What Do You Think Was Discovered In Trump's Documents?

It's been decades since my security clearance expired but I'm pretty sure the rules have not been relaxed to the point where classified documents can properly sit in a closet in Mar-a-lago. The official custodian of those records may be about to go down singing. Someone signed them out of secure storage and they will have to explain themselves.
The classified documents story was a ruse to cover a fishing expedition
That's the correct answer. If you have a theory state it as such.
You should talk since your fantasies were very pointed

It's been decades since my security clearance expired but I'm pretty sure the rules have not been relaxed to the point where classified documents can properly sit in a closet in Mar-a-lago. The official custodian of those records may be about to go down singing. Someone signed them out of secure storage and they will have to explain themselves.
There has been no raid at the home of a president. You understand he isn't president now, don't you?
It's traditional in the United States of America to call a living past President by his title for the rest of his life, such as President Jimmy Carter, President George Bush, President Barack Obama, and yes, President Donald Trump. Titles of other offices do not apply, although I've seen newscasters call non-presidents by titles such as "Mr. Secretary," "Madam Secretary of State, etc.,
I bet several of those "document boxes" has Thank you notes in them for a lot of people that President Trump helped get a higher paying job, gave someone worthy a go-fund-me gift, and "thanks for the pardon" of someone who was put in jail unfairly and can prove it with documents left at home.
It's traditional in the United States of America to call a living past President by his title for the rest of his life, such as President Jimmy Carter, President George Bush, President Barack Obama, and yes, President Donald Trump. Titles of other offices do not apply, although I've seen newscasters call non-presidents by titles such as "Mr. Secretary," "Madam Secretary of State, etc.,
That's just an honorary term. He's not really a president with presidential authority after his term ends dumb ass. He can't declassify anything.
You won't hear anything definitive because this has one goal in mind.....To stop Trump from running in '24 by scaring off donors.....They will just keep it under their hat, leak some false innuendo every now and again by the usual "unnamed sources" to keep scaring the donors....Rinse and repeat.
I think you are right

This was a media event staged by the Deep State for political affect only
I saw an image of FBI agents carrying boxes. The flaps appeared to be unsealed.

I am guessing that the agents involved probably took a look first. The upper echelon of the FBI is now suspect in my view. But, I don’t ascribe that same venality to all of the agents at the FBI.
Or perhaps, the agents sealed them as evidence before taking them out. You know, chain of custody and all that...
Or perhaps, the agents sealed them as evidence before taking them out. You know, chain of custody and all that...
Which makes the open flap on top a bit problematic.
Which makes the open flap on top a bit problematic.
It may or may not. It depends on custody. i dealt with a lot of evidence in a previous job. Proving evidence was not left unattended, it could be unsealed.
It may or may not. It depends on custody. i dealt with a lot of evidence in a previous job. Proving evidence was not left unattended, it could be unsealed.
Frankly, all we do “know” is that what appear to be FBI Agents were photographed carrying out some cardboard boxes and at least one of the boxes had an open top flap.

We don’t know that the Agents conducting the search gave much attention at that point to what each box contained. Of course there are attendant duties to secure the evidence for chain of custody purposes, but that’s not likely to be much of an issue.

The more significant issues include: the specificity of the search warrant (evidence of what alleged “crime” or “crimes” was being sought); whether the items seized related to the property being sought; whether the underlying claims made in the application for the warrant to the judge were truthful or fudged; etc.

The whole thing seems to be a clown show on par with the facially fraudulent 1/6 Congressional Committee “investigation.”
I'm pretty sure that it hasn't been in the news yet, and this is an admitted conspiracy theory, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with evidence of the 2020 stolen election.
Democrats screamed for years that the 2016 election was stolen (not to mention other elections). When Trump does it, all of a sudden it is against the law.
I'm pretty sure that it hasn't been in the news yet, and this is an admitted conspiracy theory, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with evidence of the 2020 stolen election.

donny can release that there info directly showing the warrant in its entirety ... UNREDACTED ... if he wanted to.

he doesn't want to. use some critical thinking & try, as hard as it might be you & yer ilk - why that might be.

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