What do Republicans want?

What Fraud? There are audits after audits after audits. As Rudy said...." We have lots of theories...just no evidence."

Face it. trump is a child who cannot admit he lost. The "massive voter fraud" lie has caused all the violence and chaos we see. He is a cancer on our electoral system.
Again, wouldn't it be more productive to improve the system and at least act like you care? Wouldn't that be more productive. You know, Biden and unity.
Again, wouldn't it be more productive to improve the system and at least act like you care? Wouldn't that be more productive. You know, Biden and unity.
Improving the system is NOT repeating the Big Lie over and over for two....soon to be four years. Trump has caused violence and threats against both voters and poll workers...in addition to elected officials and candidates. He is a CANCER on democracy.
Improving the system is NOT repeating the Big Lie over and over for two....soon to be four years. Trump has caused violence and threats against both voters and poll workers...in addition to elected officials and candidates. He is a CANCER on democracy.
Again, even if you think everything is awesome, what is the harm in making the elections MORE secure. Wouldn't that be an outcome everyone could agree with?
Unemployment is low. Workforce participation is up. The largest generation is aging out. We’re still 10 million workers short.
We need more people.
Did you forget they don't count people as unemployed who aren't looking for work? Obama started that trend. 401k is down I've lost over 10,000 dollars since Biden has been president.
Again, even if you think everything is awesome, what is the harm in making the elections MORE secure. Wouldn't that be an outcome everyone could agree with?
Democrats don't want a secure election
They want to destroy our electoral system. They want a one party system....MAGA repubs. They want to abandon Ukraine and hand Poootin all the old Soviet countries.

It sounds like a Poootin agenda or a trump rally..

Make Russia Great Again. MRGA
That's all on you retard
Improving the system is NOT repeating the Big Lie over and over for two....soon to be four years. Trump has caused violence and threats against both voters and poll workers...in addition to elected officials and candidates. He is a CANCER on democracy.
Dumbass comment of 2022
What do Republicans want?
They want to return America to an idealized past that never existed to being with – a past far from ideal for women, Americans of color, gay and transgender Americans, and immigrants.

Republicans want to return America to a time of racism, bigotry, and hate – a time when Americans of color and other minorities were marginalized and excluded from political participation, a time when it was a crime to be gay or transgender, and a time when immigrants could be discriminated against absent due process of the law.

Republicans have succeeded in returning women to that of second-class citizens, denying them their right to reproductive autonomy – and Republicans won’t stop at criminalizing abortion, hence the right’s ongoing war on democracy.
They want to return America to an idealized past that never existed to being with – a past far from ideal for women, Americans of color, gay and transgender Americans, and immigrants.

Republicans want to return America to a time of racism, bigotry, and hate – a time when Americans of color and other minorities were marginalized and excluded from political participation, a time when it was a crime to be gay or transgender, and a time when immigrants could be discriminated against absent due process of the law.

Republicans have succeeded in returning women to that of second-class citizens, denying them their right to reproductive autonomy – and Republicans won’t stop at criminalizing abortion, hence the right’s ongoing war on democracy.

Oh look, more bullshit from the elitist leftard pricks.

This is the stupidest shit I've heard in a long time.

Just when you think these dumbass leftards can't get any dumber, they outdo themselves.

Buncha lying asswipes. Three more days and then these dimwits are gone. Damn good riddance.
Without excusing spending from either side, why doesn't the economy improve when the democrats blow through money? They have pushed the budget for years, and somehow when they spend money, everyone becomes poorer by a large margin. I know you condemn the woke nonsense, even though you take jabs at white people and religion, so if you add the sheer incompetence with money, what do you see in democrat leadership?
Democrats tax and spend, Republicans borrow and spend. All the talk radio rhetoric aside, that's what happens. Republicans have been told since the day that Limbaugh went national that they're economic geniuses simply because they have an (R) after their name. That is an absolute lie. A fantasy. My 22 years as a financial advisor has taught me that beyond any shadow of a doubt.

What do I see in Democratic leadership? Partisan politics. Tedious, predictable, insulting, partisan bullshit rhetoric. The enabling of destructive political correctness and identity politics, which played a BIG role in bringing us Trumpism. And one of the things I will ALWAYS resent the GQP for is the fact that I had to vote for the Democratic candidate in the last two presidential elections.

I'm not even political. All this crap isn't about politics for me, because I don't understand politics (or more specifically, the behaviors and motivating factors therein). It's about sociology, anthropology, about us as a people. And it sure doesn't look very promising right now.
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No. The founders did not approve of mob rule. You won't either when conservatives stop you into the ground on election night
A democratic republic (which we are, is not “mob rule” . Far from it.

The Founders did NOT want a minority “faction” (party) to control policy and that is what you want when you go on about us being a Republic.
Again, even if you think everything is awesome, what is the harm in making the elections MORE secure. Wouldn't that be an outcome everyone could agree with?
Elections ARE secure. You efforts to “make them more secure” are aimed squarely at getting Republicans elected.
So many commies. :cuckoo:
Marxists....Just like you....

Oh look, more bullshit from the elitist leftard pricks.

This is the stupidest shit I've heard in a long time.

Just when you think these dumbass leftards can't get any dumber, they outdo themselves.

Buncha lying asswipes. Three more days and then these dimwits are gone. Damn good riddance.

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