What Do You Consider "Fat" for a Woman?

Being tiny sucks when there is something on the top shelf at the grocery store. I climb up on the shelves, but I'm always afraid they are going to break and I'll land on the floor surrounded by groceries. :oops: I also have to have a stool at home to reach the top shelves in my cabinets.
ChrisL. maybe you should just carry your own lil mini step stool around with you.

If they have one that fits in my purse, I might think about it. :biggrin:
I think I may realize it just can't bring myself to say it...............:cry:
True enough... implications are tricky things.....

You shared a picture with creeper but not with the rest of us??? :rolleyes-41: :tongue-44:


Well,that's what creeper is saying . . . I'm hurt. Am I not creepy enough for you? Maybe too creepy? :dunno:

Okay so he's a gross creeper but you believe him over me .. hmm....

Of course not!! I don't know what's going on anymore with anyone. :lol:

You shared a picture with creeper but not with the rest of us??? :rolleyes-41: :tongue-44:


Well,that's what creeper is saying . . . I'm hurt. Am I not creepy enough for you? Maybe too creepy? :dunno:

Okay so he's a gross creeper but you believe him over me .. hmm....

Of course not!! I don't know what's going on anymore with anyone. :lol:

Here, no one ever knows! It's like a gi-normous mind fuck!
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Let's go with an average height for a woman (which also happens to be mine!)

Height: 5'5"

So for a woman 5'5" tall, at which point below is she "overweight"?:

101 - 110 lbs
111 - 120 lbs
121 - 130 lbs
131 - 140 lbs
141 - 150 lbs
151 - 160 lbs

I think everyone would agree over 160 would be overweight....

no more than 130.
I think that you need to be healthy. As someone said, everyone carries weight differntly. Muscle weighs more than fat. You cant just go online and calculate your BMI. It doesnt take other factors into play.

THis time last year I weighed 268. I now weigh 165. I am healthier and happier with myself. Was I a complete shut in and have low self esteem before? No. I was pretty darn happy...but I wasnt healthy.

I dont judge overweight people. I was there once. Its hard to lose weight sometimes. You get stuck in a rut. Lose 5, gain 6. Stall out for weeks and get discouraged. Its mental and physical.

I looke awesome now but am still considered overweight. Ya know what...F them and the stupid BMI and size charts.


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Let's go with an average height for a woman (which also happens to be mine!)

Height: 5'5"

So for a woman 5'5" tall, at which point below is she "overweight"?:

101 - 110 lbs
111 - 120 lbs
121 - 130 lbs
131 - 140 lbs
141 - 150 lbs
151 - 160 lbs

I think everyone would agree over 160 would be overweight....
It depends on how she carries the weight.

So, 5'5" 160, is OK if she has enough chest to carry it and if the "fat" isn't "rolling/blubbery"
I wonder how some women can be FAT but not look FAT... like the pic below:

You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
You are fucking nuts. That chick in the pic is fatter than hell! I would not screw her with my, or someone else's, dick.
Look at the bright side of things….nobody asked you to...

In fact, I'd dare to say that this particular woman—like most—would probably very much prefer that a creep like Mr. Jenkins not come anywhere near her.

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