What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

It exists in your dreams maybe. Who is this everyone?
Normal people.

Don't bunch yourself with normal people. I just posted what most normal Americans think about Palestinians.

What was that again, Achmed? You guys don't care what Americans think? I bet you don't....I bet you don't...
So what that means is an invented identity and an invented country is jealous that Israel on its own was able to discover gas fields in an area of the sea that Gazans would have absolutely zero rights to, even if Gaza was a a nation. And now the greedy savages want a part of what doesn't belong to them.
What it means is that normal people think Palestinian agreements with Israel will be broken at Israel's convenience.

So normal people think Palestinians

live under apartheid regimes,
have their opinions suppressed,
live under military rule in occupied territories,
have their land and property appropriated by Israel,
are cast as uncaring,
have their misfortunes laughed at by Israel,
still hold the keys and deeds to property other people are living in,
will have their off shore gas stolen by Israel,
are the focus of Israeli efforts to keep them as Untermensch,
are restricted in movement by the refusal of the occupying power to issue appropriate travel documents,
have the goal posts moved when concessions are made to Israel,
will have their agreements with Israel broken at Israel's convenience.
Don't bunch yourself with normal people. I just posted what most normal Americans think about Palestinians.
Americans may be 5% of population, they are not the norm. In fact some Americans are abnormal in their regard for apartheid, possibly inspired by their historical association with apartheid systems which took a civil war to curtail.
Don't bunch yourself with normal people. I just posted what most normal Americans think about Palestinians.
Americans may be 5% of population, they are not the norm. In fact some Americans are abnormal in their regard for apartheid, possibly inspired by their historical association with apartheid systems which took a civil war to curtail.
Blah blah blah, well we don't give a fuck what you Mooooslems think either. In fact nobody does. Now tell us FARTHEAD, how do Palestinians have any rights to these gas fields:

IF I could say anything to Palestinians, it would be : shut up. Jews, Muslims and Christians have managed to get along in the middle east for hundreds of years. A blip on history, 6 million Jews exterminated in Europe, the rest flee to a dusty land of their heritage because nobody else will protect them, please . Muslims kill each other in suicide bombings, they shed each others blood like water. Shiite and Sunni. Innocent people die over this stupid shit, every minute of every day. Jews are just protecting themselves from Muslim fascists with rockets or strap on vests like they did Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto.
At your free time.
You dispute apartheid exists while seeking to excuse it. Why not just openly admit it? Everyone else knows it exists.

So you evading my questions?..hmm..I guess you could have simply answer the questions I had that (to your opinion) excuse such apartheid you're so certain of or at least disprove any of them but instead you're just evading again.
The moment you'll answer my questions I might consider talking to you seriously.. but for now - Congratulations!
You can wear the badge now and represent your support in Team Palestine's clown list.
IF I could say anything to Palestinians, it would be : shut up. Jews, Muslims and Christians have managed to get along in the middle east for hundreds of years. A blip on history, 6 million Jews exterminated in Europe, the rest flee to a dusty land of their heritage because nobody else will protect them, please . Muslims kill each other in suicide bombings, they shed each others blood like water. Shiite and Sunni. Innocent people die over this stupid shit, every minute of every day. Jews are just protecting themselves from Muslim fascists with rockets or strap on vests like they did Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto.
Don't bunch yourself with normal people. I just posted what most normal Americans think about Palestinians.
Americans may be 5% of population, they are not the norm. In fact some Americans are abnormal in their regard for apartheid, possibly inspired by their historical association with apartheid systems which took a civil war to curtail.
Blah blah blah, well we don't give a fuck what you Mooooslems think either. In fact nobody does. Now tell us FARTHEAD, how do Palestinians have any rights to these gas fields:

Strange shaped sea map......Israeli of course
Don't bunch yourself with normal people. I just posted what most normal Americans think about Palestinians.
Americans may be 5% of population, they are not the norm. In fact some Americans are abnormal in their regard for apartheid, possibly inspired by their historical association with apartheid systems which took a civil war to curtail.
CORRECT cnm.........thanks steve
I'm just wondering why you made a statement that the Palestinians living in Israel(I assume? I mean those living in Gaza are not living under Israeli rule) - living in apartheid, please explain, the way I see it you're just repeating a statement absolutely wrong that have been made a couple of times, so please lets start with this one.
You are the accusing side so please share with us the evidence for such accusation, that's the way it works, and I also ask you to start a new thread where we can discuss that properly and challenge others to join as well, when you do provide anything close to evidence - like a good debate - it will be my turn to disprove it, but you cannot start with a statement and consider it true without any ground, don't you agree?
This thread will do.
So why do you not accept separation of roads as proof normal people think Palestinians live under apartheid regimes? How much more proof of separate roads do you require?

Where is your evidence that normal people do not consider Palestinians live under apartheid regimes? I keep providing evidence and you keep ignoring it. Here is some again.


About two million Arab Muslims live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights as others, who travel on any road they feel like. That means your map isn't worth any more than toilet paper. :rofl:
Except on Buses it seems.....No The Palestinian/Israelis DO NOT HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS JEWS Roudy....and you know it.....so take that toilet paper out of your mouth.......steve
1939 Palestinian Flag. What does it look like? Surprised?

1939 Palestinian Flag. What does it look like Surprised

MERCENARY adj meaning A PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER HIRED TO SERVE A FOREIGN(ISRAELI)ARMY,WHO'S PRIME MOTIVATION IS ONLY CONCERNED WITH MAKING MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AT THE EXPENSE OF ETHICS

Now be Mindful,"Mindful" before you answer......your lazy mind will have to work a little to find the answer.......which NO DOUBT WILL BE A SURPISE TO YOU

So you evading my questions?..hmm..I guess you could have simply answer the questions I had that (to your opinion) excuse such apartheid you're so certain of or at least disprove any of them but instead you're just evading again.
The moment you'll answer my questions I might consider talking to you seriously.. but for now - Congratulations!
You can wear the badge now and represent your support in Team Palestine's clown list.
Your questions show that apartheid is in place and they seek to excuse its implementation. If you want to know whether apartheid in occupied territories is excusable, no, it's not.

You asked for evidence of apartheid, I gave you evidence of apartheid, which you did not dispute rather you tried to explain why apartheid was imposed.

Shall we go to the next on the list now?
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David Saks claims that the comparison of Israel's policies in the West Bank (Gaza having been evacuated in 2005) is fundamentally false, since Israel and the Palestinian territories are in a state of war, with Israeli population centers continuously bombarded from Gaza. Saks says that the Israelis have responded to this situation with checkpoints, curfews, security fences, segregated road systems, military incursions, and other similar measures, which impact negatively on the everyday life of ordinary Palestinians, and indeed, he says, it is legitimate to demand of Israelis that they not go further than is necessary in ensuring their safety. However, he asserts it is false to accuse the Israelis of apartheid-like strategies when they are facing military threats that have no parallel in pre-1994 South Africa.

It's not a state of war, it's a belligerent occupation.
So you evading my questions?..hmm..I guess you could have simply answer the questions I had that (to your opinion) excuse such apartheid you're so certain of or at least disprove any of them but instead you're just evading again.
The moment you'll answer my questions I might consider talking to you seriously.. but for now - Congratulations!
You can wear the badge now and represent your support in Team Palestine's clown list.
Your questions show that apartheid is in place and they seek to excuse its implementation. If you want to know whether apartheid in occupied territories is excusable, no, it's not.
Question your own position - or why you're so afraid of questioning it in the first place.
I Guess you know everything so answer my questions;

1.Propaganda, but lets go on with it, why am I not allowed to go drive into Syria with my car?
Because it's a separate fucking country!

Additionally - Do any of the Palestinians have all the requirements for having a fitting Israeli driving license(Car test, insurance, taxes) to be able to use Israeli roads without risking lives of other drivers?
Are you saying Israel hands out license plates to people who don't pass car tests, have insurance or pay taxes?

2.Separated roads in the West Bank means the WB Palestinians can only drive on their own roads, they are not Israelis so why would we allow them to use Israeli roads in the first place? lets ignore the fact they enjoy some Israeli roads just for the sake of the debate.
Those aren't Israeli roads. The West Bank is not Israel.

3.Due to the daily basis events of Palestinians assaulting Israelis, blocking roads, infiltrating Israeli land, how can you guarantee the Palestinians of the West Bank will stop their violent aggression towards Israelis? (Don't forget they were far more violent when there was no wall, and no separated roads, including less checkpoints)

At your free time.
That's easy! Get your ass out of the West Bank and the violence will end.

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