What does a Biden/Harris win mean?

Harris will be President within 24 mos at the longest.
This will result in the white middle class getting hosed like never before.
LGBQT will get 100's of $millions of your money to push their agendas.
Reparations will happen.
Harris literally said - "I do not believe in equality of opportunity, but equality of outcome".... LITERALLY... communism.

Did she literally say that? I'd like to hear it.
So she didn’t literally say it, just figuratively. Got it.
No she said it. I was paraphrasing, but she was not figuratively saying it - she said equitable outcome.
That only means one thing... equality of outcome. I believe she purposefully switched the two words in an attempt to hide the fact that phrase is a well known communist philosophy.
At any rate - it wasn't figurative.

First: If you are paraphrasing, then she didn't literally say it.
Second: She actually said that people would compete, which kind of implies differences in outcome.

Harris saying "I do not believe in equality of opportunity, but equality of outcome" was figurative, and it's arguable that she didn't even say that figuratively.

I'm sorry, people using the word literally to mean something other than literally is a pet peeve of mine. It's not worth arguing over, and I do see your point with her saying "we all end up at the same place."
It means China wins. More fleecing of American jobs to China. More stupid wars. It also likely means the economy will crash, especially when he mandates tighter lockdowns.
China has been winning. The trump tariffs a huge failure. They also seem to be bouncing back from this pandemic a whole lot faster...
In short end of the rule of law, progression of the almighty state, suppression of all freedoms. Fascism overwhelmed Spain, Italy, and Germany, now its our turn.
It means China wins. More fleecing of American jobs to China. More stupid wars. It also likely means the economy will crash, especially when he mandates tighter lockdowns.
China has been winning. The trump tariffs a huge failure. They also seem to be bouncing back from this pandemic a whole lot faster...
China has been “winning” for over 40 years.
The tariffs have been working great. President Trump added half a million manufacturing jobs. The EU and China use tariffs against us, why shouldn’t we use them on CCP goods?

Or do you still buy into the idiotic Nixon theory that “free trade” with China will turn them into capitalists and collapse their regime?
Even with a GOP senate a Biden win means that all of Trump's Executive Orders can be reversed, and the Trade Deals undone, and climate change policies punishing US Energy implemented. OPEN BORDERS HERE WE COME!!

Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
Free college
Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU
Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
Stupid trade agreements
Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
"Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
Trannys back in the military
Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
Defund police departments
Take a pill. McConnell will run the senate We'll probably get better legislation if he and Biden can work together.
If McConnell values his seat he won't work with Biden.
I long for boring
I belief this is one of the primary reasons people would not vote for Trump. They are just plain tired of all the Trump craziness, hate, and lies like calling for the counting to stop on election night, undermining the election process with constant claims of election fraud with no evidence, pushing a disinfectant as a cure for Covid, meeting with foreign heads of states just for photo opps, calling the worst epidemic to hit the country in a hundred years just the flu, trading American military support for dirt on your political opponent, etc, etc...... Eventfully, people get tired of the Trump 3 ring circus and just want a president that acts like a president instead of a side show barker selling snake oil.

There is a lot of truth in your statement.

What the American people should be more concerned about is the absences of safeguards to prevent one person from doing all of the above. Its true you can't stop someone from calling an once in a hundred year virus a "flu" and you can't stop someone from making silly, baseless claims. That is just someone offering their opinion. And we can talk about if we want our Presidents to be smart or stupid...I imagine there are many who prefer the President be more "like them" and not be bookish or academic. But we can do things to stop trading military support for dirt on a political opponent, we can do things to stop the "rule of the week" in the Senate and House that disallows consideration of bills that are politically embarrassing, we can do things to prevent the Senate from shelving all nominations for the Federal bench. We can stop the dangling of pardons in return for committing felonies on the behalf of the President.

This is why I'll never join the Democratic Party. None of this will be seriously considered. Why? Because Biden has apparently got to 270 and can take advantage of the loopholes that our founding fathers put in because they offered flexibility and they presumed nobody would take advantage of them.
Trump is not a typical president by any measure. There hasn't been anyone even close in the last hundred years so I'm not concerned about another Trump popping up anytime soon. What concerns me is the very ridged ideology of the two parties and their power to control the houses of congress. They have effective stamped out the formation of cross-party coalitions in order to pass legislation. Once coalitions of democrats and republicans got legislation passed where neither party could. The idea of republicans and democrats doing anything together is almost unheard of today. However, that can change.

What is needed is baby steps toward working together. Massive tax, healthcare, immigration, climate, or infrastructure reform is not the answer because it can't pass without one party control of congress and the presidency which seems unlikely during Biden's first two years. What is need is smaller pieces of highly focused legislation that both parties can agree on. When Biden was VP and a Senator with a divided congress he approached the opposing party looking for what can we can agree on. Obama had trouble doing that. He always thought big. Biden is a negotiator. If he can negotiate small needed changes in many areas, he will have brought the parties a bit closer together. Although the two parties will never agree on many major issues, they can still work of some things. The more the parties are able to work together, the better for all.
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It means China wins. More fleecing of American jobs to China. More stupid wars. It also likely means the economy will crash, especially when he mandates tighter lockdowns.
China has been winning. The trump tariffs a huge failure. They also seem to be bouncing back from this pandemic a whole lot faster...
China is bouncing back from the pandemic a lot faster than the US because the people are doing what they should be doing. Granted it maybe at the point of gun but how it is accomplish has no bearing on virus transmission.

Tariffs as a long term trade policy is a real looser. It encourages nations to produce based on tariffs not what they can produce best and protects inefficiency and penalizes efficiency. As a goal, each nation should be allowed to produce what it produces best without government interference.
The Democrats are trying to "fundamentally change" America into a one party totalitarian Orwellian nightmare.
freedom of speech gone
free press gone
freedom of religion gone
right to bear arms gone
right vote gone
middle class gone
Exactly. WTF were voters thinking?
Unless voters were scammed by the Billionaire's MSM propaganda networks?
The US oligarchs won the 2020 election.
I don't think there are really 71 million idiots in the United States.
71m mostly young and female idiots.
Too bad Trump never understood politics, and how to think before you speak.
It means China wins. More fleecing of American jobs to China. More stupid wars. It also likely means the economy will crash, especially when he mandates tighter lockdowns.
China has been winning. The trump tariffs a huge failure. They also seem to be bouncing back from this pandemic a whole lot faster...
OK Mr. Economist, we'll see whose economy was better, Trump's or the socialists. Stay tuned.
Oh brother. Really? If they win nothing changes. Wake up.

You’re sticking with that foolish bullshit aren’t you?
So both parties hate old America and champion abortions, open borders, free shit for Mexico’s filth, reparations, higher taxes...etc etc?
You really can’t make the distinction OR do you just refuse to because you’d lose your retarded play if you did?
It means China wins. More fleecing of American jobs to China. More stupid wars. It also likely means the economy will crash, especially when he mandates tighter lockdowns.
Don't underestimate
The GOP: 2021-2023

Barring some seriously bad breaks in Georgia, the GOP will maintain the Senate majority and that’s hugely important. The Democrats’ majority in the House has sharply contracted. They won’t lose the gavel, but there may be any number of close votes where nervous Democrats from purple or red districts will be tempted to jump ship.

Joe Biden will not flooding the courts with wingnutburgers. He will not pack the Supreme Court with extraneous judges with Cocaine Mitch still in charge. Biden (or eventually Harris when the Democrats finally figure out how to ease Joe into retirement) will need to compromise and propose more moderate judges. Justice Breyers is 82 and I'd imagine he'd like to retire before the 2024 election year is under way, but what the hell, maybe, like RBG, he figures that Dems will never lose again.
Harris will be President within 24 mos at the longest.
This will result in the white middle class getting hosed like never before.
LGBQT will get 100's of $millions of your money to push their agendas.
Reparations will happen.
Harris literally said - "I do not believe in equality of opportunity, but equality of outcome".... LITERALLY... communism.

Only for a little while.

What's good is that she'll then run for re-election and get her ass kicked.

In the meantime, Schumer, Dizzy Lizzy, and Bernie all die from old age.

Can't wait.
Oh brother. Really? If they win nothing changes. Wake up.

You’re sticking with that foolish bullshit aren’t you?
So both parties hate old America and champion abortions, open borders, free shit for Mexico’s filth, reparations, higher taxes...etc etc?
You really can’t make the distinction OR do you just refuse to because you’d lose your retarded play if you did?
It’s hard for dumb people to comprehend.
Oh brother. Really? If they win nothing changes. Wake up.

You’re sticking with that foolish bullshit aren’t you?
So both parties hate old America and champion abortions, open borders, free shit for Mexico’s filth, reparations, higher taxes...etc etc?
You really can’t make the distinction OR do you just refuse to because you’d lose your retarded play if you did?
It’s hard for dumb people to comprehend.

That’s why I’m asking an uber intelligent megalomaniac like yourself to explain it to me...Can you you answer this question?

“So both parties hate old America and champion abortions, open borders, free shit for Mexico’s filth, reparations, higher taxes...etc etc?”
Oh brother. Really? If they win nothing changes. Wake up.

You’re sticking with that foolish bullshit aren’t you?
So both parties hate old America and champion abortions, open borders, free shit for Mexico’s filth, reparations, higher taxes...etc etc?
You really can’t make the distinction OR do you just refuse to because you’d lose your retarded play if you did?
It’s hard for dumb people to comprehend.

That’s why I’m asking an uber intelligent megalomaniac like yourself to explain it to me...Can you you answer this question?

“So both parties hate old America and champion abortions, open borders, free shit for Mexico’s filth, reparations, higher taxes...etc etc?”
The question is dumb, but your too dumb to know it.

What have the Rs done since 1973 to stop abortions? Close to nothing is the answer. See? Just like the Ds.

Your ignorant racism towards Mexicans only makes you look even more ignorant than normal.

Reparations is a non issue and higher taxes are fine with both parties.

Learn history then you won’t be so dumb
What have the Rs done since 1973 to stop abortions? Close to nothing is the answer. See? Just like the Ds.

Your ignorant racism towards Mexicans only makes you look even more ignorant than normal.

Reparations is a non issue and higher taxes are fine with both parties.
Haha...you really are a fucking retard aren’t you?

“What have the Rs done since 1973 to stop abortions? Close to nothing is the answer. See? Just like the Ds.”
At very least R’s don’t glamorize and normalize abortion

“Your ignorant racism towards Mexicans only makes you look even more ignorant than normal.”
Only dumbmotherfuckers think it’s RACIST to hate illegal wetbacks.
How about free healthcare for wetbacks? Are both parties for that as well?

“Reparations is a non issue and higher taxes are fine with both parties.”
You dumbmotherfucker, Democrats have been begging for public support for reparations...they can’t wait to send a bill to the floor.

“higher taxes are fine with both parties.”
How do you figure that you dumbmotherfucker....Trump just cut taxes and the Crypt Keeper promises a $4T tax increase.
What have the Rs done since 1973 to stop abortions? Close to nothing is the answer. See? Just like the Ds.

Your ignorant racism towards Mexicans only makes you look even more ignorant than normal.

Reparations is a non issue and higher taxes are fine with both parties.
Haha...you really are a fucking retard aren’t you?

“What have the Rs done since 1973 to stop abortions? Close to nothing is the answer. See? Just like the Ds.”
At very least R’s don’t glamorize and normalize abortion

“Your ignorant racism towards Mexicans only makes you look even more ignorant than normal.”
Only dumbmotherfuckers think it’s RACIST to hate illegal wetbacks.
How about free healthcare for wetbacks? Are both parties for that as well?

“Reparations is a non issue and higher taxes are fine with both parties.”
You dumbmotherfucker, Democrats have been begging for public support for reparations...they can’t wait to send a bill to the floor.

“higher taxes are fine with both parties.”
How do you figure that you dumbmotherfucker....Trump just cut taxes and the Crypt Keeper promises a $4T tax increase.
Dude. Trump raised my taxes and the paltry tax cut that most folks who are not rich got is ... yea... temporary
What have the Rs done since 1973 to stop abortions? Close to nothing is the answer. See? Just like the Ds.

Your ignorant racism towards Mexicans only makes you look even more ignorant than normal.

Reparations is a non issue and higher taxes are fine with both parties.
Haha...you really are a fucking retard aren’t you?

“What have the Rs done since 1973 to stop abortions? Close to nothing is the answer. See? Just like the Ds.”
At very least R’s don’t glamorize and normalize abortion

“Your ignorant racism towards Mexicans only makes you look even more ignorant than normal.”
Only dumbmotherfuckers think it’s RACIST to hate illegal wetbacks.
How about free healthcare for wetbacks? Are both parties for that as well?

“Reparations is a non issue and higher taxes are fine with both parties.”
You dumbmotherfucker, Democrats have been begging for public support for reparations...they can’t wait to send a bill to the floor.

“higher taxes are fine with both parties.”
How do you figure that you dumbmotherfucker....Trump just cut taxes and the Crypt Keeper promises a $4T tax increase.
Dude. Trump raised my taxes and the paltry tax cut that most folks who are not rich got is ... yea... temporary
He’s stuck in Rs are good Ds are bad, and he ain’t budging no matter the truth.
Oh, yes, under the leadership of the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., & the Honorable Kamala Harris, they (especially the latter) will work very hard and with great pride to change the whole United States into Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Minneapolis, etc. writ large.

Assuming that Mr. Biden will serve four years and that Ms. Harris will serve eight years (unless the Constitution is changed to let her serve longer), those two very distinguished public servants will be able to really move this country forward to Utopia.

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