What do conservatives support?

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Wrong libtard. As ALWAYS. What you fail to comprehend is that that is how the left defines conservatives, it's not what conservatives think at all. You're a smear monger, hater and highly intolerant of those unwilling to chase your utopian daydreams with you.

If you are an example of a conservative, you are the best example of a conservative who does not think. The root word, conserve, does not apply to the 21st iteration of the word. Your kind opposes science and the evidence that human beings can and do have a negative effect on the earth's ecosystems.

Not because the science is fraudulent, but because you have been told via propaganda funded by polluters and those who profit by polluting that human activity is a fraud.

In the 60's I spent some time hiking the trails in the Marble Mt Wilderness area. Water filled my canteen and was sweet and healthful. Today, due to primarily humans, such an act can become a horrible experience:

Just one example of humanity having a negative impact on our planet.
Since when were you appointed dictionary czar. I posted the fucking definition, we don't use your twisted version. Conservatives don't want to turn pristine mountain lakes into bubbling cesspools of corporate greed. So go pack your filthy lies where they came from.
Wrong libtard. As ALWAYS. What you fail to comprehend is that that is how the left defines conservatives, it's not what conservatives think at all. You're a smear monger, hater and highly intolerant of those unwilling to chase your utopian daydreams with you.

If you are an example of a conservative, you are the best example of a conservative who does not think. The root word, conserve, does not apply to the 21st iteration of the word. Your kind opposes science and the evidence that human beings can and do have a negative effect on the earth's ecosystems.

Not because the science is fraudulent, but because you have been told via propaganda funded by polluters and those who profit by polluting that human activity is a fraud.

In the 60's I spent some time hiking the trails in the Marble Mt Wilderness area. Water filled my canteen and was sweet and healthful. Today, due to primarily humans, such an act can become a horrible experience:

Just one example of humanity having a negative impact on our planet.
Since when were you appointed dictionary czar. I posted the fucking definition, we don't use your twisted version. Conservatives don't want to turn pristine mountain lakes into bubbling cesspools of corporate greed. So go pack your filthy lies where they came from.

The "fucking definition" is generic, one cannot actually believe (unless the are brain damaged) that Donald Trump is the champion of conservatives. In fact the "deplorable" aren't conservative, nor are you. They are & you are a segment of the lunatic fringe, angry, poorly educated and hateful.
Wrong libtard. As ALWAYS. What you fail to comprehend is that that is how the left defines conservatives, it's not what conservatives think at all. You're a smear monger, hater and highly intolerant of those unwilling to chase your utopian daydreams with you.

If you are an example of a conservative, you are the best example of a conservative who does not think. The root word, conserve, does not apply to the 21st iteration of the word. Your kind opposes science and the evidence that human beings can and do have a negative effect on the earth's ecosystems.

Not because the science is fraudulent, but because you have been told via propaganda funded by polluters and those who profit by polluting that human activity is a fraud.

In the 60's I spent some time hiking the trails in the Marble Mt Wilderness area. Water filled my canteen and was sweet and healthful. Today, due to primarily humans, such an act can become a horrible experience:

Just one example of humanity having a negative impact on our planet.
Since when were you appointed dictionary czar. I posted the fucking definition, we don't use your twisted version. Conservatives don't want to turn pristine mountain lakes into bubbling cesspools of corporate greed. So go pack your filthy lies where they came from.

The "fucking definition" is generic, one cannot actually believe (unless the are brain damaged) that Donald Trump is the champion of conservatives. In fact the "deplorable" aren't conservative, nor are you. They are & you are a segment of the lunatic fringe, angry, poorly educated and hateful.
That's the point, asshole. The definition is generic, not what you want it to be. The stupidity and hate is all yours.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose...
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:

Explain that in the context of Donald Trump's own words, cheered upon by mostly Red State inhabitants. Or, are these people mostly RINO's?

Explain what in context? You supplied none.

Wow, are you dumb. The context of Trump's words are mostly, "ain't it awful". It defines his campaign: Substitute for "it", Hillary or Bill Clinton, President Obama, The Generals, The Sect. of State, The Speaker of the House, every women who has complained of his aberrant behavior, the economy (much recovered since Jan. 2009), in fact every aspect of our foreign and domestic policies.

I'd ask you and patriot not to play dumb, but for the fact you two are not playing.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose...
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:

Explain that in the context of Donald Trump's own words, cheered upon by mostly Red State inhabitants. Or, are these people mostly RINO's?

Explain what in context? You supplied none.

Wow, are you dumb. The context of Trump's words are mostly, "ain't it awful". It defines his campaign: Substitute for "it", Hillary or Bill Clinton, President Obama, The Generals, The Sect. of State, The Speaker of the House, every women who has complained of his aberrant behavior, the economy (much recovered since Jan. 2009), in fact every aspect of our foreign and domestic policies.

I'd ask you and patriot not to play dumb, but for the fact you two are not playing.
So you put words in his mouth so you can mock what he stands for? You prove me right.

Only fools like you think we are headed in the right direction, in fact most Americans don't. You don't get to define conservatives, Trump or the rest of us for anybody but yourself.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose...
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:

Your rancor is obvious, who or what made you into the hateful, arrogant and worthless piece of shit you have become? Somewhere along your lifeline, something happened making you the callous and pathological liar you are today.

What is more arrogant that telling other people what they think and believe?

What is more hateful than calling someone a worthless piece of shit because they disagree with YOUR definition of what they believe?

What is more arrogant than assuming that someone who doesn't agree with YOUR definition of what THEY believe, thus must be lying?
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose...
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:

Your rancor is obvious, who or what made you into the hateful, arrogant and worthless piece of shit you have become? Somewhere along your lifeline, something happened making you the callous and pathological liar you are today.

What is more arrogant that telling other people what they think and believe?

What is more hateful than calling someone a worthless piece of shit because they disagree with YOUR definition of what they believe?

What is more arrogant than assuming that someone who doesn't agree with YOUR definition of what THEY believe, thus must be lying?
The fact that the blithering idiot thinks he's doing his cause a favor is telling.
Wrong libtard. As ALWAYS. What you fail to comprehend is that that is how the left defines conservatives, it's not what conservatives think at all. You're a smear monger, hater and highly intolerant of those unwilling to chase your utopian daydreams with you.

If you are an example of a conservative, you are the best example of a conservative who does not think. The root word, conserve, does not apply to the 21st iteration of the word. Your kind opposes science and the evidence that human beings can and do have a negative effect on the earth's ecosystems.

Not because the science is fraudulent, but because you have been told via propaganda funded by polluters and those who profit by polluting that human activity is a fraud.

In the 60's I spent some time hiking the trails in the Marble Mt Wilderness area. Water filled my canteen and was sweet and healthful. Today, due to primarily humans, such an act can become a horrible experience:

Just one example of humanity having a negative impact on our planet.
Since when were you appointed dictionary czar. I posted the fucking definition, we don't use your twisted version. Conservatives don't want to turn pristine mountain lakes into bubbling cesspools of corporate greed. So go pack your filthy lies where they came from.

The "fucking definition" is generic, one cannot actually believe (unless the are brain damaged) that Donald Trump is the champion of conservatives. In fact the "deplorable" aren't conservative, nor are you. They are & you are a segment of the lunatic fringe, angry, poorly educated and hateful.

Conservatives are mostly conservative because they believe that that is the path that is most likely to serve the interests of the American citizens.

Our current Trade and Immigration policies do not need "conserved" because they suck. They need to be "changed".

We have had a lot of time to see the negative effects of our current trade and immigration policies. We are hardly rushing into change without careful consideration.

THE term "Deplorable" is just a smear designed to marginalize people with REAL grievances that you lefties can not answer seriously or honestly.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose...
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:
Explain that in the context of Donald Trump's own words, cheered upon by mostly Red State inhabitants. Or, are these people mostly RINO's?
Some are RINOS. Some are old fashioned Republicans. Some are independents. But all are tired of fascist progressives trying to force their bat-shit crazy ideology down the throats of society like little Adolf Hitler dictators. I love the fact that you people have lost your tiny little fucking minds over Trump when he's your creation. :lol:
Your rancor is obvious, who or what made you into the hateful, arrogant and worthless piece of shit you have become? Somewhere along your lifeline, something happened making you the callous and pathological liar you are today.
Piece of shit fascist progressives such as yourself who are so intolerant, you can't respect the U.S. Constitution, liberty, or other people's views.

Your post right there is proof. You lose your shit any time someone speaks the truth. Enough said.
The root word, conserve, does not apply to the 21st iteration of the word. Your kind opposes science and the evidence that human beings can and do have a negative effect on the earth's ecosystems.
This coming from the side that ignores chromosomes and says that people can think themselves into a gender that they want. What is more "opposing science" than that, you ignorant little tool? :lmao:
As a Conservative I support:

Personal responsibility
Fiscal responsibility
Limited government
Non interventionism
Right to life.
Minimal taxation
Minimal government interference in my life
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose...
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:
Explain that in the context of Donald Trump's own words, cheered upon by mostly Red State inhabitants. Or, are these people mostly RINO's?
Some are RINOS. Some are old fashioned Republicans. Some are independents. But all are tired of fascist progressives trying to force their bat-shit crazy ideology down the throats of society like little Adolf Hitler dictators. I love the fact that you people have lost your tiny little fucking minds over Trump when he's your creation. :lol:

Denial in the form of Word Salad ^^^, on a logical fallacy foundation is your creation. I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention. BTW, you failed to answer the seminal question asked above: Who are what made you into the piece of shit you are today?
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose...
We know. And each time it's made you look dumber than a rock. :lol:
Explain that in the context of Donald Trump's own words, cheered upon by mostly Red State inhabitants. Or, are these people mostly RINO's?
Some are RINOS. Some are old fashioned Republicans. Some are independents. But all are tired of fascist progressives trying to force their bat-shit crazy ideology down the throats of society like little Adolf Hitler dictators. I love the fact that you people have lost your tiny little fucking minds over Trump when he's your creation. :lol:

Denial in the form of Word Salad ^^^, on a logical fallacy foundation is your creation. I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention. BTW, you failed to answer the seminal question asked above: Who are what made you into the piece of shit you are today?

I've been busy. This is page 30.

Can you quickly bring me up to speed on your current position on why you are refusing to accept the standard definition(s) that have been supplied, including the one I posted?
As a Conservative I support:

Personal responsibility
Fiscal responsibility
Limited government
Non interventionism
Right to life.
Minimal taxation
Minimal government interference in my life

Cool. BTW, how many more people would have died, and how many more people were left with nothing and would have no hope of recovery after Matthew, if no government agency was there to provide aid and assistance before and after the event?

There are no atheists in a fox hole, and no Conservatives (by your definition) in a 140 MPH windstorm.
As a Conservative I support:

Personal responsibility
Fiscal responsibility
Limited government
Non interventionism
Right to life.
Minimal taxation
Minimal government interference in my life

Cool. BTW, how many more people would have died, and how many more people were left with nothing and would have no hope of recovery after Matthew, if no government agency was there to provide aid and assistance before and after the event?

There are no atheists in a fox hole, and no Conservatives (by your definition) in a 140 MPH windstorm.

Minimal does not mean no.
As a Conservative I support:

Personal responsibility
Fiscal responsibility
Limited government
Non interventionism
Right to life.
Minimal taxation
Minimal government interference in my life

Cool. BTW, how many more people would have died, and how many more people were left with nothing and would have no hope of recovery after Matthew, if no government agency was there to provide aid and assistance before and after the event?

There are no atheists in a fox hole, and no Conservatives (by your definition) in a 140 MPH windstorm.
A handout will always be taken, that's human nature. Doesn't mean it's right
As a Conservative I support:

Personal responsibility
Fiscal responsibility
Limited government
Non interventionism
Right to life.
Minimal taxation
Minimal government interference in my life

Cool. BTW, how many more people would have died, and how many more people were left with nothing and would have no hope of recovery after Matthew, if no government agency was there to provide aid and assistance before and after the event?

There are no atheists in a fox hole, and no Conservatives (by your definition) in a 140 MPH windstorm.

Dumbass response from a Moon Bat.

Government mostly sucks.

Nobody has a problem with minimal government services like defense, police, courts etc. There a few collective things we need as a society but that is much less than this bloated debt ridden oppressive corrupt welfare state government that we have now.

Government gets out of control when it is in the business of taking money from the people that earn it and give it away to the shithead welfare queens that didn't earn it.

Government also is out of control when shithead corrupt politicians find out they can get power and get rich (like Crooked Hillary) by promising free stuff to greedy special interest groups.

By the way Moon Bat. I take personal responsibility for my own well being and I don't need the government to give me handouts if something goes wrong. I don't need other people paying my bills unlike you greedy Moon Bats.
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