What does "Fascism" mean to you?

What does "Fascism" mean to you?

  • Right Wing politics

    Votes: 17 41.5%
  • Left Wing Politics

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Government Control

    Votes: 24 58.5%
  • Individual Liberty

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • My head hurts, don't ask me to think

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
They are both totalitarian. Thats why they are both on the same end. Communism is the dissolvement of the state but that has never happened and never will. And they use totalitarianism to get to where they want to get.
You are basing the graph off of republicans? :lol: Republicans arent righties. Look at what they support. Massive debt and deficits, big govt, welfare(in the forms they approve of) assaults on the second, racist monetary policies etc.
Left is tyranny. Right is freedom.
Way over the heads of these moonbats.
Left is tyranny. Right is freedom.
The left/right distinction is not entirely clear and consistent but has little to do with authoritarian vs libertarian modes of government. Both left and right sides can be either in different circumstances.

It has a lot more to do with conservatism be progressivism.
They are both totalitarian. Thats why they are both on the same end. Communism is the dissolvement of the state but that has never happened and never will. And they use totalitarianism to get to where they want to get.
You are basing the graph off of republicans? :lol: Republicans arent righties. Look at what they support. Massive debt and deficits, big govt, welfare(in the forms they approve of) assaults on the second, racist monetary policies etc.
Left is tyranny. Right is freedom.
Communism is totalitarian; fascism is authoritarianism. The difference is totalitarianism believes in total state control in both economics and personal matters. while authoritarians are controlled by a strong man where the state does not control the economy or control every individual decision. Communism is left; authoritarianism is right.

The problem with your analysis is you equate all dictatorships with the left when in fact most dictatorship, not all, comes from the right, especially in the form of a military coup. There is a reason Pinochet in Chile and Vedela in Argentina killed students they considered "left-wing" and it isn't because they agreed with them.
Communism is totalitarian; fascism is authoritarianism. The difference is totalitarianism believes in total state control in both economics and personal matters. while authoritarians are controlled by a strong man where the state does not control the economy or control every individual decision. Communism is left; authoritarianism is right.

The problem with your analysis is you equate all dictatorships with the left when in fact most dictatorship, not all, comes from the right, especially in the form of a military coup. There is a reason Pinochet in Chile and Vedela in Argentina killed students they considered "left-wing" and it isn't because they agreed with them.
Communism is totalitarian; fascism is authoritarianism.
Jesus fucking christ :rofl:
  1. a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state:

Jesus fucking christ :rofl:
  1. a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state:
Duh! Isn't that what I wrote?
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Fascism is a system of government that has tight government control of both the economy and the lives of its citizens, without government ownership of the means of production. It typically has a single, strong leader, responsible to no one, and operates under the "leadership principle". Strong nationalism is usually a key component, as well as distrust or outright hatred of the left side of the political spectrum, with the further left being the side, the more the hatred.
The elevation of coercive state government as the ultimate expression of a society and its values.
Facts mean NOTHING to you at all.

Republicans are the ones being arrested for lying , cheating and stealing. Donald Trump has been convicted of fraud in multiple jurisdictions, and was in the middle of a fraud trial when he was elected President.

When you persist in election known criminals, don't be surpised if they continue committing crimes after you elect them.

And stop blaming Democrats because you're electing crooks.
The left will do absolutely anything, including defying logic and any sense of intelligence, to put fascism on the right :lol:
They got to have at least one genocidal maniac on the right!
Your post wouldn't make anyone smarter....It's the dumbest fucking thing I've read in quite awhile, and that includes sundra and sealybobo.
For someone who spouts nearly every conspiracy theory that comes out of his ass or someone else's ass, making people stupid is your forte.
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While I had a decent education at public school in the Bronx, one thing I "learned" was that Fascism is a "right-wing" philosophy. Meaning Nationalism, belief in Jesus and other stuff that seems vague to me now

What does it mean to you? Why?

Unlimited choices and as always feel free to name your own
Fascism is not belief in Jesus!

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