What does living within your means really mean?

So what if they are. You can't just combine them for the sake of winning this altercation.

Christians and the jewish religion are connected. Judeo christian values, ever heard of that?

Why do we eat ham on Easter?

They are connected dumb ass they are not the same. But you knew that didn't you?
You have missed me saying dick tuck must have got dick fucked really hard last night after reading some of the stupid shit he writes.
Name one religion that teaches to take care of the sick and strangers?
Every single religion that I know of...the Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, Muslim etc.....and all the atheist I know, all advocate helping the neediest among us....and as I said, most non religious believe the same.

It's the golden rule in most every religion....and even among those not religious....Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

You have it wrong not one group you mentioned is charitable to someone that is not part of their religion.

People We Serve - UMMA Community Clinic

UMMA is a Muslim free clinic in Los Angeles. Only 2% of their patients are Muslim.

and, Islamic Relief USA...

About.com: http://www.islamicreliefusa.org/home

Should I go on???
What if the company you worked at took the Bush tax cuts and used the money to send your job to China? Then Republicans closed the Jr. College you were going to, to earn skills for a new job? Then, how do you live within your means without government help?

Unless the GOP answer is "go die"? Is that the answer?

Go find another job. That's the answer.

And if all you can find is minimum wage and you have a family? Then what? Go die?
What if the company you worked at took the Bush tax cuts and used the money to send your job to China? Then Republicans closed the Jr. College you were going to, to earn skills for a new job? Then, how do you live within your means without government help?

Unless the GOP answer is "go die"? Is that the answer?

oh the same money that also sent jobs top china while obama is still president?

So the Republicans answer to everything they do is "Democrats"?
What if the company you worked at took the Bush tax cuts and used the money to send your job to China? Then Republicans closed the Jr. College you were going to, to earn skills for a new job? Then, how do you live within your means without government help?

Unless the GOP answer is "go die"? Is that the answer?

Go find another job. That's the answer.

And if all you can find is minimum wage and you have a family? Then what? Go die?

There was a time not all that long ago that a grown up expected to obtain sufficient education and put in the time necessary to obtain a work ethic, references, experience, and marketable skills so that he was in a position to support a family BEFORE he or she started one. And oddly enough, the vast majority of Americans did get married and become traditional families in those days without benefit of government hand outs and without a government mandated living wage.

And most did live within their means because almost none of us had credit cards in those days and it was much more difficult to buy something on credit and it was a matter of honor to pay what you owed.

Such a culture has existed in this country in the past, both in government and in society, and we would be very very smart to return to such concepts.
What if the company you worked at took the Bush tax cuts and used the money to send your job to China? Then Republicans closed the Jr. College you were going to, to earn skills for a new job? Then, how do you live within your means without government help?

Unless the GOP answer is "go die"? Is that the answer?

Go find another job. That's the answer.

And if all you can find is minimum wage and you have a family? Then what? Go die?

Anyone making minimum wage who decides to have children should have them taken away. Libturds like you act as if people aren't in anyway responsible for the circumstance they find themselves in.
Go find another job. That's the answer.

And if all you can find is minimum wage and you have a family? Then what? Go die?

Anyone making minimum wage who decides to have children should have them taken away. Libturds like you act as if people aren't in anyway responsible for the circumstance they find themselves in.

Another racist republican that cannot blow wing without name calling but when you look at the icon all questions about this illerate fool are answered.
What if the company you worked at took the Bush tax cuts and used the money to send your job to China? Then Republicans closed the Jr. College you were going to, to earn skills for a new job? Then, how do you live within your means without government help?

Unless the GOP answer is "go die"? Is that the answer?

Go find another job. That's the answer.

And if all you can find is minimum wage and you have a family? Then what? Go die?

You do what you gotta do. Maybe get a 2nd job, see if you can make yourself worth more to your employer and get a raise, take in a roommate or boarder, live with parents/grandparents/siblings/friends, whatever. Your family is your responsibility, not mine. If you can't take care of 'em, maybe they're better off with someone else.
Go find another job. That's the answer.

And if all you can find is minimum wage and you have a family? Then what? Go die?

Anyone making minimum wage who decides to have children should have them taken away. Libturds like you act as if people aren't in anyway responsible for the circumstance they find themselves in.

Or at least should be working two or three jobs until he or she is able to support a family with one. Nobody should be having kids and expecting somebody else to pay for the cost of raising them. there wasn't a time all that long ago too that if you didn't feed, clothe, educate, and otherwise take care of your kids, they were taken away until you were prepared to do that. As a result, neglected children were very much the exception everywhere rather than so commonplace that the government has massive programs to take care of them while leaving them with irresponsible parents.
And if all you can find is minimum wage and you have a family? Then what? Go die?

Anyone making minimum wage who decides to have children should have them taken away. Libturds like you act as if people aren't in anyway responsible for the circumstance they find themselves in.

Another racist republican that cannot blow wing without name calling but when you look at the icon all questions about this illerate fool are answered.

In other words, my comment is dead on. For someone who is supposedly against name calling, you sure are good at it.
Every single religion that I know of...the Hindu, Buddhists, Jews, Muslim etc.....and all the atheist I know, all advocate helping the neediest among us....and as I said, most non religious believe the same.

It's the golden rule in most every religion....and even among those not religious....Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

You have it wrong not one group you mentioned is charitable to someone that is not part of their religion.

People We Serve - UMMA Community Clinic

UMMA is a Muslim free clinic in Los Angeles. Only 2% of their patients are Muslim.

and, Islamic Relief USA...

About.com: http://www.islamicreliefusa.org/home

Should I go on???
I saw no white devils.
And if all you can find is minimum wage and you have a family? Then what? Go die?

Anyone making minimum wage who decides to have children should have them taken away. Libturds like you act as if people aren't in anyway responsible for the circumstance they find themselves in.

Or at least should be working two or three jobs until he or she is able to support a family with one. Nobody should be having kids and expecting somebody else to pay for the cost of raising them. there wasn't a time all that long ago too that if you didn't feed, clothe, educate, and otherwise take care of your kids, they were taken away until you were prepared to do that. As a result, neglected children were very much the exception everywhere rather than so commonplace that the government has massive programs to take care of them while leaving them with irresponsible parents.

Another politically correct comment as anti American as it can get.

It's not a problem of people having kids it's a problem that Bush and the rest of the 1% sold peoples jobs to comunism. Putting labels on people that do not agree with you is just creating worthless bumper stckers.

American is a government based on laws of the people, by the people, for the people not for the 1% fascist tax evaders.
Anyone making minimum wage who decides to have children should have them taken away. Libturds like you act as if people aren't in anyway responsible for the circumstance they find themselves in.

Or at least should be working two or three jobs until he or she is able to support a family with one. Nobody should be having kids and expecting somebody else to pay for the cost of raising them. there wasn't a time all that long ago too that if you didn't feed, clothe, educate, and otherwise take care of your kids, they were taken away until you were prepared to do that. As a result, neglected children were very much the exception everywhere rather than so commonplace that the government has massive programs to take care of them while leaving them with irresponsible parents.

Another politically correct comment as anti American as it can get.

It's not a problem of people having kids it's a problem that Bush and the rest of the 1% sold peoples jobs to comunism. Putting labels on people that do not agree with you is just creating worthless bumper stckers.

American is a government based on laws of the people, by the people, for the people not for the 1% fascist tax evaders.

Politically correct? Not at all. None of those people receiving government handouts are paying federal taxes at all unless they are working at a job in which they are paying into their own social security fund. I and my husband have worked two and three jobs when things got tough and there were a lot of days that we pretty much made do with oatmeal and pinto beans and potatoes because we couldn't afford anything else, but we never, and I ean NEVER expected anybody but us to take care of us or our kids.

And the law of the land should be that people will make sure their children are adequately housed, fed, clothed, educated, and otherwise cared for or they will lose those kids. I don't expect you to pay to raise my kids and I sure as hell don't want to get stuck ith the bill to raise yours.
Correct. The crash was enabled by both parties when they capitalized on getting everyone one into homes even if they couldn't afford it as a way to buy votes. Once the economy crashed due to the Democrats and Republicans, they now try and capitalize on blaming the other party to win votes as can be seen by TM.

To buy votes? You're joking, right?

BOTH parties buy votes at the expense of the taxpayer. Where have you been?

It's not that they're trying to buy votes, it's the ridiculous notion that you have that the housing crisis was about buying votes rather than the grossly out of control practices of that field of capitalism that we have been trying to avoid.

Patently dumb.
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Or at least should be working two or three jobs until he or she is able to support a family with one. Nobody should be having kids and expecting somebody else to pay for the cost of raising them. there wasn't a time all that long ago too that if you didn't feed, clothe, educate, and otherwise take care of your kids, they were taken away until you were prepared to do that. As a result, neglected children were very much the exception everywhere rather than so commonplace that the government has massive programs to take care of them while leaving them with irresponsible parents.

Another politically correct comment as anti American as it can get.

It's not a problem of people having kids it's a problem that Bush and the rest of the 1% sold peoples jobs to comunism. Putting labels on people that do not agree with you is just creating worthless bumper stckers.

American is a government based on laws of the people, by the people, for the people not for the 1% fascist tax evaders.

Politically correct? Not at all. None of those people receiving government handouts are paying federal taxes at all unless they are working at a job in which they are paying into their own social security fund. I and my husband have worked two and three jobs when things got tough and there were a lot of days that we pretty much made do with oatmeal and pinto beans and potatoes because we couldn't afford anything else, but we never, and I ean NEVER expected anybody but us to take care of us or our kids.

And the law of the land should be that people will make sure their children are adequately housed, fed, clothed, educated, and otherwise cared for or they will lose those kids. I don't expect you to pay to raise my kids and I sure as hell don't want to get stuck ith the bill to raise yours.

Anyone that does not like the American constitution and what it stands for need to immigrate to a country that supports the fascism that they support.

The constitution defines the American government not what anyone's personal opinion wants to make out of it.

I have not seen one of these propaganda supporting phony conservatives support anything but tax evaders and welfare for the 1% and the racism paid for by the working public as well as supporting communism with American jobs.
Anyone that does not like the American constitution and what it stands for need to immigrate to a country that supports the fascism that they support.

The constitution defines the American government not what anyone's personal opinion wants to make out of it.

I have not seen one of these propaganda supporting phony conservatives support anything but tax evaders and welfare for the 1% and the racism paid for by the working public as well as supporting communism with American jobs.

You should be the first one on the boat, asshole.
Anyone that does not like the American constitution and what it stands for need to immigrate to a country that supports the fascism that they support.

The constitution defines the American government not what anyone's personal opinion wants to make out of it.

I have not seen one of these propaganda supporting phony conservatives support anything but tax evaders and welfare for the 1% and the racism paid for by the working public as well as supporting communism with American jobs.

You should be the first one on the boat, asshole.

Pat it's anti American traitors like you that have destroyed the country but freedom will prevail in the end and law will prevail in the end. :eusa_clap:
Anyone that does not like the American constitution and what it stands for need to immigrate to a country that supports the fascism that they support.

The constitution defines the American government not what anyone's personal opinion wants to make out of it.

I have not seen one of these propaganda supporting phony conservatives support anything but tax evaders and welfare for the 1% and the racism paid for by the working public as well as supporting communism with American jobs.

You should be the first one on the boat, asshole.

Pat it's anti American traitors like you that have destroyed the country but freedom will prevail in the end and law will prevail in the end. :eusa_clap:

You mean like the ones NOT paying taxes...getting refunds for NOT paying...AND living off the sweat of others?


Mooch much?

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