this bloated debt ridden oppressive corrupt welfare state government that we have now.

Government gets out of control when it is in the business of taking money from the people that earn it and give it away to the shithead welfare queens that didn't earn it.

Government also is out of control when shithead corrupt politicians find out they can get power and get rich (like Crooked Hillary) by promising free stuff to greedy special interest groups.

By the way Moon Bat. I take personal responsibility for my own well being and I don't need the government to give me handouts if something goes wrong. I don't need other people paying my bills unlike you greedy Moon Bats.

Your last paragraph is most likely the opinion held by those who didn't leave when warned, and died.

BTW, no one pays my bills but me, and I will probably pay more in taxes this year than you gross this year.

Welfare was reformed two decades ago when AFDC was replaced by TANF; it allowed each state to develop their own method for providing aid and assistance to the needy. The term "welfare queen" is both a pejorative and an echo of an ignoramus and a racist.

BTW, I have family who live outside of Tampa, I've been to FL half a dozen times; you have become an anachronism and likely don't know it yet.

The term welfare queen applies to the shitheads that expect somebody else to pay their bills for them. That comprises most of the assholes that vote for Democrats. They are the filth of this country.

This country has spent almost $20 trillion on the war on poverty and all we got out of it was more poverty, tremendous debt and piss poor economic growth. The government fucks up everything it touches.

I have lived in Florida my whole and have adequate emergency supplies to get me through any disaster. I don't need somebody from Idaho paying for me to live in a hurricane prone area. That is called personal responsibility and that is a concept that you stupid greedy Moon Bats will never understand.
The term "welfare queen" is both a pejorative and an echo of an ignoramus and a racist.
Looks like someone learned a new word over the weekend! This is like the third time she's used it in under an hour. :lol:

Yes...one should have contempt for a "welfare queen". The question is - why don't you? Oh that's right...because "welfare queens" are a tremendous tool to achieving the fascist centralized society that you idiot progressives desire.
By the way Moon Bat. I take personal responsibility for my own well being and I don't need the government to give me handouts if something goes wrong. I don't need other people paying my bills unlike you greedy Moon Bats.
Your last paragraph is most likely the opinion held by those who didn't leave when warned, and died.
And? I know this is hard for facists such as yourself to understand but normal people respect the fact that other people are free to make their own decisions. If those decisions result in their own death, so be it. It was their decision.
Explain that in the context of Donald Trump's own words, cheered upon by mostly Red State inhabitants. Or, are these people mostly RINO's?
Some are RINOS. Some are old fashioned Republicans. Some are independents. But all are tired of fascist progressives trying to force their bat-shit crazy ideology down the throats of society like little Adolf Hitler dictators. I love the fact that you people have lost your tiny little fucking minds over Trump when he's your creation. :lol:

Denial in the form of Word Salad ^^^, on a logical fallacy foundation is your creation. I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention. BTW, you failed to answer the seminal question asked above: Who are what made you into the piece of shit you are today?

I've been busy. This is page 30.

Can you quickly bring me up to speed on your current position on why you are refusing to accept the standard definition(s) that have been supplied, including the one I posted?

I don't recall your "standard definition", please post it.

That asked, conservatives are not all alike. The term was adopted, IMO, by a new iteration of people who are racist, ....s.

Right here your "definition" became self serving pap.

Here is a real definition, quite in depth.

Conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from threats perceived by conservatives as posed by "creeping socialism", moral relativism,multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism. Liberty is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, limiting the size and scope of government, and opposition to high taxes and government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur. American conservatives consider individual liberty, within the bounds of conformity to American values, as the fundamental trait of democracy, which contrasts with modern American liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality andsocial justice"

In our current culture "racist" has been morphed into nothing but a smear meaning "asshole who disagrees with me, a lib".

And that is the way you are using it here.

Knock that shit off.

Sorry, you can't tell me what to believe, and the evidence that racism continues to exist in our culture is unmistakable; to deny such is disingenuous, at best!

Let's parse the dictionary definition in terms of behavior:

First, this is a mouthful:

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from threats perceived by conservatives as posed by "creeping socialism", moral relativism,multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism.

Are the highlighted words examples of the behavior/beliefs of the Conservative meme today?

How do you define them, and from there we can examine the behavior and beliefs of conservatives today. But first, do you believe conservatives support Donald Trump?

Will you vote for Donald Trump? And in your case, if you do which values do you believe he expresses which are in concert with traditional American ethos (to simplify, there is no I in TEAM).
By the way Moon Bat. I take personal responsibility for my own well being and I don't need the government to give me handouts if something goes wrong. I don't need other people paying my bills unlike you greedy Moon Bats.
Your last paragraph is most likely the opinion held by those who didn't leave when warned, and died.
And? I know this is hard for facists such as yourself to understand but normal people respect the fact that other people are free to make their own decisions. If those decisions result in their own death, so be it. It was their decision.

Your simplistic thinking based on ideology lacks pragmatic consideration. First respondents put their life on the line to rescue such fools.
Your simplistic thinking based on ideology lacks pragmatic consideration. First respondents put their life on the line to rescue such fools.
Again....and??? Those people chose to be "first responders". We see a pattern here - you really have a problem with choice. That's typical of facists.
By the way Moon Bat. I take personal responsibility for my own well being and I don't need the government to give me handouts if something goes wrong. I don't need other people paying my bills unlike you greedy Moon Bats.
Your last paragraph is most likely the opinion held by those who didn't leave when warned, and died.
And? I know this is hard for facists such as yourself to understand but normal people respect the fact that other people are free to make their own decisions. If those decisions result in their own death, so be it. It was their decision.

Your simplistic thinking based on ideology lacks pragmatic consideration. First respondents put their life on the line to rescue such fools.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You have a hard time with comprehension, don't you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

I have no problem with minimal necessary government services and I am willing to pay for it. That includes police and fire protection.

If there is a disaster I take responsible for the welfare and security of my family. Unlike you greedy and irresponsible Libtards I don't demand somebody provide for my welfare if life doesn't go quite like I want it to.

Government fucks up everything it touches because it is a corrupt institution and the less we have of it the better.

You can justify being a welfare queen all you want but at the end of the day that just makes you a greedy irresponsible freeloader and that is despicable.
Some are RINOS. Some are old fashioned Republicans. Some are independents. But all are tired of fascist progressives trying to force their bat-shit crazy ideology down the throats of society like little Adolf Hitler dictators. I love the fact that you people have lost your tiny little fucking minds over Trump when he's your creation. :lol:

Denial in the form of Word Salad ^^^, on a logical fallacy foundation is your creation. I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention. BTW, you failed to answer the seminal question asked above: Who are what made you into the piece of shit you are today?

I've been busy. This is page 30.

Can you quickly bring me up to speed on your current position on why you are refusing to accept the standard definition(s) that have been supplied, including the one I posted?

I don't recall your "standard definition", please post it.

That asked, conservatives are not all alike. The term was adopted, IMO, by a new iteration of people who are racist, ....s.

Right here your "definition" became self serving pap.

Here is a real definition, quite in depth.

Conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from threats perceived by conservatives as posed by "creeping socialism", moral relativism,multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism. Liberty is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, limiting the size and scope of government, and opposition to high taxes and government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur. American conservatives consider individual liberty, within the bounds of conformity to American values, as the fundamental trait of democracy, which contrasts with modern American liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality andsocial justice"

In our current culture "racist" has been morphed into nothing but a smear meaning "asshole who disagrees with me, a lib".

And that is the way you are using it here.

Knock that shit off.

Sorry, you can't tell me what to believe, and the evidence that racism continues to exist in our culture is unmistakable; to deny such is disingenuous, at best!

Let's parse the dictionary definition in terms of behavior:

First, this is a mouthful:

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from threats perceived by conservatives as posed by "creeping socialism", moral relativism,multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism.

Are the highlighted words examples of the behavior/beliefs of the Conservative meme today?

How do you define them, and from there we can examine the behavior and beliefs of conservatives today. But first, do you believe conservatives support Donald Trump?

Will you vote for Donald Trump? And in your case, if you do which values do you believe he expresses which are in concert with traditional American ethos (to simplify, there is no I in TEAM).

1. I am not telling you what to believe. I am telling you that your stated "Definition" of the term "conservative" is self serving pap. And then I posted a REAL definition.

2. Yes, the highlighted words are the behavior/beliefs of the Conservative meme today. If you will drop the self serving pap, I would be happy to go the list of each and every point.

3. Many conservatives support Donald Trump, obviously. I certainly do.

4. I would say that Trump hits pretty much ALL of the listed political beliefs, ESPECIALLY relative to Hillary.

And? I know this is hard for facists such as yourself to understand but normal people respect the fact that other people are free to make their own decisions. If those decisions result in their own death, so be it. It was their decision.

These Moon Bats have one hellva time understanding the concept of personal responsibility, don't they? It is an alien concept to them that they will never understand.

They think the government should always make thing life good for them even when other people have to pay for it.
I have no problem with minimal necessary government services and I am willing to pay for it. That includes police and fire protection.
What's really sad is that progressives such as Wry are so ignorant of their own system of government that they don't even realize police and fire are paid for by local governments - not the federal government.

And conservatives don't have issues with local government. It is the federal government unconstitutional consolidation of power that is the issue. Progressives like Wry actually believe that the federal government writes the check for their police and fire departments :lol:
I have no problem with minimal necessary government services and I am willing to pay for it. That includes police and fire protection.
If there is a disaster I take responsible for the welfare and security of my family. Unlike you greedy and irresponsible Libtards I don't demand somebody provide for my welfare if life doesn't go quite like I want it to.
Government fucks up everything it touches because it is a corrupt institution and the less we have of it the better.
You can justify being a welfare queen all you want but at the end of the day that just makes you a greedy irresponsible freeloader and that is despicable.
Your simplistic thinking based on ideology lacks pragmatic consideration. First respondents put their life on the line to rescue such fools.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The "simplistic thinking based on ideology" is thinking that somebody else should pay for your well being.

That filthy ideology has destroyed countries and economies. It is coming damn close to destroying our country thanks to you stupid, greedy and irresponsible Libtards.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment
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