What do You See as the Pros & Cons of the Syrian Situation?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Here is how I see it. I am interested in other people's thoughts.

The Positives

1. The positive is Syria has publicly acknowledged having chemical weapons and may start to disarm them and turn them over.

2. The UN will apparently be involved which gives some degree of international legitimacy.

3. Obama doesn't get to kill thousands of innocent Syrians because of a bruised ego, after making a series of idiotic remarks he couldn't back up.

The Cons

1. Obama is a world laughingstock.

2, Russian is ascendent in the Middle East, replacing the U.S.

3. Assad stays in power and has new legitimacy.

4. Putin gains in stature at the expense of the U.S.

5. American foreign policy is in tatters.

6. American has lost major credibility in the World.

That is how I see it. What to all of you think?
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The Pros

1. Obama is a world laughingstock.

2, Russian is ascendant in the Middle East, replacing the U.S.

3. Assad stays in power and has new legitimacy.

4. Putin gains in stature at the expense of the U.S.

5. American foreign policy is in tatters.

6. American has lost major credibility in the World until we get a real president.

The Cons

1. obama is still in power

2. The rebels can use all the chemical weapons it wants

3. obama was not forced to give up his support for al quaeda.

4. President Putin squandered an opportunity to really put the screws to obama.

5. Assad remains in power without limitation on how many and what kind of conventional weapons it can get.
Hey Katz,

You have an interesting take on things. I would say Putin put the screws to Obama pretty good. The New York Times Op Ed was a stroke of genius. Putin looks like the good guy, while making Obama look like a warmongering buffoon. Basically, Obama is Putin's little bitch...and the entire world knows it.

Personally, I have never seen a U.S. President look so weak and inept in my lifetime. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look good. Dude, these are sad days for America.
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Hey Katz,

You have an interesting take on things. I would say Putin put the screws to Obama pretty good. The New York Times Op Ed was a stroke of genius. Putin looks like the good guy, while making Obama look like a warmongering buffoon. Basically, Obama is Putin's little bitch...and the entire world knows it.

Personally, I have never seen a U.S. President look so weak and inept in my lifetime. Obama make Jimmy Carter look good. Dude, these are sad days for America.

The Syrians admitted to having chemical weapons over a year ago and even threatened to use them at that time. WHY is everyone falling for the spin that Obama coerced this admission ?
Hey Katz,

You have an interesting take on things. I would say Putin put the screws to Obama pretty good. The New York Times Op Ed was a stroke of genius. Putin looks like the good guy, while making Obama look like a warmongering buffoon. Basically, Obama is Putin's little bitch...and the entire world knows it.

Personally, I have never seen a U.S. President look so weak and inept in my lifetime. Obama make Jimmy Carter look good. Dude, these are sad days for America.

The Syrians admitted to having chemical weapons over a year ago and even threatened to use them at that time. WHY is everyone falling for the spin that Obama coerced this admission ?

I didn't know that. Usually my MSM shit detector works pretty well, but not this time. Good to know.
Hey Katz,

You have an interesting take on things. I would say Putin put the screws to Obama pretty good. The New York Times Op Ed was a stroke of genius. Putin looks like the good guy, while making Obama look like a warmongering buffoon. Basically, Obama is Putin's little bitch...and the entire world knows it.

Personally, I have never seen a U.S. President look so weak and inept in my lifetime. Obama make Jimmy Carter look good. Dude, these are sad days for America.

The Syrians admitted to having chemical weapons over a year ago and even threatened to use them at that time. WHY is everyone falling for the spin that Obama coerced this admission ?

I didn't know that. Usually my MSM shit detector works pretty well, but not this time. Good to know.


Put that link in your pocket and use it often.
Republicans just can not accept a job well done by anyone but themselves ... it was the Russians that caved by supporting the Obama Administrations goals in regards to Syria.
Republicans just can not accept a job well done by anyone but themselves ... it was the Russians that caved by supporting the Obama Administrations goals in regards to Syria.

The administration's goals are regime change as evidenced by their support for the rebels. Russia does NOT support that.
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Hey Katz,

You have an interesting take on things. I would say Putin put the screws to Obama pretty good. The New York Times Op Ed was a stroke of genius. Putin looks like the good guy, while making Obama look like a warmongering buffoon. Basically, Obama is Putin's little bitch...and the entire world knows it.

Personally, I have never seen a U.S. President look so weak and inept in my lifetime. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look good. Dude, these are sad days for America.

I believe that America is a strong resiliant country. Without obama and his democrats we can do anything. We can recover from obama's damage as long as the ideology is destroyed in its entirety. Putin let obama retain a fig leaf of credibility. It was a good move for Putin as a player on the world stage. Just not so good for us.
Hey Katz,

You have an interesting take on things. I would say Putin put the screws to Obama pretty good. The New York Times Op Ed was a stroke of genius. Putin looks like the good guy, while making Obama look like a warmongering buffoon. Basically, Obama is Putin's little bitch...and the entire world knows it.

Personally, I have never seen a U.S. President look so weak and inept in my lifetime. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look good. Dude, these are sad days for America.

I believe that America is a strong resiliant country. Without obama and his democrats we can do anything. We can recover from obama's damage as long as the ideology is destroyed in its entirety. Putin let obama retain a fig leaf of credibility. It was a good move for Putin as a player on the world stage. Just not so good for us.

I hope you're right. My feeling is American's traditional beliefs about personal responsibility, hard work, and accountability are becoming a thing of the past. I think the last Presidential Election proved a majority of Americans want to live a nanny state as long as the goodies keep coming. I hope I am wrong, but that is what I believe.

I have an interesting fact for you to back up my position. I saw a stat yesterday that indicated 40% of all births in America now are paid for by Medicaid. That means the mothers live in poverty, the kids are very likely to be illegitimate, and the kids will grow up in poverty. That means almost half of all kids in the U.S. will grow up on food stamps, welfare, and have the nanny state basically be their mother and father.

Katz, that is Obama's America. I don't see it changing.

Here's a link to the Medicaid info. http://www.medicaid.gov/Medicaid-CHIP-Program-Information/By-Population/By-Population.html
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Republicans just can not accept a job well done by anyone but themselves ... it was the Russians that caved by supporting the Obama Administrations goals in regards to Syria.

The administration's goals are regime change as evidenced by their support for the rebels. Russia does NOT support that.


... in regards to Syria. - chemical warfare (correction)

there the Administration had its way.

Here is how I see it. I am interested in other people's thoughts.

The Positives

1. The positive is Syria has publicly acknowledged having chemical weapons and may start to disarm them and turn them over.

2. The UN will apparently be involved which gives some degree of international legitimacy.

3. Obama doesn't get to kill thousands of innocent Syrians because of a bruised ego, after making a series of idiotic remarks he couldn't back up.

The Cons

1. Obama is a world laughingstock.

2, Russian is ascendent in the Middle East, replacing the U.S.

3. Assad stays in power and has new legitimacy.

4. Putin gains in stature at the expense of the U.S.

5. American foreign policy is in tatters.

6. American has lost major credibility in the World.

That is how I see it. What to all of you think?

That is actually a well thought out post for a welfare queen!

I can guarantee you short of bombing Iran flat out, that the U.S. will find another way to bomb Syria. Right now the scum in the OA are doing damage control while the neocon think tanks try to drum up another scheme.

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