What does this mean?

Reposting the same Lie from the past to troll the thread.........the War in Syria has nothing to do with a child crying

Moron....I am addressing one of your fellow Trump ass kissers who stated that we need our military to leave the ME and to go and fight the invaders on our southern border.....Ergo THAT crying child who must scare the living crap out of you morons.

You're welcome.......LOL
-------------------- feck that widdle crying child as you use silly emotional arguments Nat .
Are we changing sides? Republicans are known for supporting our military choices, Democrats for being more anti war, are Republicans now becoming anti war, interesting.
-------------------------------- support for USA military is big with Trump Deplorables but I think the problem is fighting wars for far too long and then rebuilding countries with American Money and then being a police force to protect foreigners . I mean , who cares if 'Islamic state muslims' murder and blow up 'moroccan muslims' 'afghani' muslims for example SPlay ??
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Show me the fuel tankers that have crashed lately.........or the loses of any aircraft in either theatre of operation......in regards to Yemen.........we don't have ground forces there......

In regards to Syria......we are about to withdraw................

What's your point..........I haven't seen are aircraft falling out of the sky.
If Americans get killed, they’re free?
My god you are stupid......asking them to help pay for the War is not asking too much.......getting them out of harms way so they don't get killed is an equation I agree with.........

Blood isn't Free......War is blood......and too many other countries don't pull their weight.
So if they pay, Americans can die for them?
Stuck on stupid you are.................The U.S. are not mercs.........you been playing this stupid game for some time........After I brought up them having to pay for the gas.............I asked you how many aircraft and fuel tankers have we lost............You gave no answer............because the answer is we aren't losing tankers............unsure about planes but I haven't heard of losing a single one bombing ISIS.............

So who are the so called American dead gassing up their planes............
But you'd be ok with that.
The enemy dying without U.S. loses...........well yup.
If Americans get killed, they’re free?
My god you are stupid......asking them to help pay for the War is not asking too much.......getting them out of harms way so they don't get killed is an equation I agree with.........

Blood isn't Free......War is blood......and too many other countries don't pull their weight.
So if they pay, Americans can die for them?
Stuck on stupid you are.................The U.S. are not mercs.........you been playing this stupid game for some time........After I brought up them having to pay for the gas.............I asked you how many aircraft and fuel tankers have we lost............You gave no answer............because the answer is we aren't losing tankers............unsure about planes but I haven't heard of losing a single one bombing ISIS.............

So who are the so called American dead gassing up their planes............
But you'd be ok with that.
The enemy dying without U.S. loses...........well yup.
But you think it’s ok if Americans die as long as we get gas money.
My god you are stupid......asking them to help pay for the War is not asking too much.......getting them out of harms way so they don't get killed is an equation I agree with.........

Blood isn't Free......War is blood......and too many other countries don't pull their weight.
So if they pay, Americans can die for them?
Stuck on stupid you are.................The U.S. are not mercs.........you been playing this stupid game for some time........After I brought up them having to pay for the gas.............I asked you how many aircraft and fuel tankers have we lost............You gave no answer............because the answer is we aren't losing tankers............unsure about planes but I haven't heard of losing a single one bombing ISIS.............

So who are the so called American dead gassing up their planes............
But you'd be ok with that.
The enemy dying without U.S. loses...........well yup.
But you think it’s ok if Americans die as long as we get gas money.
Where the hell do you come up with these fantasies..................try someone else...........
In his speech to the troops the President said this:

”America shouldn’t be doing the fighting for every nation on earth, not being reimbursed in many cases at all. If they want us to do the fighting, they also have to pay a price," Trump said. "And sometimes that’s also a monetary price, so we’re not the suckers of the world. We’re no longer the suckers, folks. And people aren’t looking at us as suckers."
Trump to American troops in Iraq: U.S. no longer 'the suckers of the world'

This sounds so strange. US would like to continue to fight that war if there i money in it? Or is he selling the US capability to fight wars in general? Can anyone buy?

Or is it merely to make a point of the cost in dollars? Not really expecting to get paid?

Trump is a deal maker. Putting one's life on the line for another and getting slapped in the face for it is a bad deal. Obama even told us so but, instead of exacting some modicum of respect the stupid asshole apologized. That's how we got Trump.
In his speech to the troops the President said this:

”America shouldn’t be doing the fighting for every nation on earth, not being reimbursed in many cases at all. If they want us to do the fighting, they also have to pay a price," Trump said. "And sometimes that’s also a monetary price, so we’re not the suckers of the world. We’re no longer the suckers, folks. And people aren’t looking at us as suckers."
Trump to American troops in Iraq: U.S. no longer 'the suckers of the world'

This sounds so strange. US would like to continue to fight that war if there i money in it? Or is he selling the US capability to fight wars in general? Can anyone buy?

Or is it merely to make a point of the cost in dollars? Not really expecting to get paid?

Trump is a deal maker. Putting one's life on the line for another and getting slapped in the face for it is a bad deal. Obama even told us so but, instead of exacting some modicum of respect the stupid asshole apologized. That's how we got Trump.
I wasn’t very clear perhaps, I wasn’t talking about a persons ability to make “deals”. People place trust in alliances. Not in whimsical desicions changing every fourth year to please voters.
We should only use our military if we get something in return for doing so. Make these other countries pay for their own defense, instead of social programs, and pull our troops out of Europe and other places around the world.
So if they pay, Americans can die for them?
Stuck on stupid you are.................The U.S. are not mercs.........you been playing this stupid game for some time........After I brought up them having to pay for the gas.............I asked you how many aircraft and fuel tankers have we lost............You gave no answer............because the answer is we aren't losing tankers............unsure about planes but I haven't heard of losing a single one bombing ISIS.............

So who are the so called American dead gassing up their planes............
But you'd be ok with that.
The enemy dying without U.S. loses...........well yup.
But you think it’s ok if Americans die as long as we get gas money.
Where the hell do you come up with these fantasies..................try someone else...........
So you admit it, good for you.
We should only use our military if we get something in return for doing so. Make these other countries pay for their own defense, instead of social programs, and pull our troops out of Europe and other places around the world.
My god, that’s really shallow. Please tell me you are millennial.
We should only use our military if we get something in return for doing so. Make these other countries pay for their own defense, instead of social programs, and pull our troops out of Europe and other places around the world.
My god, that’s really shallow. Please tell me you are millennial.
Personally I would nuke Sweden. It’s a waste of good snow.
We should only use our military if we get something in return for doing so. Make these other countries pay for their own defense, instead of social programs, and pull our troops out of Europe and other places around the world.
My god, that’s really shallow. Please tell me you are millennial.
Personally I would nuke Sweden. It’s a waste of good snow.
Yeah well it’s only 180 degrees difference in the trajectory we expected.
We should only use our military if we get something in return for doing so. Make these other countries pay for their own defense, instead of social programs, and pull our troops out of Europe and other places around the world.

Do morons like you ever "think" that having bases overseas may be for OUR benefit?

Do morons like you ever "think" of how foreigners feel about our overseas' bases

Germans want Donald Trump to pull US troops out of Germany, poll finds
Germans actually want Donald Trump to pull US troops out of Germany, poll finds

Tens of thousands rally for removal of US base from Japanese island
Tens of thousands rally for removal of US base from Japanese island
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In his speech to the troops the President said this:

”America shouldn’t be doing the fighting for every nation on earth, not being reimbursed in many cases at all. If they want us to do the fighting, they also have to pay a price," Trump said. "And sometimes that’s also a monetary price, so we’re not the suckers of the world. We’re no longer the suckers, folks. And people aren’t looking at us as suckers."
Trump to American troops in Iraq: U.S. no longer 'the suckers of the world'

This sounds so strange. US would like to continue to fight that war if there i money in it? Or is he selling the US capability to fight wars in general? Can anyone buy?

Or is it merely to make a point of the cost in dollars? Not really expecting to get paid?

Trump is a deal maker. Putting one's life on the line for another and getting slapped in the face for it is a bad deal. Obama even told us so but, instead of exacting some modicum of respect the stupid asshole apologized. That's how we got Trump.
I wasn’t very clear perhaps, I wasn’t talking about a persons ability to make “deals”. People place trust in alliances. Not in whimsical desicions changing every fourth year to please voters.
---------------------------------- ALLIANCES , I been mentioning Germany a few times and its Past Due DEBTS . What good is a Country like Germany that won't pay money that it owes . And then Germany expects me to pay their Bill . ALLIANCES , Plus its also true that we were killing Germans by the millions just 70 years ago Erick ,
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We should only use our military if we get something in return for doing so. Make these other countries pay for their own defense, instead of social programs, and pull our troops out of Europe and other places around the world.

Do morons like you ever "think" that having bases overseas may be for OUR benefit?

So morons like you ever "think" of how foreigners feel about our overseas' bases

Germans want Donald Trump to pull US troops out of Germany, poll finds
Germans actually want Donald Trump to pull US troops out of Germany, poll finds

Tens of thousands rally for removal of US base from Japanese island
Tens of thousands rally for removal of US base from Japanese island
Back in the 80's Germans would have riots demanding American go home. So yes I knew.
I also knew I had no live ammo in my weapon. We were 13 people in the middle of nowhere and all our ammo was locked in a safe. If attacked we were supposed to run. We provided communications for the three point border. Troops in Germany aren't trusted with live ammo, so why are they there? All we do is play games in pretend wars that never happen. Pull our troops out and make Europe defend themselves.
We should only use our military if we get something in return for doing so. Make these other countries pay for their own defense, instead of social programs, and pull our troops out of Europe and other places around the world.
My god, that’s really shallow. Please tell me you are millennial.

Yeah... but you're looking at that the wrong way. That's not really a testable proposition, but the result of the Trumpian influence campaign. Look at it as a test case of that campaign's success from a PR standpoint.

What you get is two things that sank in:

1. Other countries are sucking the U.S. dry. That way the ridiculously high American spending on the Military-Industrial-Complex is no longer a decision the empire made in order to maintain its dominance, it's these other countries' fault.

2. The Trumpletons know somewhere in their nebulous minds that they are being scammed by their federal government: The costs of maintaining an empire is preventing a decent social safety net for ordinary Americans. They do not, however, blame the federal government for that, they blame (who else?) these other governments that are actually maintaining these oh-so generous "social programs" - about which they know next to nothing. So, they can't have a safety net because of the social programs of other states.

There may be a third, in the form of a purposely created misunderstanding: U.S. troops in Europe have very little to do with defending Europe. They are paid-by-Europeans, unsinkable U.S. aircraft carriers, maintained to project force all over the globe, and into the Middle East in particular. So, Europeans (Japan etc.) contribute their territory to the American imperial quest, while Trump and the Trumpletons whine about "fighting their wars for them".

All in all, Trump is creating yet another scapegoat - other than immigrants, Muslims, the swamp, the establishment, democrats - in order to deflect the anger his maladministration would otherwise certainly stir up.

Makes sense now?
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In his speech to the troops the President said this:

”America shouldn’t be doing the fighting for every nation on earth, not being reimbursed in many cases at all. If they want us to do the fighting, they also have to pay a price," Trump said. "And sometimes that’s also a monetary price, so we’re not the suckers of the world. We’re no longer the suckers, folks. And people aren’t looking at us as suckers."
Trump to American troops in Iraq: U.S. no longer 'the suckers of the world'

This sounds so strange. US would like to continue to fight that war if there i money in it? Or is he selling the US capability to fight wars in general? Can anyone buy?

Or is it merely to make a point of the cost in dollars? Not really expecting to get paid?

Trump is a deal maker. Putting one's life on the line for another and getting slapped in the face for it is a bad deal. Obama even told us so but, instead of exacting some modicum of respect the stupid asshole apologized. That's how we got Trump.
I wasn’t very clear perhaps, I wasn’t talking about a persons ability to make “deals”. People place trust in alliances. Not in whimsical desicions changing every fourth year to please voters.
---------------------------------- ALLIANCES , I been mentioning Germany a few times and its Past Due DEBTS . What good is a Country like Germany that won't pay money that it owes . And then Germany expects me to pay there Bill . ALLIANCES , Plus its also true that we were killing Germans by the millions just 70 years ago Erick ,
I get the general idea. And I have no real objection, half of Europe seems to try to kill the other half every once in a while.
But US foreign policy haven’t been about the well being of Germany, not ever. Alliances may fall, shift or turn. It’s quite normal. If US have no strategic interest in Europe there is absolutely no reason for US troops there.
It means fund your own military, Sweden, and stop expecting us to be at your back for absolutely nothing in return. And that goes for almost the entire rest of the world too.

For that speech alone I love President Trump
It doesn’t really mean a country can pay money to have US troops available then.

Don’t think anyone should expect someone else to fight their wars.

Well Sweden must have, because in 2015 your military spending was 1.1% of GDP. To say that is pathetic is obvious. Also, to say Sweden just expected to have the US military as its de facto military is obvious.

Well, the US military, via Trump and to NATO, is saying no more. At least Sweden looks to be responding.

What has the US military done for Sweden?

Deterred Russia. A complete waste, because Russia is our friend.

Was Russia going to invade Sweden?

You never fail to miss complex subtleties, do you?
We should only use our military if we get something in return for doing so. Make these other countries pay for their own defense, instead of social programs, and pull our troops out of Europe and other places around the world.
My god, that’s really shallow. Please tell me you are millennial.

Yeah... but you're looking at that the wrong way. That's not really a testable proposition, but the result of the Trumpian influence campaign. Look at it as a test case of that campaign's success from a PR standpoint.

What you get is two things that sank in:

1. Other countries are sucking the U.S. dry. That way the ridiculously high American spending on the Military-Industrial-Complex is no longer a decision the empire made in order to maintain its dominance, it's these other country's fault.

2. The Trumpletons know somewhere in their nebulous minds that they are being scammed by their federal government: The costs of maintaining an empire is preventing a decent social safety net for ordinary Americans. They do not, however, blame the federal government for that, they blame (who else?) these other governments that are actually maintaining these oh-so generous "social programs" - about which they know next to nothing. So, they can't have a safety net because of the social programs of other states.

There may be a third, in the form of a purposely created misunderstanding: U.S. troops in Europe have very little to do with defending Europe. They are paid-by-Europeans, unsinkable U.S. aircraft carriers, maintained to project force all over the globe, and into the Middle East in particular. So, Europeans (Japan etc.) contribute their territory to the American imperial quest, while Trump and the Trumpletons whine about "fighting their wars for them".

All in all, Trump is creating yet another scapegoat - other than immigrants, Muslims, the swamp, the establishment, democrats - in order to deflect the anger his maladministration would otherwise certainly stir up.

Makes sense now?
Perhaps the most creepy thing I’ve read in quite a while. No disrespect.

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