What exactly did Russia "hack"?

What exactly did Russia "hack"?

  • Hillary's emails

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Voting machines

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Podesta's collection of "art work" involving children

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Weiner and Huma's Ashley Madison accounts

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • All of the Above

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
The incompetent Hildabeast emails were hacked by the world over...
This is just the liberal leaders of these spook departments in our federal government trying to continue the undermining of the Trump win. The recount fizzled the popular vote faded the white privileged KKK crap was laughed at so it's back to the Russians. Trump needs to replace these bozo's on day freaking one.
If you think about it what was leaked from the so called hack of the DNC was the truth. Isn't that what every good liberal wants, truth to power.
What exactly did Russia "hack"?

Nothing. If they had wanted to know anything, including our most closely guarded secrets, they could have simply paid the Clintons for it, like every other government and criminal syndicate on the planet has. Everything is for sale under Obama and the DNC.
If you think about it what was leaked from the so called hack of the DNC was the truth. Isn't that what every good liberal wants, truth to power.

Yes, which makes the whole 'hacked!' meme ridiculous to begin with. They got caught being vermin, arrogant lying snob vermin at that, and that is why all the whining is going on. Their pet parrots are flooding the innernetz with so much fake news they can't keep all the lies straight yet again.
What the fuck is the big deal with all this, the white fuck that got elected has repetitively said....he doesn't believe in intelligence, either in himself, the CIA or his ignorant supporters..duh!!

The whore wants to govern from the gut, so lets let him do it. Russia is salivating knowing the clown elect is a fuckin moron!!...and we know it too
What the fuck is the big deal with all this, the white fuck that got elected has repetitively said....he doesn't believe in intelligence, either in himself, the CIA or his ignorant supporters..duh!!

The whore wants to govern from the gut, so lets let him do it. Russia is salivating knowing the clown elect is a fuckin moron!!...and we know it too

My sentiments exactly. The dude won, let him run it his way. Just keep feeding him rope. Now Hilary? I'd be saying block her on everything.
What the fuck is the big deal with all this, the white fuck that got elected has repetitively said....he doesn't believe in intelligence, either in himself, the CIA or his ignorant supporters..duh!!

The whore wants to govern from the gut, so lets let him do it. Russia is salivating knowing the clown elect is a fuckin moron!!...and we know it too

My sentiments exactly. The dude won, let him run it his way. Just keep feeding him rope. Now Hilary? I'd be saying block her on everything.
Hillary who? If ever there was a person that needed to laid to rest, its this bitch.
What exactly did Russia "hack"?

Still trying to figure that one out. The word "hack" is such a strong word. At least according to Stars and Stripes, they wrote the hacking was in reference to the leaked emails. But liberals don't read articles--liberals read headlines. So now they are all convinced that the voting machines were hacked.
Putin laughing.jpeg

He say Russia did it! We were out fishing!
Breaking: Evidence growing that Jason Bourne was behind the Russian hacking of the DNC, he also wrecked a bunch of cars and beat up like 50 people.
What exactly did Russia "hack"?
They hacked the DNC.

This was not on your list.

they hacked the RNC too, but didn't release anything they found.

The CIA told you that?

nope, the CA told my neighbor at the end of the street, and it finally made it to me ... you dumbass.

It was in the news, just not as bloated as the rest of the bullshit no point hack jobs.

try and keep up ... sheesh.

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