What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

Its not easy and not simple, Israel just left Gaza and look what happened.
Leaving the West Bank means annihilation for Israel, and I know you don't really care much about the Israeli side which is why you consider a temporarily-instant solution to be the happily ever after, but the only way I see it - we leave the WB, we get another Gaza in the heart of Israel.
Annihilation for Israel? Give me a fucking break!

How is a population that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves, going to annihilate the only nuclear power in the ME?
The have shitload of weapon, Israel won't nuclear itself(and not the only one with nuclear power in the M.E.), I can go on explaining each and every point, but I think its quite pointless, losing one Israeli - means we lost..

Such an Ugly sound Hebrew

Nothing like your Muslim call to prayer, sounding like a dog hollering after someone stepped on its tail. I agree.
I'm just wondering why you made a statement that the Palestinians living in Israel(I assume? I mean those living in Gaza are not living under Israeli rule) - living in apartheid, please explain, the way I see it you're just repeating a statement absolutely wrong that have been made a couple of times, so please lets start with this one.
You are the accusing side so please share with us the evidence for such accusation, that's the way it works, and I also ask you to start a new thread where we can discuss that properly and challenge others to join as well, when you do provide anything close to evidence - like a good debate - it will be my turn to disprove it, but you cannot start with a statement and consider it true without any ground, don't you agree?
This thread will do.
So why do you not accept separation of roads as proof normal people think Palestinians live under apartheid regimes? How much more proof of separate roads do you require?

Where is your evidence that normal people do not consider Palestinians live under apartheid regimes? I keep providing evidence and you keep ignoring it. Here is some again.


About two million Arab Muslims live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights as others, who travel on any road they feel like. That means your map isn't worth any more than toilet paper. :rofl:
Except on Buses it seems.....No The Palestinian/Israelis DO NOT HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS JEWS Roudy....and you know it.....so take that toilet paper out of your mouth.......steve

Did you fart again out of your mouth again? Israeli Arab citizens have the same exact rights as their Jewish and Christian counterparts. That is a fact jack.
Well,well wrong again Roudy...........well I may have farted but what you didn't pick up was why I asked you to take the toilet paper out of your mouth....it was because it had become drenched in your verbal Shit......ya just too slow in the head these days Roudy but hey you already know that....Tinnie had you pegged LOL.....steve

Actually, ignorant POS, I think that flag would make great toilet paper.

"the flag was used by Sharif Hussein by 1917 at the latest and quickly became regarded as the flag of the Arab national movement in the Mashriq". So Tinmore lied and you fell for it like a donkey.

Here dufus, you want a REAL flag of Palestine back then? Yup, God save the Queen! Ha ha ha:

Its not easy and not simple, Israel just left Gaza and look what happened.
Leaving the West Bank means annihilation for Israel, and I know you don't really care much about the Israeli side which is why you consider a temporarily-instant solution to be the happily ever after, but the only way I see it - we leave the WB, we get another Gaza in the heart of Israel.
Annihilation for Israel? Give me a fucking break!

How is a population that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves, going to annihilate the only nuclear power in the ME?
The have shitload of weapon, Israel won't nuclear itself(and not the only one with nuclear power in the M.E.), I can go on explaining each and every point, but I think its quite pointless, losing one Israeli - means we lost..

Such an Ugly sound Hebrew

Another reason to hate Jews! welcome to the Third Reich!
but the only way I see it - we leave the WB, we get another Gaza in the heart of Israel.
And to enable the conditions Israel considers necessary in order to be able to stay in the WB Israel operates an apartheid regime. Simples.

I don't get why there's any debate about it.
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but the only way I see it - we leave the WB, we get another Gaza in the heart of Israel.
And to enable the conditions Israel considers necessary in order to be able to stay in the WB Israel operates an apartheid regime. Simples.

I don't get why there's any debate about it.

Who is debating? You certainly aren't.

So there's nothing to "get".
Who is debating? You certainly aren't.

So there's nothing to "get".
Then we're all agreed Palestinians live under apartheid regimes in the WB?

Sweet, progress.

I knew progress was possible among people of good will.
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1939 Palestinian Flag. What does it look like? Surprised?

1939 Palestinian Flag. What does it look like Surprised

MERCENARY adj meaning A PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER HIRED TO SERVE A FOREIGN(ISRAELI)ARMY,WHO'S PRIME MOTIVATION IS ONLY CONCERNED WITH MAKING MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ AT THE EXPENSE OF ETHICS

Now be Mindful,"Mindful" before you answer......your lazy mind will have to work a little to find the answer.......which NO DOUBT WILL BE A SURPISE TO YOU


You're a nut, and not in a good way. :cuckoo:

Seek help nutbag.
Who is debating? You certainly aren't.

So there's nothing to "get".
Then we're all agreed Palestinians live under apartheid regimes in the WB?

Sweet, progress.

I knew progress was possible among people of good will.

I think most people disagree with that and feel that the Palestinians are in the situation they are in because they are savage murderers. If it weren't for Israel, this scourge would be released upon everyone, and they are not any different than ISIS or any of those other killers. I am grateful to Israel for keeping a lid on that mess.

Thank you Israel! It's not easy, but keep up the good work! :)
Here's the IDF executing a Palestinian boy in cold blood.

Normal people would be outraged over this.

Just like they were in Ferguson.

But since it's violence against Palestinian's, it's accepted.

Just like it was in Nazi Germany.

You blind fuckin idiot. The dumbass Palestinian was CLEARLY trying to stab to police officer. What did he think would happen ??? You call THAT execution??

Another PRIME example of the delusions of pro Palestinians.

Not to mention, he doesn't really look much like a "boy" to me. It appears that he is as big as the officers that he confronted rather aggressively. Kind of hard to make out what is actually happening, and that is one reason why I hate when people try to use YouTube as evidence of anything. Videos can be cut and edited and manipulated in all kinds of ways.

Take a look one second before he gets shot. He raised hand again and it seems like he ,was about to lunge at the officer again.

Shooting him in the legs would probably have been a more viable solution, but either way this young man chose his own fate.

Yup, it definitely appears that he is attacking the officers with a weapon in his hand.
You blind fuckin idiot. The dumbass Palestinian was CLEARLY trying to stab to police officer. What did he think would happen ??? You call THAT execution??

Another PRIME example of the delusions of pro Palestinians.
You can't stab someone when you're running away from them. Dumbass!

Did you and I watch the same video? He was quite aggressive going after those officers. He was NOT running away.
Its not easy and not simple, Israel just left Gaza and look what happened.
Leaving the West Bank means annihilation for Israel, and I know you don't really care much about the Israeli side which is why you consider a temporarily-instant solution to be the happily ever after, but the only way I see it - we leave the WB, we get another Gaza in the heart of Israel.
Annihilation for Israel? Give me a fucking break!

How is a population that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves, going to annihilate the only nuclear power in the ME?

The same way Muslims can easily sneak a dirty or suitcase bomb, or use of apvarious chemical or toxic WMD. what, you think they aren't "capable" of such acts, Mr Notsobright?

These people posting here are obviously stupid idiots.
I think most people disagree with that and feel that the Palestinians are in the situation they are in because they are savage murderers. If it weren't for Israel, this scourge would be released upon everyone, and they are not any different than ISIS or any of those other killers.
I think that's mainly an American belief, it's not very normal. Even hysterical Americans wouldn't expect to see a wave of Palestinian landing craft coming up the Hudson.
These people posting here are obviously stupid idiots.

I don't think they are all stupid idiots. Coyote, for instance, seems to have average intelligence.

I have long seen it more as a combination of stupidity and an evil nature, myself. Totally stupid people fall for anything. Totally evil ones express their nature by hating Jews and therefore supporting those who want nothing more than to kill them.

It's like, if a person is 40 percent stupid and 60 percent evil, they join the cult. If they are 5 percent stupid and 95 percent evil, they lead the cult, and if they are 95 percent stupid and 5 percent evil, they just follow.

Those with enough intelligence and with a good nature don't join the cult at all.
I think most people disagree with that and feel that the Palestinians are in the situation they are in because they are savage murderers. If it weren't for Israel, this scourge would be released upon everyone, and they are not any different than ISIS or any of those other killers.
I think that's mainly an American belief, it's not very normal. Even hysterical Americans wouldn't expect to see a wave of Palestinian landing craft coming up the Hudson.

No, I don't expect that. I just expect, that if they ever became a legitimate state, without making some BIG changes, then they would be just another terrorist state that is a thorn in the side of the civilized world.
Its not easy and not simple, Israel just left Gaza and look what happened.
Leaving the West Bank means annihilation for Israel, and I know you don't really care much about the Israeli side which is why you consider a temporarily-instant solution to be the happily ever after, but the only way I see it - we leave the WB, we get another Gaza in the heart of Israel.
Annihilation for Israel? Give me a fucking break!

How is a population that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves, going to annihilate the only nuclear power in the ME?

The same way Muslims can easily sneak a dirty or suitcase bomb, or use of apvarious chemical or toxic WMD. what, you think they aren't "capable" of such acts, Mr Notsobright?

These people posting here are obviously stupid idiots.

Mostly delusionary.
No, I don't expect that. I just expect, that if they ever became a legitimate state, without making some BIG changes, then they would be just another terrorist state that is a thorn in the side of the civilized world.

Considering all the support they receive from useful idiots, they have shown the world that the combination of relentless terrorism and relentless propaganda WORKS. People who support the creation of a state are telling the world that this pattern of revolting behavior should be rewarded.

No wonder the Islamic world indulges in so much terrorism, today. With the support for the made up people called "Palestinian" increasing over the years,and in no small part because of their relentless terrorism, why should they ever change?
You blind fuckin idiot. The dumbass Palestinian was CLEARLY trying to stab to police officer. What did he think would happen ??? You call THAT execution??

Another PRIME example of the delusions of pro Palestinians.
You can't stab someone when you're running away from them. Dumbass!

Did you watch the beginning of the video ?? He was trying to stab a police officer.
I think most people disagree with that and feel that the Palestinians are in the situation they are in because they are savage murderers. If it weren't for Israel, this scourge would be released upon everyone, and they are not any different than ISIS or any of those other killers. I am grateful to Israel for keeping a lid on that mess.

Thank you Israel! It's not easy, but keep up the good work!
Israel shoots people while they are fishing; they shoot people while they are farming; just the other day, they deliberately shot a kid in the back while he was running away, then shot him again when he was on the ground. Then they dragged him like a rodeo pig and threw him in their van, but it's the Pals you consider savages?

The IDF shoots a pregnant Palestinian woman to death. Then takes a knife and carves out the unborn baby from her stomach, sets it beside her, then walks away leaving her on the street with her dead baby for all to see, yet it's the Pals who are savages?

The IDF uses a Palestinian home as a human shield so they can conduct sniper attacks in the West Bank. Then just before they leave, they write "Death to Arabs" on the wall with their own feces, yet it's the Pals who are savages?

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