What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?

What do the wealthy do with their tax cuts???

  • Create more US jobs

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Move more factories and jobs overseas

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Buy more foreign cars and goods

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Travel overseas to exotic places

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Donate more to charity

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Donate to political parties to get more tax loop-holes

    Votes: 15 62.5%
  • Buy more stocks, bonds and commodities (oil, gold, etc.)

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Put more money in the local comminity bank

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Put more money in off-shore tax shelters

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • Put more money in Hedge Funds

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
btw.....to answer the OP "What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?"

None of your fucking business. Thanks.

PS- your English is atrocious. What does the wealthy do?? :lol:
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You forgot to put up there I don't care/its none of my/your business. The fact that people think the gov. has a "right" to steal money from the "rich" is disgusting. If a rich person wants to give that money to a charity of their choice, mo better. If not it is not the governments role to steal what they feel is fair.
We've had the Bush tax cuts for several years now, and I'm still waiting to see the jobs being created with all those $$billions of lost tax revenue.

The rich must be doing other things with their tax cuts....

It's their money....they can burn it,spend it,bury it,piss on it.
I don't care...It's their money before it's the governments money.

It drives me crazy that the left thinks they are having money taken out of their pockets because the people that earned that money are being "allowed" to hold on to more of it.
You want more stuff go out and earn it.
And to all liberals if this is a "shared sacrifice" as the messiah states it. I want to see the lowest income bracket have some skin in the game....everyone should pay at least 5% to fed government in taxes. Especially if the highest bracket pays 35% and yes when you add up all the taxes I pay I am well over 50%.
When you ask why the rich should get tax cuts the cons say they will make jobs. As you can tho, they will actually do anything they want with it.

At least they dropped the create jobs bullshit
btw.....to answer the OP "What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?"

None of your fucking business. Thanks.

PS- your English is atrocious. What does the wealthy do??

1. The OP says "what DOES the wealthy do...." (poll typo, get over it)
2. As a voter Tax Policy is my business, thank you, even if I don't bribe the DC whores to make loop-holes....its my business because the GOP is lying when they say that the wealthy use the tax cuts to create US jobs.
If you are a Husband and wife professional types who are well educated and have student loans to pay off.You live in a big city and have a few kids and maybe own a business.You are one of those pieces of crap that the left love to make fun of and attack and are the target of being filthy rich.You make a little over 250k and when all is said and done pay a boatload of taxes....

Well too bad,the Libs don't like people that achieve in life and just can't wait to take a little more money out of your pocket.

How is it even possible that this guy got elected....
It drives me crazy that the left thinks they are having money taken out of their pockets because the people that earned that money are being "allowed" to hold on to more of it.
You want more stuff go out and earn it.

Part of the problem is that the wealthy moved 14,000 factories overseas to take advantage of cheaper labor and less regulation. The US manufacturing sector went from 28% of the US economy to 12%. All those jobs are now gone...do you want to try and sell carp or trinkets like Iraqi street vendors and raise a family???
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btw.....to answer the OP "What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?"

None of your fucking business. Thanks.

PS- your English is atrocious. What does the wealthy do??

1. The OP says "what DOES the wealthy do...." (poll typo, get over it)
2. As a voter Tax Policy is my business, thank you, even if I don't bribe the DC whores to make loop-holes....its my business because the GOP is lying when they say that the wealthy use the tax cuts to create US jobs.

I sort of agree with you.
Just like the liberals and government state they take my $$ to help the "poor".
So we are even.
We will admit that not all the time the $$ that is not taken from the wealthy creates a lot of jobs and that $$ should not be taken from the wealthy to help the poor because that does not help either.
So we end up with everyone being able to keep more of the $$$ THEY have earned and folks that do not earn $$ have to quit mooching off of those that do.
Fair deal there.
When you ask why the rich should get tax cuts the cons say they will make jobs. As you can tho, they will actually do anything they want with it.

At least they dropped the create jobs bullshit

Spending money for products creates demand and growth. Hence jobs.

It's really not that difficult to understand that no matter what they do with their money, assuming they dont light it on fire, growth will occur.
You think it's bad now that companies moved their plants overseas,wait till Obama Care and Cap and Tax kick in.
btw.....to answer the OP "What does the wealthy do with their tax cuts?"

None of your fucking business. Thanks.

PS- your English is atrocious. What does the wealthy do??

1. The OP says "what DOES the wealthy do...." (poll typo, get over it)
2. As a voter Tax Policy is my business, thank you, even if I don't bribe the DC whores to make loop-holes....its my business because the GOP is lying when they say that the wealthy use the tax cuts to create US jobs.
It's not your business because the money belongs to those who earned in the first place, no matter what any hack politician says.

Even so, the underlying economic assertion is sound....Take a dollar from the productive to pay the bureaucrat (who produces absolutely nothing of increased value for the economy to pay their wages) and you take a dollar out of the hands of those who would most likely (not to be mistaken for always) put it into productive pursuits.

Shit, man...I can't believe this has to be spelled out for you.
Don't want to pay US taxes?
Easy move to another country.

That is exactly what is going on.
Not a great way to solve monetary issues when the productive leave the country.
How do we run a country with folks that do not pay any taxes?

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