What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.

Phoney, can you please provide links for your rants...

"escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's"

"This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims"

"full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem"

I would be really like to see links supporting those three comments....

Do you want the transcripts of the trials of Pakistani muslim men who have been systematically raping 11 and 12 year old girls since the 1980's. The rise of muslim gangs taking over the drug running and prostitution in inner cities. The beatings and intimidation by muslim gangs of anyone that stood up to them. I did not walk round with my eyes closed so I saw these things taking place when jobs were being lost and muslims had to exist on welfare alone.
OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.

Phoney, can you please provide links for your rants...

"escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's"

"This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims"

"full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem"

I would be really like to see links supporting those three comments....

Do you want the transcripts of the trials of Pakistani muslim men who have been systematically raping 11 and 12 year old girls since the 1980's. The rise of muslim gangs taking over the drug running and prostitution in inner cities. The beatings and intimidation by muslim gangs of anyone that stood up to them. I did not walk round with my eyes closed so I saw these things taking place when jobs were being lost and muslims had to exist on welfare alone.

I ask you again Phoney....

I would like to see links to those three statements...

Without links you, as always, simply look like someone who is ranting for the sake of ranting, without substance.
Indeed, not unlike any other people who defend/liberate their countries.

You may try to fool yourself by using rhetorical tricks to show that you support the intentional murder of innocent people due to your hatred of their ethnicity, but intelligent people see right through it.

Murdering people in cold blood is not an act that defends or liberates, even if you or Beez or Coyote or Penelope or any other tries to rationalize your way out of it through obfuscation and rhetorical chicanery.
Indeed, not unlike any other people who defend/liberate their countries.

You may try to fool yourself by using rhetorical tricks to show that you support the intentional murder of innocent people due to your hatred of their ethnicity, but intelligent people see right through it.

Murdering people in cold blood is not an act that defends or liberates, even if you or Beez or Coyote or Penelope or any other tries to rationalize your way out of it through obfuscation and rhetorical chicanery.
What people ever liberated their country without attacking the occupiers?

Give me some names.
What people ever liberated their country without attacking the occupiers?

Give me some names.

You are an Arab terrorist supporter, so you see the world through jaundiced glasses.

Actual humans realize that intentional murder of innocent people is wrong. You are not yet human in your travels through life, so you don't.

Jews praying in the same places as they prayed thousands of years ago are not legitimate targets to be murdered even if you are such disgusting excrement as to think they are.

What people ever liberated their country without attacking the occupiers?

Give me some names.

You are an Arab terrorist supporter, so you see the world through jaundiced glasses.

Actual humans realize that intentional murder of innocent people is wrong. You are not yet human in your travels through life, so you don't.

Jews praying in the same places as they prayed thousands of years ago are not legitimate targets to be murdered even if you are such disgusting excrement as to think they are.

Nice duck.
Indeed, not unlike any other people who defend/liberate their countries.

You may try to fool yourself by using rhetorical tricks to show that you support the intentional murder of innocent people due to your hatred of their ethnicity, but intelligent people see right through it.

Murdering people in cold blood is not an act that defends or liberates, even if you or Beez or Coyote or Penelope or any other tries to rationalize your way out of it through obfuscation and rhetorical chicanery.

Was the killing of white civilians by the ANC in Apartheid South Africa "murder" in your book? And, did it not liberate the non-whites from white oppression? Would the whites have relinquished power without the violence? I don't think so. Same for Algeria, had there not been the killings of French civilians, the French would have never left.

Unfortunately, that's just the way the occupier's mind works, as long as there is no danger to the occupier, there is no reason to end the occupation.
Indeed, not unlike any other people who defend/liberate their countries.

You may try to fool yourself by using rhetorical tricks to show that you support the intentional murder of innocent people due to your hatred of their ethnicity, but intelligent people see right through it.

Murdering people in cold blood is not an act that defends or liberates, even if you or Beez or Coyote or Penelope or any other tries to rationalize your way out of it through obfuscation and rhetorical chicanery.

Was the killing of white civilians by the ANC in Apartheid South Africa "murder" in your book? And, did it not liberate the non-whites from white oppression? Would the whites have relinquished power without the violence? I don't think so. Same for Algeria, had there not been the killings of French civilians, the French would have never left.

Unfortunately, that's just the way the occupier's mind works, as long as there is no danger to the occupier, there is no reason to end the occupation.
Israeli settlers are a necessary and integral part of the occupation. If it were not for the settlers, Israel would be no more than an office in Tel Aviv.
Nice duck.

"Duck" is what I would suggest you do should anybody apply the same sorts of rationalization for why they are allowed to murder you to you as you do in regards to Arabs murdering Jews . After all, if you are an American, you have less claim to the land than do the Jews to theirs. If that feeble old creature in your avatar is you, the phenotypes indicate quite clearly that your ancestors were from elsewhere.
Indeed, not unlike any other people who defend/liberate their countries.

You may try to fool yourself by using rhetorical tricks to show that you support the intentional murder of innocent people due to your hatred of their ethnicity, but intelligent people see right through it.

Murdering people in cold blood is not an act that defends or liberates, even if you or Beez or Coyote or Penelope or any other tries to rationalize your way out of it through obfuscation and rhetorical chicanery.
Indeed, Mr. Tinmore supports cold-blooded, savage and inhuman murder. Not only that, but he once said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a religious one at all. Yet, all of the current violence resulted after some Jews wanted to pray on the Temple Mount. He does not understand the Middle Eastern/Arab mindset at all.
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Indeed, Mr. Tinmore supports cold-blooded, savage and inhuman murder. Not only that, but he once said that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a religious one at all. Yet, all of the current violence resulted after some Jews wanted to pray on the Temple Mount. He does not understand the Middle Eatern/Arab mindset at all.

His intellect is limited to repeating the themes he reads at hate sites, I'm afraid

The subhumans here never apply the same principles to themselves as they do to Jews. .
OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.

I think the IRA would get a bit upset at you calling them Muslims. What actual Muslim "terrorist" attacks on the UK were there in the 1970's and 1980's then? I must have blinked and missed them.

The rape of underage girls for starters, the attacks on individuals by gangs of muslims. Then the attacks and kidnapping of British subjects giving humanitarian aid to the people of Lebanon. The bombing of a Pan Am flight over Britain, the Iranian embassy siege. Do you want more, or were you hoping I did not remember all these ?

So Jimmy Saville and Gary Glitter were Muslims? Guess what, Buddhist monks were doing it too.BREAKING NEWS Monk charged with rape of underage girl From This Is Local London You don't have to be a Muslim to be a pervert. Jewish people got into the act as well, "Jewish trafficking in women did not begin in a vacuum. Jews joined the crime wave that swept over East European Jewish society and spread throughout the world." White Slavery Jewish Women s Archive I recently ran across a case of rabbis in Israel being involved in sex trafficing, but I can't the link at the moment. In any event, these are not "terrorist" attacks on the UK, The others you cite were attacks on America by Libya, Iranian Arab seperatists on Iran. Not the UK. So yes please, I'd like more.

By the way, I find your apparent obsession with under age rape quite disturbing.
Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.

I think the IRA would get a bit upset at you calling them Muslims. What actual Muslim "terrorist" attacks on the UK were there in the 1970's and 1980's then? I must have blinked and missed them.

  • 1988 21 December: Pan Am Flight 103 (Lockerbie) blown up by a bomb in a suitcase while in flight over Scotland after taking off from Heathrow. 270 were killed.
Not secret, Muslim terrorists know them quite well. That's how they get their assess shot while trying to sneak in.
No one seems to be able to say where they are. Seems pretty secret to me.

edit...I mean they're too secret for you to say where they are.

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