What does the world think of Donald Trump

Yes it might but I'm seeing layoffs , IBM 1700 for example and as industries get hurt with trumps tariffs unemployment should rise ,,The fed sees trouble up ahead as on CNBC they say 3 fed cuts are built into our markets now

There is no way to keep labor markets tight, if we keep letting the Chinese fuck US on trade balance.
Now it's even worse They won't be buying soybeans from us now and their 5G company now playing footsie with russia as putin calls Xi his best friend

We cant' sustain ever larger trade deficits year after year. Even if it is "Worse" "now", if that it the cost of getting them to stop this shit going forward, that would be worth it.

Just letting them continue to fuck US, is not a viable option.
I agree but our main problem with China is the theft of out companies patents and not allowing our guys to enter china to do business

THose issues get a lot of attention because they are very identifiable. But the over all use of their manufacture of products using vastly cheaper labor than legal in the US, is likely to be an advantage to their manufacturers, that American manufacturers will struggle to compete against.

The idea of having First World workers compete against Third World labor, on a level playing field has been tried. And the results have been a freaking disaster for US.
The US consumer has been given the choice of paying higher prices and supporting US manufacturers or lower prices for goods manufactured in other countries that have lower wages. The US consumers support choose the lower priced item the vast majority of the time.
Trump is proposing we will no longer give the US consumer the choice of lower priced foreign manufactured goods. Trump is closing the US market. Capitalism was not built on cl0sed markets.
I think Bill Clinton was a slime ball. Based on your taste in President's, you probably loved him.
You have an attraction to Presidents who have no respect for women. Some attractions are hard to explain. There are women who are attracted to men in prison. There are women who are attracted to the biggest misogynist Presidents. You are selling your gender down the river.
Bill Clinton is a rapist.

I haven't heard any women accusing our President of sexual assault. I don't doubt he has had affairs, in fact I would be surprised if a multi-billionaire didn't.

Where is your evidence?

Juanita Broaddrick was raped by Bill Clinton when he was governor.

So who has accused President Trump of rape?

Was she? She told her husband she was raped, and the guy she was having an affair with, but went to a Clinton fundraiser a week or two later, and volunteered to work on his campaign. And over the years consistent denied reports that Clinton raped her.

Broaddrick swore an affidavit in the Paula Jones trial that Clinton did not rape her. Then Ken Starr threatened to throw her in jail for perjury if she didn’t recant. He also offered her immunity from prosecution if she said he raped her. It was only AFTER Starr threatened to jail her that she started claiming that Clinton raped her.

So which sworn affidavit do you believe? The one she gave of her own free will and which coincided with her public statements for 30 years, or the one she gave under threat of indictment and jail time?
Now it's even worse They won't be buying soybeans from us now and their 5G company now playing footsie with russia as putin calls Xi his best friend

We cant' sustain ever larger trade deficits year after year. Even if it is "Worse" "now", if that it the cost of getting them to stop this shit going forward, that would be worth it.

Just letting them continue to fuck US, is not a viable option.
I think our main concerns are them stealing our patents and not allowing our companies into china,,,some not all

The problem is that our trade is not mutually beneficial.
It is with Mexico In the future for anything trump wants will he threaten to impose tariffs if he doesn't get his way? I love the way he creates the problems then gives in and walks around like he's the one that solved them
/——/ You couldn’t negotiate your way out of a wet paper sack.
And trump without threats and teams of lawyers can't make a deal either The art of the deal is BS
There is no way to keep labor markets tight, if we keep letting the Chinese fuck US on trade balance.
Now it's even worse They won't be buying soybeans from us now and their 5G company now playing footsie with russia as putin calls Xi his best friend

We cant' sustain ever larger trade deficits year after year. Even if it is "Worse" "now", if that it the cost of getting them to stop this shit going forward, that would be worth it.

Just letting them continue to fuck US, is not a viable option.
I agree but our main problem with China is the theft of out companies patents and not allowing our guys to enter china to do business

THose issues get a lot of attention because they are very identifiable. But the over all use of their manufacture of products using vastly cheaper labor than legal in the US, is likely to be an advantage to their manufacturers, that American manufacturers will struggle to compete against.

The idea of having First World workers compete against Third World labor, on a level playing field has been tried. And the results have been a freaking disaster for US.
The US consumer has been given the choice of paying higher prices and supporting US manufacturers or lower prices for goods manufactured in other countries that have lower wages. The US consumers support choose the lower priced item the vast majority of the time.
Trump is proposing we will no longer give the US consumer the choice of lower priced foreign manufactured goods. Trump is closing the US market. Capitalism was not built on cl0sed markets.
/——/ Wrong, President Trump wants free trade and zero tariffs on both sides. He’s working to reduce US manufacturing overhead by cutting corporate taxes and idiotic regulations so they can be more competitive.
We cant' sustain ever larger trade deficits year after year. Even if it is "Worse" "now", if that it the cost of getting them to stop this shit going forward, that would be worth it.

Just letting them continue to fuck US, is not a viable option.
I think our main concerns are them stealing our patents and not allowing our companies into china,,,some not all

The problem is that our trade is not mutually beneficial.
It is with Mexico In the future for anything trump wants will he threaten to impose tariffs if he doesn't get his way? I love the way he creates the problems then gives in and walks around like he's the one that solved them
/——/ You couldn’t negotiate your way out of a wet paper sack.
And trump without threats and teams of lawyers can't make a deal either The art of the deal is BS
/——/ He just made a deal with Canada and Mexico. Try and keep up.
What does the world think of Donald Trump. They are rolling out the red carpet in England, this week, for Trump. But it appears the reception is for the office Trump holds not Donald Trump. Trump's most recent approval ratings in England were 21%. When Obama visited his approval ratings were 72%.
Donald Trump's popularity in the U.K. remains far, far lower than Barack Obama's

Trump is much more popular in Russia than he is in the USA or England. His approval rate is 53% in Russia.
Trump's approval rating in Russia is more than twice Putin's in U.S.

The people who like you and the people who do not like you says a lot about an individual.

Russians love Trump and the English do not like him at all.
/—-/ I don’t want the world to like President Trump, I want them to fear him.
The US has been feared because of our capabilites almost from the beginning. The fear was tempered by respect for the USA values.
Trump is feared because he has no morality, no ethics, no empathy and has the most powerful job in the world. But he has no respect throughout the world. He is a joke. That is why they laughed at him in the UN when he said he was the best US President ever. The US will ultimately be less powerful and less feared because of the lack of respect.
/——-/ You’re all over the map with that spin. Funny stuff
All over the map to someone does not understand respect because they never had any,
Respect, power and fear are all intertwined. Pure fear is the way an unskilled politician lead.
Feb 14, 2019 - One of the most vexing and puzzling problems in the U.S. economy is wage stagnation. There are many proposed culprits -- globalization and ...
Wage Stagnation: Much More Than You Wanted To Know | Slate Star ...


Do you think that a tight labor market might be the way to recouple wages and productivity?
Yes it might but I'm seeing layoffs , IBM 1700 for example and as industries get hurt with trumps tariffs unemployment should rise ,,The fed sees trouble up ahead as on CNBC they say 3 fed cuts are built into our markets now

There is no way to keep labor markets tight, if we keep letting the Chinese fuck US on trade balance.
Conservatives support an open market. Do you support the US as a closed market. Socialism is based on closed markets. are you a socialist?
Do you know the difference between an open market and a closed market.

Conservatives have mostly, traditionally supported a FREE market. I don't recall EVER hearing a discussion on open vs closed as a serious policy issue.

I do not want First World workers competing on a level playing field with Third World workers. We have tried that, and the results have sucked ass.
You cannot have a free market if you close your own countries markets. You are talking out of your rear end
Now it's even worse They won't be buying soybeans from us now and their 5G company now playing footsie with russia as putin calls Xi his best friend

We cant' sustain ever larger trade deficits year after year. Even if it is "Worse" "now", if that it the cost of getting them to stop this shit going forward, that would be worth it.

Just letting them continue to fuck US, is not a viable option.
I agree but our main problem with China is the theft of out companies patents and not allowing our guys to enter china to do business

THose issues get a lot of attention because they are very identifiable. But the over all use of their manufacture of products using vastly cheaper labor than legal in the US, is likely to be an advantage to their manufacturers, that American manufacturers will struggle to compete against.

The idea of having First World workers compete against Third World labor, on a level playing field has been tried. And the results have been a freaking disaster for US.
The US consumer has been given the choice of paying higher prices and supporting US manufacturers or lower prices for goods manufactured in other countries that have lower wages. The US consumers support choose the lower priced item the vast majority of the time.
Trump is proposing we will no longer give the US consumer the choice of lower priced foreign manufactured goods. Trump is closing the US market. Capitalism was not built on cl0sed markets.
/——/ Wrong, President Trump wants free trade and zero tariffs on both sides. He’s working to reduce US manufacturing overhead by cutting corporate taxes and idiotic regulations so they can be more competitive.
If Trump is working toward a free market and is successful, more manufacturing will move off shore because it is cheaper. He is not working toward a free market.
We cant' sustain ever larger trade deficits year after year. Even if it is "Worse" "now", if that it the cost of getting them to stop this shit going forward, that would be worth it.

Just letting them continue to fuck US, is not a viable option.
I agree but our main problem with China is the theft of out companies patents and not allowing our guys to enter china to do business

THose issues get a lot of attention because they are very identifiable. But the over all use of their manufacture of products using vastly cheaper labor than legal in the US, is likely to be an advantage to their manufacturers, that American manufacturers will struggle to compete against.

The idea of having First World workers compete against Third World labor, on a level playing field has been tried. And the results have been a freaking disaster for US.
The US consumer has been given the choice of paying higher prices and supporting US manufacturers or lower prices for goods manufactured in other countries that have lower wages. The US consumers support choose the lower priced item the vast majority of the time.
Trump is proposing we will no longer give the US consumer the choice of lower priced foreign manufactured goods. Trump is closing the US market. Capitalism was not built on cl0sed markets.
/——/ Wrong, President Trump wants free trade and zero tariffs on both sides. He’s working to reduce US manufacturing overhead by cutting corporate taxes and idiotic regulations so they can be more competitive.
If Trump is working toward a free market and is successful, more manufacturing will move off shore because it is cheaper. He is not working toward a free market.
/——/ He’s cutting taxes and eliminating regulations that will make us more competitive. I know you hate that.
I think Bill Clinton was a slime ball. Based on your taste in President's, you probably loved him.
You have an attraction to Presidents who have no respect for women. Some attractions are hard to explain. There are women who are attracted to men in prison. There are women who are attracted to the biggest misogynist Presidents. You are selling your gender down the river.
Bill Clinton is a rapist.

I haven't heard any women accusing our President of sexual assault. I don't doubt he has had affairs, in fact I would be surprised if a multi-billionaire didn't.

Where is your evidence?

Juanita Broaddrick was raped by Bill Clinton when he was governor.

So who has accused President Trump of rape?
The Dumb Diva supports Trump so she has no standing to call out any misogynist. Trump and his supporters, especially women supporters, are setting woman's rights back decades.

I think Bill Clinton was a slime ball. Based on your taste in President's, you probably loved him.
You have an attraction to Presidents who have no respect for women. Some attractions are hard to explain. There are women who are attracted to men in prison. There are women who are attracted to the biggest misogynist Presidents. You are selling your gender down the river.
Bill Clinton is a rapist.

I haven't heard any women accusing our President of sexual assault. I don't doubt he has had affairs, in fact I would be surprised if a multi-billionaire didn't.

Where is your evidence?

Juanita Broaddrick was raped by Bill Clinton when he was governor.

So who has accused President Trump of rape?

Was she? She told her husband she was raped, and the guy she was having an affair with, but went to a Clinton fundraiser a week or two later, and volunteered to work on his campaign. And over the years consistent denied reports that Clinton raped her.

Broaddrick swore an affidavit in the Paula Jones trial that Clinton did not rape her. Then Ken Starr threatened to throw her in jail for perjury if she didn’t recant. He also offered her immunity from prosecution if she said he raped her. It was only AFTER Starr threatened to jail her that she started claiming that Clinton raped her.

So which sworn affidavit do you believe? The one she gave of her own free will and which coincided with her public statements for 30 years, or the one she gave under threat of indictment and jail time?

I believe her. Bill Clinton is a sexual predator. Paula Jones, Kathleen Willy, Monica Lwewinski, and God knows how many other women he has victimized.

What happened to "Me too"? I thought you leftists said we are supposed to believe the woman.
I agree but our main problem with China is the theft of out companies patents and not allowing our guys to enter china to do business

THose issues get a lot of attention because they are very identifiable. But the over all use of their manufacture of products using vastly cheaper labor than legal in the US, is likely to be an advantage to their manufacturers, that American manufacturers will struggle to compete against.

The idea of having First World workers compete against Third World labor, on a level playing field has been tried. And the results have been a freaking disaster for US.
The US consumer has been given the choice of paying higher prices and supporting US manufacturers or lower prices for goods manufactured in other countries that have lower wages. The US consumers support choose the lower priced item the vast majority of the time.
Trump is proposing we will no longer give the US consumer the choice of lower priced foreign manufactured goods. Trump is closing the US market. Capitalism was not built on cl0sed markets.
/——/ Wrong, President Trump wants free trade and zero tariffs on both sides. He’s working to reduce US manufacturing overhead by cutting corporate taxes and idiotic regulations so they can be more competitive.
If Trump is working toward a free market and is successful, more manufacturing will move off shore because it is cheaper. He is not working toward a free market.
/——/ He’s cutting taxes and eliminating regulations that will make us more competitive. I know you hate that.
Those tax cuts are gone ,like a fart in the wind with higher prices more than making up for the piddling cuts middle class got
We cant' sustain ever larger trade deficits year after year. Even if it is "Worse" "now", if that it the cost of getting them to stop this shit going forward, that would be worth it.

Just letting them continue to fuck US, is not a viable option.
I think our main concerns are them stealing our patents and not allowing our companies into china,,,some not all

The problem is that our trade is not mutually beneficial.
It is with Mexico In the future for anything trump wants will he threaten to impose tariffs if he doesn't get his way? I love the way he creates the problems then gives in and walks around like he's the one that solved them

Our relationship with Mexico is defined not so much by our trade, as by their ongoing invasion of our nation.

Our overall trade position is not sustainable, nor is it mutually beneficial. THey are benefiting at our expense.
If we are losing in the bilateral trade agreements why is our economy so much better than Mexico and others.

Seriously? That is the line you want to take?

For example, Mexico is a shitty Third World nation. The benefits it gains from it's trade and immigration with US, are of benefit to it, but not enough that it is not still a shitty Third World nation.
There is no way to keep labor markets tight, if we keep letting the Chinese fuck US on trade balance.
Now it's even worse They won't be buying soybeans from us now and their 5G company now playing footsie with russia as putin calls Xi his best friend

We cant' sustain ever larger trade deficits year after year. Even if it is "Worse" "now", if that it the cost of getting them to stop this shit going forward, that would be worth it.

Just letting them continue to fuck US, is not a viable option.
I agree but our main problem with China is the theft of out companies patents and not allowing our guys to enter china to do business

THose issues get a lot of attention because they are very identifiable. But the over all use of their manufacture of products using vastly cheaper labor than legal in the US, is likely to be an advantage to their manufacturers, that American manufacturers will struggle to compete against.

The idea of having First World workers compete against Third World labor, on a level playing field has been tried. And the results have been a freaking disaster for US.
The US consumer has been given the choice of paying higher prices and supporting US manufacturers or lower prices for goods manufactured in other countries that have lower wages. The US consumers support choose the lower priced item the vast majority of the time.
Trump is proposing we will no longer give the US consumer the choice of lower priced foreign manufactured goods. Trump is closing the US market. Capitalism was not built on cl0sed markets.

Trade policy is a government function. The US economy was built on being somewhat closed. This idea of Free Trade, especially non reciprocate "free trade" is not how we grew to our current size and wealth.

You are not so much making an argument, as spouting some libertarian buzzwords trying to get an emotional reaction from me.

You have failed.
I worry all day and night what the English think of Trump......not
Do you worry that 60% of the US does not care for the job he is doing?
I can design a 'poll' that proves 99% of "the US" believes if they eat dog shit everyday they will live forever.
No you can't. Stop being stupid.
Yes I can you dummy.
I can 'select/vette' whom I poll.
And the number of people I poll.
WHERE I CONDUCT THE POLL. "It says here you wish to conduct a poll of some of the people we have locked up here at the facility for the insane. Just show this to the guard and he'll let you interview who you want to".
I can 'frame ' the question so I get the results I am looking for.
You know. Like the stupid DEMs/LIB MSM did prior to the 2016 election.
Their problem was they used polling models that had become irrelevant/outdated. This was largely b/c of the decline in home phone landlines and the increased use of cell phones.
The major polling companies agreed AFTER the election proved how badly they had fucked up.
If you don't understand ask any sentient adult.
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I agree but our main problem with China is the theft of out companies patents and not allowing our guys to enter china to do business

THose issues get a lot of attention because they are very identifiable. But the over all use of their manufacture of products using vastly cheaper labor than legal in the US, is likely to be an advantage to their manufacturers, that American manufacturers will struggle to compete against.

The idea of having First World workers compete against Third World labor, on a level playing field has been tried. And the results have been a freaking disaster for US.
The US consumer has been given the choice of paying higher prices and supporting US manufacturers or lower prices for goods manufactured in other countries that have lower wages. The US consumers support choose the lower priced item the vast majority of the time.
Trump is proposing we will no longer give the US consumer the choice of lower priced foreign manufactured goods. Trump is closing the US market. Capitalism was not built on cl0sed markets.
/——/ Wrong, President Trump wants free trade and zero tariffs on both sides. He’s working to reduce US manufacturing overhead by cutting corporate taxes and idiotic regulations so they can be more competitive.
If Trump is working toward a free market and is successful, more manufacturing will move off shore because it is cheaper. He is not working toward a free market.
/——/ He’s cutting taxes and eliminating regulations that will make us more competitive. I know you hate that.
The tax cuts are resulting in the largest deficit in the history of the US. That is not conservative economics.

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