What EOs will President Cruz issue?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Obama has shredded any idea of executive restraint, pushing presidential powers to the limits, and beyond, through his use of EOs and rule making. Libs have cheered him for "standing up to the GOP" in Congress and going it alone.
Unfortunately, for them, this has created a precedent for the next president to do exactly the same thing. Libs can hardly complain if a GOP president "goes it alone" since they cheered Obama doing the same thing Personally I think the practice of bypassing Congress is wrong period but given the precedent set by the Dems there is no way to reverse it. It is like th nuclear option on filibusters. Once Dems did away with them the GOP was not going to restore it.
So what EOs and other executive action will President Cruz, or Trump (gd forbid), or Fiorina issue while in office?
He will shred the 190 country global warming wealth redistribution agreement and possibly issue an EO specifically telling the left to pound sand.
None. Because Cruz is a constitutional scholar and would never stoop so low as to Obama's level. Right?

He is?
That's what I've been hearing from conservatives. That he's the strictest constitutionalist in history and has decried EO's as as being illegal and unconstitutional. So you'd think he wouldn't issue any. Right?
He'll likely start with repealing the First Amendment, outlaw Islam, round up Muslims 'for their own protection,' and then make Christianity the official state religion.

Then he'll repeal the 14th Amendment and start deporting American citizens born to immigrant parents, followed by forcing women to give birth against their will and criminalizing homosexuality – a social rightist's dream come true.

Thank goodness the thread premise is idiocy, as is the notion of Cruz becoming president.
He'll likely start with repealing the First Amendment, outlaw Islam, round up Muslims 'for their own protection,' and then make Christianity the official state religion.

Then he'll repeal the 14th Amendment and start deporting American citizens born to immigrant parents, followed by forcing women to give birth against their will and criminalizing homosexuality – a social rightist's dream come true.

Thank goodness the thread premise is idiocy, as is the notion of Cruz becoming president.
I think you're thinking of Hillary, who is on record as promoting most of what you write.

If Cruz is the nominee he will blow past Hillary. Cruz is young, upbeat with new ideas. Hillary represents the failed policies of B.Hussein Obama.
Oh the irony . Cruz is the unamerican son of a cuban Commies illegal immigrant . All the shit they make up about Obama , is actually TRUE about Cruz !
Oh the irony . Cruz is the unamerican son of a cuban Commies illegal immigrant . All the shit they make up about Obama , is actually TRUE about Cruz !
Crus is a Muslim? Cruz birth certificate is a fake? Cruz was raised by communists? Cruz' father was someone other than Rafael Cruz?
Timmy, if stupid were an asset I'd buy you.
Cruz has vowed to get rid of all of the Obama Executive Orders of Obama from day 1.

So, his first EO's would obviously be...........to shred the pen and a phone Obama's EO's.
Oh the irony . Cruz is the unamerican son of a cuban Commies illegal immigrant . All the shit they make up about Obama , is actually TRUE about Cruz !
Crus is a Muslim? Cruz birth certificate is a fake? Cruz was raised by communists? Cruz' father was someone other than Rafael Cruz?
Timmy, if stupid were an asset I'd buy you.
He'll likely start with repealing the First Amendment, outlaw Islam, round up Muslims 'for their own protection,' and then make Christianity the official state religion.

Then he'll repeal the 14th Amendment and start deporting American citizens born to immigrant parents, followed by forcing women to give birth against their will and criminalizing homosexuality – a social rightist's dream come true.

Thank goodness the thread premise is idiocy, as is the notion of Cruz becoming president.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones ad their comments!

Obama set the bar really low, so the Obama voters can only blame themselves, but we know that they won't..
Oh the irony . Cruz is the unamerican son of a cuban Commies illegal immigrant . All the shit they make up about Obama , is actually TRUE about Cruz !

And the far left narratives run without question or hesitation..

They show us all that the Construction is just a GD piece of paper..
He only has to undo, what Obama did without the consent of congress. After that, we have to see if he can legally shut down departments. If he can, he will, which is why the lefties hate him so much!

Prompter SHUT OFF! :321:

No teleprompter for Cruz | TheHill
The Hill
Mar 23, 2015 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) made his speech announcing that he would run for the presidency without the assistance of a teleprompter, his ...
Shut off, as stated.... BUT keep trying! :ahole-1:
Every politician has spoken without a teleprompter before :thup:


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