Zone1 What does it tell you when around half of trannies have autism?

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So easily influenced in schools. What a tragedy isn't it?

This is Andrew Klavan over at Daily Wire interviewing a journalist who is investigating why there isn't more research done on this topic......of course, because if you do research into could be ruined, and lose your career....

This is Andrew Klavan over at Daily Wire interviewing a journalist who is investigating why there isn't more research done on this topic......of course, because if you do research into could be ruined, and lose your career....

Autistics are the perfect grooming tools
People who have breast enhancement surgery sometimes regret it and have them removed. Maybe we should just mind our own business and allow people to do whatever works for them?

For adults...sure....they can do what they want....we aren't talking about that...we are talking about children and their parents putting them on puberty blockers that will sterilize them for life.......

The video I posted has discusses an interview with a researcher from North Western who discusses the fact that a lot of transgender kids have underlying mental issues that predate the transgenderism by about 4 years......showing that the transgenderism is a mental health issue that needs to be treated, not sanctioned by their parents.....

For adults...sure....they can do what they want...

Outside of being on a beer can?

.we aren't talking about that...we are talking about children and their parents putting them on puberty blockers that will sterilize them for life.......

The video I posted has discusses an interview with a researcher from North Western who discusses the fact that a lot of transgender kids have underlying mental issues that predate the transgenderism by about 4 years......showing that the transgenderism is a mental health issue that needs to be treated, not sanctioned by their parents.....

How do you treat the way you were born? Do you suppose you could be treated to be attracted to the same sex?
Outside of being on a beer can?

How do you treat the way you were born? Do you suppose you could be treated to be attracted to the same sex?

Here is why you are wrong.......

If you had a youtuber who was dangerously anorexic....would you want them being applauded by being given fame and fortune through endorsements?

Research is showing that young girls are more impressionable, so putting an anorexic in a position of fame would be dangerous to young is also why news papers stopped publishing the names of teen suicide prevent copy cats....

Dylyan mulvaney is mentally ill........and his mental illness can influence impressionable young people, especially young girls.......and now, with the democrats and their friends in the medical profession not treating these mentally ill people, but encouraging their conditions....and mutilating them.....we have a problem....
Outside of being on a beer can?

How do you treat the way you were born? Do you suppose you could be treated to be attracted to the same sex?

Research is showing that Gender Dysphoria can be spread through young people communities through social contagion....especially among young girls.......

Outside of being on a beer can?

How do you treat the way you were born? Do you suppose you could be treated to be attracted to the same sex?

Here.......the start of research into this topic....this researcher is risking their professional career even doing this toe in the water research...

Pre-existing mental health issues were common, and youths with these issues were more likely than those without them to have socially and medically transitioned. Parents reported that they had often felt pressured by clinicians to affirm their AYA child’s new gender and support their transition. According to the parents, AYA children’s mental health deteriorated considerably after social transition.
Given the recent surge of cases of gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults whose demographic profile is unlike those from previous generations, it is important to seek data from all sources and premature to reject any of them. As we learn more, we may come to prefer some sources of information over others, but there is not yet any guide to this preference. In the meantime, it is desirable—even urgent—to collect data from all available sources.

Here is why you are wrong.......

If you had a youtuber who was dangerously anorexic....would you want them being applauded by being given fame and fortune through endorsements?

Irrelevant. You said it was about minors. I showed and you verified it is not just about that.

Research is showing that young girls are more impressionable, so putting an anorexic in a position of fame would be dangerous to young is also why news papers stopped publishing the names of teen suicide prevent copy cats....

Dylyan mulvaney is mentally ill........and his mental illness can influence impressionable young people, especially young girls.......and now, with the democrats and their friends in the medical profession not treating these mentally ill people, but encouraging their conditions....and mutilating them.....we have a problem....

So yeah, it's not just about minors.
Research is showing that Gender Dysphoria can be spread through young people communities through social contagion....especially among young girls.......

Like how you can catch gay?
Here.......the start of research into this topic....this researcher is risking their professional career even doing this toe in the water research...

Pre-existing mental health issues were common, and youths with these issues were more likely than those without them to have socially and medically transitioned. Parents reported that they had often felt pressured by clinicians to affirm their AYA child’s new gender and support their transition. According to the parents, AYA children’s mental health deteriorated considerably after social transition.
Given the recent surge of cases of gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults whose demographic profile is unlike those from previous generations, it is important to seek data from all sources and premature to reject any of them. As we learn more, we may come to prefer some sources of information over others, but there is not yet any guide to this preference. In the meantime, it is desirable—even urgent—to collect data from all available sources.

One influential if controversial explanation is that the increase reflects a socially contagious syndrome:

It couldn't be because people are feeling safer to state how they actually feel?
There is also a relationship between transexuals and borderline personality disorder.
One influential if controversial explanation is that the increase reflects a socially contagious syndrome:

It couldn't be because people are feeling safer to state how they actually feel?
Feelings are not reality as we see with more and more de-transitioning.
Feelings are not reality as we see with more and more de-transitioning.

Not always no. We should be concentrating on help as opposed to condemnation and name calling. Some are incapable of doing that obviously though.
Not always no. We should be concentrating on help as opposed to condemnation and name calling. Some are incapable of doing that obviously though.
The people who actually need help are the legions of brainwashed sheeple who believe things now who didn't believe in them as recently as 5 years ago, much less 10 or 20.
The people who actually need help are the legions of brainwashed sheeple who believe things now who didn't believe in them as recently as 5 years ago, much less 10 or 20.

We once thought black people weren't full people.
Here.......the start of research into this topic....this researcher is risking their professional career even doing this toe in the water research...

Pre-existing mental health issues were common, and youths with these issues were more likely than those without them to have socially and medically transitioned. Parents reported that they had often felt pressured by clinicians to affirm their AYA child’s new gender and support their transition. According to the parents, AYA children’s mental health deteriorated considerably after social transition.
Given the recent surge of cases of gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults whose demographic profile is unlike those from previous generations, it is important to seek data from all sources and premature to reject any of them. As we learn more, we may come to prefer some sources of information over others, but there is not yet any guide to this preference. In the meantime, it is desirable—even urgent—to collect data from all available sources.

From that quoted bit: "Parents reported that they had often felt pressured by clinicians" "to affirm their AYA child’s new gender and support their transition." Probably underpinned by so-called mental health 'professionals' and psychologists. Most of whom are themselves mentally ill.
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