What do conservatives support?

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I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

Um ... then who wrote this op?

I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Correction. Conservatives are defined by what liberals say they oppose.

We're constantly told by you assholes what we believe in.

I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

The problem with self defined conservatives is, they do not have values which represent American ethos. Which is why I've coined two phrases:

Willfully ignorant, and Callous Conservative. Both describe most of the those who attack liberals, progressives and Democrats and the policies and liberties they support.
I'm not an asshole

Yo9u are confused once agian Moon Bat.

If you support big bloated corrupt government, voted for Hussein Obama, advocate the murder of children on demand, the welfare state, want somebody else to pay your bills and will vote for this shithead Crooked Hillary you are by definition an asshole.

All Progressives are asshole. You are not the exception by any means.
I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

Um ... then who wrote this op?

I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Have someone without your biases and has an ability to read and comprehend, an ability you lack, explain what I meant by these comments and quotes.
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The problem with self defined conservatives is, they do not have values which represent American ethos. Which is why I've coined two phrases:

Willfully ignorant, and Callous Conservative. Both describe most of the those who attack liberals, progressives and Democrats and the policies and liberties they support.

Conservative values of personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, not killing children on demand, not letting the welfare queens and the illegal aliens rob the economy are certainly not the values of you filthy ass confused Libtard assholes, are they?
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

what do they support?? the destruction of the DNC
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

First, let me say that the GOP doesn't represent me as a conservative, and apparently there are a lot of conservatives who feel the same way? That's why the orange clown got the nomination. He didn't win because he is a great politician, that's obvious. He won because the GOP establishment is so out of touch with their base. I renounced the party years ago. As a conservative I am voting against the bulldyke, not for the clown.

I want a party who gets out of people's bedrooms, drops all discussion of abortion, stops pandering to the religious right. I want a party who recognizes the federal government over reach, and returns power to the states. I don't want my government lecturing me on morality. There is not a person I am aware of in the federal government who is a good moral example.

I am in favor of personal responsibility, communities addressing their problems without mandates from a bunch of elected lawyers who spend most of their time fund raising in Washington.

Since you are a liberal, I really could care less how you define conservatism. Democrats are by nature different from conservatives. They look to a central government to cure the ills, conservatives are more likely to be self-reliant, family and community minded, and leave people alone who want to be left alone. Do you every wonder why virtually all community organizers are democrats. It's their nature to organize people. It's a conservatives nature to let people be.
I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

Um ... then who wrote this op?

I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Have someone without your biases and has an ability to read and comprehend, an ability you lack, explain what I meant by these comments and quotes.

You tell conservatives what they think, you say you don't tell them what they think, and I'm biased.

Fascinating ...
I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

Um ... then who wrote this op?

I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Have someone without your biases and has an ability to read and comprehend, an ability you lack, explain what I meant by these comments and quotes.

You crack me up, guy. You say Republicans don't believe in Democracy, then tell me to find someone "without (my) biases."

You're a piece of work, psycho
That hatred of americans and conservatives has come in response to the hideous democratic party and obama, who have chosen to ignore and denigrate those who do not agree with their policies of open borders, amnesty and welfare for large numbers of imported future voters.

The obama admin, as exhibited by his ignoring or insulting leaders like putin they disagree with, is petulant, childish and amateurish one, wholly incapable of handling situations where they cannot dictate the end result.

The lunatic iran deal heavily laden with secret "side deals" and underpinned by a foundation of spin and lies spewed by ben rhodes and other obama minions, lapped up like poodles by their protective news media allies, is another example.

The supporters of Trump detest everything about obama and the dreadful, heinous democratic party which since 1965 have aimed to turn the country into a south/central american toilet for which they can purchase their voters using welfare paid for with my hard-earned tax dollars. We may not like Trump much, if at all - but we DESPISE the democratic party and its plans to turn the US into a poverty-wrought dump of mass poor wholly dependent upon the largess of democratic leaders for their welfare checks.

Those who are supporting Trump don't necessarily like him, he is just the FIRST person running for office will to say 40 MM illegals collecting tens or possibly, hundreds, of billions of dollars in welfare each year is simply not acceptable.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.
I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

Um ... then who wrote this op?

I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Have someone without your biases and has an ability to read and comprehend, an ability you lack, explain what I meant by these comments and quotes.

You crack me up, guy. You say Republicans don't believe in Democracy, then tell me to find someone "without (my) biases."

You're a piece of work, psycho

Which party used the phrase Constitutional Republic and disdains the traditional Democratic Republic to describe our country? It's not my bias, it is what I read.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

Well, both parties are fascist, so that's not a distinction
You don't even know what the fuck "Justice" is.

As you try to block blacks from voting by eliminating Early voting in Michigan.

Republicans are fucking despicable bags of shit, total flaming hypocrites.

Imagine limiting voters to American citizens, forcing them to be alive still and then only allowing them to vote once! It's just anti freedom!

And which party seeks to suppress the voter, especially those who are likely voters for the Democratic Party?

And, which Party sought to raise the power of their vote for some, and reduce the power of their vote to others (on those issues which require a 2/3 + 1 to pass an Initiative to raise taxes, but not on other initiates, such as to limit marriage to only a man and a women)?
I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

Um ... then who wrote this op?

I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Have someone without your biases and has an ability to read and comprehend, an ability you lack, explain what I meant by these comments and quotes.

You crack me up, guy. You say Republicans don't believe in Democracy, then tell me to find someone "without (my) biases."

You're a piece of work, psycho

Which party used the phrase Constitutional Republic and disdains the traditional Democratic Republic to describe our country? It's not my bias, it is what I read.

OK, dimwit. You didn't say opposing the Federal government being a democracy, it's not. You just said opposing democracy.

The point is the republics, or States are democracies, and they have most of the power. The Federal government is supposed to provide only those things that need to be done with the States banded together. Like defense.

My God, man, you didn't get that?
You don't even know what the fuck "Justice" is.

As you try to block blacks from voting by eliminating Early voting in Michigan.

Republicans are fucking despicable bags of shit, total flaming hypocrites.

Imagine limiting voters to American citizens, forcing them to be alive still and then only allowing them to vote once! It's just anti freedom!

And which party seeks to suppress the voter, especially those who are likely voters for the Democratic Party?

And, which Party sought to raise the power of their vote for some, and reduce the power of their vote to others (on those issues which require a 2/3 + 1 to pass an Initiative to raise taxes, but not on other initiates, such as to limit marriage to only a man and a women)?

Neither party is suppressing voting. There is no citizen of this country who can't go get a free ID and vote, assuming any ID is required.

On the second paragraph, what are you referring to?
I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

Um ... then who wrote this op?

I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Have someone without your biases and has an ability to read and comprehend, an ability you lack, explain what I meant by these comments and quotes.

You crack me up, guy. You say Republicans don't believe in Democracy, then tell me to find someone "without (my) biases."

You're a piece of work, psycho

Which party used the phrase Constitutional Republic and disdains the traditional Democratic Republic to describe our country? It's not my bias, it is what I read.

Also, you said you are describing them in their own words, another lie
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

Well, both parties are fascist, so that's not a distinction

Bullshit! RINO's are not, nor are establishment Democrats or Libertarians. it is only the Trump movement which advocates the anti democratic, anti media, anti immigrant, anti this and anti posture which deserves the title of fascism.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

Well, both parties are fascist, so that's not a distinction

Bullshit! RINO's are not, nor are establishment Democrats or Libertarians. it is only the Trump movement which advocates the anti democratic, anti media, anti immigrant, anti this and anti posture which deserves the title of fascism.

Fascism is an economic system, Holmes. It's often referred to as socialism light. It's where industry is technically in private hands, but industry is subject to government central planning. All major decisions need to be approved by government and industry has to follow government policy.

The Nazis operated that way, like Krupp. So do the Republicans and Democrats regulating and taxing business to death. Trump's anti-capitalist polices are clearly fascist. And Hillary has the same policies.

Both parties blow, neither has any active agenda to support liberty. More Republicans talk about liberty, but the party doesn't do anything about it and Trump is promising to go in the other direction
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