What does "Fascism" mean to you?

What does "Fascism" mean to you?

  • Right Wing politics

    Votes: 17 41.5%
  • Left Wing Politics

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Government Control

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • Individual Liberty

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • My head hurts, don't ask me to think

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It’s simple. And not. Generally to differentiate between Soviet style Communism and Italian and German Fascism they break it down to left and right. And that’s sort of true.

But it isn’t really a line. Not a straight line. Nor is it boxes, which I’ve seen above. It is a circle. And at the top of the circle Soviet style Communism and German/Italian style Fascism are half an inch apart.

One of the ways you can show it really is Right Wing is how Fascists have always attacked the Left Wing. Fascists attacked Communists and in South America I’ve lost count how many Fascist Governments have sprung up to stop the Socialist/Communists. If they were mostly the same, why would they fight?

Hitler’s first act was to get rid of Jews, intellectuals and Communists. Next up went the left wing supporters. Hitler further claimed that the Communist government was actually a Jewish Conspiracy since Marx was a Jew.

By the same token, Stalin purged nearly everyone who he didn’t like, especially those who were further right.

In reality, the two are incapable of coexistence.

Yet there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between them.
We all know that when you simpletons use the word "truth" you are stretching your BS, like the "Truth Social" platform.
I started to 'get it' when they 'splained the Franc.....~S~
. . . and since the Franc is pegged to the Euro, and the Euro to the dollar.

Crony Capitalists tend to always support each other.


I uncovered something very interesting recently about the plans of Trump? Might explain a lot of what is going on?



What Fascism is, is socialism hiding behind a thin veneer of capitalism. What It's not is everything a lefty loon disagrees with.

One thing I have notice is that every time a failed flavor of socialism dies the loons will say that's not real socialism or try to rewrite history like they have for the fascist regimes. That's why the uneducated think that fascism is/was right wing.
You already know the answer - so why start another dumb MAGA thread???

Fascism is what all Trumpster dolts dream about all day long.

A form of government that came to power via violence whilst intimidating others forcefully. Thus enabling a minority to rule and suppress a majority. Foremost making use of patriotism, nationalism, racist mindsets, capitalistic ideals and conservative morals to forcefully unhinge and to destroy democratic concepts and values. Preferred mean to gain immediate power - promoting/propagating insurrection.
Thank you for your insightful analysis
State control is a monarchy or dictatorship, which is very right wing.
It is impossible to be left wing without being for a representative and democratic government.
You’re confused

Right wing is limited government, like ours was at one point

Government control is a Left wing ideology

Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao all had representative and democratic governments
What Fascism is, is socialism hiding behind a thin veneer of capitalism.
So, you're saying that Fascism is Socialism unveiled? What a strange thing to say.
One thing I have notice is that every time a failed flavor of socialism dies the loons will say that's not real socialism or try to rewrite history like they have for the fascist regimes.
I suppose you've never heard of Socialist-Democracy, huh?

I am also curious to know what you think Democracy is and if you think the US is Democratic. The reason I ask is because I'm sure you haven't figured out what "failed socialism" is and how it "dies" ..... and who kills it.
Fasicsm is harder to describe than most other ideologies.

But it is nothing without nationalism. Nationalism is central to fascism. It can’t exist without it.

Are left wingers nationalists?
Fascism is also when the government is in bed with the private sector. It's a way of appeasing or serving the interests of the working class without allowing them to dethrone their masters. Who are the masters? Adam Smith, the father of capitalism tells us:

" What are the common wages of labor, depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen desire to get as much, the masters to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (to form labor unions) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor. It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine much more easily; (the masters "combine" or form their own "unions" in the form of chambers of commerce, industry associations, super-PACs, non-profit front-organizations/NGOs, armies of lobbyists, think tanks..etc) and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen. " (Wealth Of Nations, Book I, Chapter VIII)

Emphasis Mine

Adam Smith recognized that the wealthy capitalist-employer class, the ones who own the means of production and hire labor, paying out wages, are the masters of a capitalist-run society. When there's serious social unrest or revolutionary elements are brewing amongst the working class, organizing strikes and protests, propagating ideas about taking the means of production by force and political control, the well-financed, usually better educated capitalist aristocracy (the masters), will stage their own coup and revolution.

The masters will install a nationalist dictator that serves their vested interests, while also satisfying most of the demands of the working class, meeting their needs. Hitler used "National Socialism" to placate the masses while allowing the masters to remain in power under his protection. That's fascism. The government protects the wealthy ruling elites from the working class, with their "silly ideas" about democracy ("people's rule") and all of that "BS". The rich orchestrate a right-wing nationalist, "populist" coup (they pretend to be populists, pro-working class), taking over the government either by force or by an election, and that's the end of the genuine socialist, people's uprising. That's essentially fascism.

Fascism has nothing to do with conservative family values or being against willy-nilly abortions of convenience, child puberty blockers or public trans-bathrooms, or denying that there are more than two genders..etc. That's just a bunch of post-modernist, liberal gobbledygook. Fascism is more about economics and protecting the big-money capitalists from a pissed-off and frustrated working class (stopping the pitchforks from coming out).
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Sorry, but that is totally incorrect.
Fascism is far right, is anti-socialist, and is an oligarchy of the wealthy elite. It is aristocracy, military, and corporations.
Hitler killed off all the socialist in the "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934.
The ancient Romans invented fascism, and it refers to the fascia, the wooden axe handle used as the lictor badge of office. They would bundle the handles together to signify strength in unity. Look at the back of an old dime.
Another dumbass that thinks just because someone killed some people, means they werent socialists. :lol:
Another dumbass that thinks just because someone killed some people, means they werent socialists. :lol:
Fascists: Bad, right wing. Did we mention RIGHT wing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Socialists: Good people who are everyone else.
It’s simple. And not. Generally to differentiate between Soviet style Communism and Italian and German Fascism they break it down to left and right. And that’s sort of true.

But it isn’t really a line. Not a straight line. Nor is it boxes, which I’ve seen above. It is a circle. And at the top of the circle Soviet style Communism and German/Italian style Fascism are half an inch apart.

One of the ways you can show it really is Right Wing is how Fascists have always attacked the Left Wing. Fascists attacked Communists and in South America I’ve lost count how many Fascist Governments have sprung up to stop the Socialist/Communists. If they were mostly the same, why would they fight?

Hitler’s first act was to get rid of Jews, intellectuals and Communists. Next up went the left wing supporters. Hitler further claimed that the Communist government was actually a Jewish Conspiracy since Marx was a Jew.

By the same token, Stalin purged nearly everyone who he didn’t like, especially those who were further right.

In reality, the two are incapable of coexistence.

Yet there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between them.
I'm not sure what drugs you are taking, but you either need more of them or stop the ones you are taking altogether.

Marxism has murdered far more people last century than any ideology, not even close.

Joe Stalin murdered millions more than Hitler even. Did I mention both Hitler and Joe Stalin teamed up against Poland?

Yet you don't see it.


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