What do conservatives support?

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Republicans cause 5 times more Job Killing Recessions!!!

A paper written by two Princeton University economists, Alan Blinder and Mark Watson.

The paper, published in July 2014, found that the economy tends to do better under Democratic presidents by numerous measures. The authors looked at quarterly economic data from 1947 through mid 2013 and the National Bureau of Economic Research’s official list of recessions.

Since 1947, there have been 11 official recessions, totaling 49 recessionary quarters. Of those 49 quarters, just eight occurred under Democratic presidents, compared to 41 under Republicans. So, over the past 65 years, quarters in recession were about five times more common under a Republican president than under a Democratic president.

Looking at how many recessions started under Republicans, the difference is even more stark, noted Blinder, the co-author. Of the 11 recessions since 1947, nine under Republicans, compared to just two under Democrats.

Every Republican President in History Caused Recessions or Depressions

Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.
Republicans cause 5 times more Job Killing Recessions!!!

A paper written by two Princeton University economists, Alan Blinder and Mark Watson.

The paper, published in July 2014, found that the economy tends to do better under Democratic presidents by numerous measures. The authors looked at quarterly economic data from 1947 through mid 2013 and the National Bureau of Economic Research’s official list of recessions.

Since 1947, there have been 11 official recessions, totaling 49 recessionary quarters. Of those 49 quarters, just eight occurred under Democratic presidents, compared to 41 under Republicans. So, over the past 65 years, quarters in recession were about five times more common under a Republican president than under a Democratic president.

Looking at how many recessions started under Republicans, the difference is even more stark, noted Blinder, the co-author. Of the 11 recessions since 1947, nine under Republicans, compared to just two under Democrats.

Every Republican President in History Caused Recessions or Depressions

Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!
Bull Shit.
Democrats have run Washington since the 60s.
Any Recessions that may have happened, they had a hand in it. And the only real depression we've had is when Democrats were in control.
The #1 thing Conservatives love is DEBT.

No Republican President in history ever paid off the Debt.

Only Democrat Presidents do that!
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.

The idiotic rantings of a child
The #1 thing Conservatives love is DEBT.

No Republican President in history ever paid off the Debt.

Only Democrat Presidents do that!

Um ... what? What Democrat president "paid off the debt?" What are you smoking?
Republicans cause 5 times more Job Killing Recessions!!!

A paper written by two Princeton University economists, Alan Blinder and Mark Watson.

The paper, published in July 2014, found that the economy tends to do better under Democratic presidents by numerous measures. The authors looked at quarterly economic data from 1947 through mid 2013 and the National Bureau of Economic Research’s official list of recessions.

Since 1947, there have been 11 official recessions, totaling 49 recessionary quarters. Of those 49 quarters, just eight occurred under Democratic presidents, compared to 41 under Republicans. So, over the past 65 years, quarters in recession were about five times more common under a Republican president than under a Democratic president.

Looking at how many recessions started under Republicans, the difference is even more stark, noted Blinder, the co-author. Of the 11 recessions since 1947, nine under Republicans, compared to just two under Democrats.

Every Republican President in History Caused Recessions or Depressions

Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED!

Since we generally alternate Presidents and it takes time for economic impact, it could just as reasonably be argued based on the numbers that Democrats cause the consequences which appear under Republicans and vice versa.

I do have a question for you though grasshopper. What do Republican and Democrat Presidents do differently that causes your hypothesis? I see two parties who spend like shit and both drive up deficits. I see no reason to believe there is any correlation between the party of the President and deficits. Democrats sure the fuck don't limit spending
Looking at how many recessions started under Republicans, the difference is even more stark, noted Blinder, the co-author. Of the 11 recessions since 1947, nine under Republicans, compared to just two under Democrats.
Who was controlling the piggy bank at the time. Any evaluation that doesn't consider that is just a smear job. Right up the leftist's alley.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.
I say what I mean, you redefine words to suit your agenda. GDP went way up during Reagan's term. That only happens when production increases. So you are a stupid lying hack trying to fit words and facts into a belief.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Correction. Conservatives are defined by what liberals say they oppose.

We're constantly told by you assholes what we believe in.

I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

And then you libs come along purposefully misrepresent our words.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Correction. Conservatives are defined by what liberals say they oppose.

We're constantly told by you assholes what we believe in.

I'm not an asshole nor do I tell you (i.e. self defined conseratives) what you believe in, you do so in the words you post.

The problem with self defined conservatives is, they do not have values which represent American ethos. Which is why I've coined two phrases:

Willfully ignorant, and Callous Conservative. Both describe most of the those who attack liberals, progressives and Democrats and the policies and liberties they support.

You think that they do not have such values because you judge people assuming that they agree with you on matters of opinion.

YOu can only imagine that the only reason other people would not agree with you, as YOUR opinion is so OBVIOUSLY right, is because they are evul.

This is nothing but a demonstration on your inability to understand people who are different than you.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

Well, both parties are fascist, so that's not a distinction

Bullshit! RINO's are not, nor are establishment Democrats or Libertarians. it is only the Trump movement which advocates the anti democratic, anti media, anti immigrant, anti this and anti posture which deserves the title of fascism.

There is nothing "anti-democratic" about Trump or Trump supporters.

The media has taken sides and has defined itself as our enemy. FUck them.

Being against high immigration is a valid policy position. Try to be less dishonest.

NOne of that deserves the title of fascism.

You are panic mongering.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
What do conservatives support? Short term self interest and um... um... Help me out here.

Sure, glad to help: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" is their motto.

The Federal budget was 3.8 TRILLION last year.

3 point 8 TRILLION.

And you act like we are misers.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.

The manufacturing decline began in the 70s.

Well before Reagan was elected.

And there has been TWO, TWO term democratic presidents since then who could have addressed the Middle Class Doldrums.

The recent WTO Airbus ruling proves Trump's position on trade predators is correct.

If our "friends" are fucking US that badly, only a fool would think that China is being nicer.

We need new trade policy. Only Trump is interested in even trying.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.
I say what I mean, you redefine words to suit your agenda. GDP went way up during Reagan's term. That only happens when production increases. So you are a stupid lying hack trying to fit words and facts into a belief.

He just swallowed the Communist Manifesto and is burping it back out
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
What do conservatives support? Short term self interest and um... um... Help me out here.

Sure, glad to help: "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" is their motto.

The Federal budget was 3.8 TRILLION last year.

3 point 8 TRILLION.

And you act like we are misers.

Well, in JoeMarxists terms we are because he wants it all!
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them

Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.

The manufacturing decline began in the 70s.

Well before Reagan was elected.

And there has been TWO, TWO term democratic presidents since then who could have addressed the Middle Class Doldrums.

The recent WTO Airbus ruling proves Trump's position on trade predators is correct.

If our "friends" are fucking US that badly, only a fool would think that China is being nicer.

We need new trade policy. Only Trump is interested in even trying.

Keep in mind even when you say that, manufacturing has only declined as a percent of GDP. How much we manufacture has continued to rise
Your hyperbole aside, on the change one, just so you know, you won. The country is left. You're the ones who oppose change now. You aren't the revolutionaries anymore, you're the establishment

Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.

The manufacturing decline began in the 70s.

Well before Reagan was elected.

And there has been TWO, TWO term democratic presidents since then who could have addressed the Middle Class Doldrums.

The recent WTO Airbus ruling proves Trump's position on trade predators is correct.

If our "friends" are fucking US that badly, only a fool would think that China is being nicer.

We need new trade policy. Only Trump is interested in even trying.

Keep in mind even when you say that, manufacturing has only declined as a percent of GDP. How much we manufacture has continued to rise

Fair point, BUT, I want the jobs that our cheating trade "partners" have stolen from US.
Wrong again. Trump does not represent change, if that is what you are suggesting. Trump represents a return to the past, a reactionary response build on a foundation of hate and fear, in a word: Fascism.

A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.

The manufacturing decline began in the 70s.

Well before Reagan was elected.

And there has been TWO, TWO term democratic presidents since then who could have addressed the Middle Class Doldrums.

The recent WTO Airbus ruling proves Trump's position on trade predators is correct.

If our "friends" are fucking US that badly, only a fool would think that China is being nicer.

We need new trade policy. Only Trump is interested in even trying.

Keep in mind even when you say that, manufacturing has only declined as a percent of GDP. How much we manufacture has continued to rise

Fair point, BUT, I want the jobs that our cheating trade "partners" have stolen from US.

That doesn't exist
A return to the past would be a change, wouldn't it? What's wrong with returning to our industrial powerhouse years, good paying jobs, freedom in healthcare, getting Washington our of every facet of our daily lives, putting constitutionally minded judges on the bench instead of left wing activists? Bringing the cost of higher education down?

You don't know what words mean, you just make shit up as you go along.

That's last comment is bullshit, and you know it.

As for your first paragraph, our industrial powerhouse years, do you mean the Gilded Age or when profit not customer service became the be all and end all of CEO's?

Good paying jobs went by the by when the middle class went into the doldrums with the election of Reagan, and stagnated for the next three decades as the management class and above garnered benefits and the labor class lost both benefits and wage increases.

The manufacturing decline began in the 70s.

Well before Reagan was elected.

And there has been TWO, TWO term democratic presidents since then who could have addressed the Middle Class Doldrums.

The recent WTO Airbus ruling proves Trump's position on trade predators is correct.

If our "friends" are fucking US that badly, only a fool would think that China is being nicer.

We need new trade policy. Only Trump is interested in even trying.

Keep in mind even when you say that, manufacturing has only declined as a percent of GDP. How much we manufacture has continued to rise

Fair point, BUT, I want the jobs that our cheating trade "partners" have stolen from US.

That doesn't exist

Germany has twice the level of manufacturing jobs that we do.

Automation has made manufacturing more efficient, but it is still a big pile of jobs.

ANd many of them have been shipped, in one form or another overseas.

Did you catch the recent WTO airbus ruling? The EU has been supporting airbus illegally, gaining thousands of high paying manufacturing jobs, directly at the expense of American workers.

And they are not going to stop, despite the ruling.
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