What do Republicans want?

Of course they're not being 'replaced'; that's a ridiculous lie used to keep the Republican base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.

Among other things - they seem terrified of becoming a minority. They can't handle all the changes. They seem to view everyone "not them" as a threat. They fight against compromise and consensus. It's hard for government to function properly for everyone without compromise and consensus.
Sure... Nobody believes you. Even if you did actually think all of that...where are your posts taking fellow conservatives to task? Trump says we should get rid of EVs. Still want to have his baby? Of course you do.
When did Trump say we should get rid of EV's? Do you even understand the difference between a gradual shift from gas and diesel powered vehicles to EV's? I don't think anyone has a problem with that. The problem is when extremists want to ban gas and diesel powered vehicles now, when we're not even close to being prepared for that to happen and when the raw materials to MAKE those EV's aren't controlled by us but are controlled by countries like China! That's just plain idiotic!
We'd like our borders to be secure. By building a useless wall that Mexico is going to pay for? Or by utilizing technology to improve security in our ports of entry?

We'd like our streets to be safe. Then why are you trying to make guns so easily available to anyone including crazies?

We'd like a military that's strong. It is strong. It's the strongest military in the world by a long shot. We're paying around 800 Billion dollars a year for it.

We'd like our kids to learn real life skills in school not woke nonsense. In other words, pretend that slavery, Jim Crow, and discrimination never existed and doesn't impact people today.

We'd like our vote to be protected. By being able to overturn elections that don't go your way?

We'd like our leaders to understand economics. Republicans cut taxes, and then spend like crazy running up the deficit and national debt. They don't have any greater grasp of economics than anyone else.

We'd like a Main Stream Media that reported the news instead of trying to influence the news. They do report the news. Maybe the truth has a liberal bent.

We'd like our borders to be secure. By building a useless wall that Mexico is going to pay for? Or by utilizing technology to improve security in our ports of entry?

Both. And by deporting illegals.

We'd like our streets to be safe. Then why are you trying to make guns so easily available to anyone including crazies?

Why are dems letting criminals out on bail? Or with no bail. Even criminals who used guns.

We'd like a military that's strong. It is strong. It's the strongest military in the world by a long shot. We're paying around 800 Billion dollars a year for it.

The dems should stop weakening it.

We'd like our kids to learn real life skills in school not woke nonsense. In other words, pretend that slavery, Jim Crow, and discrimination never existed and doesn't impact people today.

Teach those things, without teaching hate for our country. And teach reading and math first.

We'd like our vote to be protected. By being able to overturn elections that don't go your way?

By stopping dems from cheating.

We'd like our leaders to understand economics. Republicans cut taxes, and then spend like crazy running up the deficit and national debt. They don't have any greater grasp of economics than anyone else.

The current crop of dems make the Republicans look like fucking geniuses.

We'd like a Main Stream Media that reported the news instead of trying to influence the news. They do report the news. Maybe the truth has a liberal bent.

What was the liberal bent concerning Hunter's laptop?
Yes. Conservatives are the most intellectually lazy people on the planet. This is why you guys hate everything and see whatever comes next as a threat.

Even your insults are lame.

How you feel about solar? Against.
Electric Vehicles? Against
Opening trade with Cuba? Against.
Gays in the military? Against
Transgender equality? Against
Gay marriage? Against
I could go on for hours listing everything you're against.

What is Transgender equality?
Among other things - they seem terrified of becoming a minority. They can't handle all the changes. They seem to view everyone "not them" as a threat. They fight against compromise and consensus. It's hard for government to function properly for everyone without compromise and consensus.
Your ilk is the one freaking because your camp is about to become the minority.
It's politics, deal with it.
"Can't handle all the changes"? Like high crime? Like high inflation? Like high energy costs? Like high fuel costs?
Like illegal invasion on our southern border? Those kind of changes?

Are you nuts???? No need to answer, that was a rhetorical question.
When did Trump say we should get rid of EV's?
Here you go:

trump states we should get rid of electric vehicles
Do you even understand the difference between a gradual shift from gas and diesel powered vehicles to EV's? I don't think anyone has a problem with that.
Your blob does.
The problem is when extremists want to ban gas and diesel powered vehicles now, when we're not even close to being prepared for that to happen and when the raw materials to MAKE those EV's aren't controlled by us but are controlled by countries like China! That's just plain idiotic!
Quote someone of any prominence saying that we should ban those vehicles "now" please.
Among other things - they seem terrified of becoming a minority. They can't handle all the changes. They seem to view everyone "not them" as a threat. They fight against compromise and consensus. It's hard for government to function properly for everyone without compromise and consensus.
That is what you are being told, but you are terrified of people deciding to choose common sense. Why else do you demonize anyone you don't agree with? In case you really do live under a rock, people are beginning to realize skin color doesn't choose who you have to vote for. More and more people are figuring this out. I find it funny you flooded the country illegally to gain votes, but then everyone found out you are nuts and said no thanks.
That is what you are being told, but you are terrified of people deciding to choose common sense. Why else do you demonize anyone you don't agree with? In case you really do live under a rock, people are beginning to realize skin color doesn't choose who you have to vote for. More and more people are figuring this out. I find it funny you flooded the country illegally to gain votes, but then everyone found out you are nuts and said no thanks.
lock her up
lock her up

I find you funny.
lock her up
lock her up

I find you funny.
You have to admit your becoming a minority argument is bs since your base is shrinking at a high clip. Everyone is seeing the nonsense you guys are coming up with and saying heck no. Democrats are flipping sides in large numbers. Whoops. Maybe cut back on the corruption and try not to make it so people can't afford to buy groceries. Whatever your plan is, people who can't afford food are not going to say you are doing a good job, or that it isn't your fault.
You have to admit your becoming a minority argument is bs since your base is shrinking at a high clip. Everyone is seeing the nonsense you guys are coming up with and saying heck no. Democrats are flipping sides in large numbers. Whoops. Maybe cut back on the corruption and try not to make it so people can't afford to buy groceries. Whatever your plan is, people who can't afford food are not going to say you are doing a good job, or that it isn't your fault.
306>232. scoreboard.
First, there hasn't been much in the way of conservatism and limited government. Trump signed and applauded a massive increase in spending and begged the Fed to INCREASE quantitative easing and to DECREASE interest rates. That would have made Keynes turn over in his freaking grave. Then he and his flock bragged about "the greatest economy ever", without even knowing how his decent economy happened.

Second, that's not the manipulation I'm talking about. There's no reason for me to get into it.
I won't argue that conservatism isn't happening, but it appears pretty obvious that the Biden administration has made the economy the worst it has been in at least fifty years. Go ahead and tear conservatives apart on spending, but whatever the collectivists are doing is obviously making things much worse. I know you will say things are bad globally, and that everything is the previous administration's fault, but I don't think people who can't afford groceries are going to believe you. As for whatever manipulation you believe is happening, the fact that democrats shit the bed and are making it hard for people to afford things is the primary issue.
Republicans want to advance the tyranny of Republican minority rule and pursue their failed, wrongheaded agenda contrary to the will of the majority of the American people.

The American People are about to kick your sorry democommie ass all the way to Timbuktu.

Don't come back, either. Next time it'll be painful for you.
We want competent people running our government! Why would anyone vote for a Democrat after what you people have done to the country in two short years?
That is correct. WE should be voting for people who have shown that no matter what party they favor they follow the laws and established norms.

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