What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

Ha ha ha. A defender of one of the most depraved, inhumane, immoral, terroristic cultures, aka the "Paledtinians", preaching others about being "inhumane". Unreal. It appears insanity goes hand in hand with being a Palestinian supporter.
Hey, dumbass! I was speaking generically.

Who the fuck shoots at people fishing?

Obviously, you think nothing of it. Which shows you're the one who is inhuman. Now, fuck off, asshole!

First tell us why Palestinians target Israeli school kids, terrorist loving donkey.
Palestinians volunteering to be treated like vermin by Israel.

The point you so assiduously avoid is that Palestinians who currently live under Israel governance - those who know a bit about it (unlike you) - prefer it to Palestinian rule and 40% of them would move should their Israeli neighborhood magically become part of Palestine.
To avoid being Fergusoned and treated as vermin by Israel no doubt, who could blame them.
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

That's a nice excuse, but when you look at a bigger global picture, you will find that Palestinian intolerance and savagery is no different than the savagery and barbarism of their fellow jihadi brethren in other parts of the world that is having problems with Muslims. In other words, it's not about the land, it's about Islam and Muslim desire to Islamicize the world and take it back to the 7th century through the use of force and violence.
So by you analogy Roudy....the Zionists are normal.........no they are as barbaric as Pol Pot,Stalin,hitler,the Vandals,the Assassins,Persians,Americans,British and so on.You live by a false premise.....just admit it....throughout history often the victors are the worse,steve

Often you Guys have stated that you won the Palestian land and too bad for the Palestinians...so then,if the Palestians or someone else decided to do the same as the Jews did with violence etc.,to the Palestinians......you then agree it's fine,as you Guys do....in your own words!!!!!!!!!!..............trouble is you would nuke before that happened,with your illegal nuclear weapons...wouldn't your......with the emergence of the Ultra Right Wing Nuts taking over Israel........the focus now is on the internal and external uncontrollable machinations of this right-wing.
We all realize Israel has become unstable,uncontrollable and created an internal schism....steve.......in the end it will be Jew against Jew......as we are starting to see

Roudy,give me your personal vision,with these unfolding events in Israel,for the future of Israel..

You need to stop repeating what those voices in your head keep telling you. Israel is on the front lines of Islam's war against freedom and democracy, and is doing a great job keeping the savages at bay. Had Israel not been a Jewish state there would be no discussion of Palestine or Palestinian people. The Arabs have been defeated but they just can't face it. It's a matter of time for Israel to annex the West Bank, and allow the Jews to pray on the temple mount.
israel isn't a jewish state. you wouldn't know a jew if he slaughtered your wife and kids. because thats what all the so called jews of israel have and keep doing in the name of their God. i feel so sorry for the lost tribe of judah. they keep repeating history as if they are ever going to win an unjust and unholy war as all are. dah. grow up please. listen to the voice of God that was supposed to be in your heart and heads.
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

That's a nice excuse, but when you look at a bigger global picture, you will find that Palestinian intolerance and savagery is no different than the savagery and barbarism of their fellow jihadi brethren in other parts of the world that is having problems with Muslims. In other words, it's not about the land, it's about Islam and Muslim desire to Islamicize the world and take it back to the 7th century through the use of force and violence.

So by you analogy Roudy....the Zionists are normal.........no they are as barbaric as Pol Pot,Stalin,hitler,the Vandals,the Assassins,Persians,Americans,British and so on.You live by a false premise.....just admit it....throughout history often the victors are the worse,steve...

Damn, you are stupid. Remarkably stupid (and I'm being as diplomatic as possible).
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

Interesting analogy, a group did beat me and take my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police; someone broke into my house when I was gone and took my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police. Yes I am normal and I stayed normal.
taking your flat screen isn't quite the same as taking your home and removing you from your land etc... please save the stupid analogies. they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.
...they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has...

The UN is corrupted by "the zionist nazi faction?" Really dude?
Islamists say the silliest things.
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.
No they won't propaganda-tici. Your comparisons are, as usual, terrible.

No they won't propaganda-tici. N
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

That's a nice excuse, but when you look at a bigger global picture, you will find that Palestinian intolerance and savagery is no different than the savagery and barbarism of their fellow jihadi brethren in other parts of the world that is having problems with Muslims. In other words, it's not about the land, it's about Islam and Muslim desire to Islamicize the world and take it back to the 7th century through the use of force and violence.

So by you analogy Roudy....the Zionists are normal.........no they are as barbaric as Pol Pot,Stalin,hitler,the Vandals,the Assassins,Persians,Americans,British and so on.You live by a false premise.....just admit it....throughout history often the victors are the worse,steve...

Damn, you are stupid. Remarkably stupid (and I'm being as diplomatic as possible).
I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

Interesting analogy, a group did beat me and take my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police; someone broke into my house when I was gone and took my property I did not turn into a savage, I went to the police. Yes I am normal and I stayed normal.
taking your flat screen isn't quite the same as taking your home and removing you from your land etc... please save the stupid analogies. they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

Nazi Scum Troll Alert
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:

(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,


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I am normal and I think they are terrorists.

If they tried to settle their differences in normal ways I would not think they are terrorists. I would think they are normal people that have an issue that needs to be settled.
if some one came and killed you off your land. would you still be a normal person? if you watched as they continued to conquer your lands before your eyes, would you be a normal person? you have very little insight or foresight.

That's a nice excuse, but when you look at a bigger global picture, you will find that Palestinian intolerance and savagery is no different than the savagery and barbarism of their fellow jihadi brethren in other parts of the world that is having problems with Muslims. In other words, it's not about the land, it's about Islam and Muslim desire to Islamicize the world and take it back to the 7th century through the use of force and violence.
So by you analogy Roudy....the Zionists are normal.........no they are as barbaric as Pol Pot,Stalin,hitler,the Vandals,the Assassins,Persians,Americans,British and so on.You live by a false premise.....just admit it....throughout history often the victors are the worse,steve

Often you Guys have stated that you won the Palestian land and too bad for the Palestinians...so then,if the Palestians or someone else decided to do the same as the Jews did with violence etc.,to the Palestinians......you then agree it's fine,as you Guys do....in your own words!!!!!!!!!!..............trouble is you would nuke before that happened,with your illegal nuclear weapons...wouldn't your......with the emergence of the Ultra Right Wing Nuts taking over Israel........the focus now is on the internal and external uncontrollable machinations of this right-wing.
We all realize Israel has become unstable,uncontrollable and created an internal schism....steve.......in the end it will be Jew against Jew......as we are starting to see

Roudy,give me your personal vision,with these unfolding events in Israel,for the future of Israel..

You need to stop repeating what those voices in your head keep telling you. Israel is on the front lines of Islam's war against freedom and democracy, and is doing a great job keeping the savages at bay. Had Israel not been a Jewish state there would be no discussion of Palestine or Palestinian people. The Arabs have been defeated but they just can't face it. It's a matter of time for Israel to annex the West Bank, and allow the Jews to pray on the temple mount.
israel isn't a jewish state. you wouldn't know a jew if he slaughtered your wife and kids. because thats what all the so called jews of israel have and keep doing in the name of their God. i feel so sorry for the lost tribe of judah. they keep repeating history as if they are ever going to win an unjust and unholy war as all are. dah. grow up please. listen to the voice of God that was supposed to be in your heart and heads.

Israel isn't a Jewish state? You should feel sorry for yourself, you ignorant Muslim jackass.
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
yeah israel is one of the most advanced nation living of the U.s. dollars and using u.s. as their goons doing their dirty work and taking the hits for their evil cult
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
yeah israel is one of the most advanced nation living of the U.s. dollars and using u.s. as their goons doing their dirty work and taking the hits for their evil cult

Lol! "Evil cult" huh? :cuckoo: No, the Muslim religion is the evil cult. They even endorse child marriage. They are a HUGE zit on the ass of society. Thanks to Israel for keeping those loons contained.

Muslims rape, beat and murder women, stone them to death for being raped. OMG. They are the most horrible people. Like monsters, IMO.
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:

(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,
is begin the one who started to begin terrorism by blowing up hotels in the name of his God's holy land? lol. a murderer then was let to rule Israel because he murdered for it first? lol. israel is reaping what it sowed. why shouldn't it?
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
yeah israel is one of the most advanced nation living of the U.s. dollars and using u.s. as their goons doing their dirty work and taking the hits for their evil cult

You sound like a jealous Muslim who can't understand why Israelis succeed and the Arab/Muslim World is such a rabid cesspool. Do I have that about right? You may want to take a good, long look at the culture Islam spawned there and another in the mirror.
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:

(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,
is begin the one who started to begin terrorism by blowing up hotels in the name of his God's holy land? lol. a murderer then was let to rule Israel because he murdered for it first? lol. israel is reaping what it sowed. why shouldn't it?

Lol! What? Israel could and SHOULD kick those rotten terrorists out of Gaza forever, IMO. Never let them come back. They are nothing but hateful killers. Most Americans hate them.

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