What do YOU believe? Russian hacking or leaked documents?

What do you believe in regards to Russian interference or Leaked documents?

  • Russia hacked the DNC

  • A Disgruntled aid released DNC documents to WikiLeaks

  • I just don't know

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Where's the proof Hillary had confidential emails?

Y'all seemed to lap up the FBIs version of shit when it suited you.

Now they are a bunch of liars ?
This isn't about us, it's about what YOU think. Drop the diversionary bullshit and speak your mind on the topic

It ties into the topic . Why are the agencies believable in one situation but not the other?
It does not tie into the topic. If you want to discuss Hillary's emails you're free to create that thread yourself. Vote or be ignored
I'll go with the source.

Assange has said numerous times that no state actor was involved in the information that he released.

And how do you know that is true?
When has Wikileaks been shown untrue?

Wikileaks Assange is one doing the showing. It's a one way street, he reveals what he elects to reveal.

And no is saying emails are fake, in question are orgins and even if he is not lying, how the fuck would he know a disgruntled employee from a Russian operative?

He is an unknown with unknown motivations.
Oh wow, such a difficult choice.

On one side you have the non partisan intelligence community charged with protecting this country and who are experts in their field with decades of experience.


On the other side you have Putin, former KGB, the richest man in the world who has forced people to sign over their wealth to him, suspected of being behind the deaths of dozens of journalists and political opponents who wants to rebuild the Soviet Empire and destroy the European Union and who has invaded and annexed neighboring countries while using the exact same tactics he is accused of using against us. And you have his very close friend and greatest defender Donald Trump who believes Russia has been unfairly maligned.

Such a difficult choice. I think I will go with American Intelligence just because Putin shirtless grosses me out. So does the thought of Putin going all Deliverance on the Don.
And no is saying emails are fake, in question is orgins and even if he is not lying, how the fuck would he know a disgruntled employee from a Russian mole?
I'll do the work for you.

Wikileaks/Assange have NEVER been shown to be wrong.
Perhaps hacking is a bit too strong of a word to use. Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd.
Are you sitting me?

Unfortunately, no:

2 things - WikiLeaks

And these people actually believe they are competent enough to run the whole country! None of them can even operate basic email without getting in scandalous trouble.

We did indeed avoid a disaster in the making
The republicans were certainly hacked as well, might spare a few moments to ponder what the hackers are going to do with that information. Before long the emails of the few republicans who might oppose trump will be leaked as well if they don't tow the line. These leaks were too powerful a political weapon to stop now.
Where's the proof Hillary had confidential emails?

Y'all seemed to lap up the FBIs version of shit when it suited you.

Now they are a bunch of liars ?
This isn't about us, it's about what YOU think. Drop the diversionary bullshit and speak your mind on the topic

It ties into the topic . Why are the agencies believable in one situation but not the other?
ok I believe the agency. Now show us the proof
FOX rebroadcasts Hannity later on. It is a great interview because Hannity lets the dude talk.

Assange has consistently explained that neither Russia or any other state was involved. It's the Dems trying to blame Russia in order to undermine Trump's presidency. He also reminds people that it's the actual words and deeds from Dems that likely swayed people. If knowing the truth caused people to turn away from Hillary, then she and the DNC have no one to blame but themselves. Dems love it when info is exposed about their opponents. They don't go around blaming those who leaked the info. Only when it's their own do they blame the messenger and completely ignore the message.

Here's a clip from the interview with Assange.

Perhaps hacking is a bit too strong of a word to use. Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd.
Are you sitting me?

Unfortunately, no:

2 things - WikiLeaks

And these people actually believe they are competent enough to run the whole country! None of them can even operate basic email without getting in scandalous trouble.

We did indeed avoid a disaster in the making
The republicans were certainly hacked as well, might spare a few moments to ponder what the hackers are going to do with that information. Before long the emails of the few republicans who might oppose trump will be leaked as well if they don't tow the line. These leaks were too powerful a political weapon to stop now.
I thought Assange said they weren't hacked.
Perhaps hacking is a bit too strong of a word to use. Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd.

Yeah, nothing to see in his e-mails at all...like "spirit cooking"....pizza, pasta, "walnut sauce" and a map related black and white checkered handkerchief with a "map" on it and his connections to Comet Ping Pong and Pizza....move long, sheeple.....nothing to see here. Don't even pay attention to the fact that Podesta's art in his house has a painting of little girls in panties with their panties yanked up in their cracks, hands behind their backs with red asses.......because in leftard land? That's just fucking normal and simply "abstract art"........nothing to raise an eye brows over. I mean when you see an e-mail that says "My partner is gone for the night and I need a pizza for an hour"???? That makes sense to leftards and they can justify it........like an e-mail that says "Do you think I would do better playing dominoes on pasta than pizza"????? Leftards can justify it and they can find a way to excuse the pedophile code words and "laugh it off".........they are either that fucking stupid or just that perverted with the same desires....either way? They are sick motherfuckers.......
FOX rebroadcasts Hannity later on. It is a great interview because Hannity lets the dude talk.

Assange has consistently explained that neither Russia or any other state was involved. It's the Dems trying to blame Russia in order to undermine Trump's presidency. He also reminds people that it's the actual words and deeds from Dems that likely swayed people. If knowing the truth caused people to turn away from Hillary, then she and the DNC have no one to blame but themselves. Dems love it when info is exposed about their opponents. They don't go around blaming those who leaked the info. Only when it's their own do they blame the messenger and completely ignore the message.

Here's a clip from the interview with Assange.

Who gives a shit? He is one guy saying things for completely un-known reasons.

Why the fuck would he expand his energy on convincing people that this is all about how Democrats are after Trump - wtf is in it for him?

To take his word over unanimous findings of American intelligence is wingnutter grade koolaid chugging.
Perhaps hacking is a bit too strong of a word to use. Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd.
Are you sitting me?

Unfortunately, no:

2 things - WikiLeaks

And these people actually believe they are competent enough to run the whole country! None of them can even operate basic email without getting in scandalous trouble.

We did indeed avoid a disaster in the making
The republicans were certainly hacked as well, might spare a few moments to ponder what the hackers are going to do with that information. Before long the emails of the few republicans who might oppose trump will be leaked as well if they don't tow the line. These leaks were too powerful a political weapon to stop now.
I thought Assange said they weren't hacked.
Assange has acted so suspiciously that no rational person would believe a damned thing he says. He has no way of knowing if someone was hacked or not, all he knows is what has been leaked to his organization. He says he has received nothing on the republicans, he may even be telling the truth there, but it is incomprehensible that a hacking operation would only concentrate on democrats. It would be much wiser to retain the Republican stuff since they are in power and use it for blackmail against individuals.
Are you sitting me?

Unfortunately, no:

2 things - WikiLeaks

And these people actually believe they are competent enough to run the whole country! None of them can even operate basic email without getting in scandalous trouble.

We did indeed avoid a disaster in the making
The republicans were certainly hacked as well, might spare a few moments to ponder what the hackers are going to do with that information. Before long the emails of the few republicans who might oppose trump will be leaked as well if they don't tow the line. These leaks were too powerful a political weapon to stop now.
I thought Assange said they weren't hacked.
Assange has acted so suspiciously that no rational person would believe a damned thing he says. He has no way of knowing if someone was hacked or not, all he knows is what has been leaked to his organization. He says he has received nothing on the republicans, he may even be telling the truth there, but it is incomprehensible that a hacking operation would only concentrate on democrats. It would be much wiser to retain the Republican stuff since they are in power and use it for blackmail against individuals.

Ummmm, wikileaks hacked the Bush and Blair connection to make illegal war in the middle east after the false flag that was 9/11/01....do you believe that 19 box cutting welding "terrorists" buttfucked the NSA, Pentagon, NORAD, the NRC, CIA with combined budgets of over a trillion dollars and embarrassed them on the world stage???? Do you?????
Are you sitting me?

Unfortunately, no:

2 things - WikiLeaks

And these people actually believe they are competent enough to run the whole country! None of them can even operate basic email without getting in scandalous trouble.

We did indeed avoid a disaster in the making
The republicans were certainly hacked as well, might spare a few moments to ponder what the hackers are going to do with that information. Before long the emails of the few republicans who might oppose trump will be leaked as well if they don't tow the line. These leaks were too powerful a political weapon to stop now.
I thought Assange said they weren't hacked.
Assange has acted so suspiciously that no rational person would believe a damned thing he says. He has no way of knowing if someone was hacked or not, all he knows is what has been leaked to his organization. He says he has received nothing on the republicans, he may even be telling the truth there, but it is incomprehensible that a hacking operation would only concentrate on democrats. It would be much wiser to retain the Republican stuff since they are in power and use it for blackmail against individuals.
Most on the right on this forum don't even believe a hacking to place.
If it was "hacking" and not "leaks" why only Russia? Obama and Hillary pissed off a lot of countries with their foreign policy. Obama interfered in Israel's election directly. His man Messina worked for David Cameron and ran the campaign against Brexit and failed. Could be a Brit.

How about pissed off Egyptians who wanted payback for Obama's administration backing the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood?

Hey why not really really pissed off Syrians or Libyans? And don't forget the NSA was busted spying on 123 foreign leaders and corporations.

It's truly pathetic watching all these libs try to run with "we lost because of the eeeeeeeeeevil Russians".
Wikileaks revealed that the DNC was doing it's best to steal the election with Hillary Clinton as their proxy by "hook or crook" using the lamestream media and it was revealed as to how they were doing so.....somehow the leftard clown posse blames Russia for revealing as to how they were attempting to usurp the entire process...thus they must be shunned for shining the light on their cheating? If true (which it isn't)....it certainly shines a light on the leftards and how they they think.........

Don't really care which, but I do have some suggestions for the DNC. Get better net security and stop being the racist, misogynistic, bigots that you claim everyone else is that doesn't agree with your party platform, in other words stop being hypocritical douchebags.
I believe the Russians DID hack the DNC, Podesta and other accounts, they have the digital footprint that shows this....

this does not exclude that there could have been an inside plant of Roger Stone's, that stole and distributed the emails to wikileaks.... Roger Stone was fired from the Dole campaign because it was found out that he planted a mole inside the competitor's campaign to steal info.... dole would have no part of scum like that....

Just saying, it could be BOTH.

Stone tweeted about the Podesta emails two months before wiki finally released them, he said he had a friend who informed him on what was going to wikileaks to be released...just google it....please.

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