What Does The Bible REALLY Say About Queer People?

Jesus was plenty liberal, and his first believers lived what you'd call communism. Read up on it.

Communism=liberalism. Thanks for clarifying.
Nope, nothing of the kind. You'd read up on Jesus, early Christians, and Liberalism.

You just said that Jesus was liberal and his followers lived in communism.
I said he was plenty liberal, he was also totally fucking nuts, and that how the early Christians lived would be communism to you, it was communal.
People who live in communes are communists.:)
Then, the early followers of Jesus were communists.
Funny he never mentioned it, he must not have felt it was that important.

Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?
Love the sinner, hate the sin is how it goes. Like I said before, my neighbor had a lesbian couple living next to him. We invited them over to drink beer in the back yard. Had great times, but they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I never treated them badly.
You didn't treat them badly but you would still deny them a right you have. That's treating all of them badly.
Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?
Love the sinner, hate the sin is how it goes. Like I said before, my neighbor had a lesbian couple living next to him. We invited them over to drink beer in the back yard. Had great times, but they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I never treated them badly.
You didn't treat them badly but you would still deny them a right you have. That's treating all of them badly.
I was all for civil unions dipshit. They would've had all the rights that a married couple have. Now that marriage has been redefined, it means absolutely nothing. Soon you will call me a hater because I don't think someone should marry their dog.
I said it all comes down to interpretation, you choose to interpret the scriptures to mean that God Hates Fags, I have a more loving and inclusive interpretation. Who's to say who is wrong? God does not seem to be willing to weigh in on the controversy, plenty of mere humans willing to put words in his mouth. My sense of righteousness is based on a strict Christian upbringing, how that same philosophy could have produced so many hateful people is a mystery.

God doesn't hate "fags" He hates their sin. God is all loving but He has rules
It seems God built the sin into them. He really must hate fags to create someone who is bound to sin, be constantly filled with guilt, be treated as a pariah and never really be happy. Or, it could be that all that hate, guilt and public stigma are nothing but the societal meddling of ancient hypocrites who also wanted to force their narrow morality on the public.

The jury is still out on whether homosexuals are born homosexual.
Only with people who hate homosexuals and reject everything they say about the personal experience of being gay. The gay people say they were always gay and I tend to believe the first-hand accounts rather than the people who only want them to go back in closet and stay there.

Please quote scientific evidence they are born homosexual. I won't wait while you conduct a futile search
I just cited first-hand anecdotal evidence that is plenty good enough for most reasonable people. Just because no causative factor has been discovered does not make it less likely that they are gay from birth. If you want to say the Jury is out you must therefore accept the distinct possibility that they are, in fact, born that way.
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?
Love the sinner, hate the sin is how it goes. Like I said before, my neighbor had a lesbian couple living next to him. We invited them over to drink beer in the back yard. Had great times, but they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I never treated them badly.
You didn't treat them badly but you would still deny them a right you have. That's treating all of them badly.
I was all for civil unions dipshit. They would've had all the rights that a married couple have. Now that marriage has been redefined, it means absolutely nothing. Soon you will call me a hater because I don't think someone should marry their dog.
For that we just call you a moron because neither are true.
Ne never mentioned murder or pedophiles either....you fail....again :) Best you run along, I'm slaying you, badly
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?
Love the sinner, hate the sin is how it goes. Like I said before, my neighbor had a lesbian couple living next to him. We invited them over to drink beer in the back yard. Had great times, but they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I never treated them badly.
You didn't treat them badly but you would still deny them a right you have. That's treating all of them badly.

I don't believe in SSM but I don't treat gays badly. Cease projecting.
God only gave man 10 commandments to follow. The rest of these rules came from men.
Which one of the three versions is the one God gave us?
You'll have to look on the label.
Chapter and Verse please...
Exodus Chapter 20, verses 2 through 17
Note that there is nothing said about homosexuality or food or clothing, nor does it say anything about stoning people to death.
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?
Love the sinner, hate the sin is how it goes. Like I said before, my neighbor had a lesbian couple living next to him. We invited them over to drink beer in the back yard. Had great times, but they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I never treated them badly.
You didn't treat them badly but you would still deny them a right you have. That's treating all of them badly.
I was all for civil unions dipshit. They would've had all the rights that a married couple have. Now that marriage has been redefined, it means absolutely nothing. Soon you will call me a hater because I don't think someone should marry their dog.
Strawman fail, animals are not entitled to civil rights and equal protection.
God only gave man 10 commandments to follow. The rest of these rules came from men.
Which one of the three versions is the one God gave us?
You'll have to look on the label.
Chapter and Verse please...
Exodus Chapter 20, verses 2 through 17
Note that there is nothing said about homosexuality or food or clothing, nor does it say anything about stoning people to death.

Homosexuality is condemned in at least six different place in the Bible. It's perfectly clear the Bible and God prohibit it
Noah's Ark is one of my favorite fairy tales.



apparently men were so busy telling you to be offended, they forget to explain to you, eggs, the size of infant animals, and the amount of animal species on the earth during the time of Noah, and the difference between two canines, and 2,000 different breeds of canine. They all fit very nicely. You have lions and tigers and house kitties, and pumas and cheetahs, and panthers, where Noah only needed room for 2 felines. Your little mental boat won't even float! You need God for the correct blueprints.

Hmmm, sounds like you may believe in evolution...
Hmmm, nope. I believe in adaption. Monkeys will always be monkeys, and man will always be man, even though both are capable of adapting to their environment.
And where did these things that have always been come from?

From our loving Father, where else? God made man last because He wanted to have everything done and ready for His child. God went and gathered up what He had made while Adam leaned back against a tree and named all funny looking creatures. How much fun the two of them must have had, laughing at the different feet, and noses and shapes.
Noah's cargo was limited to land dwelling vertebrates and birds. High end would have put between 16,000 to 25,000 aboard, and while the little tugboat is cute for kids, the barge Noah built was massive and layered, and built to stay afloat in diverse weather. And Noah wasn't an engineer. He was a man of God. God builds good boats. He is an engineer.
Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?

"Love the sinner - NOT the sin"

I can not tell you what Jesus would say about perverts, but I can't help but believe that he wouldn't look kindly on any pervert - but that's me. Perverts are perverts, whether they be child molesters, homosexuals or any of the other perversions.

Because a man-made "government" tells you it's acceptable doesn't make it so. Rome was the pillar of government in it's day. Then came Caligua.

All laws are man-made, even the biblical ones, Until God shows up personally to clarify his position we are left with our interpretations. The commandment of love thy neighbor translates directly to the equal protection clause, which says that rights cannot be denied to entire groups of people. Part of loving your neighbor involves not treating them like second-class citizens.

You have God's laws confused with man's. And He DID show up to clarify. We called Him Emanuel when He made His appearance. And no where does the Bible tell us that loving our neighbor means condoning any abhorrent behavior our neighbor chooses to indulge in. If fact God said avoid those neighbors lest you be caught up in their sinful behavior. There's your protection.
And just for the sake of argument, if all laws are man made, then no one is under any obligation to love any one. Unless of course you are conceding that that one law you cherry picked came from a higher authority. Pick a lane dude.

Bravo! I always like how the left tries to explain "Endowed by our Creator". Tickles the hell out of me.

What the hell does the Declaration of Independence have to do with how we are governed? The DoI is a founding document - but not a governing one. BTW, who is the Creator? Each religion would interpret that differently. Mom and Dad were my Creators.
Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?
Love the sinner, hate the sin is how it goes. Like I said before, my neighbor had a lesbian couple living next to him. We invited them over to drink beer in the back yard. Had great times, but they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I never treated them badly.
You didn't treat them badly but you would still deny them a right you have. That's treating all of them badly.
I was all for civil unions dipshit. They would've had all the rights that a married couple have. Now that marriage has been redefined, it means absolutely nothing. Soon you will call me a hater because I don't think someone should marry their dog.
For that we just call you a moron because neither are true.
Both are true, you are to stupid to realize it.
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?
Love the sinner, hate the sin is how it goes. Like I said before, my neighbor had a lesbian couple living next to him. We invited them over to drink beer in the back yard. Had great times, but they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I never treated them badly.
You didn't treat them badly but you would still deny them a right you have. That's treating all of them badly.

I don't believe in SSM but I don't treat gays badly. Cease projecting.

To people like him anything less than capitulation to whatever their current demands are is "treating them badly".
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?

"Love the sinner - NOT the sin"

I can not tell you what Jesus would say about perverts, but I can't help but believe that he wouldn't look kindly on any pervert - but that's me. Perverts are perverts, whether they be child molesters, homosexuals or any of the other perversions.

Because a man-made "government" tells you it's acceptable doesn't make it so. Rome was the pillar of government in it's day. Then came Caligua.

All laws are man-made, even the biblical ones, Until God shows up personally to clarify his position we are left with our interpretations. The commandment of love thy neighbor translates directly to the equal protection clause, which says that rights cannot be denied to entire groups of people. Part of loving your neighbor involves not treating them like second-class citizens.

You have God's laws confused with man's. And He DID show up to clarify. We called Him Emanuel when He made His appearance. And no where does the Bible tell us that loving our neighbor means condoning any abhorrent behavior our neighbor chooses to indulge in. If fact God said avoid those neighbors lest you be caught up in their sinful behavior. There's your protection.
And just for the sake of argument, if all laws are man made, then no one is under any obligation to love any one. Unless of course you are conceding that that one law you cherry picked came from a higher authority. Pick a lane dude.

Bravo! I always like how the left tries to explain "Endowed by our Creator". Tickles the hell out of me.

What the hell does the Declaration of Independence have to do with how we are governed? The DoI is a founding document - but not a governing one. BTW, who is the Creator?

You're still all over the map, get a compass
If you think so, to me you are looking like a flaming hypocrite. Jesus commanded that we love our neighbor, I don't remember any exceptions.

Well you started out with eating pork was sin and went down hill from there, cut your losses and run along. You came, you saw and I kicked your ass :)
My original point still stands, you are using the bible to justify your hatred when other parts of the bible command us to love the sinner. How do you reconcile this since you are using the exact same rationale as those Westborough jerks to say that gays do not deserve the same rights you have and that it is OK to treat them like scum in defiance of Jesus' greatest commandment?
Love the sinner, hate the sin is how it goes. Like I said before, my neighbor had a lesbian couple living next to him. We invited them over to drink beer in the back yard. Had great times, but they knew I didn't agree with their lifestyle, but I never treated them badly.
You didn't treat them badly but you would still deny them a right you have. That's treating all of them badly.

I don't believe in SSM but I don't treat gays badly. Cease projecting.
You don't treat them badly? How about going one step further and treat them like anyone else?
Noah's Ark is one of my favorite fairy tales.



apparently men were so busy telling you to be offended, they forget to explain to you, eggs, the size of infant animals, and the amount of animal species on the earth during the time of Noah, and the difference between two canines, and 2,000 different breeds of canine. They all fit very nicely. You have lions and tigers and house kitties, and pumas and cheetahs, and panthers, where Noah only needed room for 2 felines. Your little mental boat won't even float! You need God for the correct blueprints.

Hmmm, sounds like you may believe in evolution...
Hmmm, nope. I believe in adaption. Monkeys will always be monkeys, and man will always be man, even though both are capable of adapting to their environment.
And where did these things that have always been come from?

From our loving Father, where else?
See the cute picture above? That is your version of religion, and just as sophisticated and worthy...

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