What Do You Consider "Fat" for a Woman?

You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.
You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

I was more a man when I was still a boy, than you have any hope of ever being.

I've only ever been sexually-intimate with one woman. I would never refer to her as a “bitch” nor a “chick” nor by any of the other puerile, disrespectful terms that you apply to women. I would never refer to my intimate activities with her using such crude terms as “screwing” or “f***ing”. The use of such language is entirely consistent with, and symptomatic of, the degree of disrespect, immaturity, and misogyny that would be obvious in you even if you weren't using such language, as well as a form and degree of ignorance that comes of never having experienced such intimacy in its true form..

My wife isn't exactly supermodel material, but so what? She's intelligent, virtuous, and she loves me far more than anyone will ever love you. I dare say that there is far more satisfaction for me in my relationship with her, than there is for you in all your meaningless trysts with all your “chicks” and “bitches” combined.
You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

I was more a man when I was still a boy, than you have any hope of ever being.

I've only ever been sexually-intimate with one woman. I would never refer to her as a “bitch” nor a “chick” nor by any of the other puerile, disrespectful terms that you apply to women. I would never refer to my intimate activities with her using such crude terms as “screwing” or “f***ing”. The use of such language is entirely consistent with, and symptomatic of, the degree of disrespect, immaturity, and misogyny that would be obvious in you even if you weren't using such language, as well as a form and degree of ignorance that comes of never having experienced such intimacy in its true form..

My wife isn't exactly supermodel material, but so what? She's intelligent, virtuous, and she loves me far more than anyone will ever love you. I dare say that there is far more satisfaction for me in my relationship with her, than there is for you in all your meaningless trysts with all your “chicks” and “bitches” combined.

Dude, you must be a California almond farmer, because you have got no nuts.

You know, it is pretty simple to see through you. Yet, you are so dense that you don't see it. This is what I call "The Moron's Paradox." You are making virtue out of necessity. You are stuck being with one chick your whole life. Obviously you are not going to see yourself as a nerd who lacks the experience to even think about commenting on this matter. So, out of ignorant-laced vanity you proudly declare yourself to be a "one woman man" who treats women with the respect they deserve.

Obviously, we have different values. Your values are out of necessity - nobody else would have you. My values are of choice. I have been happily married, and happily divorced, in relationships, and single. One is not necessarily better than the other. Rather, everybody is different and has different needs. I certainly do not knock marriage or monogamy.

But don't take this holier-than-thou attitude with me, little fella. I can see right through it. You sound like a bitch. If there were any justice in the world you would be required to surrender your little dick to the appropriate authorities and sentenced to urinating sitting down for the remainder of your dickless life.
Everyone's different. My lowest weight as an adult was 120 lbs, size 3, extra small top, no boobs. My heaviest was 225 lbs. Right now, I am 135-140 lbs, size 7, medium top, boobs (the 1 good thing to come out of my fat days). I am 5' 4.5". When I get down to 130 lbs, my face gets drawn and I look ill. I find I can fluctuate as much as 10 lbs in a couple of days.

It is all about proteins and activity for me, but I have a friend who gains if she eats like I do. She eats like a rabbit.
You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.


Thank you. It is hard to stay classy when dealing with a schmuck like Bob, so I appreciate your noticing!
You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

I was more a man when I was still a boy, than you have any hope of ever being.

I've only ever been sexually-intimate with one woman. I would never refer to her as a “bitch” nor a “chick” nor by any of the other puerile, disrespectful terms that you apply to women. I would never refer to my intimate activities with her using such crude terms as “screwing” or “f***ing”. The use of such language is entirely consistent with, and symptomatic of, the degree of disrespect, immaturity, and misogyny that would be obvious in you even if you weren't using such language, as well as a form and degree of ignorance that comes of never having experienced such intimacy in its true form..

My wife isn't exactly supermodel material, but so what? She's intelligent, virtuous, and she loves me far more than anyone will ever love you. I dare say that there is far more satisfaction for me in my relationship with her, than there is for you in all your meaningless trysts with all your “chicks” and “bitches” combined.

That's because you love and care about her, Bob. I think it is very sweet, your love for your wife. You see her as a fellow human being, worthy of respect and love. This guy doesn't look at women like human beings but as objects, I think that much is obvious. :)
Everyone's different. My lowest weight as an adult was 120 lbs, size 3, extra small top, no boobs. My heaviest was 225 lbs. Right now, I am 135-140 lbs, size 7, medium top, boobs (the 1 good thing to come out of my fat days). I am 5' 4.5". When I get down to 130 lbs, my face gets drawn and I look ill. I find I can fluctuate as much as 10 lbs in a couple of days.

It is all about proteins and activity for me, but I have a friend who gains if she eats like I do. She eats like a rabbit.

Your face and skin will get better with time when you get the weight off and keep it off. I have seen chicks who lose a lot of weight. At first they do look drawn in the face, and their hands look skeletal. But your skin adjusts over time and you start looking normal again.

There is no down side to losing weight as long as you do it in a health manner. Your health will improve. You will have more energy. You reduce the chance of disease and metabolic disorder (diabetes). Your bones will not be as stressed. You increase longevity. Most importantly, you are easier on the eyes. You are much more likely to get some good dick if you slim down and stay healthy.
You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

I was more a man when I was still a boy, than you have any hope of ever being.

I've only ever been sexually-intimate with one woman. I would never refer to her as a “bitch” nor a “chick” nor by any of the other puerile, disrespectful terms that you apply to women. I would never refer to my intimate activities with her using such crude terms as “screwing” or “f***ing”. The use of such language is entirely consistent with, and symptomatic of, the degree of disrespect, immaturity, and misogyny that would be obvious in you even if you weren't using such language, as well as a form and degree of ignorance that comes of never having experienced such intimacy in its true form..

My wife isn't exactly supermodel material, but so what? She's intelligent, virtuous, and she loves me far more than anyone will ever love you. I dare say that there is far more satisfaction for me in my relationship with her, than there is for you in all your meaningless trysts with all your “chicks” and “bitches” combined.

That's because you love and care about her, Bob. I think it is very sweet, your love for your wife. You see her as a fellow human being, worthy of respect and love. This guy doesn't look at women like human beings but as objects, I think that much is obvious. :)

Nice speech, Zsa Zsa. You know as well as I do that having one woman your whole life is fucking pathetic. He has just made the best out of a bad situation. Don't try to pretend otherwise. How many dudes have YOU gone down on in a parking lot or wherever just for the hell of it, knowing you would never see them again? That is a rhetorical question, BTW (that means that you do not have to answer it, sugar plum). Everybody screws, inside the house, outside the house, in the car, on the car, in the corner of a bar or behind the dumpster at Outback. You are no different.

Bob clearly has a mental/emotional malfunction. I will not speculate on its specifics because I do not care. Bob has been nothing but a first class prick to me since I came here.

The fact is, Zsa Zsa, you don't screw guys like Bob the Slob. You screw guys like ME. Ha ha ha ha!!!!
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

I was more a man when I was still a boy, than you have any hope of ever being.

I've only ever been sexually-intimate with one woman. I would never refer to her as a “bitch” nor a “chick” nor by any of the other puerile, disrespectful terms that you apply to women. I would never refer to my intimate activities with her using such crude terms as “screwing” or “f***ing”. The use of such language is entirely consistent with, and symptomatic of, the degree of disrespect, immaturity, and misogyny that would be obvious in you even if you weren't using such language, as well as a form and degree of ignorance that comes of never having experienced such intimacy in its true form..

My wife isn't exactly supermodel material, but so what? She's intelligent, virtuous, and she loves me far more than anyone will ever love you. I dare say that there is far more satisfaction for me in my relationship with her, than there is for you in all your meaningless trysts with all your “chicks” and “bitches” combined.

That's because you love and care about her, Bob. I think it is very sweet, your love for your wife. You see her as a fellow human being, worthy of respect and love. This guy doesn't look at women like human beings but as objects, I think that much is obvious. :)

Nice speech, Zsa Zsa. You know as well as I do that having one woman your whole life is fucking pathetic. He has just made the best out of a bad situation. Don't try to pretend otherwise. How many dudes have YOU gone down on in a parking lot or wherever just for the hell of it, knowing you would never see them again? That is a rhetorical question, BTW (that means that you do not have to answer it, sugar plum). Everybody screws, inside the house, outside the house, in the car, on the car, in the corner of a bar or behind the dumpster at Outback. You are no different.

Bob clearly has a mental/emotional malfunction. I will not speculate on its specifics because I do not care. Bob has been nothing but a first class prick to me since I came here.

The fact is, Zsa Zsa, you don't screw guys like Bob the Slob. You screw guys like ME. Ha ha ha ha!!!!

Who is Zsa Zsa? :dunno: In case you can't read, my name is Chris.

Look strange person on the internet who I don't even know, I don't know who you think you are but I think we now know the reason why you have such problems finding quality women. It's not the women. It's you. Lol. Read your posts!!! You seem like a teenage boy. :lol: This is NOT attractive to women. Not at all. Whoever told you it was, was lying to you.

Try acting more like an adult and treating women (and other people) with some respect.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

I was more a man when I was still a boy, than you have any hope of ever being.

I've only ever been sexually-intimate with one woman. I would never refer to her as a “bitch” nor a “chick” nor by any of the other puerile, disrespectful terms that you apply to women. I would never refer to my intimate activities with her using such crude terms as “screwing” or “f***ing”. The use of such language is entirely consistent with, and symptomatic of, the degree of disrespect, immaturity, and misogyny that would be obvious in you even if you weren't using such language, as well as a form and degree of ignorance that comes of never having experienced such intimacy in its true form..

My wife isn't exactly supermodel material, but so what? She's intelligent, virtuous, and she loves me far more than anyone will ever love you. I dare say that there is far more satisfaction for me in my relationship with her, than there is for you in all your meaningless trysts with all your “chicks” and “bitches” combined.

That's because you love and care about her, Bob. I think it is very sweet, your love for your wife. You see her as a fellow human being, worthy of respect and love. This guy doesn't look at women like human beings but as objects, I think that much is obvious. :)

Nice speech, Zsa Zsa. You know as well as I do that having one woman your whole life is fucking pathetic. He has just made the best out of a bad situation. Don't try to pretend otherwise. How many dudes have YOU gone down on in a parking lot or wherever just for the hell of it, knowing you would never see them again? That is a rhetorical question, BTW (that means that you do not have to answer it, sugar plum). Everybody screws, inside the house, outside the house, in the car, on the car, in the corner of a bar or behind the dumpster at Outback. You are no different.

Bob clearly has a mental/emotional malfunction. I will not speculate on its specifics because I do not care. Bob has been nothing but a first class prick to me since I came here.

The fact is, Zsa Zsa, you don't screw guys like Bob the Slob. You screw guys like ME. Ha ha ha ha!!!!

I would choose my vibrator over you any day of the week. It has a better personality and is a better lover, I'm sure. ;)
Seriously . . . is it just me, or does anyone else wonder how on earth this guy, Buzz, could get any woman at all to sleep with him?? What woman would subject herself to such abuse and such treatment?? I have to ask. I'm really quite curious. This must be why he sticks with the strippers (or so he says, though I'm highly doubtful even THEY are screwed up enough to sleep with such a rotten person). It's certainly a strange phenomenon when an alleged "man" behaves in this manner and then wonders why he can't find any quality women his own age that would give him the time of day . . . . I know I wouldn't.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

I was more a man when I was still a boy, than you have any hope of ever being.

I've only ever been sexually-intimate with one woman. I would never refer to her as a “bitch” nor a “chick” nor by any of the other puerile, disrespectful terms that you apply to women. I would never refer to my intimate activities with her using such crude terms as “screwing” or “f***ing”. The use of such language is entirely consistent with, and symptomatic of, the degree of disrespect, immaturity, and misogyny that would be obvious in you even if you weren't using such language, as well as a form and degree of ignorance that comes of never having experienced such intimacy in its true form..

My wife isn't exactly supermodel material, but so what? She's intelligent, virtuous, and she loves me far more than anyone will ever love you. I dare say that there is far more satisfaction for me in my relationship with her, than there is for you in all your meaningless trysts with all your “chicks” and “bitches” combined.

That's because you love and care about her, Bob. I think it is very sweet, your love for your wife. You see her as a fellow human being, worthy of respect and love. This guy doesn't look at women like human beings but as objects, I think that much is obvious. :)

Nice speech, Zsa Zsa. You know as well as I do that having one woman your whole life is fucking pathetic. He has just made the best out of a bad situation. Don't try to pretend otherwise. How many dudes have YOU gone down on in a parking lot or wherever just for the hell of it, knowing you would never see them again? That is a rhetorical question, BTW (that means that you do not have to answer it, sugar plum). Everybody screws, inside the house, outside the house, in the car, on the car, in the corner of a bar or behind the dumpster at Outback. You are no different.

Bob clearly has a mental/emotional malfunction. I will not speculate on its specifics because I do not care. Bob has been nothing but a first class prick to me since I came here.

The fact is, Zsa Zsa, you don't screw guys like Bob the Slob. You screw guys like ME. Ha ha ha ha!!!!

Um, NOOOO, Mr. Jenkins. I think you must have me mixed up with someone else. I certainly don't "go down" on strange men in parking lots or "where ever just for the hell of it." *SMH* This is rather sad though, I must say. Is this the type of women that you usually "hang" with? Explains a LOT. :p
You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

Yeah, take it from "Bob the Blob" that I am repulsive and that no chick would ever screw me. Fact is, you chubby chasing chunk fucker, you are about 30 years too late with your lame-assed criticisms.

I have never screwed a chick that weighed over 125 or wore larger than a size 6. I have gone to Pound Town with some small tittied bitches, and some that were on the 6-7 range in the looks department, but even that is rare. It is just as easy to bed a hot chick as it is an ugly chick. Frankly, the hotter chicks are usually easier because they fuck a lot already. It also does not hurt that many chicks grow up with abandonment issues and daddy issues. The smart bitches are harder to get and, therefore, just not worth the effort. Then when you finally nail one of them it is just boring. Most of them are not skilled at fucking, let alone giving a good blow job.

Bob, you are fucking pitiful. There is more testosterone at a Barbara Streisand concert than there is in your balls. You are not a man. You are a eunuch.

Read this post! Goodness! And you call other men "pitiful?" I think it is YOU who is the pitiful one, Mr. Jenkins. You need to work on it.
Ha ha ha!!! I could have you in a second, then leave you the minute I am through (after I clean off my dick on your ridiculous 1980s hairstyle).

You ought to be more gracious to me since I am sharing my thought processes. Why opt for being so self-defensive, sweetheart? Are you just an angry person because your titties sag below your belly at your age? Whoops! I forgot. That is a sore point with you, isn't it, Zsa Zsa? Ha ha ha!!!!!
Ha ha ha!!! I could have you in a second, then leave you the minute I am through (after I clean off my dick on your ridiculous 1980s hairstyle).

You ought to be more gracious to me since I am sharing my thought processes. Why opt for being so self-defensive, sweetheart? Are you just an angry person because your titties sag below your belly at your age? Whoops! I forgot. That is a sore point with you, isn't it, Zsa Zsa? Ha ha ha!!!!!

Err. No, you could not. I have standards.

My breasts are firm and perky, BTW. Also, they are much too small to sag to anywhere near my belly. Lol. Since I work out and take excellent care of my body and health, my body looks and feels fantastic!! So put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, cracker. ;) Lol.

Also, grow up. You act like a stupid child.
It varies depending on body types, not every body shape is the same but if you can't do physical activities because of excess weight then you're too fat and that is bad because of health issues associated with it not because hollywood or magazines define physical body image imo.
Ha ha ha!!! I could have you in a second, then leave you the minute I am through (after I clean off my dick on your ridiculous 1980s hairstyle).

You ought to be more gracious to me since I am sharing my thought processes. Why opt for being so self-defensive, sweetheart? Are you just an angry person because your titties sag below your belly at your age? Whoops! I forgot. That is a sore point with you, isn't it, Zsa Zsa? Ha ha ha!!!!!

Err. No, you could not. I have standards.

My breasts are firm and perky, BTW. Also, they are much too small to sag to anywhere near my belly. Lol. Since I work out and take excellent care of my body and health, my body looks and feels fantastic!! So put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, cracker. ;) Lol.

Also, grow up. You act like a stupid child.

I could get you, and it would be easy. Obviously I do not talk to bitches this way when "on the job". Ha ha!! You are TOO precious!

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