What Do You Want?

Bruce Daniels

Gold Member
Jan 3, 2020
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.
I'd like to have a conversation about people who just want to insult people who may disagree with them. I'd further stipulate that said conversation should take place in the "Politics" section of all places.
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.
Pretty difficult to find here. It's mostly just hardcore partisans slinging talking points, platitudes, partisan spin and personal insults at each other. Which, for what it's worth, can provide a pretty interesting amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study, if you're so inclined.

That said, you can once in a while stumble into a conversation that is more honest, and that can be pretty fun. You can have slightly more success starting threads in the Clean Debate Zone, so that might be worth a shot when you have a topic into which you'd really like to try to dig with (hopefully) less noise.

The concern for me is that our society and culture are becoming more and more like this. Virtually everything is drenched in the stink of simplistic partisan politics now, from sports to restaurants to social media. I don't think it's a coincidence that our divisions are getting deeper at the same time.

Anyway, good luck.
On second thought, a conversation about people who just want to insult people who may disagree with them clearly discriminates against those who just want to insult people who may not disagree with them. They apparently simply don't count in OP land. Now that's insulting.
Been posting on various forums since 2003. At that time it was a great way to talk about politics and learn things I didn't know. I used to have productive conversations quite often with even the most hardcore conservatives. These days they are not really interested in conversation, they just want someone to shove. They want to trigger the liberal and drink their tears. I come here out of habit. I want conservatives to remember we are all Americans and quit using politics as a tool to feed their sadism.
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.
Let's get one thing clear. I most certainly don't just want to insult people who may disagree with me. On the other hand, I don't just want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face either. I mean I want more options. I demand more categories! Choices! There simply must be more to it somehow!
I want conservatives to remember we are all Americans and quit using politics as a tool to feed their sadism.
See, that's insulting to conservatives! But, clearly, you don't "just want to insult people who may disagree with you" either. You want to do so much more!
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.
Let's get one thing clear. I most certainly don't just want to insult people who may disagree with me. On the other hand, I don't just want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face either. I mean I want more options. I demand more categories! Choices! There simply must be more to it somehow!
You’re dreaming. The wealthy elite run the show and you and I aren’t invited.
Quick, someone call me simply a Socialist, commie, pinko.. A millionaire hypocrite with 3 houses.. I need insulting.. Circle the wagons and do it together!
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.
You started a thread - on this? Stupid. Get a life.
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.

This board is microcosm of American politics. There is no civility in Washington. THEY ALL LIE. The truth doesn't matter to them as long as they obtain power. The most significant political event since 2009 is the impeachment of a sitting President without a shred of evidence. Yet everyone went along with it as if it had merit. That's where we are now. It's sunk to new lows and it will continue to sink. Like Trump or hate him, the shit state is politics is why he was elected. The shitty swamp does exist and people wanted an outsider to take charge. You may hate the tweets, etc. But I love it every time he fights back and sticks it to one of these lifetime, money-grabbing, power hungry, snake in the grass, lying pieces of $hit that do nothing to better the interests of America.
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.

I'd like to see a new president elected. I think the current one is defective.
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.
You can't have a conversation with political polar opposites who you have 0 in common with.
It would be like having a discussion with the ChiComs over the security of America.
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.

I'd like to see a new president elected. I think the current one is defective.
and you're an idiot
Do you just want to insult people who may disagree with you, or do you want to have an actual conversation about what we might do together to solve some of the problems we face? I'd like to have a conversation.

Distinguish yourself. And not just by pissing down on others, but by, you know, making an actual argument, based on discernible facts, applying logic, or at least common sense, listening to reasonable objections, and not letting yourself be distracted by goofs and louts with nothing other than their own dysfunction to "contribute". Anyway, good luck!
When folks learn that social media is actually anything but social, they will get it.
Socializing requires face to face contact, and I sure as hell don't know anyone in real life from either side that acts as demented as the many posters here.

Frankly, I am here just for entertainment. The trolls who create a dozen threads a day, need mocking. Half the profiles here come off as socks or shills and there is no conversation with those.

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