What do you guys think of modern day liberal censorship?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
Yahoo comments is a prime example. If you're considered a threat to leftist propaganda, they censor your posts to the public. This way it appears that public opinion is on the side of "liberal" hacks.

I was also banned from a long-standing at a forum controlled by liberals, because I dared to suggest Colin Kaperdick was a primary reason the Forty-Niners were in the toilet. For that I was declared racist and banned. Turns out NFL teams agree, but as a group libs. have no desire for honesty.
Yahoo comments is a prime example. If you're considered a threat to leftist propaganda, they censor your posts to the public. This way it appears that public opinion is on the side of "liberal" hacks.

I was also banned from a long-standing at a forum controlled by liberals, because I dared to suggest Colin Kaperdick was a primary reason the Forty-Niners were in the toilet. For that I was declared racist and banned. Turns out NFL teams agree, but as a group libs. have no desire for honesty.

They know they have lost the arguments, so the only option is to silence the ones who make them. Racist has become a code word for not a far leftist, and hate speech a synonym for making an observation they don't agree with.

This is where liberalism is today. They have become complete lunatics.
I think, no, I know candy ass RW's will whine about anything as long as they can say its a Liberals fault
Yahoo comments is a prime example. If you're considered a threat to leftist propaganda, they censor your posts to the public. This way it appears that public opinion is on the side of "liberal" hacks.

I was also banned from a long-standing at a forum controlled by liberals, because I dared to suggest Colin Kaperdick was a primary reason the Forty-Niners were in the toilet. For that I was declared racist and banned. Turns out NFL teams agree, but as a group libs. have no desire for honesty.

How does get to Yahoo comments?

Let's unmask who is behind the censorship...

One Word: Bolshevism.

These leftist liberal loons are Bolsheviks-in-Training....and most of them are too poorly educated to even know it. Unfortunately Blind Ignorance makes them more dangerous rather than less so.

Its ugly now...going to get worse.
Yahoo comments is a prime example. If you're considered a threat to leftist propaganda, they censor your posts to the public. This way it appears that public opinion is on the side of "liberal" hacks.

I was also banned from a long-standing at a forum controlled by liberals, because I dared to suggest Colin Kaperdick was a primary reason the Forty-Niners were in the toilet. For that I was declared racist and banned. Turns out NFL teams agree, but as a group libs. have no desire for honesty.

Quit crying.

You're Winning!!!

You're Winning!!!

I think, no, I know candy ass RW's will whine about anything as long as they can say its a Liberals fault

Oh look, it's a diversion. Not a good one by any means, but I wouldn't expect much.

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