What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

Do you call what you do "restraint"?

You'd make a good alternative to water boarding. A session with you, and some hapless captive would confess to anything.

I'm often amused at how the Pallwooders take on the personalities of those they champion as well as the Jew hatred. .

Ranting, raving maniacs, most of them be.
I asked you a question, you little punk-ass bitch, are you going to answer it?

Billo, you are old and impotent, and have taken too many of the wrong kinds of drugs.

I try to take this into account so as to not hold you responsible for all the crazy shit you vomit forth, and I certainly do not take it as a threat.

I have never terrorized anybody. I have never even spanked either of my two sons, much less laid a hand on another person.
I'm often amused at how the Pallwooders take on the personalities of those they champion as well as the Jew hatred. .

Ranting, raving maniacs, most of them be.
Why would I hate jews?

Why don't you hate the UN and the Brits? They are the ones who actually allowed the Israelis to settle the land that is now Israel? Where is your hatred and rage for them?
Did you watch the beginning of the video ?? He was trying to stab a police officer.
Did you watch the end of the video? He was running away when they shot him. Then they shot him again, when he was on the ground. Then they dragged him to the van like a rodeo pig and threw him in it!

Fuck you, asshole! You have no sense of humanity whatsoever.
Fuck YOU dummie. He tried to stab a police officer SEVERAL times. He didn't run away. Watch the video again closely. A second before he got shot, he raises his hand again and appears to try to lunge at the officer.
The only reason you are condemning this is because it's Israel. Had it taken place in any other country, you would have a different perspective about it..
Why would I hate jews?

Well, in your personal case, it has to do with projection of hostility upon a convenient scapegoat as a way to assuage the bitterness you feel in regards to the way genetics have blessed you with neither the intelligence nor disposition to function well in life.
Why don't you hate the UN and the Brits? They are the ones who actually allowed the Israelis to settle the land that is now Israel? Where is your hatred and rage for them?
They don't shoot people while they are fishing.

If you see nothing wrong with that, then you have no sense of humanity whatsoever.
Well, in your personal case, it has to do with projection of hostility upon a convenient scapegoat as a way to assuage the bitterness you feel in regards to the way genetics have blessed you with neither the intelligence nor disposition to function well in life.
Well, at least you tried to answer, most people won't even do that. As wrong as your answer was, you get credit for having the stones to give it a shot.

My issue is not with Jews, it's with Israeli's and their kiss-ass minions.
Challenger, et al,

Of course, my personal experiences are a bit dated.

Roudy, Billo_Really, et al,

I think we need to move forward a bit. It serves no useful purpose to dwell on events of six, seven, eight and nine decades ago, during a period of hostile evolution. These events cannot be changes. And the association between the factors that can solve todays issue are very remote to the pol-mil conditions of these distant periods. What we see historically in the Palestinian Black Hand or the Irgun has little impact on the potential for solutions to the evolved situation of today.

There is always a recognized authority. Most times the person just has to look for it.
Then who was the recognized authority you are referring to?

Irgun? Their a Jewish terrorist group.
Irgun was a militia created after the Hebron massacre to protect Jewish communities.

You see how it all began when Arab IslamoNazi animals decided to slaughter Jews and get away with it?

Either each side wants to solve the never ending battle between the cultures, or, then don't.

I do not believe that the Arab Palestinian wants to establish a peaceful settlement and begin the process to the mediation of grievances. I don't think the leadership of the Palestinian people want a better life for their people. And I don't believe the people of the State of Palestine have as a goal, --- peace, security and prosperity. They have been fighting for so long that they are a new species in a culture that does not know any other way.

Most Respectfully,

This demonstrates quite clearly you have never met or spoken to a Palestinian in your life.

This would be quite wrong. But it is interesting that you challenge the ideas that:
  • Arab Palestinian DOES NOT wants to establish a peaceful settlement and begin the process to the mediation of grievances.
  • Arab Palestinian leadership of the Palestinian people DOES NOT want a better life for their people.
  • The Arab Palestinian people DO NOT have as a goal, --- peace, security and prosperity.
I wonder just what you see in the most recent past (contemporary history), that suggests:
  • The Arab Palestinian working for better political, economic and social changes and scientific progress.
  • The Arab Palestinian working to settle their disputes by peaceful means.
  • The Arab Palestinian working towards the maintenance of regional peace and security.
I wonder just what you see in the Political platform of the Arab Palestinian that suggests they are working to establish a stable and uncontested government to build a thriving nation.

Most Respectfully,

Strawman argument based on a false premise, if ever I saw one.
Fuck YOU dummie. He tried to stab a police officer SEVERAL times. He didn't run away. Watch the video again closely. A second before he got shot, he raises his hand again and appears to try to lunge at the officer.
The only reason you are condemning this is because it's Israel. Had it taken place in any other country, you would have a different perspective about it..
Here's the exact moment he was shot.

You have serious reality issues!
Did you watch the beginning of the video ?? He was trying to stab a police officer.
Did you watch the end of the video? He was running away when they shot him. Then they shot him again, when he was on the ground. Then they dragged him to the van like a rodeo pig and threw him in it!

Fuck you, asshole! You have no sense of humanity whatsoever.

Where's the humanity in stabbing someone, disphit?
This is what happens when Pali terrorist supporters are faced with the reality that Palestinians are hated by majority Americans. Quick! Lets change the subject!
Billo_Really, et al,

I saw the attack video and I see in this picture, a suspect holding a knife approximately one shadow length away from the police officer.

Fuck YOU dummie. He tried to stab a police officer SEVERAL times. He didn't run away. Watch the video again closely. A second before he got shot, he raises his hand again and appears to try to lunge at the officer.
The only reason you are condemning this is because it's Israel. Had it taken place in any other country, you would have a different perspective about it..
Here's the exact moment he was shot.

You have serious reality issues!

This whole thing looks to be a photo opportunity step-up (if not completely staged). The person taking the video was in place and waiting to video the event (prior planning).

  • This is a conspiracy case to commit the murder of the victim (Death by Cop), in which several participants are involved.
  • A video created to incite violence and promote a media storm on a staged fictitious event.

Most Respectfully,
Why don't you hate the UN and the Brits? They are the ones who actually allowed the Israelis to settle the land that is now Israel? Where is your hatred and rage for them?
They don't shoot people while they are fishing.

If you see nothing wrong with that, then you have no sense of humanity whatsoever.

Lol! I guess I have no sense of humanity whatsoever then. :finger3:

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