What do you say Republicans.......Ready to fill the Supreme Court?

Actually they will have a lot of control even if in the minority.
Sure they will...how long can Republicans refuse to fill the court?

As long as they want. The Senate rules are not the House rules.

First. there is a very good chance the republicans will lose the Senate.

Secondly, what will be left of the Republican Party will try to make peace with the American people. They know they can no longer survive on RW hate and obstruction.

After Trump, they know they will have to remake the party if they are to remain a major party in a more diverse America.

What makes you think there aren't democrats who know that if they confirm an anti-second amendment person, they won't be toast in two years

I don't think many will care what RW republicans think. Why should they?

Has nothing to do with republicans. Another third of the Senate will be up for re-election in two years and it will be not a fun year for the dems even under the best of circumstances:

Senate Democrats, 2018 Math Is Not Your Friend

"If Democrats don't retake the Senate majority this year, they face the prospect of a long winter in the minority, because the 2018 map puts them at a severe disadvantage that could leave them even further from the majority and any pick-up opportunities for the foreseeable future.

Just as this year's Senate field offers ample opportunity for Democrats to pick up seats, the next election is stacked for the Republicans, and the one that follows has limited possibilities for Democratic gains. "
Sure they will...how long can Republicans refuse to fill the court?

As long as they want. The Senate rules are not the House rules.

First. there is a very good chance the republicans will lose the Senate.

Secondly, what will be left of the Republican Party will try to make peace with the American people. They know they can no longer survive on RW hate and obstruction.

After Trump, they know they will have to remake the party if they are to remain a major party in a more diverse America.

What makes you think there aren't democrats who know that if they confirm an anti-second amendment person, they won't be toast in two years

I don't think many will care what RW republicans think. Why should they?

Has nothing to do with republicans. Another third of the Senate will be up for re-election in two years and it will be not a fun year for the dems even under the best of circumstances:

Senate Democrats, 2018 Math Is Not Your Friend

"If Democrats don't retake the Senate majority this year, they face the prospect of a long winter in the minority, because the 2018 map puts them at a severe disadvantage that could leave them even further from the majority and any pick-up opportunities for the foreseeable future.

Just as this year's Senate field offers ample opportunity for Democrats to pick up seats, the next election is stacked for the Republicans, and the one that follows has limited possibilities for Democratic gains. "
Only difference is Republicans are incapable of doing anything when they control the Senate
Trump is your candidate
Nothing you can do about it

If Hillary let's it be known she will not nominate Garland and will go with a younger and more liberal candidate......will you jump at the older and more moderate Garland?


I don't think trump or hillary can sway the supreme court much , guys get old and thinking change.. Woman get senile like Gingrich..

Well see
As long as they want. The Senate rules are not the House rules.

First. there is a very good chance the republicans will lose the Senate.

Secondly, what will be left of the Republican Party will try to make peace with the American people. They know they can no longer survive on RW hate and obstruction.

After Trump, they know they will have to remake the party if they are to remain a major party in a more diverse America.

What makes you think there aren't democrats who know that if they confirm an anti-second amendment person, they won't be toast in two years

I don't think many will care what RW republicans think. Why should they?

Has nothing to do with republicans. Another third of the Senate will be up for re-election in two years and it will be not a fun year for the dems even under the best of circumstances:

Senate Democrats, 2018 Math Is Not Your Friend

"If Democrats don't retake the Senate majority this year, they face the prospect of a long winter in the minority, because the 2018 map puts them at a severe disadvantage that could leave them even further from the majority and any pick-up opportunities for the foreseeable future.

Just as this year's Senate field offers ample opportunity for Democrats to pick up seats, the next election is stacked for the Republicans, and the one that follows has limited possibilities for Democratic gains. "
Only difference is Republicans are incapable of doing anything when they control the Senate

What makes you think the republican voters want the Senators to do anything. Being The Party of No is working for them thus far.
Trump is your candidate
Nothing you can do about it

If Hillary let's it be known she will not nominate Garland and will go with a younger and more liberal candidate......will you jump at the older and more moderate Garland?

Nope. Who says the GOP can't block an unnacceptable choice for 4 or 8 years. You anti American scum want a gun free society then move to one
Trump is your candidate
Nothing you can do about it

If Hillary let's it be known she will not nominate Garland and will go with a younger and more liberal candidate......will you jump at the older and more moderate Garland?

Nope. Who says the GOP can't block an unnacceptable choice for 4 or 8 years. You anti American scum want a gun free society then move to one

It'll get kind of old for Hillary if Cruz puts a hold on every piece of legislation that comes through and they have to vote to override the holds just to be able to have a vote on the legislation and then have to have a vote to suspend the rules just to squeek things through with a simple majority. Hillary will capitulate. She is always willing to sell out some poor schmuck for Wall Street.
Choose your poison Republicans

Still willing to roll the dice and see if Trump gets elected?

Garland is a more moderate candidate than you will get from Hillary. When the Senate goes Democratic, you will have no control over who Hillary sticks in the court
We're not taking a nomination from a failure. Quit trolling.
If someone elected President of the United States is considered a failure to you....I hate to think about your own self esteem.
Trump is your candidate
Nothing you can do about it

If Hillary let's it be known she will not nominate Garland and will go with a younger and more liberal candidate......will you jump at the older and more moderate Garland?

Won't Ned to. Hillary is going to self-destruct during the first debate when she goes into a coughing spasm and then starts jerking her head around.
Trump is your candidate
Nothing you can do about it

If Hillary let's it be known she will not nominate Garland and will go with a younger and more liberal candidate......will you jump at the older and more moderate Garland?


I don't think trump or hillary can sway the supreme court much , guys get old and thinking change.. Woman get senile like Gingrich..

Well see

As women age they do tend to become more and more like newt.
Since we are going to have an 'evolving' meaning to the constitution and the laws that reflect the spirit of the people shouldn't the people's opinion of what the constitution means take precedence over what the supreme court and the politicians think it means? It is a democracy where the people get to decide what the laws are going to be and that would include what they mean. It just doesn't make any sense to have the people write the laws only to have the elected alter their meaning without the people's consent. Whatever meaning the supreme court gives to the constitution should be equal to the opinion the people have of it since this is a democracy. It just doesn't make any sense for the government to be able to do anything without the consent of the people who put them in power.
First. there is a very good chance the republicans will lose the Senate.

Secondly, what will be left of the Republican Party will try to make peace with the American people. They know they can no longer survive on RW hate and obstruction.

After Trump, they know they will have to remake the party if they are to remain a major party in a more diverse America.

What makes you think there aren't democrats who know that if they confirm an anti-second amendment person, they won't be toast in two years

I don't think many will care what RW republicans think. Why should they?

Has nothing to do with republicans. Another third of the Senate will be up for re-election in two years and it will be not a fun year for the dems even under the best of circumstances:

Senate Democrats, 2018 Math Is Not Your Friend

"If Democrats don't retake the Senate majority this year, they face the prospect of a long winter in the minority, because the 2018 map puts them at a severe disadvantage that could leave them even further from the majority and any pick-up opportunities for the foreseeable future.

Just as this year's Senate field offers ample opportunity for Democrats to pick up seats, the next election is stacked for the Republicans, and the one that follows has limited possibilities for Democratic gains. "
Only difference is Republicans are incapable of doing anything when they control the Senate

What makes you think the republican voters want the Senators to do anything. Being The Party of No is working for them thus far.
What happened to all those promises they made to get elected? Kill Obamacare, balance the budget, pass Keystone, block gay marriage

Last edited:
Trump is your candidate
Nothing you can do about it

If Hillary let's it be known she will not nominate Garland and will go with a younger and more liberal candidate......will you jump at the older and more moderate Garland?


If Hillary let's it be known she will not nominate Garland

With her poor health......how can she nominate anyone?
Has anyone ever been elected President with a broken hip?
We elected a President who was a cripple with polio. And he was one of the three best Presidents this nation ever had.
Only reason why Obozo wants Garland is hes anti-2nd amendmant. Libs have gay marriage, will probably get amnesty, we're headed for single payer health care. The libs need help with global warming and taking away peoples' right to bare arms.
Hmmmm......... Maybe not take away people's right to bare arms, but take away people's right to arm bears?
Republicans running for office will not face angry Republican mobs over another liberal on the court

If they wait until after the election, Garland gets pulled off the table and Hillary gets to name someone younger and more liberal

Lose/Lose for Republicans
What happened to all those promises they made to get elected? Kill Obamacare, balance the budget, pass Keystone, block gay marriage

.....and please don't forget the mantra, "Jobs, jobs, jobs.".....(I guess they meant their own jobs.)
What makes you think there aren't democrats who know that if they confirm an anti-second amendment person, they won't be toast in two years

I don't think many will care what RW republicans think. Why should they?

Has nothing to do with republicans. Another third of the Senate will be up for re-election in two years and it will be not a fun year for the dems even under the best of circumstances:

Senate Democrats, 2018 Math Is Not Your Friend

"If Democrats don't retake the Senate majority this year, they face the prospect of a long winter in the minority, because the 2018 map puts them at a severe disadvantage that could leave them even further from the majority and any pick-up opportunities for the foreseeable future.

Just as this year's Senate field offers ample opportunity for Democrats to pick up seats, the next election is stacked for the Republicans, and the one that follows has limited possibilities for Democratic gains. "
Only difference is Republicans are incapable of doing anything when they control the Senate

What makes you think the republican voters want the Senators to do anything. Being The Party of No is working for them thus far.
What happened to all those promises they made to get elected? Kill Obamacare, balance the budget, pass Keystone, block gay marriage


They let the House fall on that obamacare sword like 60 times, up and down like a sailor just back from a deployment
First. there is a very good chance the republicans will lose the Senate.

Secondly, what will be left of the Republican Party will try to make peace with the American people. They know they can no longer survive on RW hate and obstruction.

After Trump, they know they will have to remake the party if they are to remain a major party in a more diverse America.

What makes you think there aren't democrats who know that if they confirm an anti-second amendment person, they won't be toast in two years

I don't think many will care what RW republicans think. Why should they?

Has nothing to do with republicans. Another third of the Senate will be up for re-election in two years and it will be not a fun year for the dems even under the best of circumstances:

Senate Democrats, 2018 Math Is Not Your Friend

"If Democrats don't retake the Senate majority this year, they face the prospect of a long winter in the minority, because the 2018 map puts them at a severe disadvantage that could leave them even further from the majority and any pick-up opportunities for the foreseeable future.

Just as this year's Senate field offers ample opportunity for Democrats to pick up seats, the next election is stacked for the Republicans, and the one that follows has limited possibilities for Democratic gains. "
Only difference is Republicans are incapable of doing anything when they control the Senate

What makes you think the republican voters want the Senators to do anything. Being The Party of No is working for them thus far.

Oh sure .. republicans are in great shape. :lol: .. on Uranus maybe .. but here on earth the Republican Party is a imploding disaster .. and it's only going to get worse.

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