What do the 47% get?

47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?

They get to be less parasitic!!

Shafted because they aren't the Americans republicans want to make great.

Over 95% of Americans are in the top 50% at some point of their lives.

So yes, they want to help the over 95%. And with the wealth generated by the 95% perhaps we can have some extra left over to help the remaining 5% who actually have real ISSUES and thus can not participate. Not this well bodied, but too lazy to lift ones ass crap.
Poor Americans... I always get a kick out of this phrase. It amazes me that the majority of "poor Americans" and/or their households are overweight (well fed), own cars, have internet connections, and have smart/cell phones. Poor, "poor Americans"...
Only ignorant people think fat people are WELL fed, they are not well fed, that's why they are fat silly....

True that, but they are fed nonetheless.

47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?
Good Lord! That's about the stupidest thing I've heard that didn't come out of Tigered's mouth.
why? they pay federal taxes/federal revenues....SS, Medicare, Gas taxes, Cggie taxes and other excise taxes all in to federal revenues?

you took their surplus SS taxes and gave it to the top 1% in income tax relief...when the 1% don't even pay in to SS taxes....

Is not the purpose of tax relief... to spur the economy? no one puts money back in to the economy faster than the poorest, they spend every dime they get, right back in to the economy....

so should the new slogan be,

Make America Great again for Everyone BUT the lower 47%
47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?
Good Lord! That's about the stupidest thing I've heard that didn't come out of Tigered's mouth.
why? they pay federal taxes/federal revenues....SS, Medicare, Gas taxes, Cggie taxes and other excise taxes all in to federal revenues?

you took their surplus SS taxes and gave it to the top 1% in income tax relief...when the 1% don't even pay in to SS taxes....

Is not the purpose of tax relief... to spur the economy? no one puts money back in to the economy faster than the poorest, they spend every dime they get, right back in to the economy....

so should the new slogan be,

Make America Great again for Everyone BUT the lower 47%

So 47% of Americans are raking in from the rest? Maybe it's time the Americans were put back into productive work....like President Trump is trying to do.

47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?
Good Lord! That's about the stupidest thing I've heard that didn't come out of Tigered's mouth.
why? they pay federal taxes/federal revenues....SS, Medicare, Gas taxes, Cggie taxes and other excise taxes all in to federal revenues?

you took their surplus SS taxes and gave it to the top 1% in income tax relief...when the 1% don't even pay in to SS taxes....

Is not the purpose of tax relief... to spur the economy? no one puts money back in to the economy faster than the poorest, they spend every dime they get, right back in to the economy....

so should the new slogan be,

Make America Great again for Everyone BUT the lower 47%

As was repeatedly explained, almost every American will be in the top 53% at some point in their lives. The law only helping the 53% is a complete lie. Keeping your head in sand does not make you look very credible.

The rest of the reply is completely confused nonsense. The SS surplus was spent by bunch of far left morons to buy vote from mostly entitlement seeking women like yourself and bunch of far right warmongers to fight their Vietnam war. These cuts have nothing to do with social security... that's not to say cutting SS, medicaid and medicare are bad ideas, in fact all those are brilliant ideas.
47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?
Good Lord! That's about the stupidest thing I've heard that didn't come out of Tigered's mouth.
why? they pay federal taxes/federal revenues....SS, Medicare, Gas taxes, Cggie taxes and other excise taxes all in to federal revenues?

you took their surplus SS taxes and gave it to the top 1% in income tax relief...when the 1% don't even pay in to SS taxes....

Is not the purpose of tax relief... to spur the economy? no one puts money back in to the economy faster than the poorest, they spend every dime they get, right back in to the economy....

so should the new slogan be,

Make America Great again for Everyone BUT the lower 47%
They put their money right back into the economy... There's truth to that. And that truth reveals the actual cause of their condition. Bad decision making. In fact bad decision making is the common theme to virtually all the woes of so called "poor Americans".
47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?
There is a very simple solution to this injustice. Make everyone pay federal taxes. Everyone would then get a tax break and would be ever so grateful.
FYI-the standard deduction when income taxes were first introduced in this nation was the equivalent of $65,000 in today's dollar....the poor and middle income earners NEVER HAD TO PAY income tax...the first 65k was the standard deduction...only the wealthiest had to pay.....ON what they earned above the 65k.
How would a bloated government survive without taxing the middle class? What would happen to social programs and the war department?
the wealthiest are taxed at a higher rate above a million a year....

and taxing everyone could very well be the problem...Congress critters saw dollar signs by going to everyone being taxed...and waste and abuse began....also growing our defense spending went through the roof....

if only the wealthiest were taxed, then congress critters would get holy hell from the wealthiest on spending as example $700 billion/ that's seven hundred thousand million dollars on the defense dept each year and we ALL KNOW the wealthy have congress's ear...
I could not agree more.

The wealthiest however are the ones who benefit the most from big government, as it is constructed today. In your scenario, it would be a mere revenue transfer...from the wealthy to the government, back to the healthy. Much like it is today, but without taking wealth from middle and low income Americans.
47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?
They shouldn't get anything since they are paying nothing
The vast majority work and work very hard!

Of course you'll shit on them as you're an anti-American piece of scum that hate the avg worker on the street. Funny how you always side with the rich and their abuse of the worker. That is exactly your agenda and why it is to deregulate the rich so the rich can fuck over the worker and the common man.

I am up on your game.

Well said, Comrade! We can see you have been studying Marx and Lenin closely!
Hey shit head! Seniors on social security don't pay income tax because they won't make enough to exceed the standard deduction!

Why don't you go to bed and get some rest? Being that stupid has to be really exhausting!
no kidding, that's why they are part of the 47% not paying federal income tax now....

So why are you bitching? They don't pay any more in taxes and they don't pay any less because
having trouble with your reading comprehension?

what are they getting out of this biggest tax cut in our history of Trump's? Cuts to their medicare.

More lies, this bill does nothing to medicare.

not a lie at all....RYAN said it, his next task is to cut and reform entitlement programs INCLUDING MEDICARE....All so the corporations, who are already swimming in cash....and have not invested in the USA with it nor raised worker salaries.... can get even more cash through the tax cuts for them....and 35% of these corporations are owned by foreigners....so they are giving a tax cut to foreigners and nothing to the 47% OF the citizens living here....well that's just GRAND isn't it?

it's bull crap that they pay no federal taxes, they pay federal SS taxes and Federal Medicare taxes and they pay federal cigarette taxes which was suppose to pay for CHIP and the republicans killed that....but kept the darn taxes for it from these mostly poor that smoke.... and they pay federal gas taxes and other excise taxes....to the federal kitty.

if congress wanted to give a tax cut to workers, then they would have given a payroll tax cut....it's all in the same budget.

Where are your links to his comments?

Where is your link to CHIP being defunded?

Why should they get a break on all of the other federal taxes if no one else does?
Poor Americans... I always get a kick out of this phrase. It amazes me that the majority of "poor Americans" and/or their households are overweight (well fed), own cars, have internet connections, and have smart/cell phones. Poor, "poor Americans"...
Only ignorant people think fat people are WELL fed, they are not well fed, that's why they are fat silly....

You need to learn the difference in food and nutrition.
47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?

That's kind of the nature of cause and effect. When we give a break to the people paying for everything by allowing them to keep more of their money, only the people shelling out money to pay for everything have more money to keep. I don't understand how this is immoral.
47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?
Good Lord! That's about the stupidest thing I've heard that didn't come out of Tigered's mouth.
why? they pay federal taxes/federal revenues....SS, Medicare, Gas taxes, Cggie taxes and other excise taxes all in to federal revenues?

you took their surplus SS taxes and gave it to the top 1% in income tax relief...when the 1% don't even pay in to SS taxes....

Is not the purpose of tax relief... to spur the economy? no one puts money back in to the economy faster than the poorest, they spend every dime they get, right back in to the economy....

so should the new slogan be,

Make America Great again for Everyone BUT the lower 47%

Why must you ALWAYS lie? If you work, you pay into something. If you don't pay in, you don't get the benefit.

I don't pay into SS because I have a state retirement plan, which is currently being decimated because some Democrats forgot to fund it for the past decade or so.
47% of American citizens do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes....

What do they get out of this alleged TAX CUT?

Are they not affected at all other than reducing their benefits like their health care benefit and cutting their medicare and cutting their social security and/or cutting their CHIP benefit?
Good Lord! That's about the stupidest thing I've heard that didn't come out of Tigered's mouth.
why? they pay federal taxes/federal revenues....SS, Medicare, Gas taxes, Cggie taxes and other excise taxes all in to federal revenues?

you took their surplus SS taxes and gave it to the top 1% in income tax relief...when the 1% don't even pay in to SS taxes....

Is not the purpose of tax relief... to spur the economy? no one puts money back in to the economy faster than the poorest, they spend every dime they get, right back in to the economy....

so should the new slogan be,

Make America Great again for Everyone BUT the lower 47%

What retard told you that the 1 percent doesn't pay into SS taxes?
Why is it that O'Bama's tax & spending policies added TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to the national debt over 8 years, and no leftists were concerned that that excess in spending would have any effect on Social Security and Medicare.

And now we have an ESTIMATE from the CBO (which is ALWAYS WRONG in their projections) that the Republican tax plan will add ONE TENTH OF THAT AMOUNT to the national debt over the NEXT TEN YEARS, it is called a threat to Social Security and Medicare.

There are only two possibilities: Leftists are incredibly stupid, or Leftists are liars.

Neither of these options speaks very well of the Democrat Party.
Why is it that O'Bama's tax & spending policies added TEN TRILLION DOLLARS to the national debt over 8 years, and no leftists were concerned that that excess in spending would have any effect on Social Security and Medicare.

And now we have an ESTIMATE from the CBO (which is ALWAYS WRONG in their projections) that the Republican tax plan will add ONE TENTH OF THAT AMOUNT to the national debt over the NEXT TEN YEARS, it is called a threat to Social Security and Medicare.

There are only two possibilities: Leftists are incredibly stupid, or Leftists are liars.

Neither of these options speaks very well of the Democrat Party.

They are stupid liars!

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