What does a "federal government shutdown" really mean?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The Military still works and social security checks will be on time. The Post office is still posting letters and the "intelligence" agencies will still be doing whatever it is that they do. They are going to close the parks and that's a shame but that seems to be the extent of it. They used to say "non essential" federal employees would be laid off but they use different terminology today because people were asking why they were hired in the first place if they aren't essential. Personally I think with the exceptions noted above the federal government should shut down for about four months every year and if it works well enough we can extend it to 6 months. Meanwhile the states can run the parks.
It means that a few worthless federal employees will sit on their ass doing nothing at home, and draw a retroactive pay check; instead of sitting on their ass doing nothing at some bogus government agency.

Its like trimming the fat, except the fat comes right back.
Yup. These Fed workers could disappear and no one would miss em.

AS for them getting payed?? They shouldn't get payed while furloughed. Who the hell pays people to sit home??

Oh wait. I forgot. Its the Govt and they use our tax dollars to pay people to sit home and do nothing or sit in some Govt office doing nothing. Never mind.
It means that a few worthless federal employees will sit on their ass doing nothing at home, and draw a retroactive pay check; instead of sitting on their ass doing nothing at some bogus government agency.

Its like trimming the fat, except the fat comes right back.

Actually, they WON'T get a retroactive pay check. If they don't show up for work, they don't get paid.

Back in the last shutdown in '93, I remember seeing 2/3rds of the staff of PSD Newport RI (who were civilians, because the government thought it would be a good idea to hire civilian workers to replace Navy personnel, as it was more cost effective) were sent home for over 20 days and did NOT get retroactive pay.

The military? Well, even though we had to keep working (as we'd signed a contract stating we would), we didn't get paid for those 20 plus days, but when the government started up again, we were all given back pay for what we'd missed.

I'm wondering what's going to happen if they keep it shut for over a month, because then it will affect the military retirees (of which I am one), and they're going to be pissed and calling their congress critters to restart the government.

Thankfully, I think I have enough saved up for that possible scenario.
I agree- There is contention out there for these folks. No back pay

Obama can go golf sooner now.

The Foreigner song comes to mind

The Damage is Done

Yup. These Fed workers could disappear and no one would miss em.

AS for them getting payed?? They shouldn't get payed while furloughed. Who the hell pays people to sit home??

Oh wait. I forgot. Its the Govt and they use our tax dollars to pay people to sit home and do nothing or sit in some Govt office doing nothing. Never mind.

:lol: Go ahead and close all of the VA down and all of the Social Security offices and THEN tell us how there's no difference. The only reason Social Security and VA entitlements are still hitting the banks and mailboxes is because federal employees are still on the job in spite of being told that their pay-checks won't be there.

The difference now is that most federal employees are showing up for work and taking care of business on the assumption that they'll eventually be paid for their efforts.

How many of you would go to work if the boss said you had to be there and, if you get paid at all, it will be late?
Yup. These Fed workers could disappear and no one would miss em.

AS for them getting payed?? They shouldn't get payed while furloughed. Who the hell pays people to sit home??

Oh wait. I forgot. Its the Govt and they use our tax dollars to pay people to sit home and do nothing or sit in some Govt office doing nothing. Never mind.

Yeah... you just head down to your local VA office and watch the nothing that goes on there.

Yup. These Fed workers could disappear and no one would miss em.

AS for them getting payed?? They shouldn't get payed while furloughed. Who the hell pays people to sit home??

Oh wait. I forgot. Its the Govt and they use our tax dollars to pay people to sit home and do nothing or sit in some Govt office doing nothing. Never mind.

:lol: Go ahead and close all of the VA down and all of the Social Security offices and THEN tell us how there's no difference. The only reason Social Security and VA entitlements are still hitting the banks and mailboxes is because federal employees are still on the job in spite of being told that their pay-checks won't be there.

The difference now is that most federal employees are showing up for work and taking care of business on the assumption that they'll eventually be paid for their efforts.

How many of you would go to work if the boss said you had to be there and, if you get paid at all, it will be late?

Those who are told to show up for work will be given back pay for their efforts.

I feel sorry for those who are furloughed though, because they are going to miss out on however many days of pay they would have had if they'd been allowed to continue to work.

During the last time the government closed, I have to admit, there were a lot of people in the military that were wondering (myself included) if we were going to have to work for free.

One of the problems that I really have with the shutdown is some of the things that are closing.

They've closed the FDA, which means no more food inspections for as long as the shutdown is in effect. Salmonella in your food anyone?

I'm also concerned that those who depend on the VA for assistance (like for treatment of PTSD) aren't going to receive the care they need, and may end up going ballistic and shooting up a mall, another school, or possibly shooting up another base.

Anyone remember the Navy yard shooter? It happened only a few weeks ago.
Yup. These Fed workers could disappear and no one would miss em.

AS for them getting payed?? They shouldn't get payed while furloughed. Who the hell pays people to sit home??

Oh wait. I forgot. Its the Govt and they use our tax dollars to pay people to sit home and do nothing or sit in some Govt office doing nothing. Never mind.

:lol: Go ahead and close all of the VA down and all of the Social Security offices and THEN tell us how there's no difference. The only reason Social Security and VA entitlements are still hitting the banks and mailboxes is because federal employees are still on the job in spite of being told that their pay-checks won't be there.

The difference now is that most federal employees are showing up for work and taking care of business on the assumption that they'll eventually be paid for their efforts.

How many of you would go to work if the boss said you had to be there and, if you get paid at all, it will be late?

Those who are told to show up for work will be given back pay for their efforts.

I feel sorry for those who are furloughed though, because they are going to miss out on however many days of pay they would have had if they'd been allowed to continue to work.

During the last time the government closed, I have to admit, there were a lot of people in the military that were wondering (myself included) if we were going to have to work for free.

One of the problems that I really have with the shutdown is some of the things that are closing.

They've closed the FDA, which means no more food inspections for as long as the shutdown is in effect. Salmonella in your food anyone?

I'm also concerned that those who depend on the VA for assistance (like for treatment of PTSD) aren't going to receive the care they need, and may end up going ballistic and shooting up a mall, another school, or possibly shooting up another base.

Anyone remember the Navy yard shooter? It happened only a few weeks ago.

I agree with some of what you said. Showing up to work at a Federal job in a non-pay status is illegal. There is much risk to the government for allowing a civilian to subsidize the government. For instance, if you die at your desk, or get hurt in the shop while in a non-pay status, pandoras box is opened

Fact is, majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid.

:lol: Go ahead and close all of the VA down and all of the Social Security offices and THEN tell us how there's no difference. The only reason Social Security and VA entitlements are still hitting the banks and mailboxes is because federal employees are still on the job in spite of being told that their pay-checks won't be there.

The difference now is that most federal employees are showing up for work and taking care of business on the assumption that they'll eventually be paid for their efforts.

How many of you would go to work if the boss said you had to be there and, if you get paid at all, it will be late?

Those who are told to show up for work will be given back pay for their efforts.

I feel sorry for those who are furloughed though, because they are going to miss out on however many days of pay they would have had if they'd been allowed to continue to work.

During the last time the government closed, I have to admit, there were a lot of people in the military that were wondering (myself included) if we were going to have to work for free.

One of the problems that I really have with the shutdown is some of the things that are closing.

They've closed the FDA, which means no more food inspections for as long as the shutdown is in effect. Salmonella in your food anyone?

I'm also concerned that those who depend on the VA for assistance (like for treatment of PTSD) aren't going to receive the care they need, and may end up going ballistic and shooting up a mall, another school, or possibly shooting up another base.

Anyone remember the Navy yard shooter? It happened only a few weeks ago.

I agree with some of what you said. Showing up to work at a Federal job in a non-pay status is illegal. There is much risk to the government for allowing a civilian to subsidize the government. For instance, if you die at your desk, or get hurt in the shop while in a non-pay status, pandoras box is opened

Fact is, majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid.


Really? Got a link to back up your bullshit?

Like I said, I remember the last shutdown that happened in 93, and I remember the impact it had on not only my life, but the lives of my civilian co workers.

A majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid? Remember, a majority is 51 percent or better.

Show me a link to back up your claims.
Those who are told to show up for work will be given back pay for their efforts.

I feel sorry for those who are furloughed though, because they are going to miss out on however many days of pay they would have had if they'd been allowed to continue to work.

During the last time the government closed, I have to admit, there were a lot of people in the military that were wondering (myself included) if we were going to have to work for free.

One of the problems that I really have with the shutdown is some of the things that are closing.

They've closed the FDA, which means no more food inspections for as long as the shutdown is in effect. Salmonella in your food anyone?

I'm also concerned that those who depend on the VA for assistance (like for treatment of PTSD) aren't going to receive the care they need, and may end up going ballistic and shooting up a mall, another school, or possibly shooting up another base.

Anyone remember the Navy yard shooter? It happened only a few weeks ago.

I agree with some of what you said. Showing up to work at a Federal job in a non-pay status is illegal. There is much risk to the government for allowing a civilian to subsidize the government. For instance, if you die at your desk, or get hurt in the shop while in a non-pay status, pandoras box is opened

Fact is, majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid.


Really? Got a link to back up your bullshit?

Like I said, I remember the last shutdown that happened in 93, and I remember the impact it had on not only my life, but the lives of my civilian co workers.

A majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid? Remember, a majority is 51 percent or better.

Show me a link to back up your claims.

Ok- I'll play

Government Shutdown: By the Numbers - ABC News

800,000 are furloughed, ~1.2 million still at work


A Wall Street Journal review of agencies' shutdown plans found that more than 818,000 workers would be furloughed. In all, the federal government employs just under 2.9 million civilian employees.

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Those who are told to show up for work will be given back pay for their efforts.

I feel sorry for those who are furloughed though, because they are going to miss out on however many days of pay they would have had if they'd been allowed to continue to work.

During the last time the government closed, I have to admit, there were a lot of people in the military that were wondering (myself included) if we were going to have to work for free.

One of the problems that I really have with the shutdown is some of the things that are closing.

They've closed the FDA, which means no more food inspections for as long as the shutdown is in effect. Salmonella in your food anyone?

I'm also concerned that those who depend on the VA for assistance (like for treatment of PTSD) aren't going to receive the care they need, and may end up going ballistic and shooting up a mall, another school, or possibly shooting up another base.

Anyone remember the Navy yard shooter? It happened only a few weeks ago.

I agree with some of what you said. Showing up to work at a Federal job in a non-pay status is illegal. There is much risk to the government for allowing a civilian to subsidize the government. For instance, if you die at your desk, or get hurt in the shop while in a non-pay status, pandoras box is opened

Fact is, majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid.


Really? Got a link to back up your bullshit?

Like I said, I remember the last shutdown that happened in 93, and I remember the impact it had on not only my life, but the lives of my civilian co workers.

A majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid? Remember, a majority is 51 percent or better.

Show me a link to back up your claims.

Oh, BTW- I remember the last shut down too. While you were being 'hurt' slick Willie was playing 'hide the cigar'

What a guy

I agree with some of what you said. Showing up to work at a Federal job in a non-pay status is illegal. There is much risk to the government for allowing a civilian to subsidize the government. For instance, if you die at your desk, or get hurt in the shop while in a non-pay status, pandoras box is opened

Fact is, majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid.


Really? Got a link to back up your bullshit?

Like I said, I remember the last shutdown that happened in 93, and I remember the impact it had on not only my life, but the lives of my civilian co workers.

A majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid? Remember, a majority is 51 percent or better.

Show me a link to back up your claims.

Oh, BTW- I remember the last shut down too. While you were being 'hurt' slick Willie was playing 'hide the cigar'

What a guy


Actually, I wasn't "hurt" that Clinton played hide the cigar with Monica, I was pissed that he'd lied about it.

I was "hurt" because the GOP are the ones that decided to shut down the government for over 20 days and because the civilian workers that were part of my command were furloughed and I had to do 3 times the work that I would have if they were still there.

Clinton's sex scandal had no effect on me other than to piss me off because he'd lied.

The shutdown of the government by the GOP had a serious effect, because not only did I have an increase of my workload, but I also had to wonder if I was going to get paid, as well as had to counsel others about how they could get help from Navy Relief.

Additionally.........................do you realize how hard it is to hear your co-workers call up and ask if they could come back to work (knowing they are not getting paid) and have to tell them that they couldn't come back yet?

I guess not, because you live in a place where the shutdown doesn't affect you.
It means that a few worthless federal employees will sit on their ass doing nothing at home, and draw a retroactive pay check; instead of sitting on their ass doing nothing at some bogus government agency.

Its like trimming the fat, except the fat comes right back.

Actually, they WON'T get a retroactive pay check. If they don't show up for work, they don't get paid.

Back in the last shutdown in '93, I remember seeing 2/3rds of the staff of PSD Newport RI (who were civilians, because the government thought it would be a good idea to hire civilian workers to replace Navy personnel, as it was more cost effective) were sent home for over 20 days and did NOT get retroactive pay.

The military? Well, even though we had to keep working (as we'd signed a contract stating we would), we didn't get paid for those 20 plus days, but when the government started up again, we were all given back pay for what we'd missed.

I'm wondering what's going to happen if they keep it shut for over a month, because then it will affect the military retirees (of which I am one), and they're going to be pissed and calling their congress critters to restart the government.

Thankfully, I think I have enough saved up for that possible scenario.

You THINK you have enough saved up for a month without pay?

Dude, you need to learn how to budget.
800,000 people currently NOT EMPLOYED because of this forced furlough?

Now that's the salaries of 800,000 formerly fairly well paid people, people whose money went back into the local economies.

This is bad news for more than just those forloighed.

This is bad for the economy, too.

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