What exactly did they do?

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uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. but she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.
more fake news information from a leftist who wants to distance himself from them. too funny.

you calling me 'himself' is what's funny & fake news .
dude, are you ok?

just dandy. are you?
I think you're lost. are you a herself then? you expected me to know without seeing you?

i'm female. says it plain as day if you click on my avatar. i am not lazy to assume either way about a poster if the avatar isn't a giveaway & check.
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?

i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
then why are you in here?

because i am. & i don't need your permission either. you ok?

you should learn who to do battle with, you still haven't answered why you think those companies aren't reporting news.
They are reporting BS character assassination and Hate propaganda, dumbass. You are the biggest waste of time on here
based on what? news, anything is news fking idiot. car driving 100 miles an hour down a freeway is news. someone eating a pizza is news. cnn reporting fake news thinks it is news. It isn't, it's just fake. see the difference?
more fake news information from a leftist who wants to distance himself from them. too funny.

you calling me 'himself' is what's funny & fake news .
dude, are you ok?

just dandy. are you?
I think you're lost. are you a herself then? you expected me to know without seeing you?

i'm female. says it plain as day if you click on my avatar. i am not lazy to assume either way about a poster if the avatar isn't a giveaway & check.
why would I click your avatar? I have no interest in learning about you. why would you think everyone does that? cause you do? you're just nosy then
So they didn't have any impact on the election?
Of course they did but big mouth Republican James Comey sure helped them.....

So they meant garbage but impacted the election. "'Curiouser and curiouser' cried Alice".
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

So the truth being revealed about the DNC was NOT garbage. You're going with that one now?

You make it sound like the real dupes were Hillary voters.
by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?

i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
then why are you in here?

because i am. & i don't need your permission either. you ok?

you should learn who to do battle with, you still haven't answered why you think those companies aren't reporting news.

fox news is not reporting accurate news & oxyboy is so full of bloated draft dodging drug addled lies there's no way he can be classified as news. he's not a journalist anyway.
by being whores to the likes of a saudi prince? oh wait, i think he sold his shares....
basically you have no idea I see. again, you ok?

i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
then why are you in here?

because i am. & i don't need your permission either. you ok?

you should learn who to do battle with, you still haven't answered why you think those companies aren't reporting news.
Because Murdoch owns Fox, the Kochs own heritage, the Moonies own the Washington Examiner, adelsons own the Washington Times etc etc. Greedy idiot billionaires who run the GOP these days, super dupe.
you calling me 'himself' is what's funny & fake news .
dude, are you ok?

just dandy. are you?
I think you're lost. are you a herself then? you expected me to know without seeing you?

i'm female. says it plain as day if you click on my avatar. i am not lazy to assume either way about a poster if the avatar isn't a giveaway & check.
why would I click your avatar? I have no interest in learning about you. why would you think everyone does that? cause you do? you're just nosy then

nosy? how is that if posters put the info in there for others to see? you're just lazy & assume.... cause you are lazy. you need more spinach.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
They hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave it to

the gotcha MSM media, not to mention the fox Rush etc etc propaganda machine.
Prove it! No us agency looked at them. And podesta’s was phishing. Fk, I hate it when you fks don’t know facts
You’re an idiot. The FBI investigated exact copies of the DNC’s hard drives and phishing IS hacking.

Exact copies? When it comes to forensics, nothing beats the originals, even down to fingerprints on hard drives to determine who handled them. And phishing is social engineering, not hacking. It's the difference between breaking a window and convincing the home owner to give you the key.
Of course they did but big mouth Republican James Comey sure helped them.....

So they meant garbage but impacted the election. "'Curiouser and curiouser' cried Alice".
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

So the truth being revealed about the DNC was NOT garbage. You're going with that one now?

You make it sound like the real dupes were Hillary voters.
All of these Democratic emails are just staffers who are powerless bullshiting with each other about what they might want to do LOL absolute garbage.
So they meant garbage but impacted the election. "'Curiouser and curiouser' cried Alice".
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

So the truth being revealed about the DNC was NOT garbage. You're going with that one now?

You make it sound like the real dupes were Hillary voters.
All of these Democratic emails are just staffers who are powerless bullshiting with each other about what they might want to do LOL absolute garbage.
then how did it matter to the election?
Let's see now...

The FBI refuses to analyze the DNC server. The justice department refuses to prosecute Hillary for destroying 30k government emails, and the NSA who monitors all and knows all...offers nothing.

Looks like a massive set up. No?

Could it be as simple as the ruling class did all they could to get their corrupt girl in the White House and when that didn't happen, they got vindictive?

Why would anyone accept anything from the criminals in the ruling class?

hillary colluded with russia to..................... lose.

that's the ultimate rw spin machine at it's best.

She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?

^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.
Fusion GPS is a US company, and UK is an ally country.
The Russians who met with the Trumps were operatives of a hostile foreign power.

So are the ones that Hillary paid.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
They hacked the DNC and podesta servers and gave it to

the gotcha MSM media, not to mention the fox Rush etc etc propaganda machine.
Prove it! No us agency looked at them. And podesta’s was phishing. Fk, I hate it when you fks don’t know facts
You’re an idiot. The FBI investigated exact copies of the DNC’s hard drives and phishing IS hacking.
/——/ Those copies were never verified, no one can claim they were exact copies or were not altered, completely inadmissible in court. No chain of custody.
I hope you don’t mind if I take the FBI’s word about it over an Internet freak like you. They say it’s an appropriate substitute.
Yes, we do mind. The FBI's word isn't worth jack shit.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Let's see now...

The FBI refuses to analyze the DNC server. The justice department refuses to prosecute Hillary for destroying 30k government emails, and the NSA who monitors all and knows all...offers nothing.

Looks like a massive set up. No?

Could it be as simple as the ruling class did all they could to get their corrupt girl in the White House and when that didn't happen, they got vindictive?

Why would anyone accept anything from the criminals in the ruling class?

hillary colluded with russia to..................... lose.

that's the ultimate rw spin machine at it's best.

She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?

^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.
Fusion GPS is a US company, and UK is an ally country.
The Russians who met with the Trumps were operatives of a hostile foreign power.

it's still collusion with a foreign government. dude are you truly that stupid? oh fk, yeah you are.
i basically don't care what you are trying to relay, pops.
then why are you in here?

because i am. & i don't need your permission either. you ok?

you should learn who to do battle with, you still haven't answered why you think those companies aren't reporting news.
They are reporting BS character assassination and Hate propaganda, dumbass. You are the biggest waste of time on here
based on what? news, anything is news fking idiot. car driving 100 miles an hour down a freeway is news. someone eating a pizza is news. cnn reporting fake news thinks it is news. It isn't, it's just fake. see the difference?
This is about political news, stupid. Yes I definitely wish our CNN and MSNBC and fox and ABC and CBS and Etc would spend some money on reporting around the world instead of these ridiculous gabfests. But they don't spend their time discussing phony scandals that have no basis in fact and no evidence to support them. Breaking for silly dupes like you... Hillary the foundation Obama Etc have been investigated endlessly and nothing anywhere near criminal has been found. It's all garbage propaganda. The rich don't pay enough in taxes so we have to cut services for regular people. After 35 years of GOP dominance, we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility in our history. Great job, scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.
On Fox, garbage is known as facts. Breaking for the Dupes...

"The Dupes". Do you mean those who were going to vote for Trump no matter what, or are you referring to democrats who were going to vote for Hillary but changed their minds because the emails revealed the ugly underside of the DNC?

See, if you're talking about people who were going to vote for Trump anyway, the emails had no impact. If they had impact on Hillary voters, they weren't garbage. You seem to want it both ways.
Dupes are people who believe Fox News is actual news, along with Rush Savage Levin heritage etc etc.... That is, people who are influenced by fake news. CNN MSNBC though pathetic gab Fests, are not lying propaganda and their facts agree with all the respected media around the world. Republican voters live on another planet, and their BS about Hillary Obama socialists foreigners minorities also dupe many non Republicans.

So the truth being revealed about the DNC was NOT garbage. You're going with that one now?

You make it sound like the real dupes were Hillary voters.
All of these Democratic emails are just staffers who are powerless bullshiting with each other about what they might want to do LOL absolute garbage.
then how did it matter to the election?
Because yoursuper dupe propaganda doesn't need actual facts d u h, super dupe.
hillary colluded with russia to..................... lose.

that's the ultimate rw spin machine at it's best.

She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?

^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.
Fusion GPS is a US company, and UK is an ally country.
The Russians who met with the Trumps were operatives of a hostile foreign power.

it's still collusion with a foreign government. dude are you truly that stupid? oh fk, yeah you are.
Pretty hard to have collusion when you have no contact with someone d u h...
hillary colluded with russia to..................... lose.

that's the ultimate rw spin machine at it's best.

She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?

^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.
Fusion GPS is a US company, and UK is an ally country.
The Russians who met with the Trumps were operatives of a hostile foreign power.

it's still collusion with a foreign government. dude are you truly that stupid? oh fk, yeah you are.
Its really just as simple as this:

Turns out Philip Bump at the Washington Post decided to explain that very thing on Monday, and the simplest way to illustrate the difference is to ask, "Which way is the money going? Is it going to the campaign? Or is it going away from the campaign?"

Campaign expenditure vs campaign contribution.

"federal law doesn't just ban contributions of actual money dollars to campaigns from foreign governments, but also donations of goods, services, outside advocacy -- in short, anything of value given that can help a candidate"

Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal.
She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?

^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.
Fusion GPS is a US company, and UK is an ally country.
The Russians who met with the Trumps were operatives of a hostile foreign power.

it's still collusion with a foreign government. dude are you truly that stupid? oh fk, yeah you are.
Its really just as simple as this:

Turns out Philip Bump at the Washington Post decided to explain that very thing on Monday, and the simplest way to illustrate the difference is to ask, "Which way is the money going? Is it going to the campaign? Or is it going away from the campaign?"

Campaign expenditure vs campaign contribution.

"federal law doesn't just ban contributions of actual money dollars to campaigns from foreign governments, but also donations of goods, services, outside advocacy -- in short, anything of value given that can help a candidate"

Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal.

if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .
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