Debate Now What does MAGA mean ? Specifically ?

America once was great, as in "a great nation", feared by our enemies, loved and respected by our allies and others. America was once "strong" and "good". It was said that America was great because America was good. We need to return to being good. Then we will be great again.
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When were we respected.

You certainly are not respecting the rules in the OP.

How did you determine we are not ?
We were respected and feared by our adversaries when Trump was in office... the history of lessening conflict around the world proves it...
How do you measure that or know it to be true ?

O.K. Once again (and I think you are probably right) please provide some information or data to back up your claim.

I am not sure that was ever true. We've had good individual systems. Or maybe that is what you meant....people could choose. I don't know. But a blanket statement isn't helpful.

I hope you don't think I am picking on you. I've always respected you as a poster (you are information based and level headed, plus I think you do a good job of synthesizing your life's experiences).

This is one I'd like to know more about. Just what do you mean by best ?

This we can agree on, but I have to what ? That didn't do good things for everyone. We have some super rich people and we have a lot of poor people. (and no, my name isn't Bernie Sanders :))

You've said a lot....and I am not sure I can agree or disagree. I would not know what to use as a rebuttle.

Other than to say the opposite and sit there like a couple of posters I just barked at.

So, either it doesn't stand for that, or Trump and Co. are huge liars.

Trump does nothing but antagonize (and Lauren Boebert and MTG are prime examples) his supporters do to. Stop playing nice is all I hear. That isn't working together.

Trump and our congress only continue to pass laws and do things that are taking us away from being free and powerful (and I'll point to a deficit I can't even comprehend as an example).

If you want our government to do those things, I would agree. But I don't see MAGA or it's disciples doing anything like it.
You asked what MAGA means. I explained it as best as I could. I grew up when a truly great America was the norm. I experienced everything I wrote. I won't go through reams and libraries of data and information to back it all up because that is an unreasonable request and I have neither the time nor inclination to do it.

But you asked what MAGA means. My post is what MAGA means.
People know when their nation is respected and we are not... not by our friends allies or enemy states.... we know when the streets are safe and when they are not... and they are not safe now.... people can see the shuttered businesses open borders and food lines... we can see the homeless numbers growing and the drug epidemic is out of control....
We had a blissful pause in all of that until the China virus stopped it cold... and we were almost great again... we were respected and feared when appropriate and everyone could see we had turned a corner from Obama's mess...
Now with Obama back in charge everything is back to where we were... not only here but abroad....
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to answer your questions... we just can't understand you not knowing....
MAGA simply means fix what Obama breaks...
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I call MAGA a sales pitch. Just like I call Build-Back-Better a sales pitch.

If MAGA means Make American Great Again, it means we were once great.

Can somewhat tell me when that was, what made us "great" and when you'll know we've gotten back to that point ?

I contend that people (because I've been cornering them on this topic) don't know what they mean when they say MAGA.

Nobody I've talked to can give me specifics.

One person I talked to said:

Well, in 1960, we didn't have the illegal problem we have now. So I asked what the problem is now (in terms of numbers). Didn't have it. How about 1960...didn't have it. I decided to forego the easy follow up question and move on.

So I am going to say, I think America is great now. We have A LOT of issues, for sure. But I still love living here and am grateful for my freedoms and liberties.

I see MAGA as a sales pitch and an implication that we've lost something (but nobody can tell me what). And I am not so sure American was any greater then than it is today.

Let me know what you think.

Rule #1: Provide specifics.

Rule #2: If you want to argue generalities, you have to be very clear on what they are and the basis for them.

Rule #3: No commentary on the "other side"
MAGA is a campaign slogan that has been used by both democrats and republicans. I believe it refers to re-establishing an America first foreign policy agenda, a promotion of liberty and personal responsibility, and a return to a free-speech based non-PC societal climate.

So let's be clear about what we mean.

Someone says we had a secure border....just what does that mean. How do you know the border is secure ?

You don’t, because it means different things to different people and it changes according the the laws at the time.

Presumably it means 0 people crossing illegally…but maybe it means militarized. Maybe it means shooting those who to to cross. Maybe it means changing immigration laws on the legal side.

You are saying, we never had that (or maybe you were referencing something else.....let me know). But if you are saying that, how did you make that determination.

To my knowledge we have never zero illegal immigration.

It goes back to...."AGAIN". So we are going to duplicate something. What ???

How do we know we duplicated it.
How can you duplicate something that either never existed in the first place?
Yep, those food lines were tough. Here are a few of them from when trump was president.
View attachment 932276
Ummm are you sure those pics are not covid testing pics?... because I can check... I don't see one table of food or water anywhere... but I do recognize one of your pics and it was a covid testing line....
You don’t, because it means different things to different people and it changes according the the laws at the time.

Presumably it means 0 people crossing illegally…but maybe it means militarized. Maybe it means shooting those who to to cross. Maybe it means changing immigration laws on the legal side.

To my knowledge we have never zero illegal immigration.

How can you duplicate something that either never existed in the first place?
Liberals change it.... they twist it this way and that to fit their agenda... it means Make America Great and keep it great for the people not just for the politicians....
It means Americans first... and for the life of me I can't see anything objectionable in that....
It didn't exist. I grew up in America too. What you believe is a tall tale.
Or…more accurately, it depends on who you were and when you were.

For example, our healthcare system today is far better for MORE people then what existed 50 years ago.
You're right about that respect thing too. Remember when all those world leaders laughed at trump?

They weren't laughing after Trump defeated Isis and had the Abraham accords signed... something not one of those giggling fish egg eating elites could have or would have done in a thousand years....
Liberals change it.... they twist it this way and that to fit their agenda... it means Make America Great and keep it great for the people not just for the politicians....
It means Americans first... and for the life of me I can't see anything objectionable in that....
Change what exactly?
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America once was great, as in "a great nation", feared by our enemies, loved and respected by our allies and others. America was once "strong" and "good". It was said that America was great because America was good. We need to return to being good. Then we will be great again.
Were we “good”? When? And I’m speaking from the perspective of someone who loves her country warts and all. Pretending the warts don’t exist means we can’t try to be better than we were. How can we be better when we pretend the bad didn’t exist and seek to reproduce that era?
They are still laughing at that fat orange fool.
Who is?... the failed leaders all around the dysfunctional world?... who can't run bio labs without killing millions of people and can't stop wars from starting and famine to kill millions in Africa... are those the people laughing at Trump?....

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