What exactly did they do?

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"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

MSNBC makes no illusion that they are anything but left leaning. they don't profess to be 'fair & balanced' in their punditry... i don't recall them ever putting an (R) after the name of a democratic politician busted for something like FOX has. i remember bill o'really 'reporting' on a 'violent union protest' in wisconsin... & in the background were palm trees- it was totally FAKE NEWS.
Left-leaning means factual news nowadays, super duper. Watching Fox News means you are a conspiracy nut now. That is, that our wonderful justice system is picking and choosing who to protect and who to go after because of politics. Not happening, no evidence of any such thing but garbage emails as usual...

you ever notice that trump will call out some on those stations & try to berate them - but not rachel maddow. she's got a great research team & has been spot on with a lot of treasonous roooskie dealings & trumpco.

m'k- find me a time he called her out for reporting 'fake news'. you can't.
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. but she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.
more fake news information from a leftist who wants to distance himself from them. too funny.

you calling me 'himself' is what's funny & fake news .
dude, are you ok?

just dandy. are you?
I think you're lost. are you a herself then? you expected me to know without seeing you?
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.
what are those companies then?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?
They are the flagship of the gigantic GOP propaganda machine. Yes they are a company d u h.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

MSNBC makes no illusion that they are anything but left leaning. they don't profess to be 'fair & balanced' in their punditry... i don't recall them ever putting an (R) after the name of a democratic politician busted for something like FOX has. i remember bill o'really 'reporting' on a 'violent union protest' in wisconsin... & in the background were palm trees- it was totally FAKE NEWS.
Left-leaning means factual news nowadays, super duper. Watching Fox News means you are a conspiracy nut now. That is, that our wonderful justice system is picking and choosing who to protect and who to go after because of politics. Not happening, no evidence of any such thing but garbage emails as usual...

you ever notice that trump will call out some on those stations & try to berate them - but not rachel maddow. she's got a great research team & has been spot on with a lot of treasonous roooskie dealings & trumpco.

m'k- find me a time he called her out for reporting 'fake news'. you can't.
maybe he she doesn't qualify. ever think?
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.
what are those companies then?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?

by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
what are those companies then?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?
They are the flagship of the gigantic GOP propaganda machine. Yes they are company d u h.
they are, prove it. tick tock, let's go son, prove it punk.
what are those companies then?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?

by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?
MSNBC makes no illusion that they are anything but left leaning. they don't profess to be 'fair & balanced' in their punditry... i don't recall them ever putting an (R) after the name of a democratic politician busted for something like FOX has. i remember bill o'really 'reporting' on a 'violent union protest' in wisconsin... & in the background were palm trees- it was totally FAKE NEWS.
Left-leaning means factual news nowadays, super duper. Watching Fox News means you are a conspiracy nut now. That is, that our wonderful justice system is picking and choosing who to protect and who to go after because of politics. Not happening, no evidence of any such thing but garbage emails as usual...

you ever notice that trump will call out some on those stations & try to berate them - but not rachel maddow. she's got a great research team & has been spot on with a lot of treasonous roooskie dealings & trumpco.

m'k- find me a time he called her out for reporting 'fake news'. you can't.
maybe he she doesn't qualify. ever think?

sure, you go with that.
Left-leaning means factual news nowadays, super duper. Watching Fox News means you are a conspiracy nut now. That is, that our wonderful justice system is picking and choosing who to protect and who to go after because of politics. Not happening, no evidence of any such thing but garbage emails as usual...

you ever notice that trump will call out some on those stations & try to berate them - but not rachel maddow. she's got a great research team & has been spot on with a lot of treasonous roooskie dealings & trumpco.

m'k- find me a time he called her out for reporting 'fake news'. you can't.
maybe he she doesn't qualify. ever think?

sure, you go with that.
I did. didn't need your permission either did I? you ok?
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?

by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?

i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?

by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?

i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
then why are you in here?
you ever notice that trump will call out some on those stations & try to berate them - but not rachel maddow. she's got a great research team & has been spot on with a lot of treasonous roooskie dealings & trumpco.

m'k- find me a time he called her out for reporting 'fake news'. you can't.
maybe he she doesn't qualify. ever think?

sure, you go with that.
I did. didn't need your permission either did I? you ok?

lol... you read too much into things. paranoia suits you.
Your question makes no sense at all. What companies?
so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?
They are the flagship of the gigantic GOP propaganda machine. Yes they are company d u h.
they are, prove it. tick tock, let's go son, prove it punk.
The GOP should call themselves The know-nothing Party...
fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?

by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?

i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
then why are you in here?

because i am. & i don't need your permission either. you ok?

so you don't think fox news is a company? that's why I'm laughing at you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: you don't think the rush limbaugh show is a company? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:so are each of the people you posted are a company. It's what they do. so what are they if they? they are reporting news?

fox news is part of news corp- you should have been more accurate.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?
They are the flagship of the gigantic GOP propaganda machine. Yes they are company d u h.
they are, prove it. tick tock, let's go son, prove it punk.
The GOP should call themselves The know-nothing Party...
then they'd be democrats, and they already exist.
it's a company, it may be a subsidiary of the corporation, but they are a company. How else do they pay bills?

by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?

i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
then why are you in here?

because i am. & i don't need your permission either. you ok?

you should learn who to do battle with, you still haven't answered why you think those companies aren't reporting news.
Of course you can source this....right?

" The Clinton emails WikiLeaks published came from a FOI act request'

Hillary Clinton State department emails on her private server were released due to freedom of information act requests, not by the Russian operative hackers.

The emails from the DNC, DCCC, and Podesta, were hacked and stolen emails... those were not from Hillary Clinton's server.

correct, the 30,000 from her personal server were destroyed. Do you care why they were so determined to keep you and me from seeing them?
Is it really hard to understand why a political figure would want to keep their private correspondence private? Do you see how the media politicizes every little thing they find? Look at the text messages they found between Strzok and Page. It’s a no brainer why she wanted a private server and secure deletions of her corresponence. That doesn’t mean it’s a deep state cover up like y’all like to imply.

And there would have been no problem with that except she also conducted official business thought that server, which makes it problematic that she deleted so much with no oversight.
she did not delete them, her lawyers went through them, and on her instructions of keeping anything that was government related, and sending those to the State dept for the national archives retention. Government regulations STATE, DO NOT SEND PERSONAL EMAILS the gvt worker may have, to the national archives retention, only govt documents and gvt emails.

Her lawyers on her instructions. Yeah, no possibility of problems there. Would you give Trump the same benefit of the doubt?
by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?

i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
then why are you in here?

because i am. & i don't need your permission either. you ok?

you should learn who to do battle with, you still haven't answered why you think those companies aren't reporting news.
They are reporting BS character assassination and Hate propaganda, dumbass. You are the biggest waste of time on here
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