What exactly did they do?

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Except the emails hacked were between powerless staffers and Meant garbage except to Fox.
Trump gleefully reported on each leaked email

Wouldn't any political opponent of Hillary's do the same thing?
Too bad journalism is a forgotten art almost here. Someone should have kept that crap off the MSM. Fox Rush Etc of course just is a disgrace... Totally full of s***...
Why should it have been kept off the MSM? Do you believe the government should censor the news? Don't lie now.
There was no news except for how twisted and disgraceful Fox coverage of it was. There was no news, just staffers bullshiting on emails.... Fox is the worst propaganda we've ever had, and MSM is ratings and controversy mad, although at least they don't lie non-stop like Fox Rush Etc...
Name a propaganda story that fox used! Come on punk put up or shut up
Actually the thread is full of links to what Russia did. What intelligence agencies did not do was ascertain whether or not the coordinated Russian attack on our election had any impact.

If the evidence of a coordinated attack was so clear the impact would be evident or at least partially evident.

It is. You’re just ignoring it because it makes Trump seem (rightfully) illegitimate.
Name it or shut up
Its really just as simple as this:

Turns out Philip Bump at the Washington Post decided to explain that very thing on Monday, and the simplest way to illustrate the difference is to ask, "Which way is the money going? Is it going to the campaign? Or is it going away from the campaign?"

Campaign expenditure vs campaign contribution.

"federal law doesn't just ban contributions of actual money dollars to campaigns from foreign governments, but also donations of goods, services, outside advocacy -- in short, anything of value given that can help a candidate"

Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal.

if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?
Its not foreign influence, read it again.

Fusion GPS paid Steele for services rendered, perfectly legal services.
Used in a campaign, yeah interference what else was it for but to influence the election. You need to remember who you’re talking with! I’m educated
The Steele dossier didnt influence the election, because nobody in the public knew it existed prior to election. Only the FBI and FISA court knew of it privately.
Motherjones published a story about the dossier on oct 31, 2016, but knowbody heard it, partly because motherjones isnt mainstream, and the Comey hillary-email announcement at the same time drowned it out. Buzzfeed didnt publish the dossier until Jan 2017.

The clinton campaign did not use the steele dossier during the campaign, it was just privately given to the FBI. So no public influence possible.
Sure they did how fking stupid
Not only published in their entirety, but in a searchable database.
WikiLeaks - The Podesta Emails
WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
but where are or which are the emails that made Hillary evil, a cheat? what terms would you 'search' under??
There are thousands of emails. If you're looking for those quoted in media, just go back and pull key phrases from old news articles to start your search. I've read through many at random and it's been an enlightening slog. You can find the true believers as well as those that know they're peddling bullshit to the public. I find it humorous that many show the insiders strategizing on how to get Trump as the Republican nominee because they thought he'd be easy to beat. Have fun in your search.

I just want to know, the emails that made the right wing chant she was crooked....

what made you, or Bri Pat and the all in unison right wingers take the positions you have...out of these emails, to think and say clinton was evil, a cheat, and crooked? What stood out in these emails that made you all take this position?
The emails didn't make me decide that Hillary was an evil crooked cheat. I've had that opinion since the early 90's. Those emails highlighted for others though that the DNC, much like the Obama DOJ, wasn't operating in a fair and impartial manner. The DNC, as well as the RNC, are NOT supposed to favor any primary candidate. They exist to advance the party platform until a nominee is chosen. The emails showed DNC staffers colluding to suppress Bernie's support and to advance Hillary. Interesting reading in this Politico article if you can believe the woman that went on to help Hillary cheat in the general election as was also exposed in the emails.
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

Except that Bernie Sanders isn’t a Democrat. He’s always been an independent. He sits in the Senate as an independent today.

So why wouldn’t the Democrats try to stop someone who wasn’t a member of their party from becoming the party’s nominee. All these people have been raising money and volunteering and doing the tough work on behalf of the Democrats for years and this outsider, who hadn’t raised money for the party, or helped with any of the work the party does, but is going to swoop in and take over the Democrats because he can’t afford to run as an independent.

Damn skippy they tried to stop him just like the Republican Party tried to stop Trump.
So you’re ok with corrupt politics? Wow
if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?
Its not foreign influence, read it again.

Fusion GPS paid Steele for services rendered, perfectly legal services.
Used in a campaign, yeah interference what else was it for but to influence the election. You need to remember who you’re talking with! I’m educated
The Steele dossier didnt influence the election, because nobody in the public knew it existed prior to election. Only the FBI and FISA court knew of it privately.
Motherjones published a story about the dossier on oct 31, 2016, but knowbody heard it, partly because motherjones isnt mainstream, and the Comey hillary-email announcement at the same time drowned it out. Buzzfeed didnt publish the dossier until Jan 2017.

The clinton campaign did not use the steele dossier during the campaign, it was just privately given to the FBI. So no public influence possible.
It was used to spy on the Trump campaign, and who knows what they learned from that spying and how it was used.
Dude these leftists know fking everything ask them. They know more than the investigators
There are thousands of emails. If you're looking for those quoted in media, just go back and pull key phrases from old news articles to start your search. I've read through many at random and it's been an enlightening slog. You can find the true believers as well as those that know they're peddling bullshit to the public. I find it humorous that many show the insiders strategizing on how to get Trump as the Republican nominee because they thought he'd be easy to beat. Have fun in your search.

I just want to know, the emails that made the right wing chant she was crooked....

what made you, or Bri Pat and the all in unison right wingers take the positions you have...out of these emails, to think and say clinton was evil, a cheat, and crooked? What stood out in these emails that made you all take this position?
The emails didn't make me decide that Hillary was an evil crooked cheat. I've had that opinion since the early 90's. Those emails highlighted for others though that the DNC, much like the Obama DOJ, wasn't operating in a fair and impartial manner. The DNC, as well as the RNC, are NOT supposed to favor any primary candidate. They exist to advance the party platform until a nominee is chosen. The emails showed DNC staffers colluding to suppress Bernie's support and to advance Hillary. Interesting reading in this Politico article if you can believe the woman that went on to help Hillary cheat in the general election as was also exposed in the emails.
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC

Let's not lose sight of the fact that all of that information was obtained feloniously and used feloniously in an itelligence operation perpetrated by Russia in an attempt to influence our election. Lets also not lose sight that the President has now openly admitted to conspiring with that operation.
He hasn't admitted to anything, you fucking dumbass. He heasn't said anything that he hasn't said several times before.

Yes he did. His tweets this weekend confirmed collusion and that Junior lied to Congress.

Trump just threw his son under the bus and tried to save his own sorry ass by saying he knew nothing about it all.

You’re going to deny this and insult me for saying it but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Even funnier — trust bripat9643 is yours.

Wrong, asshole, I don't ask anyone to trust me. Relying on authority to determine what you think is a snowflake thing. Everything you believe is what someone told you to believe.

So you post shit that you don't think should be accepted as fact??

It shouldn't be accepted as fact merely because I post it, moron. Are you saying people are supposed to believe what you post in here simply because you post it?
No, what I'm saying is what I post, I believe is fact. You just admitted you post bullshit and you know it's bullshit when you post it.

No I didn't, you fucking dumbass. You have trouble understanding English, don't you.

Are you supposed to believe what I post because I post it? Yes, because I’m not lying.
Wrong, asshole, I don't ask anyone to trust me. Relying on authority to determine what you think is a snowflake thing. Everything you believe is what someone told you to believe.

So you post shit that you don't think should be accepted as fact??

It shouldn't be accepted as fact merely because I post it, moron. Are you saying people are supposed to believe what you post in here simply because you post it?
No, what I'm saying is what I post, I believe is fact. You just admitted you post bullshit and you know it's bullshit when you post it.

No I didn't, you fucking dumbass. You have trouble understanding English, don't you.

Are you supposed to believe what I post because I post it? Yes, because I’m not lying.
Lady, all you do is lie. Thanks for asking!
Trump gleefully reported on each leaked email

Wouldn't any political opponent of Hillary's do the same thing?
Too bad journalism is a forgotten art almost here. Someone should have kept that crap off the MSM. Fox Rush Etc of course just is a disgrace... Totally full of s***...
Why should it have been kept off the MSM? Do you believe the government should censor the news? Don't lie now.
There was no news except for how twisted and disgraceful Fox coverage of it was. There was no news, just staffers bullshiting on emails.... Fox is the worst propaganda we've ever had, and MSM is ratings and controversy mad, although at least they don't lie non-stop like Fox Rush Etc...
Name a propaganda story that fox used! Come on punk put up or shut up

Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
it's still collusion with a foreign government. dude are you truly that stupid? oh fk, yeah you are.
Its really just as simple as this:

Turns out Philip Bump at the Washington Post decided to explain that very thing on Monday, and the simplest way to illustrate the difference is to ask, "Which way is the money going? Is it going to the campaign? Or is it going away from the campaign?"

Campaign expenditure vs campaign contribution.

"federal law doesn't just ban contributions of actual money dollars to campaigns from foreign governments, but also donations of goods, services, outside advocacy -- in short, anything of value given that can help a candidate"

Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal.

if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?
Its not foreign influence, read it again.

Fusion GPS paid Steele for services rendered, perfectly legal services.
What was illegal that the trump campaign did?
Ever hear of waiting for the findings?
Wouldn't any political opponent of Hillary's do the same thing?
Too bad journalism is a forgotten art almost here. Someone should have kept that crap off the MSM. Fox Rush Etc of course just is a disgrace... Totally full of s***...
Why should it have been kept off the MSM? Do you believe the government should censor the news? Don't lie now.
There was no news except for how twisted and disgraceful Fox coverage of it was. There was no news, just staffers bullshiting on emails.... Fox is the worst propaganda we've ever had, and MSM is ratings and controversy mad, although at least they don't lie non-stop like Fox Rush Etc...
Name a propaganda story that fox used! Come on punk put up or shut up

Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
They're always laughing about how evil and crooked the foundation and Hillary are... Who needs evidence or anything at all?
Wouldn't any political opponent of Hillary's do the same thing?
Too bad journalism is a forgotten art almost here. Someone should have kept that crap off the MSM. Fox Rush Etc of course just is a disgrace... Totally full of s***...
Why should it have been kept off the MSM? Do you believe the government should censor the news? Don't lie now.
There was no news except for how twisted and disgraceful Fox coverage of it was. There was no news, just staffers bullshiting on emails.... Fox is the worst propaganda we've ever had, and MSM is ratings and controversy mad, although at least they don't lie non-stop like Fox Rush Etc...
Name a propaganda story that fox used! Come on punk put up or shut up

Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
Seth Rich exactly
Too bad journalism is a forgotten art almost here. Someone should have kept that crap off the MSM. Fox Rush Etc of course just is a disgrace... Totally full of s***...
Why should it have been kept off the MSM? Do you believe the government should censor the news? Don't lie now.
There was no news except for how twisted and disgraceful Fox coverage of it was. There was no news, just staffers bullshiting on emails.... Fox is the worst propaganda we've ever had, and MSM is ratings and controversy mad, although at least they don't lie non-stop like Fox Rush Etc...
Name a propaganda story that fox used! Come on punk put up or shut up

Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
They're always laughing about how evil and crooked the foundation and Hillary are... Who needs evidence or anything at all?
Evidence has been given.
Its really just as simple as this:

Turns out Philip Bump at the Washington Post decided to explain that very thing on Monday, and the simplest way to illustrate the difference is to ask, "Which way is the money going? Is it going to the campaign? Or is it going away from the campaign?"

Campaign expenditure vs campaign contribution.

"federal law doesn't just ban contributions of actual money dollars to campaigns from foreign governments, but also donations of goods, services, outside advocacy -- in short, anything of value given that can help a candidate"

Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal.

if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?
Its not foreign influence, read it again.

Fusion GPS paid Steele for services rendered, perfectly legal services.
What was illegal that the trump campaign did?
Ever hear of waiting for the findings?
You all haven’t! But thanks for admitting it! Wink wink nudge nudge
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

The phrase "they reached 126 million people" is meaningless. What does "reached" mean, someone may have seen a single tweet? It doesn't mean anything. Where is the evidence for your claim? Are you including the Wikileaks emails which the Russians weren't even responsible for?

The "math" of the left has about as many holes in it as a screen door on a submarine, showing once and for all the speciousness of their "logic," the paucity of their "education" and their willingness to fudge things as much in their favor as necessary to get a desired outcome rather than look at the actual facts.
Too bad journalism is a forgotten art almost here. Someone should have kept that crap off the MSM. Fox Rush Etc of course just is a disgrace... Totally full of s***...
Why should it have been kept off the MSM? Do you believe the government should censor the news? Don't lie now.
There was no news except for how twisted and disgraceful Fox coverage of it was. There was no news, just staffers bullshiting on emails.... Fox is the worst propaganda we've ever had, and MSM is ratings and controversy mad, although at least they don't lie non-stop like Fox Rush Etc...
Name a propaganda story that fox used! Come on punk put up or shut up

Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
Seth Rich exactly
Totally discredited after investigation... Doob still believe it. Who needs evidence or anything at all?
Why should it have been kept off the MSM? Do you believe the government should censor the news? Don't lie now.
There was no news except for how twisted and disgraceful Fox coverage of it was. There was no news, just staffers bullshiting on emails.... Fox is the worst propaganda we've ever had, and MSM is ratings and controversy mad, although at least they don't lie non-stop like Fox Rush Etc...
Name a propaganda story that fox used! Come on punk put up or shut up

Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
Seth Rich exactly
Totally discredited after investigation... Doob still believe it. Who needs evidence or anything at all?
All the evidence is out! Lack of actual law is shameful.
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

The phrase "they reached 126 million people" is meaningless. What does "reached" mean, someone may have seen a single tweet? It doesn't mean anything. Where is the evidence for your claim? Are you including the Wikileaks emails which the Russians weren't even responsible for?

The "math" of the left has about as many holes in it as a screen door on a submarine, showing once and for all the speciousness of their "logic," the paucity of their "education" and their willingness to fudge things as much in their favor as necessary to get a desired outcome rather than look at the actual facts.
Too bad you don't have any examples that aren't total b******* GOP propaganda with no evidence...
There was no news except for how twisted and disgraceful Fox coverage of it was. There was no news, just staffers bullshiting on emails.... Fox is the worst propaganda we've ever had, and MSM is ratings and controversy mad, although at least they don't lie non-stop like Fox Rush Etc...
Name a propaganda story that fox used! Come on punk put up or shut up

Seth Rich. Questions about Hillary’s health. Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
Seth Rich exactly
Totally discredited after investigation... Doob still believe it. Who needs evidence or anything at all?
All the evidence is out! Lack of actual law is shameful.
High School grad GOP pundits talking is not evidence. Let's have an example, super duper.
if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?
Its not foreign influence, read it again.

Fusion GPS paid Steele for services rendered, perfectly legal services.
What was illegal that the trump campaign did?
Ever hear of waiting for the findings?
You all haven’t! But thanks for admitting it! Wink wink nudge nudge
The imaginary stuff is all over Fox Rush etcetera d u h. You heard me admit something? You're absolutely deranged...
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