What End of the Political Spectrum Do You Fall?

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If you believe in government force over more than the basics, you're not conservative
That would depend on what you consider the basics. Somehow I would guess we have different lists and very different ideas on how far the Government should be able to go when it comes to things on that list.

Then again, I never claimed to believe in Rights, Freedom, or Liberty.
I'm pro-life and believe in gay marriage.

I fully support the 2nd Amendment even up to and including automatic weapons but I do not support our stupid wars.

I believe religion does play a role in politics. Even religions I do not necessarily follow.

So where do I fall here?
Leftists think they are a tiny minority here. I think we're evenly split.

I don't want to hear "moderate" (mac1958). Everyone leans right or left. Which way do you lean?
your scale is wrong,, in this country left is authoritarian and right is anarchy,

both dems and repbes are leftwing with dems being further left than repubes,,

what youre going off of is the european scale,,
I don't think that. Every president needs advisors and one of Trump's problems is that I think he doesn't listen to them well enough, or can't seem to find GOOD advisors, but I only think that people are RINOs who actively treat their own party leader as a bigger problem than defeating the other party. You don't see democrats doing that.

Party over country? Neat.

I'd love to believe the so-called big lie (if that refers to the election) if only someone could point out to me where and when this big lie was PROVEN, and by WHOM, instead of just calling it a big lie right after the election then trying to kill the subject, sweep it under the rug, silence anyone raising questions about the election and trying to ridicule anyone for bringing it up.

It wasn't proven, far from it and we've just had a bunch of Trump hangerson who have no real credibility pushing the lie forward.

I guess you are saying Larry Elder isn't likable, but apparently he has a very popular following, he just doesn't have a George Soros slipping him a million bucks to help him win nor others apparently cheating to get him extra votes.

Not nearly popular enough. More people did not like Elder than liked. I don't care one way or another if Soros gives people money. So what? Nobody cheated, here you go, typical wingnut pushing unwarranted conspiracy theories.

Odd, I am the social norm and have been for 200 years. I get along with everyone great except stupid people and liars and only whine about voter fraud when there seems to be good evidence of it happening like any good American should.

Oh, so there was no voter fraud then or do you have something to whine about?
You leftists aren't helping me prove my point.

Coyote said the makeup here is 80% conservative/20% liberal. That'd not true.
All the regular leftist posters aren't taking part in the poll. I can list you but you're making it LOOKING she's right.
California could buy and sell any other state in the union multiple times.
With this much debt, they're not buying anything:

In the fiscal year of 2020, California's state debt stood at about 143.15 billion U.S. dollars. By the fiscal year of 2026, this is expected to increase to about 172.79 billion U.S. dollars.
A good section of the members may agree with this gentleman when comes to political and party leanings.
"Before I was a civil rights leader, I was a preacher of the Gospel. This was my first calling and it still remains my greatest commitment. You know, actually, all that I do in civil rights I do because I consider it a part of my ministry. I never came out with an [political] endorsement. My father did, but I never made one. I don't think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses...And I'm not inextricably bound to either party."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
With this much debt, they're not buying anything:

In the fiscal year of 2020, California's state debt stood at about 143.15 billion U.S. dollars. By the fiscal year of 2026, this is expected to increase to about 172.79 billion U.S. dollars.
During COVID, not surprising. Almost any other state would completely collapse and need the feds to bail them out. Instead those states rely on blue state tax dollars as a matter of function.
An insurrectionist, eh?

Well you are on the Biden list now
I’ve been on Government list since before it was COOL to be on Government lists.

The Jan6 folks are no different than Glen Beck’s folks from a couple years back. All talk, no punch. Until they’re willing to put their lives truly at risk for something, they’re nothing to talk about.
I'm an Anarcho-Capitalist, so probably on the right. Oddly enough, people I agree with politically I tend to dislike them personally, those I disagree with politically I tend to like them personally

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