What do liberals want the US to be?

this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.
Liberals want a totalitarian state that controls economy and people. See USSR circa 1966.
Libs want apartments galore no houses, plants and trees everywhere with grass and dirt roads, anamals let lose from their cages, and solar and wind energy everywhere, and free benifits .

I say fuck the anamal and wild life and stay of my property or I'll shoot.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.
Liberals want a totalitarian state that controls economy and people. See USSR circa 1966.
wherever do you get this bs from, Glen Beck?
Common core education courtesy of LIBERALS...

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Yeah, that's not Common Core. Common Core is show three ways to add 12, 13, and 15 together, which explain why you hate it, you only know one.
Really? Math is the ONLY subject? Maybe she's teaching them how to dildo 12, 13 or 15 inches deep with an eight inch dildo up her gay lovers ass. Like the liberal butches (think Rachel Madcow) like it.
Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

When Bush asked for stimulus money and TARP, Republicans were all too willing give him everything he asked for

Once Obama became President, they demanded austerity and voted against the same economic tools they gave to Bush

Who held the house and senate when the "economy" crashed ?

Who held the house and senate when Obama took over ?

Republicans ?

You are a fraud.

And an asshole.
That would assume they passed some legislation that crashed the economy.......what would that be?

Or perhaps they blocked the legislation that suppose to prevent system meltdown.


Testimony from Treasury Secretary John Snow to the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS concerning the 'regulation’ of the GSE’s 2004

Mr. Frank: ...Are we in a crisis now with these entities?

Secretary Snow. No, that is a fair characterization, Congressman Frank, of our position. We are not putting this proposal before you because of some concern over some imminent danger to the financial system for housing; far from it.

Yep, he said "far from it" If you read the testimony, you'd see he reiterated that position. And then you'd see one of the reasons Snow said why they would like the regulation would be to better enforce the housing goals

We have made significant adjustments to our mortgage loan sourcing and purchase strategies in an effort to meet the increased housing goals and subgoals. These strategies include entering into some purchase and securitization transactions with lower expected economic returns than our typical transactions. We have also relaxed some of our underwriting criteria to obtain goals-qualifying mortgage loans and increased our investments in higher-risk mortgage loan products that are more likely to serve the borrowers targeted by HUD’s goals and subgoals,


Builders to fight Bush's low-income plan

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Home builders, realtors and others are preparing to fight a Bush administration plan that would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase financing of homes for low-income people, a home builder group said Thursday.

Home builders fight Bush s low-income housing - Jun. 17 2004

HOLY COW! Bush forced them to lower their standards. If only somebody had warned us that Bush's policies would hurt Freddie and Fannie. Wait, somebody did.

Fannie, Freddie to Suffer Under New Rule, BARNEY Frank Says

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would suffer financially under a Bush administration requirement that they channel more mortgage financing to people with low incomes, said the senior Democrat on a congressional panel that sets regulations for the companies.

So if your narrative is "GSEs are to blame" then you have to blame bush


FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If Republicans agree with them, why don't they do it? I remember W spending us into the ground ala Sweden and the rest of the party voting for that and running the fiscal conservatives who objected out of their best committee assignments.

Those fiscal conservatives were republicans.

It was the vaunted "mainstreamers" (that FakeyJakey loves) who did this.

He and his ilk are responsible for helping Bush put us so far in the red.

Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

When Bush asked for stimulus money and TARP, Republicans were all too willing give him everything he asked for

Once Obama became President, they demanded austerity and voted against the same economic tools they gave to Bush

Who held the house and senate when the "economy" crashed ?

Who held the house and senate when Obama took over ?

Republicans ?

You are a fraud.

And an asshole.

Care to point to LAWS that the Dems passed that caused it? Oops

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Not sure I get that one.

Democrats don't like economics because it keeps accurately predicting the disastrous effects of their government loving policies.
I'll be sure to share this little nugget of imbecility with Paul Krugman when next we meet for dinner

Ask him about this one.......

How about ONE poll EVER in ANY UHC nation that wants US style H/C or wants to get rid of UHC? lol

NHS in UK begin outsourcing to private hospitals and HC providers.

So NO, you can't give me one. Thanks
Democrats don't like economics because it keeps accurately predicting the disastrous effects of their government loving policies.
I'll be sure to share this little nugget of imbecility with Paul Krugman when next we meet for dinner

Ask him about this one.......

How about ONE poll EVER in ANY UHC nation that wants US style H/C or wants to get rid of UHC? lol

NHS in UK begin outsourcing to private hospitals and HC providers.

So NO, you can't give me one. Thanks

Have you tried to look it up? No, you haven't. Here...

Cancer Care Outsource
Outsourcing 10%
LOL, I work in finance, and I own my own business. I also was a math major as an undergrad. I understand numbers. Let's see how you do.

So read what you just wrote. A budget surplus is "a situation in which income exceeds expenditures." So, if income exceeded expenditures every year Clinton was President, how did the national debt go up? That makes no sense.

Here's an example.

Suppose on January 1, there is a national debt of $10T.

That year, there is a surplus. Income is $1.5T and expenditures are $1.0T.

On December 31 that year, the national debt would be $9.5T. A surplus means the debt goes down.

Now walk me through how with a surplus the debt could go up.

SERIOUSLY? You don't know paying off interest due on debt can still cause debt to increase? You SERIOUSLY went to college and can't understand what a yearly budget is? LOL. You are a disingenuous POS. I'm shocked. I linked you to investipedia already Bubba

You do know almost $1 trillion of PUBLIC debt WAS paid down under Clinton right? That excess PAYROLL taxes were put into bonds? lol AS REQUIRED BY LAW? WHAT DOES THAT DO BUBBA?

Um...you didn't know that interest is an expense? Read any company's annual report. You just admitted the surplus was a lie.


So a trillion dollars in public debt was paid down, despite the government never having realized budget surpluses anywhere NEAR a trillion dollars?

Now since government has no other means of paying down debt, beyond the spending of less money than for which they have budgeted, given that to tax beyond that which is required to run the government is the definition of tyranny, I wonder how it could be that the US Federal Government came up with a trillion extra dollars, which it did not borrow, thus which would axiomatically increase the debt, by an equal amount?

Gawd you right wingers are pathetic. What happens to excess tax revenues in payroll taxes? Oh right they buy bonds that then create debt. Yes, paying off PUBLIC debt while excess INTRA Govt debt (excess tax revenues buying US bonds as required by law) grows, is possible dummy

Bill Clinton touts fiscal record as president during campaign stop in New Jersey PolitiFact New Jersey

Then you'll be able to explain how much government debt was paid off with Clinton surplus. Oh wait...

Sure, PUBLIC DEBT WAS PAID OFF, and excess payroll taxes, as required by law, were put unto bonds that created more INTRA Gov't obligations (DEBT)

What should they have done with excess payroll taxes?

Clinton paid down public debt by over $400+ billion, BTW
Name the GOPers voting against Dubya's 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts that the CBO said was 1/3rd of deficits 2001-2010?

The GOPers asking for a SOURCE of revenue for GOP's 'Medicare expansion', Part D?

How about the GOPer putting forward a bill to PAY FOR the 2 UNFUNDED wars, rather than put it on the credit card?

All the GOPers voted against obama libcommie care and the soviet stimulus!! And they all sign the pledge. Just little cooperation from Democrats and America could get back to being America again.

When Bush asked for stimulus money and TARP, Republicans were all too willing give him everything he asked for

Once Obama became President, they demanded austerity and voted against the same economic tools they gave to Bush

Who held the house and senate when the "economy" crashed ?

Who held the house and senate when Obama took over ?

Republicans ?

You are a fraud.

And an asshole.
That would assume they passed some legislation that crashed the economy.......what would that be?

Or perhaps they blocked the legislation that suppose to prevent system meltdown.

Bush forced Freddie and Fannie to purchase more low income home loans, $ 440 billion in MBSs and then reversed the Clinton rule that actually reigned in Freddie and Fannie

Bush talked about reform. He talked and he talked. And then he stopped reform. (read that as many times as necessary. Bush stopped reform). And then he stopped it again

One president controlled the regulators that not only let banks stop checking income but cheered them on. And as president Bush could enact the very policies that caused the Bush Mortgage Bubble and he did. And his party controlled congress.

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'll be sure to share this little nugget of imbecility with Paul Krugman when next we meet for dinner

Ask him about this one.......

How about ONE poll EVER in ANY UHC nation that wants US style H/C or wants to get rid of UHC? lol

NHS in UK begin outsourcing to private hospitals and HC providers.

So NO, you can't give me one. Thanks

Have you tried to look it up? No, you haven't. Here...

Cancer Care Outsource
Outsourcing 10%

No you can't give ONE poll EVER that a UHC nation wants US style H/C or they want to get rid og their UHC. Like ALL nations, they change how it's provided. Shocking
SERIOUSLY? You don't know paying off interest due on debt can still cause debt to increase? You SERIOUSLY went to college and can't understand what a yearly budget is? LOL. You are a disingenuous POS. I'm shocked. I linked you to investipedia already Bubba

You do know almost $1 trillion of PUBLIC debt WAS paid down under Clinton right? That excess PAYROLL taxes were put into bonds? lol AS REQUIRED BY LAW? WHAT DOES THAT DO BUBBA?

Um...you didn't know that interest is an expense? Read any company's annual report. You just admitted the surplus was a lie.


So a trillion dollars in public debt was paid down, despite the government never having realized budget surpluses anywhere NEAR a trillion dollars?

Now since government has no other means of paying down debt, beyond the spending of less money than for which they have budgeted, given that to tax beyond that which is required to run the government is the definition of tyranny, I wonder how it could be that the US Federal Government came up with a trillion extra dollars, which it did not borrow, thus which would axiomatically increase the debt, by an equal amount?

Gawd you right wingers are pathetic. What happens to excess tax revenues in payroll taxes? Oh right they buy bonds that then create debt. Yes, paying off PUBLIC debt while excess INTRA Govt debt (excess tax revenues buying US bonds as required by law) grows, is possible dummy

Bill Clinton touts fiscal record as president during campaign stop in New Jersey PolitiFact New Jersey

Then you'll be able to explain how much government debt was paid off with Clinton surplus. Oh wait...

Sure, PUBLIC DEBT WAS PAID OFF, and excess payroll taxes, as required by law, were put unto bonds that created more INTRA Gov't obligations (DEBT)

What should they have done with excess payroll taxes?

Clinton paid down public debt by over $400+ billion, BTW

Clinton actually claims that his administration paid off $600 billion of public debt. Your number of $400 billion is closer to actual $452 billion. But those numbers are public debt, and we both know that public debt is part of national debt. Taking money from SS funds to pay off other funds doesn't count as paying off the debt. The result is national debt increase for every year he was in office.

I could use my credit card to pay my car payment, or to pay off the whole loan, then I can claim that my car is paid in full. In reality, I just owe more on my credit card. That's pretty much what Clinton did.
Last edited:
Ask him about this one.......

How about ONE poll EVER in ANY UHC nation that wants US style H/C or wants to get rid of UHC? lol

NHS in UK begin outsourcing to private hospitals and HC providers.

So NO, you can't give me one. Thanks

Have you tried to look it up? No, you haven't. Here...

Cancer Care Outsource
Outsourcing 10%

No you can't give ONE poll EVER that a UHC nation wants US style H/C or they want to get rid og their UHC. Like ALL nations, they change how it's provided. Shocking

True, I can't. There is no government what wants to give up control of health care or anything else. What every government wants, including ours, is more control, not less.
How about ONE poll EVER in ANY UHC nation that wants US style H/C or wants to get rid of UHC? lol

NHS in UK begin outsourcing to private hospitals and HC providers.

So NO, you can't give me one. Thanks

Have you tried to look it up? No, you haven't. Here...

Cancer Care Outsource
Outsourcing 10%

No you can't give ONE poll EVER that a UHC nation wants US style H/C or they want to get rid og their UHC. Like ALL nations, they change how it's provided. Shocking

True, I can't. There is no government what wants to give up control of health care or anything else. What every government wants, including ours, is more control, not less.

Oh right, so NO OTHER NATION wants US style H/C. Got it. I guess they hate 'free markets' getting between their health and their medical care?
Um...you didn't know that interest is an expense? Read any company's annual report. You just admitted the surplus was a lie.


So a trillion dollars in public debt was paid down, despite the government never having realized budget surpluses anywhere NEAR a trillion dollars?

Now since government has no other means of paying down debt, beyond the spending of less money than for which they have budgeted, given that to tax beyond that which is required to run the government is the definition of tyranny, I wonder how it could be that the US Federal Government came up with a trillion extra dollars, which it did not borrow, thus which would axiomatically increase the debt, by an equal amount?

Gawd you right wingers are pathetic. What happens to excess tax revenues in payroll taxes? Oh right they buy bonds that then create debt. Yes, paying off PUBLIC debt while excess INTRA Govt debt (excess tax revenues buying US bonds as required by law) grows, is possible dummy

Bill Clinton touts fiscal record as president during campaign stop in New Jersey PolitiFact New Jersey

Then you'll be able to explain how much government debt was paid off with Clinton surplus. Oh wait...

Sure, PUBLIC DEBT WAS PAID OFF, and excess payroll taxes, as required by law, were put unto bonds that created more INTRA Gov't obligations (DEBT)

What should they have done with excess payroll taxes?

Clinton paid down public debt by over $400+ billion, BTW

Clinton actually claims that his administration paid off $600 billion of public debt. Your number of $400 billion is closer to actual $452 billion. But those numbers are public debt, and we both know that public debt is part of national debt. Taking money from SS funds to pay off other funds doesn't count as paying off the debt. The result is national debt increase for every year he was in office.

I could use my credit card to pay my car payment, or to pay off the whole loan, then I can claim that my car is paid in full. In reality, I just owe more on my credit card. That's pretty much what Clinton did.

So you'll ignore the part where I explain US INTRA Gov't debt was created under Clinton because the US received to much revenues in payroll taxes, and by law that money was required to be INVESTED in US bonds? Stop trying to equate a Gov't with a personal finance situation, it makes you look dumb!

What should've happened with the EXCESS payroll taxes? lol

And yes, thanks for agreeing, Clinton had 4 straight surpluses in the annual budgets, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $700+ billion tax cut!
NHS in UK begin outsourcing to private hospitals and HC providers.

So NO, you can't give me one. Thanks

Have you tried to look it up? No, you haven't. Here...

Cancer Care Outsource
Outsourcing 10%

No you can't give ONE poll EVER that a UHC nation wants US style H/C or they want to get rid og their UHC. Like ALL nations, they change how it's provided. Shocking

True, I can't. There is no government what wants to give up control of health care or anything else. What every government wants, including ours, is more control, not less.

Oh right, so NO OTHER NATION wants US style H/C. Got it. I guess they hate 'free markets' getting between their health and their medical care?

Nope, that's not what I said.

So a trillion dollars in public debt was paid down, despite the government never having realized budget surpluses anywhere NEAR a trillion dollars?

Now since government has no other means of paying down debt, beyond the spending of less money than for which they have budgeted, given that to tax beyond that which is required to run the government is the definition of tyranny, I wonder how it could be that the US Federal Government came up with a trillion extra dollars, which it did not borrow, thus which would axiomatically increase the debt, by an equal amount?

Gawd you right wingers are pathetic. What happens to excess tax revenues in payroll taxes? Oh right they buy bonds that then create debt. Yes, paying off PUBLIC debt while excess INTRA Govt debt (excess tax revenues buying US bonds as required by law) grows, is possible dummy

Bill Clinton touts fiscal record as president during campaign stop in New Jersey PolitiFact New Jersey

Then you'll be able to explain how much government debt was paid off with Clinton surplus. Oh wait...

Sure, PUBLIC DEBT WAS PAID OFF, and excess payroll taxes, as required by law, were put unto bonds that created more INTRA Gov't obligations (DEBT)

What should they have done with excess payroll taxes?

Clinton paid down public debt by over $400+ billion, BTW

Clinton actually claims that his administration paid off $600 billion of public debt. Your number of $400 billion is closer to actual $452 billion. But those numbers are public debt, and we both know that public debt is part of national debt. Taking money from SS funds to pay off other funds doesn't count as paying off the debt. The result is national debt increase for every year he was in office.

I could use my credit card to pay my car payment, or to pay off the whole loan, then I can claim that my car is paid in full. In reality, I just owe more on my credit card. That's pretty much what Clinton did.

So you'll ignore the part where I explain US INTRA Gov't debt was created under Clinton because the US received to much revenues in payroll taxes, and by law that money was required to be INVESTED in US bonds? Stop trying to equate a Gov't with a personal finance situation, it makes you look dumb!

What should've happened with the EXCESS payroll taxes? lol

And yes, thanks for agreeing, Clinton had 4 straight surpluses in the annual budgets, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $700+ billion tax cut!

It's been explained to you earlier that you can't count the same money twice.

So, intra government debt was created... why? Please explain why not to pay existing debt? Or if there is excess of money, why to take money from SS?

Government invested???

Gawd you right wingers are pathetic. What happens to excess tax revenues in payroll taxes? Oh right they buy bonds that then create debt. Yes, paying off PUBLIC debt while excess INTRA Govt debt (excess tax revenues buying US bonds as required by law) grows, is possible dummy

Bill Clinton touts fiscal record as president during campaign stop in New Jersey PolitiFact New Jersey

Then you'll be able to explain how much government debt was paid off with Clinton surplus. Oh wait...

Sure, PUBLIC DEBT WAS PAID OFF, and excess payroll taxes, as required by law, were put unto bonds that created more INTRA Gov't obligations (DEBT)

What should they have done with excess payroll taxes?

Clinton paid down public debt by over $400+ billion, BTW

Clinton actually claims that his administration paid off $600 billion of public debt. Your number of $400 billion is closer to actual $452 billion. But those numbers are public debt, and we both know that public debt is part of national debt. Taking money from SS funds to pay off other funds doesn't count as paying off the debt. The result is national debt increase for every year he was in office.

I could use my credit card to pay my car payment, or to pay off the whole loan, then I can claim that my car is paid in full. In reality, I just owe more on my credit card. That's pretty much what Clinton did.

So you'll ignore the part where I explain US INTRA Gov't debt was created under Clinton because the US received to much revenues in payroll taxes, and by law that money was required to be INVESTED in US bonds? Stop trying to equate a Gov't with a personal finance situation, it makes you look dumb!

What should've happened with the EXCESS payroll taxes? lol

And yes, thanks for agreeing, Clinton had 4 straight surpluses in the annual budgets, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $700+ billion tax cut!

It's been explained to you earlier that you can't count the same money twice.

So, intra government debt was created... why? Please explain why not to pay existing debt? Or if there is excess of money, why to take money from SS?

Government invested???


Gawd you right wingers are fukkking dense assholes. ANY EXCESS PAYROLL TAXES ARE REQUIRED, NOT TO PAY OFF PUBLIC DEBT, BUT TO BUY UP US GOV'T BONDS. This is called savings bonds. Yes it creates debt that was created, but it's owed to itself. When you change that law, let me know!!!

Yes, AFTER EXCESS payroll monies came in, SOME of it was used to pay down public debt, AFTER it bought US savings bonds

It's called Gov't accounting, NOT a personal accounting system!!!


Understanding the Social Security Trust Funds mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

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