What exactly did they do?

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"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.
what are those companies then?
What companies?
the companies you listed. you didn't know they were companies? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I have no idea what you're talking about.
then why did you list them? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So they didn't have any impact on the election?
Of course they did but big mouth Republican James Comey sure helped them.....

So they meant garbage but impacted the election. "'Curiouser and curiouser' cried Alice".
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

MSNBC makes no illusion that they are anything but left leaning. they don't profess to be 'fair & balanced' in their punditry... i don't recall them ever putting an (R) after the name of a democratic politician busted for something like FOX has., listing a republican as a (D) on the crawler... & i remember bill o'really 'reporting' on a 'violent union protest' in wisconsin... & in the background were palm trees- it was totally FAKE NEWS.
Yes and? That doesn't change the fact that Putin wanted and helped Trump to win.

Just ask Putin...

Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
/——/ Hildabeast was for sale to the highest bidder. Trump isn’t

17 mostly Republican investigations costing in excess of $100 million dollars of taxpayers money say otherwise. Audited financial statesments for both her personal taxes and the Clinton Foundation taxes, all of which are available to the public, say otherwise.

We can’t make any of these statements about Trump because he hasn’t released his business tax returns or his personal taxes. We have no idea what Trump’s sources of income are, or who he owes money to.

indicting Russians for activity that they took part in while in Russia is a total waste of time and money, those 17 Russians will never stand trial in the USA.

Trump's tax return gets audited every year by the IRS, the same IRS that targeted conservative organizations. If he was doing anything illegal, the Obama IRS would have brought it public during Obama's 8 years.

I said nothing about Russian indictments.

The information in Trump’s tax returns that the country needs to see, has nothing to do with whether or not Trump paid the right amount of taxes on his income.

What needs to be seen are the sources of Trump’s income - where and how is he making his money. We also need to see who who owes money to and how much.

Since the late 1990’s, American banks have refused to bankroll Trump’s projects. Both Eric and Don Jr. have said they get a lot of their money from Russia. The Trump Hotel in Toronto was owned by a Russian, and run (into bankruptcy) by the Trump Corporation.

I have often wondered if the bankruptcy of the Trump golf resort in Puerto Rico wasn’t a factor in Trump’s treatment of the island after Maria. Trump blamed the Puerto Rican government for the failure of this resort and he stuck them with an unpaid bill of $33 million for infrastructure built for the resort. Trump is cruel and vindictive to the core.

Trump's Puerto Rico Golf Venture: Not Such A Great Deal

Recently, the Chinese government loaned half a billion dollars to Trump Indonesia Resort.

So where does Trump’s income come from. Who does he owe money to? They go to the core of the central questions of: can anyone hold anything over this President?

Trump is the only President in history not to divest his holdings upon election. I don’t think knowing where his money comes from and who he owes is too much to ask.
since when do you think you get to see the president's money? who the fk do you think you are? what kind of trash unamerican traitor are you? Besides, that kind of information isn't in tax returns you'd know that if you actually filed.
Since the 1970s
I think we are the American People who he works for
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.
what are those companies then?
What companies?
the companies you listed. you didn't know they were companies? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I have no idea what you're talking about.
then why did you list them? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Quote any such thing, dingbat.
Of course they did but big mouth Republican James Comey sure helped them.....

So they meant garbage but impacted the election. "'Curiouser and curiouser' cried Alice".
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

MSNBC makes no illusion that they are anything but left leaning. they don't profess to be 'fair & balanced' in their punditry... i don't recall them ever putting an (R) after the name of a democratic politician busted for something like FOX has. i remember bill o'really 'reporting' on a 'violent union protest' in wisconsin... & in the background were palm trees- it was totally FAKE NEWS.
Left-leaning means factual news nowadays, super duper. Watching Fox News means you are a conspiracy nut now. That is, that our wonderful justice system is picking and choosing who to protect and who to go after because of politics. Not happening, no evidence of any such thing but garbage emails as usual...
^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?

U1 is about to be revisited. The Nation is headed for a blind siding in regards to Huber.


good luck with that.

(shrugs) Huber is real and he is very busy.

will it turn into another benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?
anyone die? then no.

ambassador stevens' family wrote to congress pleading for them to stop making it political. & how many investigations were there to prove her & obama were at fault & gowdy laid himself a big fat goose egg. more like 8 of them....
U1 is about to be revisited. The Nation is headed for a blind siding in regards to Huber.


good luck with that.

(shrugs) Huber is real and he is very busy.

will it turn into another benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?
anyone die? then no.

ambassador stevens' family wrote to congress pleading for them to stop making it political. & how many investigations were there to prove her & obama were at fault & gowdy laid himself a big fat goose egg. more like 8 of them....
dude, they can say whatever they want, they just can't change what happened. And I am an american and what the government under obammmy did was unamerican and traitorist. sorry.
Of course they did but big mouth Republican James Comey sure helped them.....

So they meant garbage but impacted the election. "'Curiouser and curiouser' cried Alice".
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.
what are those companies then?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
hillary colluded with russia to..................... lose.

that's the ultimate rw spin machine at it's best.

She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?

^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. but she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.
more fake news information from a leftist who wants to distance himself from them. too funny.

you calling me 'himself' is what's funny & fake news .
So they meant garbage but impacted the election. "'Curiouser and curiouser' cried Alice".
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.
what are those companies then?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?
So they meant garbage but impacted the election. "'Curiouser and curiouser' cried Alice".
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

MSNBC makes no illusion that they are anything but left leaning. they don't profess to be 'fair & balanced' in their punditry... i don't recall them ever putting an (R) after the name of a democratic politician busted for something like FOX has. i remember bill o'really 'reporting' on a 'violent union protest' in wisconsin... & in the background were palm trees- it was totally FAKE NEWS.
Left-leaning means factual news nowadays, super duper. Watching Fox News means you are a conspiracy nut now. That is, that our wonderful justice system is picking and choosing who to protect and who to go after because of politics. Not happening, no evidence of any such thing but garbage emails as usual...

you ever notice that trump will call out some on those stations & try to berate them - but not rachel maddow. she's got a great research team & has been spot on with a lot of treasonous roooskie dealings & trumpco.
She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?

^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. but she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.
more fake news information from a leftist who wants to distance himself from them. too funny.

you calling me 'himself' is what's funny & fake news .
dude, are you ok?
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

MSNBC makes no illusion that they are anything but left leaning. they don't profess to be 'fair & balanced' in their punditry... i don't recall them ever putting an (R) after the name of a democratic politician busted for something like FOX has. i remember bill o'really 'reporting' on a 'violent union protest' in wisconsin... & in the background were palm trees- it was totally FAKE NEWS.
Left-leaning means factual news nowadays, super duper. Watching Fox News means you are a conspiracy nut now. That is, that our wonderful justice system is picking and choosing who to protect and who to go after because of politics. Not happening, no evidence of any such thing but garbage emails as usual...

you ever notice that trump will call out some on those stations & try to berate them - but not rachel maddow. she's got a great research team & has been spot on with a lot of treasonous roooskie dealings & trumpco.
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.
what are those companies then?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.

good luck with that.

(shrugs) Huber is real and he is very busy.

will it turn into another benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?
anyone die? then no.

ambassador stevens' family wrote to congress pleading for them to stop making it political. & how many investigations were there to prove her & obama were at fault & gowdy laid himself a big fat goose egg. more like 8 of them....
dude, they can say whatever they want, they just can't change what happened. And I am an american and what the government under obammmy did was unamerican and traitorist. sorry.
An example or two, super duper dupe?
^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. but she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.
more fake news information from a leftist who wants to distance himself from them. too funny.

you calling me 'himself' is what's funny & fake news .
dude, are you ok?

just dandy. are you?
"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.
what are those companies then?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?
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