What do conservatives support?

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You don't even know what the fuck "Justice" is.

As you try to block blacks from voting by eliminating Early voting in Michigan.

Republicans are fucking despicable bags of shit, total flaming hypocrites.

Imagine limiting voters to American citizens, forcing them to be alive still and then only allowing them to vote once! It's just anti freedom!
My experience with individuals who were homeschooled, is that they know less facts and info, but they are much more flexible and diverse in their opinions. They tend to see the world quite clearly through all the bullshit that they were not taught in government education..
I don't agree with your propaganda against public schools, but the homeschooled students I've worked with have been all you say.

Teaching children the reality that government should provide us a living and make life fair for us isn't propaganda! Am I right?
I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention.
Well I am sure that you get really pissed over facts because you prefer ideology over reality. I am sure that you're a fascist little progressive who can't handle liberty or respect other people's freedoms and rights.

You have the right to hold you own opinions, but not to change the facts to fit them. Thus, you must be challenged by reality, a damn liar or someone desperate for attention.
I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention.
Well I am sure that you get really pissed over facts because you prefer ideology over reality. I am sure that you're a fascist little progressive who can't handle liberty or respect other people's freedoms and rights.

You have the right to hold you own opinions, but not to change the facts to fit them. Thus, you must be challenged by reality, a damn liar or someone desperate for attention.

You mean like saying stupid shit like that Republicans are against Democracy? No wait, that was you ...
Wow, way to exhausted to point out how evil the IRS, EPA, FEMA, PPACA, , and government are. I just did half of those in another thread.

My contribution will be against free contraceptives, public schooling, positive discrimination, and for the sake of controversy - "democracy."

Free contraceptives are not free. They come out of someones pocket. A victim who is going to get stolen from whether or not he wants to pay. Free contraceptives spit in the face of personal accountability. If you want to have safe sex, then you pay the bill yourself. Now only if we could get this through the entitled assholes plaguing this nation.

Public schooling can best be described through this meme


It is the training grounds for government slave workbots.

Positive discrimination has to be one of the worst and most contradictory policies the Democrats have come up with yet. First we are told everyone is equal, but to make up for past wrongs, which it must be noted that minorities of today were not subjected to, there has to be discriminatory policies in all walks of life? Do not get me started on how much affirmative action has fucked up higher education for non-minorities.

What happened to Malcolm X, and the other great black community leaders that demanded absolutely nothing except to be left alone by the government? Is there no pride anymore?

Finally, the western misconception of what a democracy is. If democracy is power for the people, I can guarantee you that neither liberals or conservatives act towards that end. The people have never had control in American history. They have always been lorded over by elitists and aristocrats, and the common slave want to defend that as the status quo.

Now I cannot say whether or not many conservatives are hypocritical towards the things you stated, but if they are, then it is on them.

So republicans are even against public education.


What the fuck do you support?

Progressive definition of education: 50% of the kids drop out of High School, 80% of those who "Graduate" (aka: didn't drop out) can't read or write at grade level

Republicans just make shit up.
Obviously, so do you.
In 1,2,3......





Before your moronic ass blows a gasket. I'm not a Republican.
It's odd how the government can give poor people, food, housing and healthcare, but we can't seem to give them a proper voter ID.
Wow, way to exhausted to point out how evil the IRS, EPA, FEMA, PPACA, , and government are. I just did half of those in another thread.

My contribution will be against free contraceptives, public schooling, positive discrimination, and for the sake of controversy - "democracy."

Free contraceptives are not free. They come out of someones pocket. A victim who is going to get stolen from whether or not he wants to pay. Free contraceptives spit in the face of personal accountability. If you want to have safe sex, then you pay the bill yourself. Now only if we could get this through the entitled assholes plaguing this nation.

Public schooling can best be described through this meme


It is the training grounds for government slave workbots.

Positive discrimination has to be one of the worst and most contradictory policies the Democrats have come up with yet. First we are told everyone is equal, but to make up for past wrongs, which it must be noted that minorities of today were not subjected to, there has to be discriminatory policies in all walks of life? Do not get me started on how much affirmative action has fucked up higher education for non-minorities.

What happened to Malcolm X, and the other great black community leaders that demanded absolutely nothing except to be left alone by the government? Is there no pride anymore?

Finally, the western misconception of what a democracy is. If democracy is power for the people, I can guarantee you that neither liberals or conservatives act towards that end. The people have never had control in American history. They have always been lorded over by elitists and aristocrats, and the common slave want to defend that as the status quo.

Now I cannot say whether or not many conservatives are hypocritical towards the things you stated, but if they are, then it is on them.

So republicans are even against public education.


What the fuck do you support?

Progressive definition of education: 50% of the kids drop out of High School, 80% of those who "Graduate" (aka: didn't drop out) can't read or write at grade level

Republicans just make shit up.

hey sock girl, if I post the results of NYC High school backing up my claim do you promise to cancel this new sock account of yours?
Denial in the form of Word Salad ^^^, on a logical fallacy foundation is your creation. I'm not sure if you are really insane (out of touch with reality), a basic damn liar or simply a jerk seeking attention. BTW, you failed to answer the seminal question asked above: Who are what made you into the piece of shit you are today?

I've been busy. This is page 30.

Can you quickly bring me up to speed on your current position on why you are refusing to accept the standard definition(s) that have been supplied, including the one I posted?

I don't recall your "standard definition", please post it.

That asked, conservatives are not all alike. The term was adopted, IMO, by a new iteration of people who are racist, ....s.

Right here your "definition" became self serving pap.

Here is a real definition, quite in depth.

Conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from threats perceived by conservatives as posed by "creeping socialism", moral relativism,multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism. Liberty is a core value, with a particular emphasis on strengthening the free market, limiting the size and scope of government, and opposition to high taxes and government or labor union encroachment on the entrepreneur. American conservatives consider individual liberty, within the bounds of conformity to American values, as the fundamental trait of democracy, which contrasts with modern American liberals, who generally place a greater value on equality andsocial justice"

In our current culture "racist" has been morphed into nothing but a smear meaning "asshole who disagrees with me, a lib".

And that is the way you are using it here.

Knock that shit off.

Sorry, you can't tell me what to believe, and the evidence that racism continues to exist in our culture is unmistakable; to deny such is disingenuous, at best!

Let's parse the dictionary definition in terms of behavior:

First, this is a mouthful:

"American Conservatism is a broad system of political beliefs in the United States that is characterized by respect for American traditions, support for Judeo-Christian values, economic liberalism, anti-communism, advocacy of American exceptionalism, and a defense of Western culture from threats perceived by conservatives as posed by "creeping socialism", moral relativism,multiculturalism, and liberal internationalism.

Are the highlighted words examples of the behavior/beliefs of the Conservative meme today?

How do you define them, and from there we can examine the behavior and beliefs of conservatives today. But first, do you believe conservatives support Donald Trump?

Will you vote for Donald Trump? And in your case, if you do which values do you believe he expresses which are in concert with traditional American ethos (to simplify, there is no I in TEAM).

1. I am not telling you what to believe. I am telling you that your stated "Definition" of the term "conservative" is self serving pap. And then I posted a REAL definition.

2. Yes, the highlighted words are the behavior/beliefs of the Conservative meme today. If you will drop the self serving pap, I would be happy to go the list of each and every point.

3. Many conservatives support Donald Trump, obviously. I certainly do.

4. I would say that Trump hits pretty much ALL of the listed political beliefs, ESPECIALLY relative to Hillary.

1a your REAL definition is bullshit, unless you define the terms highlighted and fit them into the ideology of those who support Trump and have taken over the Republican Party, those who consider themselves to be conservatives.

2a I won't drop any of my opinions, unless proved wrong. That you seem unable to refute. The current, temporal, iteration of self defined conservatives are neo fascists, if one accepts the 14 points and actually listens to the cheers when Donald Trump speaks.

3a a REAL conservative does not support Donald Trump, a 21st Century self defined conservative (the New Right) is a neo fascist movement and dangerous.

4a Once again, what is American exceptionalism, other than a euphemism for extreme nationalism? And yet, the Trump supporter's seem to be anti government and seeking something other than a representative democracy.

The ideology of the New Right is all emotional and lacks even a hint of sagacious considerations.
You don't even know what the fuck "Justice" is.

As you try to block blacks from voting by eliminating Early voting in Michigan.

Republicans are fucking despicable bags of shit, total flaming hypocrites.
Nobody is attempting to stop any US citizen from voting.

We don't want non citizens to vote. Until they become citizens.

We don't want the dead to vote nor anyone voting more than once.

1 illegal vote cancels a legitimate vote.

You are the angry white guy bitching about the other angry white guy.
It's odd how the government can give poor people, food, housing and healthcare, but we can't seem to give them a proper voter ID.

It's not odd CF, it is planned. Red States hope to suppress voting.

BTW, how can you and your side of the aisle suppress voting if the government issues voter ID's? I suppose if the government did so, you and other conspiracy kooks would claim fraud anyway.
It's odd how the government can give poor people, food, housing and healthcare, but we can't seem to give them a proper voter ID.

Interestingly enough, to get welfare, you need the same types of documents you'd need to get a free ID to vote
It's odd how the government can give poor people, food, housing and healthcare, but we can't seem to give them a proper voter ID.

It's not odd CF, it is planned. Red States hope to suppress voting.

BTW, how can you and your side of the aisle suppress voting if the government issues voter ID's? I suppose if the government did so, you and other conspiracy kooks would claim fraud anyway.

Gosh, having to get a free ID to vote, that's just virtually undoable. No normal person could do that
4a Once again, what is American exceptionalism, other than a euphemism for extreme nationalism? And yet, the Trump supporter's seem to be anti government and seeking something other than a representative democracy.

The ideology of the New Right is all emotional and lacks even a hint of sagacious considerations.
4a? You're down to outline form for credibility? Why not throw a little gold star on the post while you are at it.

Nothing said is true, unsurprisingly. You continuously misrepresent others' view in an attempt to make yours look better. The USA was and still is for the time being the world's leading super power. The fact that you find that unexceptional isn't surprising either.

Go tell the nurse to change your bedpan, you're crankier than usual.
Your simplistic thinking based on ideology lacks pragmatic consideration. First respondents put their life on the line to rescue such fools.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The "simplistic thinking based on ideology" is thinking that somebody else should pay for your well being.

That filthy ideology has destroyed countries and economies. It is coming damn close to destroying our country thanks to you stupid, greedy and irresponsible Libtards.

Thanks for sharing your opinions, even ignorance has a place in the debate.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Correction. Conservatives are defined by what liberals say they oppose.

We're constantly told by you assholes what we believe in.
4a Once again, what is American exceptionalism, other than a euphemism for extreme nationalism? And yet, the Trump supporter's seem to be anti government and seeking something other than a representative democracy.

The ideology of the New Right is all emotional and lacks even a hint of sagacious considerations.
4a? You're down to outline form for credibility? Why not throw a little gold star on the post while you are at it.

Nothing said is true, unsurprisingly. You continuously misrepresent others' view in an attempt to make yours look better. The USA was and still is for the time being the world's leading super power. The fact that you find that unexceptional isn't surprising either.

Go tell the nurse to change your bedpan, you're crankier than usual.

So, in your opinion might makes right, and the nation exceptional?
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Correction. Conservatives are defined by what liberals say they oppose.

We're constantly told by you assholes what we believe in.

I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.
4a Once again, what is American exceptionalism, other than a euphemism for extreme nationalism? And yet, the Trump supporter's seem to be anti government and seeking something other than a representative democracy.

The ideology of the New Right is all emotional and lacks even a hint of sagacious considerations.
4a? You're down to outline form for credibility? Why not throw a little gold star on the post while you are at it.

Nothing said is true, unsurprisingly. You continuously misrepresent others' view in an attempt to make yours look better. The USA was and still is for the time being the world's leading super power. The fact that you find that unexceptional isn't surprising either.

Go tell the nurse to change your bedpan, you're crankier than usual.

So, in your opinion might makes right, and the nation exceptional?
Might makes right? That's what you got from my post? How about we became number one because we are exceptional, which was the point you were asking about. Lots of innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, hard working people. And the left has been busy tearing it down because they see nothing exceptional about the US.

You are what's wrong with America.
So, in your opinion might makes right, and the nation exceptional?

Libtards are the most vile opinionated assholes in this country.

Over the weekend you shitheads even bombed a Republican campaign office.

This country was the exception back when we actually valued Liberty but thanks to you greedy Moon Bats that ship has sailed.

Nothing screws up a country more than Liberalism.
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