What does this mean?

maybe the well funded troops that you say are sitting around will go and secure our southern border , I don't know Nat .
maybe the well funded troops that you say are sitting around will go and secure our southern border , I don't know Nat .

Well, you're "correct".......We need a stronger, more powerful and astronomically funded military to fight off these kinds of terrorist activities at out border.

Are we changing sides? Republicans are known for supporting our military choices, Democrats for being more anti war, are Republicans now becoming anti war, interesting.
maybe the well funded troops that you say are sitting around will go and secure our southern border , I don't know Nat .

Well, you're "correct".......We need a stronger, more powerful and astronomically funded military to fight off these kinds of terrorist activities at out border.

Reposting the same Lie from the past to troll the thread.........the War in Syria has nothing to do with a child crying that the MSM used as the face of immigration.....they were never separated when caught........and she left other children back home and abandoned them.........it wasn't her first attempt to come here.
Are we changing sides? Republicans are known for supporting our military choices, Democrats for being more anti war, are Republicans now becoming anti war, interesting.
In regards to killing ISIS my belief has always been kill the scum.........they are almost gone.........just a mop up operation..............

Some of realize that we've been fighting in the middle east for 17 years and it needs to end at some time..........and that our decisions have put our nuts in a vice again over it...............

Mainly Turkey siding with Russia now over it.
Are we changing sides? Republicans are known for supporting our military choices, Democrats for being more anti war, are Republicans now becoming anti war, interesting.

The reality is this........When you join a CULT....as Trump ass kissers have......one must give up one's former convictions.....lol
and someone mentioned Japan but as far as i have Heard Japan is arming up due to concerns over China and concerns over N Korea .
------------------------------------------- all they need do is Pay Up as a start and thats been a recurring demand since TRUMP has been in Office NFox .

You have to get them to agree to terms of what PAY UP! means before that will ever happen....

For example
If you go to Germany and tell 'em PAY UP! by the end of the month, the German Government is going to tell you to go fuck yourself
If you go to Germany and tell 'em PAY UP! over a 10 year schedule you're more likely to get an agreement.

You also have to sell them on the benefits of what PAY UP! is going to provide for them, you can't just keep threatening them with the downside.
---------------------------- from what i understand there are agreements about what Germany as part of NATO is supposed to pay and they haven't paid up from what i understand . Even TRUMP makes reference to Germany as not having paid up . And it'd be music to my ears if Germany was to get mouthy with the USA . Pull out USA Troops and Germany and 'europe' can deal with Russia on its own as far as i am concerned NFox .

Yep, very few of the NATO members have consistently kept up with their original commitments. However there are valid reasons why that is, so it would seem reasonable to renegotiate those commitments to levels that are attainable on a consistent basis or redistributing the burden in a more sustainable fashion, rather than just demanding "PAY UP! or else we're taking our marbles and going home". The "stick and carrot" approach requires that you use a carrot not just the stick.

Unless of course our position is that the aggregate risk vs. reward and cost benefit analysis of the U.S. being involved in NATO is negative, in which case there is no need for negotiations, we just withdraw from it, why be involved if there is no net benefit ?

The net benefit of NATO is that the West, led by the US, has the greater share of influence accross the European continent. That influence has rendered Russia toothless for decades.

I guess I should have been more clear on the meaning of "our position" regarding the risk vs. reward and cost benefit analysis.

What I meant was; The analysis of the legions of over-payed, bureaucratic dickweeds in Washington that have the expertise and resources necessary to perform a comprehensive analysis pursuant to the development of coherent recommendations.

Not the opinions of anonymous posters that do not possess the resources and competence to come up with rational conclusions on the subject.

Influence and dominance is what we pay for.

Only small minds don't understand that is a wise investment.
"sounds like The TRUMP is saying that countries that the USA is friendly with MAY get help fighting Wars if they PAY for the help . And of course , thats how it should be Eric ." So you're saying that Americans should die in a war for profit.
-------------------------------------- might end up dying in a war. --- But after dying in the war the USA should be paid or REIMBURSED for Costs associated in fighting the War Taz .
So how much for a dead US soldier?
This argument is stupid and it isn't old.............Many countries after 9/11 didn't send military but money to help pay for the War...............

We aren't mercenaries...............but the cost of these Wars is high..........and those in it have a financial burden to bear as well...........not just token words.............if they choose not to be there so be it............if they choose not to help economical to buy the ammo............then we might remember that we they need us.

Is it wrong to supply them with fuel in combat and not expect them to pay for the gas.............is it wrong to say we could use some money to buy more laser guided bombs we are using every day to hit ISIS..........Wars are fought in all aspects........not just the killing and you can win a war on the battlefield and financially destroy yourself in the process............

So them giving us money doesn't make us MERCS.........it just them paying a share of the cost of the War for mutual benefit................
So they pay for the gas but get the dead US soldiers for free?
Show me the fuel tankers that have crashed lately.........or the loses of any aircraft in either theatre of operation......in regards to Yemen.........we don't have ground forces there......

In regards to Syria......we are about to withdraw................

What's your point..........I haven't seen are aircraft falling out of the sky.
If Americans get killed, they’re free?
-------------------------------------- might end up dying in a war. --- But after dying in the war the USA should be paid or REIMBURSED for Costs associated in fighting the War Taz .
So how much for a dead US soldier?
This argument is stupid and it isn't old.............Many countries after 9/11 didn't send military but money to help pay for the War...............

We aren't mercenaries...............but the cost of these Wars is high..........and those in it have a financial burden to bear as well...........not just token words.............if they choose not to be there so be it............if they choose not to help economical to buy the ammo............then we might remember that we they need us.

Is it wrong to supply them with fuel in combat and not expect them to pay for the gas.............is it wrong to say we could use some money to buy more laser guided bombs we are using every day to hit ISIS..........Wars are fought in all aspects........not just the killing and you can win a war on the battlefield and financially destroy yourself in the process............

So them giving us money doesn't make us MERCS.........it just them paying a share of the cost of the War for mutual benefit................
So they pay for the gas but get the dead US soldiers for free?
Show me the fuel tankers that have crashed lately.........or the loses of any aircraft in either theatre of operation......in regards to Yemen.........we don't have ground forces there......

In regards to Syria......we are about to withdraw................

What's your point..........I haven't seen are aircraft falling out of the sky.
If Americans get killed, they’re free?
My god you are stupid......asking them to help pay for the War is not asking too much.......getting them out of harms way so they don't get killed is an equation I agree with.........

Blood isn't Free......War is blood......and too many other countries don't pull their weight.
So how much for a dead US soldier?
This argument is stupid and it isn't old.............Many countries after 9/11 didn't send military but money to help pay for the War...............

We aren't mercenaries...............but the cost of these Wars is high..........and those in it have a financial burden to bear as well...........not just token words.............if they choose not to be there so be it............if they choose not to help economical to buy the ammo............then we might remember that we they need us.

Is it wrong to supply them with fuel in combat and not expect them to pay for the gas.............is it wrong to say we could use some money to buy more laser guided bombs we are using every day to hit ISIS..........Wars are fought in all aspects........not just the killing and you can win a war on the battlefield and financially destroy yourself in the process............

So them giving us money doesn't make us MERCS.........it just them paying a share of the cost of the War for mutual benefit................
So they pay for the gas but get the dead US soldiers for free?
Show me the fuel tankers that have crashed lately.........or the loses of any aircraft in either theatre of operation......in regards to Yemen.........we don't have ground forces there......

In regards to Syria......we are about to withdraw................

What's your point..........I haven't seen are aircraft falling out of the sky.
If Americans get killed, they’re free?
My god you are stupid......asking them to help pay for the War is not asking too much.......getting them out of harms way so they don't get killed is an equation I agree with.........

Blood isn't Free......War is blood......and too many other countries don't pull their weight.
So if they pay, Americans can die for them?
This argument is stupid and it isn't old.............Many countries after 9/11 didn't send military but money to help pay for the War...............

We aren't mercenaries...............but the cost of these Wars is high..........and those in it have a financial burden to bear as well...........not just token words.............if they choose not to be there so be it............if they choose not to help economical to buy the ammo............then we might remember that we they need us.

Is it wrong to supply them with fuel in combat and not expect them to pay for the gas.............is it wrong to say we could use some money to buy more laser guided bombs we are using every day to hit ISIS..........Wars are fought in all aspects........not just the killing and you can win a war on the battlefield and financially destroy yourself in the process............

So them giving us money doesn't make us MERCS.........it just them paying a share of the cost of the War for mutual benefit................
So they pay for the gas but get the dead US soldiers for free?
Show me the fuel tankers that have crashed lately.........or the loses of any aircraft in either theatre of operation......in regards to Yemen.........we don't have ground forces there......

In regards to Syria......we are about to withdraw................

What's your point..........I haven't seen are aircraft falling out of the sky.
If Americans get killed, they’re free?
My god you are stupid......asking them to help pay for the War is not asking too much.......getting them out of harms way so they don't get killed is an equation I agree with.........

Blood isn't Free......War is blood......and too many other countries don't pull their weight.
So if they pay, Americans can die for them?
Stuck on stupid you are.................The U.S. are not mercs.........you been playing this stupid game for some time........After I brought up them having to pay for the gas.............I asked you how many aircraft and fuel tankers have we lost............You gave no answer............because the answer is we aren't losing tankers............unsure about planes but I haven't heard of losing a single one bombing ISIS.............

So who are the so called American dead gassing up their planes............
Reposting the same Lie from the past to troll the thread.........the War in Syria has nothing to do with a child crying

Moron....I am addressing one of your fellow Trump ass kissers who stated that we need our military to leave the ME and to go and fight the invaders on our southern border.....Ergo THAT crying child who must scare the living crap out of you morons.

You're welcome.......LOL
So they pay for the gas but get the dead US soldiers for free?
Show me the fuel tankers that have crashed lately.........or the loses of any aircraft in either theatre of operation......in regards to Yemen.........we don't have ground forces there......

In regards to Syria......we are about to withdraw................

What's your point..........I haven't seen are aircraft falling out of the sky.
If Americans get killed, they’re free?
My god you are stupid......asking them to help pay for the War is not asking too much.......getting them out of harms way so they don't get killed is an equation I agree with.........

Blood isn't Free......War is blood......and too many other countries don't pull their weight.
So if they pay, Americans can die for them?
Stuck on stupid you are.................The U.S. are not mercs.........you been playing this stupid game for some time........After I brought up them having to pay for the gas.............I asked you how many aircraft and fuel tankers have we lost............You gave no answer............because the answer is we aren't losing tankers............unsure about planes but I haven't heard of losing a single one bombing ISIS.............

So who are the so called American dead gassing up their planes............
But you'd be ok with that.

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