What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

Did you watch the beginning of the video ?? He was trying to stab a police officer.
Did you watch the end of the video? He was running away when they shot him. Then they shot him again, when he was on the ground. Then they dragged him to the van like a rodeo pig and threw him in it!

Fuck you, asshole! You have no sense of humanity whatsoever.
Considering all the support they receive from useful idiots, they have shown the world that the combination of relentless terrorism and relentless propaganda WORKS. People who support the creation of a state are telling the world that this pattern of revolting behavior should be rewarded.

No wonder the Islamic world indulges in so much terrorism, today. With the support for the made up people called "Palestinian" increasing over the years,and in no small part because of their relentless terrorism, why should they ever change?
What about your terrorism?

How do you explain that, fuckhead?
Did you watch the beginning of the video ?? He was trying to stab a police officer.
Did you watch the end of the video? He was running away when they shot him. Then they shot him again, when he was on the ground. Then they dragged him to the van like a rodeo pig and threw him in it!

Fuck you, asshole! You have no sense of humanity whatsoever.

I see no problem with treating terrorists in such a manner. Call me cold if you'd like.
I don't live in either Israel or Palestine. It benefits me in no way whatsoever to take sides, but from my outside 3rd-party perspective, from everything I've seen, heard and read, I am on the side of Israel. I don't trust those slimy savage Palestinians one bit.
Nope, I don't commit any terrorism. I've never killed anyone.
Yes you do. You're defending someone who shot a kid in the back while he was running away, then was summarily executed in cold blood while he was lying on the ground.

You treat people who are not terrorists, as terrorists.

You are an enabler of Israeli terrorism.
I don't live in either Israel or Palestine. It benefits me in no way whatsoever to take sides, but from my outside 3rd-party perspective, from everything I've seen, heard and read, I am on the side of Israel. I don't trust those slimy savage Palestinians one bit.
I don't live there also and I have no stake in the outcome as well. But people who shoot people fishing, shoot people farming, are in violation of over 100 UN resolutions on human rights and keep changing their story every time a new video gets posted on one of their shootings, are not the good guys.

The Israeli's first said the kid attacked them with a knife and they first fired a warning shot. Then the video came out and they changed their story.

Those are the people you support?
I don't live in either Israel or Palestine. It benefits me in no way whatsoever to take sides, but from my outside 3rd-party perspective, from everything I've seen, heard and read, I am on the side of Israel. I don't trust those slimy savage Palestinians one bit.
I don't live there also and I have no stake in the outcome as well. But people who shoot people fishing, shoot people farming, are in violation of over 100 UN resolutions on human rights and keep changing their story every time a new video gets posted on one of their shootings, are not the good guys.

The Israeli's first said the kid attacked them with a knife and they first fired a warning shot. Then the video came out and they changed their story.

Those are the people you support?

I don't care. After the years Israel has put up with crap from those awful Palestinians, I don't blame them one bit. In fact, I think they show REMARKABLE restraint on many occasions.
What about your terrorism?

How do you explain that, fuckhead?

Are you an aphid? I terrorize them quite regularly.

Otherwise, you are simply displaying that telltale Pallywood combination of extreme stupidity, an overactive imagination and complete dishonesty.
I don't care. After the years Israel has put up with crap from those awful Palestinians, I don't blame them one bit. In fact, I think they show REMARKABLE restraint on many occasions.
They shoot people while they are fishing, do you call that restraint?

They COULD do much worse, so yes. They really have no reason to tolerate them at them at all, other than the kindness of their hearts. Lol. With neighbors like Palestine, who needs enemies?
I don't care. After the years Israel has put up with crap from those awful Palestinians, I don't blame them one bit. In fact, I think they show REMARKABLE restraint on many occasions.
They shoot people while they are fishing, do you call that restraint?

Do you call what you do "restraint"?

You'd make a good alternative to water boarding. A session with you, and some hapless captive would confess to anything.
They COULD do much worse, so yes. They really have no reason to tolerate them at them at all, other than the kindness of their hearts. Lol. With neighbors like Palestine, who needs enemies?
You remind me of average Germans, when they were first told of the Holocaust. They refused to believe it. They could not fathom their government could be a part of something so horrific. And they continued refusing to believe it, until Eisenhower made them bury the dead!

When will you, have your Eisenhower moment?
I don't care. After the years Israel has put up with crap from those awful Palestinians, I don't blame them one bit. In fact, I think they show REMARKABLE restraint on many occasions.
They shoot people while they are fishing, do you call that restraint?

Do you call what you do "restraint"?

You'd make a good alternative to water boarding. A session with you, and some hapless captive would confess to anything.

You give him too much credit! :razz:
They COULD do much worse, so yes. They really have no reason to tolerate them at them at all, other than the kindness of their hearts. Lol. With neighbors like Palestine, who needs enemies?
You remind me of average Germans, when they were first told of the Holocaust. They refused to believe it. They could not fathom their government could be a part of something so horrific. And they continued refusing to believe it, until Eisenhower made them bury the dead!

When will you, have your Eisenhower moment?

Honestly, I don't care about them at all. They are a nation of terrorists with terrorist values. The world would be a better place with more harmony without such "people."
Are you an aphid? I terrorize them quite regularly.

Otherwise, you are simply displaying that telltale Pallywood combination of extreme stupidity, an overactive imagination and complete dishonesty.
I asked you a question, you little punk-ass bitch, are you going to answer it?

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