CDZ What do we do with the people who are no longer needed......

Give the old all the heroin they want. Good clean strong opiates. Let them go out comfortably num. Maybe quicker? OD? If they want it?........why not?

Or they will give them the "demise" pill. Euthanasia is going to come back in a big time way......
In a recent episode of Anthony Bourdain's travel show, he was in China.
And it was interesting that one of his guest was one of China's top economist.
And his answer to Anthony's question - What is the greatest challenge facing America and China? - His answer surprised me..."what to do with the people who are no longer needed to contribute to the economy"...he went on to say that through technology, out sourcing, robotocs and mergers - it is a simple and increasing fact that the economy needs less people to produce and serve what the population needs and wants are. So what do we do with the increasing number of people who are not needed?

This is a fascinating topic.
Do we lower the retirement age, therefore providing more jobs to developing families?
Provide "payment" to one adult family member for staying home?
Screw them?

This isn't a future problem, in China it is a HUGE problem...and as sure as you are reading this. it will be a HUGE problem in America certainly in the next decade.
Less people are needed to service the economic wants/needs of the public. It is an indelible fact, that is getting worse.
So what is the answer?

Thing is that through technology advancement in the past 100 years, the length of time people are required to work just INCREASES.

If you go around shops in affluent countries, you'll find loads of crap. Stuff nobody would ever need in their lifetime. But people buy this crap as presents, or just because they like the look of it etc. We're good at moving on from what is necessary to what isn't.

From a work perspective you can see that the western world has moved towards a service industry. There are the few who produce stuff that is needed with these robots, but because so much is being produced people then have to pay for services, and the whole money making train moves towards that.

The biggest problem comes with very low paid jobs. People become affluent and don't want to do these jobs, so immigrants take them, which causes loads of problems in the first place. Can these jobs be automated? Is it worth automating them? Probably not, though they try anyway. The thing is, people will always be needed for something or other, and if they're not needed then they become consumers anyway, so are needed.
There is definitely a "soft kill" genocide program in place and has been for some time. The ones that really rule this world and have the majority of the wealth are not going to subsidize "worthless eaters" with the coming robotics and trans-humanism age. I have this "death by a thousand cuts" theory....not any one thing will kill but rather it's an accumulative affect. They have poisoned the water with sodium fluoride, they fed us genetically modified food, they taint the vaccines. Cancer and AIDS are man made and they have the cure for both but unless you are one of the elites., you will never be given access to it. Frequencies from our cellphones and cellphone towers attack the immune system. The same type of frequencies that attack us are the same type of frequencies that can kill cancer cells while leaving the good cells alone...unlike chemo that kills both good and bad. They are spraying us like bugs with the aerosol spraying of the skies and this shit not only lands in our food supply and water, but we breathe it in as well. Alzheimer's cases have gone through the roof because one of the nano-particulates that they are spraying is aluminum. I will provide a link by a doctor/researcher about the affect of chemtrails below. They have 17 different spraying programs with no oversight because it falls under the catch all of "national defense". In the mean time this shit is killing the plankton in the oceans and lakes which provides oxygen to sea life that we use for food. Fukishima has pretty much killed the sea life in the Pacific ocean and the corporate owned media keeps that story under wraps. The elites are killing our food supply and they are using weather modification in conjunction with the aerosol spraying to steer rain away from farms or deluge them with rain during gathering time WHILE making money on it using the derivatives market. If you know that Iowa is going to get blasted with with rain during corn harvesting? You can go ":short" and make a fortune. This is happening and this is real......

Is this some kind of performance art thing for you? No one can be so much of a stereotypical conspiracy-nut headcase as you are obviously trying to be.
There is definitely a "soft kill" genocide program in place and has been for some time. The ones that really rule this world and have the majority of the wealth are not going to subsidize "worthless eaters" with the coming robotics and trans-humanism age. I have this "death by a thousand cuts" theory....not any one thing will kill but rather it's an accumulative affect. They have poisoned the water with sodium fluoride, they fed us genetically modified food, they taint the vaccines. Cancer and AIDS are man made and they have the cure for both but unless you are one of the elites., you will never be given access to it. Frequencies from our cellphones and cellphone towers attack the immune system. The same type of frequencies that attack us are the same type of frequencies that can kill cancer cells while leaving the good cells alone...unlike chemo that kills both good and bad. They are spraying us like bugs with the aerosol spraying of the skies and this shit not only lands in our food supply and water, but we breathe it in as well. Alzheimer's cases have gone through the roof because one of the nano-particulates that they are spraying is aluminum. I will provide a link by a doctor/researcher about the affect of chemtrails below. They have 17 different spraying programs with no oversight because it falls under the catch all of "national defense". In the mean time this shit is killing the plankton in the oceans and lakes which provides oxygen to sea life that we use for food. Fukishima has pretty much killed the sea life in the Pacific ocean and the corporate owned media keeps that story under wraps. The elites are killing our food supply and they are using weather modification in conjunction with the aerosol spraying to steer rain away from farms or deluge them with rain during gathering time WHILE making money on it using the derivatives market. If you know that Iowa is going to get blasted with with rain during corn harvesting? You can go ":short" and make a fortune. This is happening and this is real......

Is this some kind of performance art thing for you? No one can be so much of a stereotypical conspiracy-nut headcase as you are obviously trying to be.

Do you really think I like posting about this shit? I would much rather be doing something learning some more exotic bass riffs....or playing in poker tournaments. I have dedicated myself and my time to trying to wake people up as to what is really going on. This is serious shit and you don't have the chops nor the where-with-all to deter me. Debate me on this or STFU and take advantage of the heavy lifting I have done in order to help people like you. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the's your choice but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I can prove every contention I have made with science. GMO's are unhealthy and rats fed nothing but genetically modified corn grow fatty tumors and after three generations become sterile. I have a friend that did research for Syngenta at UC Berkley that discovered that their herbicide atrazine caused gender confusion and genitalia deformities in amphibians and this shit is sprayed on half the corn crops in America. He has been persecuted and ostracized for doing so. Chem-trails are fucking doubt, you can take it to the fucking bank that it is going on and has since 1997. Soil and water samples do not lie and I can provide the proof. What do YOU have to counter my arguments? Don't be be a pussy poster hiding behind anonymity..... "man up" and debate me or STFU. I am trying to HELP you, dumb ass.......
There is definitely a "soft kill" genocide program in place and has been for some time......

Take your crazy idiot show to the Conspiracy Forum, you fruitcake.

I have a suggestion........

I have a suggestion...check yourself in for at least 30 days before you harm yourself, fruitcake.

I have a some reading and research....spend even 100 hours...gather your "facts and data" and then get back to me so you can even lamely attempt to counter my contentions.. Ya see, I know more than you...infinitely more.

Do you really think I like posting about this shit?...........

You love it because you have nothing else. You have no life, no identity, no sense of self-importance out in the real world, so you have to keep posting this nonsense and you have to keep insisting on how significant your little fantasies are or else - you're afraid - you'll cease to exist. You are truly a sad, sorry excuse for a human being. It's a real shame that there is no one in your life who cares enough to get you the help you need before it's too late.

Do you really think I like posting about this shit?...........

You love it because you have nothing else. You have no life, no identity, no sense of self-importance out in the real world, so you have to keep posting this nonsense and you have to keep insisting on how significant your little fantasies are or else - you're afraid - you'll cease to exist. You are truly a sad, sorry excuse for a human being. It's a real shame that there is no one in your life who cares enough to get you the help you need before it's too late.

As usual, you are wrong. I was once one of the sheeple that did the same kind of shit to people that you are lamely trying to do to me.....difference is that I woke up. You lack the education to even counter what I post lamely flail away with useless insults that have no affect at all. You say that they are not spraying nano-particulates into the upper ionosphere that lands into our food and water even though soil and water samples shows unsafe levels of strontium, aluminum and barium nano-particulates says otherwise? Counter it........because I can prove my claims. You think that genetically modified food is safe? I can show you a multitude of scientific studies that says otherwise. You think that Atrazine is a safe herbicide with no potential side affects? I can prove you wrong 8 ways to Sunday. You think that cellphone towers do not put off radio waves that break down our immune system? I can prove you wrong on that as well. Water fluoridation.....tell me that it is safe because it is actually a bio-hazard waste and those handling it have to wear protective gear but yet they dump it into the water supply......let's debate that......bring some game...prove me wrong or STFU and listen to me.
Well, I’m not sure where the discussion is at. But it doesn’t take much of a scientist to figure out that there are finite resources on the planet we inhabit and, thanks to our anatomy and physical attraction, a potentially infinite number of resource consuming humans on the way.

The options, to me, seem to be either:

A) Find more resources
B) Dramatically conserve the resources we have

A) This would demand space exploration and space exploitation. We know the former; colonies on the moon, Mars, space stations, territorial conquests of planets we haven’t even come across yet…. The latter is something that holds more promise in my view; at least short term. We’re talking mega-jumbo works to make more of our land livable. Wikipedia has a page of what they call mega projects: List of megaprojects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and to say that they are disheartening is an understatement. True, they are large projects and some are for the greater good…but most are simple business ventures. What I’m envisioning is (and I’ve mentioned this before), a shipping canal from San Diego to Brownsville, TX to replace the Panama Canal. Not only would this act as the needed wall between the two nations, it would also involve bringing water out to New Mexico, Arizona and the Mojave in California.

B) Conservation is not a viable option in the face of rising populations. Nor is it politically appetizing.

That is to say that when “people are no longer needed”…my question is “needed for what?” If you can see life as a philosopher or an artist or a chef or entertainer, I think you have a good jump on the rest of us who think of work as a transaction that makes the rest of life livable. Who is to say that if you don’t produce X, you’re value is less than those who do?
Progressives, true to form, prove they really aren't about progress and advancing civilization, but rather are about regression and brutality.

The panic.over our so called.over.population is based on complete.nonsense.

This isn't about population. It is about available sustaining employment for the WORKING population.
As I have stated here 1000 times, unemployment is not the biggest problem...UNDERemployment is.
Via technology, outsourcing, mergers etc. - all of which are growing, the number of good paying jobs in ratio to the number of available employable people - this is the problem, not over-population.

Do you really think I like posting about this shit?...........

You love it because you have nothing else. You have no life, no identity, no sense of self-importance out in the real world, so you have to keep posting this nonsense and you have to keep insisting on how significant your little fantasies are or else - you're afraid - you'll cease to exist. You are truly a sad, sorry excuse for a human being. It's a real shame that there is no one in your life who cares enough to get you the help you need before it's too late.
ad hom.
There is definitely a "soft kill" genocide program in place and has been for some time......

Take your crazy idiot show to the Conspiracy Forum, you fruitcake.

I have a suggestion........

I have a suggestion...check yourself in for at least 30 days before you harm yourself, fruitcake.

I have a some reading and research....spend even 100 hours...gather your "facts and data" and then get back to me so you can even lamely attempt to counter my contentions.. Ya see, I know more than you...infinitely more.
ad hom.
There is definitely a "soft kill" genocide program in place and has been for some time. The ones that really rule this world and have the majority of the wealth are not going to subsidize "worthless eaters" with the coming robotics and trans-humanism age. I have this "death by a thousand cuts" theory....not any one thing will kill but rather it's an accumulative affect. They have poisoned the water with sodium fluoride, they fed us genetically modified food, they taint the vaccines. Cancer and AIDS are man made and they have the cure for both but unless you are one of the elites., you will never be given access to it. Frequencies from our cellphones and cellphone towers attack the immune system. The same type of frequencies that attack us are the same type of frequencies that can kill cancer cells while leaving the good cells alone...unlike chemo that kills both good and bad. They are spraying us like bugs with the aerosol spraying of the skies and this shit not only lands in our food supply and water, but we breathe it in as well. Alzheimer's cases have gone through the roof because one of the nano-particulates that they are spraying is aluminum. I will provide a link by a doctor/researcher about the affect of chemtrails below. They have 17 different spraying programs with no oversight because it falls under the catch all of "national defense". In the mean time this shit is killing the plankton in the oceans and lakes which provides oxygen to sea life that we use for food. Fukishima has pretty much killed the sea life in the Pacific ocean and the corporate owned media keeps that story under wraps. The elites are killing our food supply and they are using weather modification in conjunction with the aerosol spraying to steer rain away from farms or deluge them with rain during gathering time WHILE making money on it using the derivatives market. If you know that Iowa is going to get blasted with with rain during corn harvesting? You can go ":short" and make a fortune. This is happening and this is real......

Is this some kind of performance art thing for you? No one can be so much of a stereotypical conspiracy-nut headcase as you are obviously trying to be.

Do you really think I like posting about this shit? I would much rather be doing something learning some more exotic bass riffs....or playing in poker tournaments. I have dedicated myself and my time to trying to wake people up as to what is really going on. This is serious shit and you don't have the chops nor the where-with-all to deter me. Debate me on this or STFU and take advantage of the heavy lifting I have done in order to help people like you. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the's your choice but I guaran-fucking-tee you that I can prove every contention I have made with science. GMO's are unhealthy and rats fed nothing but genetically modified corn grow fatty tumors and after three generations become sterile. I have a friend that did research for Syngenta at UC Berkley that discovered that their herbicide atrazine caused gender confusion and genitalia deformities in amphibians and this shit is sprayed on half the corn crops in America. He has been persecuted and ostracized for doing so. Chem-trails are fucking doubt, you can take it to the fucking bank that it is going on and has since 1997. Soil and water samples do not lie and I can provide the proof. What do YOU have to counter my arguments? Don't be be a pussy poster hiding behind anonymity..... "man up" and debate me or STFU. I am trying to HELP you, dumb ass.......
Ad hom.
The biggest problem comes with very low paid jobs. People become affluent and don't want to do these jobs, so immigrants take them, which causes loads of problems in the first place. Can these jobs be automated? Is it worth automating them? Probably not, though they try anyway. The thing is, people will always be needed for something or other, and if they're not needed then they become consumers anyway, so are needed.

They can and will be automated. How many ditch diggers have been replaced by the backhoe and ditch-witch in the last 50 years? Just because somebody runs a job does not mean that a lot of people who otherwise would be doing it aren't having their jobs killed. Saw a gardening show recently about a farm's manual lettuce picking. One person can now push a contraption down the lettuce rows for an hour that picks the stuff much more quickly than 5 people used to be be able to harvest in a day.

Now I disagree with the Chinese economist from the OP's view of things. He missed a fundamental aspect to economics--people who do not have jobs still need to have incomes or demand contracts, therefore they are still needed to contribute economically.
The biggest problem comes with very low paid jobs. People become affluent and don't want to do these jobs, so immigrants take them, which causes loads of problems in the first place. Can these jobs be automated? Is it worth automating them? Probably not, though they try anyway. The thing is, people will always be needed for something or other, and if they're not needed then they become consumers anyway, so are needed.

They can and will be automated. How many ditch diggers have been replaced by the backhoe and ditch-witch in the last 50 years? Just because somebody runs a job does not mean that a lot of people who otherwise would be doing it aren't having their jobs killed. Saw a gardening show recently about a farm's manual lettuce picking. One person can now push a contraption down the lettuce rows for an hour that picks the stuff much more quickly than 5 people used to be be able to harvest in a day.

Now I disagree with the Chinese economist from the OP's view of things. He missed a fundamental aspect to economics--people who do not have jobs still need to have incomes or demand contracts, therefore they are still needed to contribute economically.

And that is a fine point, yes machinery replaced 100,000's of people...however it created more jobs than it took. Thos machines have to be manufactured, they require a ton of raw materials..and intricate parts manufactured in multiple locations. As well as of course they created numerous whole industries that didn't exist before.
Computerization and automated systems do not create more jobs than they replace, not by a long shot.
Outsourcing is of course almost a 100% job loss.
Company mergers creates an obvious net job loss.
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In a recent episode of Anthony Bourdain's travel show, he was in China.
And it was interesting that one of his guest was one of China's top economist.
And his answer to Anthony's question - What is the greatest challenge facing America and China? - His answer surprised me..."what to do with the people who are no longer needed to contribute to the economy"...he went on to say that through technology, out sourcing, robotocs and mergers - it is a simple and increasing fact that the economy needs less people to produce and serve what the population needs and wants are. So what do we do with the increasing number of people who are not needed?

This is a fascinating topic.
Do we lower the retirement age, therefore providing more jobs to developing families?
Provide "payment" to one adult family member for staying home?
Screw them?

This isn't a future problem, in China it is a HUGE problem...and as sure as you are reading this. it will be a HUGE problem in America certainly in the next decade.
Less people are needed to service the economic wants/needs of the public. It is an indelible fact, that is getting worse.
So what is the answer?
There are 5.8 million unpaid for jobs now. They aren't filled because people don't have the skills. It's not that we don't need people, it's that ignorant people are to lazy to learn. Look at Republicans living in the deep south.

Do these look like people with skills?
What makes you think they are Republicans? Because they have guns? Even if these folks are Republicans, what makes you so sure their buddies are? Talk about stereotyping, I mean wow.

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