What does Trump and the GOP plan on doing with those 12,000 and growing number of children?

Why can’t our military deposit them at the nearest Mexican town?
Because Trump wants to have criminal prosecutions for them all. But we could. Legally we can detain children with their families if they're caught 100 miles from the border, and dump them back if we only hold them a couple of weeks.
Letting them go is up to Congress which you would know if you read every post here.
It seems to me that Trump does want to fix the immigration debacle. Why won't the dems come to the table and
hash out a solution once and for all? I bet we all know the reason for that...if you want to be honest with yourself.
You may recall Trump backed out of a deal for funding his wall in exchange for DACA.
It seems to me that Trump does want to fix the immigration debacle. Why won't the dems come to the table and
hash out a solution once and for all? I bet we all know the reason for that...if you want to be honest with yourself.
If trump wanted to fix it he could all by himself He's fos as usual
Exactly. He's feeding his base raw meat.
I’m on Facebook; Trump’s base wants them shipped back.
Why can’t our military deposit them at the nearest Mexican town?
The problem then becomes - A lot of these refugees aren't Mexican citizens. They're from Guatemala, Panama, etc. This is the mess left over from the policies of the previous administration with no easy answers - just leftist traitor Trump bashing.
Nope, holding them for ransom to build "The Wall"!

So that is a yes the far left needs their cheap slave labor because they can not use African Americans anymore!

Dirty 'Don' Doesn't care what happens to the kids, he just want his wall.

I take it that you're an open borders kind of person.

Or the kind of person who doesn't want to force people back into a burning building.

The GOP's plan to stop people from fleeing a burning building.

What do you want to do with the 10,000 children that came over the border unattended, Dean?

That's a good point. I've never been really ok with letting the DACA guys stay indefinitely because of that.
It seems to me that Trump does want to fix the immigration debacle. Why won't the dems come to the table and
hash out a solution once and for all? I bet we all know the reason for that...if you want to be honest with yourself.
You may recall Trump backed out of a deal for funding his wall in exchange for DACA.
Well, let's be fair, the dems really didn't want to deal. They made it impossible for a bipartisan deal.
Wall was not properly funded, Chain and Lottery were made worse.
It seems to me that Trump does want to fix the immigration debacle. Why won't the dems come to the table and
hash out a solution once and for all? I bet we all know the reason for that...if you want to be honest with yourself.
If trump wanted to fix it he could all by himself He's fos as usual
Exactly. He's feeding his base raw meat.
I’m on Facebook; Trump’s base wants them shipped back.
And locked up in cages until deportation. Trump's policy is good for the base.

I'm really not sure what is possible. Sending an unaccompanied minor back to a country where he/she has no family with the best outcome they will become a drug mule or prostitute seems morally problematical even if it's legal. But what's the option? Keep them. Pay for their care and education. And send them back as adults? Or just open DACA to every kid who somehow gets across the border.

I was really ok with the dems offer to build the wall to let the Dreamers stay. But Trump backed out of it after first agreeing.
No one is talking about that.

Are they going to be held in detention forever?

Are Republicans going to quietly do away with them?

Homeland Security chief Kirstjen Nielsen was asked where are the little girls and toddlers and she said she did't know. In fact, she doesn't even know there's a policy.

Trump's DHS chief pretends there is no family-separation policy

We've only seen the few pictures the government gave the press. We haven't seen any toddlers or girls.

Extinguishing the Beacon of America

Has anyone heard what is going to happen to these children? There are reports that parents have been sent back without their children.

In 2014 over 70,000 children were in one of those facilities, almost 6 times more than under the Trump administration, why did we not hear from you then? Why are you outraged only now?

The children who came here then were not crying while being torn from their mothers arms......(que up the violins please)

Unaccompanied Children from Central America, One Year Later | HuffPost
It seems to me that Trump does want to fix the immigration debacle. Why won't the dems come to the table and
hash out a solution once and for all? I bet we all know the reason for that...if you want to be honest with yourself.
You may recall Trump backed out of a deal for funding his wall in exchange for DACA.
Well, let's be fair, the dems really didn't want to deal. They made it impossible for a bipartisan deal.
Wall was not properly funded, Chain and Lottery were made worse.
I'm ok with no lottery. Chain immigration is how we got Greek food, not to mention Mexican. I don't see the problem, so long as it's limited in terms of how many people.

The Daca fix was a one time deal by the dems in exchange for a one time infusion of border security money. Trump agreed, and then backed out.
Trump, Democrats confirm outline of DACA deal, despite denials
Trump can't expect an angreement to fund construction in 10-20 different yearly bills for a one time Daca fix.

Trump wants to lock up kids because it's good for him with the base that sees it as ok to cage kids as a deterrent. Trump also wants every person arrested to stay in jail till there's a deportation hearing in an immigration court, but there's a backlog of years. There could be ways to compromise to expedite deporting families who had not been here for years before being caught. And there's no hinderence now to expedited returns of people caught near the border, and who are jailed for 14 days or less. Trump can do that tomorrow, but he wants court hearings.

But there's no way he gets his wall without letting a lot of families stay. Ones that have been here for years, working and raising kids. I don't really see that happening.

What I think will happen is that Trump will lose bigly in Court because his child detention violates one Sup Ct case from 2001 and another consent decree. But I think that's precisely what he wants.
Run em through a wood chipper and make fertilizer out of em....
That's just wrong.

Not on my menu, I do not care for Mexican food. Looking at Rump I can't thunk it any he doesn't like!
You think?!?!

My guess is Rump will just eat them, proving once again how much of a man he is.

Even the mighty Trump couldnt eat that many illegals.

Look at that waste line, he can eat those and a few thousand more.

So start BBQing!!!
these are child internment camps. you read that right. CHILD INTERNMENT CAMPS.

You mean how does Trump plan on cleaning up the mess that Bill Clinton started and that George W. Bush and Barack Obama continued? Clinton signed the law that allowed illegal families to be separated. Bush did nothing about it until the last three years of his presidency. Obama continued the separating of families. Now it's left to Trump to deal with the problem.
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That's just wrong.

Not on my menu, I do not care for Mexican food. Looking at Rump I can't thunk it any he doesn't like!
You think?!?!

My guess is Rump will just eat them, proving once again how much of a man he is.

Even the mighty Trump couldnt eat that many illegals.

Look at that waste line, he can eat those and a few thousand more.

So start BBQing!!!

You're a blank slate waiting for a writer, huh? The perfect Democrat ...
First of all, are 13-17 year olds (teens) considered children. Covered in gang tats and shit attitudes, I say no. That drastically reduces your number.
Second, the refugee relocation service holds these "children" for 20 days in an attempt to locate a sponsor, usually with relatives. Then a hearing is scheduled. Problem then becomes, on the scheduled hearing date, they are no show. Ice then looks for them, but they have moved to avoid deportation. Been going on long before Trump.
Where was your outrage then?
You leftist traitors don't give a shit about these children.
All you give a shit about is bashing Trump.
Are 13 year olds children?

Is that a serious question?
First of all, are 13-17 year olds (teens) considered children. Covered in gang tats and shit attitudes, I say no. That drastically reduces your number.
Second, the refugee relocation service holds these "children" for 20 days in an attempt to locate a sponsor, usually with relatives. Then a hearing is scheduled. Problem then becomes, on the scheduled hearing date, they are no show. Ice then looks for them, but they have moved to avoid deportation. Been going on long before Trump.
Where was your outrage then?
You leftist traitors don't give a shit about these children.
All you give a shit about is bashing Trump.
Are 13 year olds children?

Is that a serious question?
It is when you leftists only post pics of crying 6 year old girls, when in fact most of these "children" are mid and late male teens.
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these are child internment camps. you read that right. CHILD INTERNMENT CAMPS.

Those would be children in late teens who came without a parent. Naturally they can't be reunited with a parent, just send them back to their families.
First of all, are 13-17 year olds (teens) considered children. Covered in gang tats and shit attitudes, I say no. That drastically reduces your number.
Second, the refugee relocation service holds these "children" for 20 days in an attempt to locate a sponsor, usually with relatives. Then a hearing is scheduled. Problem then becomes, on the scheduled hearing date, they are no show. Ice then looks for them, but they have moved to avoid deportation. Been going on long before Trump.
Where was your outrage then?
You leftist traitors don't give a shit about these children.
All you give a shit about is bashing Trump.
Are 13 year olds children?

Is that a serious question?
It is when you leftists only post pics of crying 6 year old girls, when in fact most of these "children" are in their mid and late teens.
Many look older than the women they claim as mothers.
First of all, are 13-17 year olds (teens) considered children. Covered in gang tats and shit attitudes, I say no. That drastically reduces your number.
Second, the refugee relocation service holds these "children" for 20 days in an attempt to locate a sponsor, usually with relatives. Then a hearing is scheduled. Problem then becomes, on the scheduled hearing date, they are no show. Ice then looks for them, but they have moved to avoid deportation. Been going on long before Trump.
Where was your outrage then?
You leftist traitors don't give a shit about these children.
All you give a shit about is bashing Trump.
Are 13 year olds children?

Is that a serious question?
At 13, they are working as gang killers. Even in this country.

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