What exactly did Russia "hack"?

What exactly did Russia "hack"?

  • Hillary's emails

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Voting machines

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Podesta's collection of "art work" involving children

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Weiner and Huma's Ashley Madison accounts

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • All of the Above

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
What the fuck is the big deal with all this, the white fuck that got elected has repetitively said....he doesn't believe in intelligence, either in himself, the CIA or his ignorant supporters..duh!!

The whore wants to govern from the gut, so lets let him do it. Russia is salivating knowing the clown elect is a fuckin moron!!...and we know it too

My sentiments exactly. The dude won, let him run it his way. Just keep feeding him rope. Now Hilary? I'd be saying block her on everything.
Hillary who? If ever there was a person that needed to laid to rest, its this bitch.

Like I said.
What the fuck is the big deal with all this, the white fuck that got elected has repetitively said....he doesn't believe in intelligence, either in himself, the CIA or his ignorant supporters..duh!!

The whore wants to govern from the gut, so lets let him do it. Russia is salivating knowing the clown elect is a fuckin moron!!...and we know it too
poah poah racist.
What the fuck is the big deal with all this, the white fuck that got elected has repetitively said....he doesn't believe in intelligence, either in himself, the CIA or his ignorant supporters..duh!!

The whore wants to govern from the gut, so lets let him do it. Russia is salivating knowing the clown elect is a fuckin moron!!...and we know it too
poah poah racist.
What exactly did Russia "hack"?
They hacked the DNC.

This was not on your list.

they hacked the RNC too, but didn't release anything they found.

The CIA told you that?

nope, the CA told my neighbor at the end of the street, and it finally made it to me ... you dumbass.

It was in the news, just not as bloated as the rest of the bullshit no point hack jobs.

try and keep up ... sheesh.

Reince Priebus: 'RNC Was Not Hacked
Dec 11, 2016, 2:16 PM E
Putin is so brilliant he masterminded Hillary getting 3M more votes than Trump but still lose the election by almost 75 electoral votes.
What exactly did Russia "hack"?
The DNC and John Podesta e-mails.

It is possible that in hacking into the Republican committee, Russian agents were simply hedging their bets. The attack took place in the spring, the senior officials said, about the same time that a group of hackers believed to be linked to the G.R.U., Russia’s military intelligence agency, stole the emails of senior officials of the Democratic National Committee. Intelligence agencies believe that the Republican committee hack was carried out by the same Russians who penetrated the Democratic committee and other Democratic groups.
What exactly did Russia "hack"?
They hacked the DNC.

This was not on your list.

Guccifer 2.0 - which may or may not be associated with the Russian government, hacked the Weiner and Abedine email, exposing that Huma has engaged in a felony by copying classified information onto her home computer. He also hacked the DNC and RNC computer networks.

Now some will say that WikiLeaks had it in for Hillary and the democratic - socialists; perhaps because Hillary put a hit out on Jullian Assange and twice tried to have him murdered.

But the GOP was out of power, so the REAL corruption was in the DNC email.

Either way, what WikiLeaks revealed was 100% factual, and we all know it. The DNC is more corrupt than North Korea or a central African Junta.
What the fuck is the big deal with all this, the white fuck that got elected has repetitively said....he doesn't believe in intelligence, either in himself, the CIA or his ignorant supporters..duh!!

The whore wants to govern from the gut, so lets let him do it. Russia is salivating knowing the clown elect is a fuckin moron!!...and we know it too

Hitting the Thunderbird pretty hard today, aren't you Klan Boi?
they hacked the RNC too, but didn't release anything they found.

The RNC didn't TWICE try and have Jullian Assange murdered, the way Hillary did,

Looks like he held a grudge.

bullshit !

if Clinton wanted ANYONE dead, they would be dead. A high end politician could make you disappear in a heartbeat, and never be seen again.
they hacked the RNC too, but didn't release anything they found.

The RNC didn't TWICE try and have Jullian Assange murdered, the way Hillary did,

Looks like he held a grudge.

bullshit !

if Clinton wanted ANYONE dead, they would be dead. A high end politician could make you disappear in a heartbeat, and never be seen again.

And the Clintons are experts at that too!!!!!!

bullshit !

if Clinton wanted ANYONE dead, they would be dead. A high end politician could make you disappear in a heartbeat, and never be seen again.

Clinton sent an assassin to murder Assange.

Asassination attempt? Panic for Julian Assange as intruder scales Ecuadorian embassy wall

The Brits were privy and assisted in the assassination attempt.

Wikileaks: British Police Took 2 Hours to Respond to Assange Embassy Intruder

Where you failed is in under estimating the Ecuadorian forces.

If Seth Rich could have gotten into the embassy, he would be alive today.

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