What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
yeah israel is one of the most advanced nation living of the U.s. dollars and using u.s. as their goons doing their dirty work and taking the hits for their evil cult

You sound like a jealous Muslim who can't understand why Israelis succeed and the Arab/Muslim World is such a rabid cesspool. Do I have that about right? You may want to take a good, long look at the culture Islam spawned there and another in the mirror.
im not a muslim stupid. im a truth teller. wasn't it begin that bombed the hotel? murdered civilians with guns and rockets? for a land he didn't own? you stupid evil jews saw your shops and houses taken by hitlers nazis and you all turned into nazis when you crusaded into palestine again in the name of your God. God punishes hipocrits and murderers that hide behind his good and holy name. he did it with nazis he'll do it with jews too as he has repeatedly and still you don't learn. stupid arogant proud evil idiots
You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
yeah israel is one of the most advanced nation living of the U.s. dollars and using u.s. as their goons doing their dirty work and taking the hits for their evil cult

You sound like a jealous Muslim who can't understand why Israelis succeed and the Arab/Muslim World is such a rabid cesspool. Do I have that about right? You may want to take a good, long look at the culture Islam spawned there and another in the mirror.
im not a muslim stupid. im a truth teller. wasn't it begin that bombed the hotel? murdered civilians with guns and rockets? for a land he didn't own? you stupid evil jews saw your shops and houses taken by hitlers nazis and you all turned into nazis when you crusaded into palestine again in the name of your God. God punishes hipocrits and murderers that hide behind his good and holy name. he did it with nazis he'll do it with jews too as he has repeatedly and still you don't learn. stupid arogant proud evil idiots

Shut up. As far as you're concerned, America is God. Lol! ;)
haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.

One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
yeah israel is one of the most advanced nation living of the U.s. dollars and using u.s. as their goons doing their dirty work and taking the hits for their evil cult

Don't be stupid, two billion is nothing, probably one high rise building in Israel. Whereas Arab Muslims with all this oil money are among the most backwards barbarian nations in the world today.
You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
yeah israel is one of the most advanced nation living of the U.s. dollars and using u.s. as their goons doing their dirty work and taking the hits for their evil cult

You sound like a jealous Muslim who can't understand why Israelis succeed and the Arab/Muslim World is such a rabid cesspool. Do I have that about right? You may want to take a good, long look at the culture Islam spawned there and another in the mirror.
im not a muslim stupid. im a truth teller. wasn't it begin that bombed the hotel? murdered civilians with guns and rockets? for a land he didn't own? you stupid evil jews saw your shops and houses taken by hitlers nazis and you all turned into nazis when you crusaded into palestine again in the name of your God. God punishes hipocrits and murderers that hide behind his good and holy name. he did it with nazis he'll do it with jews too as he has repeatedly and still you don't learn. stupid arogant proud evil idiots

Yeah? If you're not a Moooooslem then I'm the Queen Of England.

If it talks like a Moooslem, smells like a Moooslem, hates and kills like a Mooooslem, guess what...?
US crazies want a religious war?

That's what the Islamists want. They've said as much, and if anyone is crazy, it is you who defend terrorists. That is sick, especially after terrorists are responsible for the cold-blooded murder of thousands of INNOCENT people on 9/11. Take a good long look in the mirror because YOU are the crazy. :cuckoo:
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:
(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,
You really are a FOOL,with respect of course......Begin was the most ruthless murderer,terrorist and amazingly Prime Minister of Israel and one of the Worst Oppressors the world has ever seen.

You could not have found a worse person to use,in your example.......He was a WAR CRIMINAL......he was a bad Jew.

Now had you have used Prime Minister Rabin or Mr Peres.....I would have praised you
But Sadly Rocco......with respect......You Sir have lost the PLOT...steve
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:
(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,
You really are a FOOL,with respect of course......Begin was the most ruthless murderer,terrorist and amazingly Prime Minister of Israel and one of the Worst Oppressors the world has ever seen.

You could not have found a worse person to use,in your example.......He was a WAR CRIMINAL......he was a bad Jew.

Now had you have used Prime Minister Rabin or Mr Peres.....I would have praised you
But Sadly Rocco......with respect......You Sir have lost the PLOT...steve

Begin was the most ruthless murderer,terrorist

Go to sleep Steve, you're acting paranoid.
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:
(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,
You really are a FOOL,with respect of course......Begin was the most ruthless murderer,terrorist and amazingly Prime Minister of Israel and one of the Worst Oppressors the world has ever seen.

You could not have found a worse person to use,in your example.......He was a WAR CRIMINAL......he was a bad Jew.

Now had you have used Prime Minister Rabin or Mr Peres.....I would have praised you
But Sadly Rocco......with respect......You Sir have lost the PLOT...steve

I love it when stevo acts like he knows what he's talking about.
You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.

In your dreams. Palestinians are just another group of Muslim savages trying to establish yet another terroristic Islamic Khalifate, this one in the holy land of the Jews, Israel. That's how they will be looked upon.

On the other hand Israel will be looked upon as a tiny free and democratic nation that miraculously and brilliantly defended itself from invading Islamofacist barbarians. It did this against all odds, while prospering and being one of the most advanced nations. :clap2:

That's how I view Israel now.
yeah israel is one of the most advanced nation living of the U.s. dollars and using u.s. as their goons doing their dirty work and taking the hits for their evil cult

You sound like a jealous Muslim who can't understand why Israelis succeed and the Arab/Muslim World is such a rabid cesspool. Do I have that about right? You may want to take a good, long look at the culture Islam spawned there and another in the mirror.

im not a muslim stupid.

You're not "muslim stupid?" So exactly what kind of stupid are you?
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:
(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,
You really are a FOOL,with respect of course......Begin was the most ruthless murderer,terrorist and amazingly Prime Minister of Israel and one of the Worst Oppressors the world has ever seen.

You could not have found a worse person to use,in your example.......He was a WAR CRIMINAL......he was a bad Jew.

Now had you have used Prime Minister Rabin or Mr Peres.....I would have praised you
But Sadly Rocco......with respect......You Sir have lost the PLOT...steve

I love it when stevo acts like he knows what he's talking about.

He likes to pretend he's intelligent. I know, I know, but it's fun to watch him misuse simple 3 syllable words.
Last edited:
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:
(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,
You really are a FOOL,with respect of course......Begin was the most ruthless murderer,terrorist and amazingly Prime Minister of Israel and one of the Worst Oppressors the world has ever seen.

You could not have found a worse person to use,in your example.......He was a WAR CRIMINAL......he was a bad Jew.

Now had you have used Prime Minister Rabin or Mr Peres.....I would have praised you
But Sadly Rocco......with respect......You Sir have lost the PLOT...steve

I love it when stevo acts like he knows what he's talking about.

He sounds crazy either way, so it doesn't really matter.
montelatici, et al,

Many revolutionaries, terrorists, guerrillas, and insurgents (anti-government forces in general) attempt to masquerade as freedom fighters; trying to wrap themselves in a flag of patriotism. And while it is true, that some patriotic nation builders started out as revolutionaries, terrorists and insurgents, the Arab Palestinian are neither patriotic or nation builders --- aready given ample time and opportunity to demonstrate both and failing at both.

haissem123, et al,

Throughout recorded history, and the Middle East having more than most, are annals and annal of legendary exploits of armies and kings on conquests and quests to units lands under a single banner. They were all expansionist and taking by force what they could. Muhammad (PBUH) was just such a person, at war for more than a decade (622 - 632) within the region on the road to Mecca. He was the first among the Jihadist that raided, brought sieges upon --- using coercion, intimidation and used hegemonic diplomacy, to establish allies or subdued and suppress a whole host of Arab tribes, settlements and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful regional merchants.

they want to the u.n. and other police agaencies, which u.s. and britian were supposed to be a just ones of these police and they found all these agencies weak and corrupted by the money and violence the zionist nazi faction has. we'll all pay for our cowardice of letting these injustices go on in our names,.


One of the great problems in the later part of the 20th Century were the developments behind the fundamental ideas that:
  • The Allies Powers should act as the "World Police;" and actively going out and subduing and suppressing evil doers.
  • The Allied Powers should take those bold steps to carve-out places of safety and security for people and cultures historically treated unfairly.
Believe me, the US and the other Allied Powers understand the costs and have paid the price, over and over again.

As for the cowardice and injustices gone in the name of the UN and Allied Powers, that remains to be seen. The perpetual victims (AKA Arab Palestinians) have never demonstrated any propensity for heroism and justice. They are just in it for themselves, never look at the causes greater then themselves which is the hallmark of heroism. In the end, history will not look kindly on the people that used terrorism and murder in their vindictive quest to expand another failed state.

Most Respectfully,

You are full of crap. History will look just as kindly at the Palestinians as they have towards the Algerian, South African and other freedom fighters fighting a foreign occupation/colonization.


Which one of these is not like the other?


Answer: Of course the answer is " Menachem Begin." Why? Because his was the only effort that actually resulted in self-rule and a successful government.


Terrorism is “the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
And an insurgency is “an organized resistance movement that uses subversion, sabotage, and armed conflict to achieve its aims. Insurgencies normally seek to overthrow the existing social order and reallocate power within the country. Used in tandem they attempt to:

(1) Overthrow an established government without a follow-on social revolution.
(2) Establish an autonomous national territory within the borders of a state.
(3) Cause the withdrawal of an occupying power.
(4) Extract political concessions that are unattainable through less violent means."​

The Arab Palestinian resistance fits this bill perfectly.

Most Respectfully,
Indeed, not unlike any other people who defend/liberate their countries.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.
I came across British Fascists about the same time.These racist scum have not altered British society one jot.
As long as the moderate Muslims continue to react against the minority of barbarians in their midst that will not change.The British public are far to savvy to believe right wing fascist filth, their wonderful and generous response to the moderate Irish when confronted with American funded IRA terrorism is a good example.
British imams put fatwa on Islamic State The Times of Israel

Ps benefit cheat why are you not making sandwiches?
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.

I think the IRA would get a bit upset at you calling them Muslims. What actual Muslim "terrorist" attacks on the UK were there in the 1970's and 1980's then? I must have blinked and missed them.
The U.S. is very unusual. Most of the world is negative on Israel except a few Subsaharan African countries.


Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.

Phoney, can you please provide links for your rants...

"escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's"

"This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims"

"full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem"

I would be really like to see links supporting those three comments....
OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

That's funny, according to mentally challenged Challenger, a majority of Americans that are strong supporters of Israel are crazy right wing brainwashed people.

Americans see Palestinians as a small part of a greater worldwide problem that modern civilization is having with Muslims.

True story dude. :clap2:

What IS funny is that most Americans wouldn't be able to Identify Israel on a map of the Middle East! :finger3:

They don't need to know where a place is located to know what the conflict is really about, and who the players are.

Israel represents freedom, democracy, Western values and coexistence and Palestinians represent Islamism and Muslim intolerance and terroristic violence.


Israel represents what Apartheid South Africa represented, oppression and racism. There is no democracy that doesn't allow half of the people under its control to vote.

So once again were is the aparthied within Israels borders ?
Try again, douchebag, the topic of this thread isn't "what is worldwide opinion of Israel's influence". And stop derailing the thread.

OOppsss Title of thread "What do normal people, think of the Palestinians?"

The post is valid!

Sorry Humanity, you missread the OP. Roughly translated it should read, "What do aging, overweight Fascists, Right-wing born-again Zionists and their wannabee Judaeophile followers, all force fed BS by Fox news and other Pro Zionist sites, think about the nebulous entity they call "Mooslims", with particular reference to 9/11 (because most of them need a clue as to why they should hate "Mooslims" and are too stupid to think for themselves). Nothing to see or do here, moving on.

My bad Challenger... Sorry!

Moving on...

I came across ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM in the UK as far back as the mid to late 1970's. Then it escalated and became commonplace right through the 1980's. This set the scene for the British contempt and distrust of islam and the muslims, which is now full blown hatred after the murder of a British Subject in a Synagogue in Jerusalem. We look after our own and this murder will not go unpunished.

I think the IRA would get a bit upset at you calling them Muslims. What actual Muslim "terrorist" attacks on the UK were there in the 1970's and 1980's then? I must have blinked and missed them.

The rape of underage girls for starters, the attacks on individuals by gangs of muslims. Then the attacks and kidnapping of British subjects giving humanitarian aid to the people of Lebanon. The bombing of a Pan Am flight over Britain, the Iranian embassy siege. Do you want more, or were you hoping I did not remember all these ?

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