What does antifa actually mean... antifa= anti "First Amendment."


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I thought I would spread this around so we can acurately label the democrat party brown shirts who are attacking people and directly attacking the Bill of Rights.....

Greg Gutfeld, on his show Saturday night, stole a definition of antifa from a guy on twitter......the guy on Twitter accurately identified what antifa means...

antiFA = anti "First Amendment."

Stick it on them like mud on a pig....
antiFA = anti "First Amendment."
In effect, yeah, that's essentially true.

Of course, stuck as zealots are on hyperbole, they think of the opposition as fascists.

Which is obviously an insult to the millions who have suffered under REAL fascism, but zealots don't worry themselves with such things.
Free expression is their worst enemy. They would lose instantly in the battlefield of new ideas. They are terrified of conservative speakers coming to the campus with much superior ideas.

Of course they want it banned! Practically half of their activity seems to be centered around blocking "Nazis" (everyone who disagrees with communism) from their own events.
Antifa means both anti-fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

So true Americans are anti-fascist and anti those like 2aguy, Norman, and Mac1958 who are fascist and anti-1st Amendment.
Antifa means both anti-fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

So true Americans are anti-fascist and anti those like 2aguy, Norman, and Mac1958 who are fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

Boy....you really shouldn't drink and take drugs so early on a Sunday morning...your usually stupid posting gets a lot worse......

The only ones who are fascists here are guys like you and the other left wingers...who believe in big government and more power to the government......and the only ones attacking the exercise of the First Amendment are your Antifa buddies.....the democrat party brown shirts who praise bernie sanders as their hero...........
Antifa is a bogeyman that righties invoke to justify violence and the suppression of all protest against DearLeader.

What, you brownshirts actually thought that wasn't obvious? We've seen how fascists work, so we know your game plan.
Antifa means both anti-fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

So true Americans are anti-fascist and anti those like 2aguy, Norman, and Mac1958 who are fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

Boy....you really shouldn't drink and take drugs so early on a Sunday morning...your usually stupid posting gets a lot worse......

The only ones who are fascists here are guys like you and the other left wingers...who believe in big government and more power to the government......and the only ones attacking the exercise of the First Amendment are your Antifa buddies.....the democrat party brown shirts who praise bernie sanders as their hero...........

JS works for the KGB and is holed up in the uintas somewhere, spying on his fellow Mormons.
Antifa is a bogeyman that righties invoke to justify violence and the suppression of all protest against DearLeader.

What, you brownshirts actually thought that wasn't obvious? We've seen how fascists work, so we know your game plan.

Dumb shit.......they call themselves that and dress up in their democrat party brown shirt uniforms...which happen to be black and with masks covering their cowardly faces......

The democrat party is the party of hate, violence, racism and crime...and their heroes, bernie sanders, and fake indian, elizabeth warren only encourage them to increase their violence....
Why are you lying and pretending the handful of antifa anarchists are related to the Democrats?

Oh, that's right. It's like I said, you're operating from the Nazi playbook, trying to justify violence against Jews/Democrats.

Right now you're just insinuating that people should attack Sanders, Warren, and all democrats. Soon, you'll up your game and call for open violence against everyone you don't like.
Why are you lying and pretending the handful of antifa anarchists are related to the Democrats?

Oh, that's right. It's like I said, you're operating from the Nazi playbook, trying to justify violence against Jews/Democrats.

Right now you're just insinuating that people should attack Sanders, Warren, and all democrats. Soon, you'll up your game and call for open violence against everyone you don't like.

Another left wing moron who started drinking and using drugs too early on a Sunday morning......you would get more out of life if you attended church on Sunday morning......

Sanders and warren are socialists and their foot soldiers are the morons in antifa who are now blocking free speech across this country......the only ones actually comitting violence are left wing assholes like you...everyone else wants to be left alone....but of course, that isn't what the left does....you guys start out attacking the political opposition....then you end up digging mass graves........
Antifa means both anti-fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

So true Americans are anti-fascist and anti those like 2aguy, Norman, and Mac1958 who are fascist and anti-1st Amendment.

I am going to tell you I have to agree with this sentiment Jake

But we part ways when we get into what the definition of a modern day "fascist" is.

I will submit to you that our radical friends on the left are the ones employing "fascist" tactics in today's world.

Between their desire to have the government control everything & their use of violence & intimidation to silence their opposition, I'd say that is is MORE than fair to label those people as "fascists" when you consider the actual meaning of the word...
I thought I would spread this around so we can acurately label the democrat party brown shirts who are attacking people and directly attacking the Bill of Rights.....

Greg Gutfeld, on his show Saturday night, stole a definition of antifa from a guy on twitter......the guy on Twitter accurately identified what antifa means...

antiFA = anti "First Amendment."

Stick it on them like mud on a pig....

indeed that is exactly who these fascists are

anti first amendment

among other things
Antifa claiming to be against fascism is a lot like Charley Sheen claiming he's against profligate drug use.
Why are you lying and pretending the handful of antifa anarchists are related to the Democrats?

Oh, that's right. It's like I said, you're operating from the Nazi playbook, trying to justify violence against Jews/Democrats.

Right now you're just insinuating that people should attack Sanders, Warren, and all democrats. Soon, you'll up your game and call for open violence against everyone you don't like.

You imbecile, he stated nothing of the sort.

That being said, self defense against these savages is highly recommended.

When are you going to condemn the actions of these violent far leftists? If you are so concerned about violence, maybe do that immediately and then we can talk more...
You imbecile, he stated nothing of the sort.

And the Nazis said nothing of the sort either, that they were just defending themselves from Jews and Communists.

At least at the beginning, that is. They got openly violent soon after.

That being said, self defense against these savages is highly recommended.

Tell us, are these savages after you? No? Then why are you making up stories that they are? Oh, that's right. You want a blanket excuse to engage in violence against your political opponents.

When are you going to condemn the actions of these violent far leftists?

We've always done that. Conservatives pretend otherwise. Again, they want that excuse to be violent, so they create a myth about a nationwide conspiracy of liberals attacking them.

If you are so concerned about violence, maybe do that immediately and then we can talk more...

Done, yet another time. So, you've lost that excuse.

Antifa is a handful of anarchists. They're not a threat to anybody. Yet most conservatives are calling for nationwide violence against all liberals because of them. That's the fascist playbook being followed.
You imbecile, he stated nothing of the sort.

And the Nazis said nothing of the sort either, that they were just defending themselves from Jews and Communists.

At least at the beginning, that is. They got openly violent soon after.

That being said, self defense against these savages is highly recommended.

Tell us, are these savages after you? No? Then why are yiou making up stories that they are? Oh, that's right. You want to make blanket excuses for all violent against your political opponents.

When are you going to condemn the actions of these violent far leftists?

We've always done that. Why do all conservatives pretending otherwise? Oh, that's right, you need to justify your own violence.

If you are so concerned about violence, maybe do that immediately and then we can talk more...

Done, yet another time. So, you've lost that excuse.

Antifa is a handful of anarchists. They're not a threat to anybody. Yet most conservatives are calling for nationwide violence against all liberals because of them. That's the fascist playbook being followed.

So are you then saying that Antifa are Nazis... because they are actually attacking people who are saying things they disagree with... exactly like the Nazis.

Or are people engaging in self defense more like the Nazis? LAUGHABLE! The people who defend themselves against such vile creatures are true PATRIOTS.
So are you then saying that Antifa are Nazis... because they are actually attacking people who are saying things they disagree with... exactly like the Nazis.

Sure. Try to get it thought your head that liberals don't like Anitfa Anarchists. We think they're a bunch of assholes, and we have no qualms about saying so. It's amusing that you think we'll get upset when you attack them.

Or are people engaging in self defense more like the Nazis? LAUGHABLE! The people who defend themselves against such vile creatures are true PATRIOTS.

You're not engaging in self-defense. You're calling for "self-defense" attacks on all liberals, based on your big lie that antifa is a bunch of liberals attacking every conservative across the nation.

Again, that's the same big lie tactic the Nazis used.
You imbecile, he stated nothing of the sort.

And the Nazis said nothing of the sort either, that they were just defending themselves from Jews and Communists.

At least at the beginning, that is. They got openly violent soon after.

That being said, self defense against these savages is highly recommended.

Tell us, are these savages after you? No? Then why are you making up stories that they are? Oh, that's right. You want a blanket excuse to engage in violence against your political opponents.

When are you going to condemn the actions of these violent far leftists?

We've always done that. Conservatives pretend otherwise. Again, they want that excuse to be violent, so they create a myth about a nationwide conspiracy of liberals attacking them.

If you are so concerned about violence, maybe do that immediately and then we can talk more...

Done, yet another time. So, you've lost that excuse.

Antifa is a handful of anarchists. They're not a threat to anybody. Yet most conservatives are calling for nationwide violence against all liberals because of them. That's the fascist playbook being followed.

Dumb ass...they have already shut down several speeches and the Rose Parade in Washington state......and they are getting more and more violent.....and have yet to be called out by their heroes, bernie sanders and elizabeth, fake indian, warren.....
bernie sanders

Bernie Sanders has actually been quite vocal in calling out the ANTIFA idiots

if fact, we are starting to get some movement from the left in joining us in condemning the activities that shut down opposing thought

if we are ever going to see things get better in the country, we need to recognize & show appreciation to our opponents when here is common ground
The funny thing about the left is that they have apparently been taught that free speech only pertains to outrageous behavior on the radical left like burning the Flag in the streets or hairy guys who suddenly get the desire to prance down the street dressed like Marlyn Monroe. What do they have to fear from little 90 pound Ann Coulter that they would threaten to riot if she merely gave a speech on a college campus? Hypocrites have been sniping at the Fox network for years for conduct that Hillary's husband engaged in every day and Hillary enabled. The left has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the Comedy Channel, PBS and nobody seemed concerned when CBS tried to influence a presidential election with forged documents. Democrats even tried an end run around the 1st Amendment during the Hussein administration with the ironically named "Fairness Doctrine" aka "Hush Rush" that would have forced (under gunpoint?) right wing talk radio stations to broadcast left wing propaganda.

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