What exactly did they do?

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Well then, Russia had no influence on the election and as they actually expected her to win, just as the Democrats did, Trump won fair and square, by the Electoral College, which those voters actually signed their votes and handed them in.
One might remember that Vladimir Putin is former KGB and thus of Communist (Marxist) background and our new Democratic left is pro-Marxist, so it stands to reason the Russians preferred Clinton, rather than a pro-Capitalist, Constitutional Republic Presidential candidate.
Their hacking led to a tidal wave of BS against Hillary and lost her the election along with James Comey the big mouth Republican Straight Arrow.
No, the Wikileaks emails led to the truth about Hillary being released, and the Russians weren't responsible for that. Douchebags like you deliberately conflate a whole lot of things that have no connection with each other to make your imbecile claims seem credible.
Nothing was found except a lot of Gossip between DNC and podesta staffers, blown out of all proportion at Twisted for the Dupes, who are now all conspiracy nut jobs who believe the FBI and the CIA had in for the the Trump Meister.

Which means they didn't impact the election, so now you're back to that choice.
9 months of fox twisting staffers' BS into conspiracies against Bernie Sanders Hispanics etc etc certainly had an effect, along with MSM reporting it for ratings.

Hillary voters watch FOX News and were duped. Who knew they were that dumb?
Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.

uh- no- i don't believe putin. i believe every US intel agency that did.
you believe what exactly?

that putin hacked into our elections to have his puppet win.

ticky tocky.
/----/ Ticky tocky ???? What are you 9 years old? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA
Lib Thought Process.jpg
You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president in those circumstances? Seriously.

It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

/——/ “We” don’t know that at all. You believe it because you can’t accept the fact that America rejected Hildabeast
All U.S.intelligence agencies and the Senate intelligence committee disagree with you, anonymous Trumpanzee on the internet..as the provided report details.
prove that. here we go round in circles. these stupid fks are circling back to the very first argument they had. too fking funny. not one agency looked at the servers not one. fact!!! so post one fking fact or you continue to be useless.

Already provided you the report.

Senate Intelligence Committee backs assessment of Russia election meddling

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday backed the intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to aid President Donald Trump and is continuing its efforts to undermine U.S. democracy.

The finding that reveals Russia meddled in far more extensive ways than previously known is yet another strong rebuke to Trump and many of his allies who continue to cast doubt on the finding from the intelligence community that Moscow carried out an operation to help his candidacy and hurt Hillary Clinton.​
/----/ So why hasn't muller indicted the president yet?
I think the left have moved to neverland with peter pan.
/——/ Libs give new meaning to grasping at straws.
dude, there aren't any to grasp.
/——-/ Mullers got three months to put up or shut up.
What happens in 3 months that affects his investigation?

The mid term elections, after which he loses a lot of effectiveness as a political tool.
Not if he keeps it going for another two years.
It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

/——/ “We” don’t know that at all. You believe it because you can’t accept the fact that America rejected Hildabeast
All U.S.intelligence agencies and the Senate intelligence committee disagree with you, anonymous Trumpanzee on the internet..as the provided report details.
prove that. here we go round in circles. these stupid fks are circling back to the very first argument they had. too fking funny. not one agency looked at the servers not one. fact!!! so post one fking fact or you continue to be useless.

Already provided you the report.

Senate Intelligence Committee backs assessment of Russia election meddling

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday backed the intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to aid President Donald Trump and is continuing its efforts to undermine U.S. democracy.

The finding that reveals Russia meddled in far more extensive ways than previously known is yet another strong rebuke to Trump and many of his allies who continue to cast doubt on the finding from the intelligence community that Moscow carried out an operation to help his candidacy and hurt Hillary Clinton.​
/----/ So why hasn't muller indicted the president yet?
View attachment 209224
well first off, he can't. second off he has to present his evidence, which he doesn't have to the DOJ and then they present it to congress. it's the way it happens. And it ain't ever gonna happen. EVAH!!!!
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

The concept of an 'Ongoing' investigation is obviously beyond you.

Prosecutors do not disclose information about an 'Ongoing' investigation. So the fact that you do not have much information about the Mueller investigation is not surprising.

But based on what has leaked out, and of the indictments so far, it certainly looks like Trump is toast.

Can we be a bit forward thinking and start debating Pres. Pence now?
Russia didn't do anything wrong actually

However Hillary did wrong by colluding with Russia, uranium one, seth rich, WikiLeaks, emails, pizza gate, and stuff
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

The concept of an 'Ongoing' investigation is obviously beyond you.

Prosecutors do not disclose information about an 'Ongoing' investigation. So the fact that you do not have much information about the Mueller investigation is not surprising.

But based on what has leaked out, and of the indictments so far, it certainly looks like Trump is toast.

Can we be a bit forward thinking and start debating Pres. Pence now?
well they do in court. manafort is in court. they now need to present evidence or get the case thrown out. it gets tossed mueller is done.
sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?
you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president in those circumstances? Seriously.

It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

/——/ “We” don’t know that at all. You believe it because you can’t accept the fact that America rejected Hildabeast
All U.S.intelligence agencies and the Senate intelligence committee disagree with you, anonymous Trumpanzee on the internet..as the provided report details.
prove that. here we go round in circles. these stupid fks are circling back to the very first argument they had. too fking funny. not one agency looked at the servers not one. fact!!! so post one fking fact or you continue to be useless. I'm still winning.

Winnng what? What “facts” are you posting? You’re posting the same lies, deflections and bullshit you Russians constantly post and then you ask us for evidence to prove you you’re lying.

Go fuck yourself. YOU provide evidence that Russia didn’t do it. Not bullshit statements from liars like Trump and Putin. Actual evidence, like the kind of evidence contained in the Russian indictments, to prove YOU’RE not lying.

Because the US intelligence service, the Dutch Security Service, Guccifer2.0, the Grand Jury, and the FBI cooperating witnesses and all of the US media says the Russians did it.

I believe all of them from over an asshole Russian troll farm poster like you, any day of the week.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

The concept of an 'Ongoing' investigation is obviously beyond you.

Prosecutors do not disclose information about an 'Ongoing' investigation. So the fact that you do not have much information about the Mueller investigation is not surprising.

But based on what has leaked out, and of the indictments so far, it certainly looks like Trump is toast.

Can we be a bit forward thinking and start debating Pres. Pence now?
/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.
You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president in those circumstances? Seriously.

It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

/——/ “We” don’t know that at all. You believe it because you can’t accept the fact that America rejected Hildabeast
All U.S.intelligence agencies and the Senate intelligence committee disagree with you, anonymous Trumpanzee on the internet..as the provided report details.
prove that. here we go round in circles. these stupid fks are circling back to the very first argument they had. too fking funny. not one agency looked at the servers not one. fact!!! so post one fking fact or you continue to be useless. I'm still winning.

Winnng what? What “facts” are you posting? You’re posting the same lies, deflections and bullshit you Russians constantly post and then you ask us for evidence to prove you you’re lying.

Go fuck yourself. YOU provide evidence that Russia didn’t do it. Not bullshit statements from liars like Trump and Putin. Actual evidence, like the kind of evidence contained in the Russian indictments, to prove YOU’RE not lying.

Because the US intelligence service, the Dutch Security Service and confessions from Guccifer2.0, the Grand Jury, and the FBI cooperating witnesses and all of the US media says the Russians did it.
the facts are you have no facts. it is quite simple.
if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?

fusion GPS is an american company, & opposition research is legal, albeit not a100% ethical... but that is not what happened here. & are you saying the pee pee tape exists? lol.... most of that dossier has been corroborated but the russian whores & their lack of potty training remains to be proven. what part of fine & dandy don't you understand, pops?

none of that dossier has been corroborated. missy. no sirreee. so, again, where did the material come from, not GPS nope a russian group. sorry bambi you lose this entire argument. BTW, I don't care at all about the dossier and how they got it, I care it was used to spy on americans bought and paid for by their opponent. yep now that is illegal. ILLEGAL as all fking shit. And, I don't care what you say. Just remember, you can spew your rhetoric around, and I don't care about it. It is fking ILLEGAL.
Where does this claim that none of the dossier has been corroborated, in fact a great deal of it has. The main theme was the kremlin helped Trump and hurt Hillary; which as been proven to have ocurred.
And about this spying on Trump, that one is false as well.

Get your facts straight, or provide references to your assertions, otherwise youre just talking out of your ass.
here schmuck, read this. Your links are for shit, why don't you pull the transcript that backs that the dossier was verified. LOL just like a lying leftist, making shit up.

UK court documents reveal details about Christopher Steele's dossier deposition

"New details have emerged about questions that former British spy Christopher Steele may be asked regarding the unverified "Trump-Russia" dossier during his upcoming court-ordered deposition in London."
Your story is dated in March 2018, and the story I provide is dated June 2018.
Your story is old; more has been revealed since then.
Plus, CBS is considered a more reliable source than fox news.
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.

uh- no- i don't believe putin. i believe every US intel agency that did.
Over the last 50 years how often has the intel community been right?

I believe they have a very poor track record, but they are decidedly pro-war.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
Look at you and Trump defending the Russians. How odd because they used to be your enemy.

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election in order to increase political instability in the United States and to damage Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign by bolstering the candidacies of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.[1][2][3] A January 2017 assessment by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) stated that Russian leadership favored presidential candidate Trump over Clinton, and that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally ordered an "influence campaign" to harm Clinton's chances and "undermine public faith in the US democratic process".
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?

fusion GPS is an american company, & opposition research is legal, albeit not a100% ethical... but that is not what happened here. & are you saying the pee pee tape exists? lol.... most of that dossier has been corroborated but the russian whores & their lack of potty training remains to be proven. what part of fine & dandy don't you understand, pops?

none of that dossier has been corroborated. missy. no sirreee. so, again, where did the material come from, not GPS nope a russian group. sorry bambi you lose this entire argument. BTW, I don't care at all about the dossier and how they got it, I care it was used to spy on americans bought and paid for by their opponent. yep now that is illegal. ILLEGAL as all fking shit. And, I don't care what you say. Just remember, you can spew your rhetoric around, and I don't care about it. It is fking ILLEGAL.
Where does this claim that none of the dossier has been corroborated, in fact a great deal of it has. The main theme was the kremlin helped Trump and hurt Hillary; which as been proven to have ocurred.
And about this spying on Trump, that one is false as well.

Get your facts straight, or provide references to your assertions, otherwise youre just talking out of your ass.
here schmuck, read this. Your links are for shit, why don't you pull the transcript that backs that the dossier was verified. LOL just like a lying leftist, making shit up.

UK court documents reveal details about Christopher Steele's dossier deposition

"New details have emerged about questions that former British spy Christopher Steele may be asked regarding the unverified "Trump-Russia" dossier during his upcoming court-ordered deposition in London."
Your story is dated in March 2018, and the story I provide is dated June 2018.
Your story is old; more has been revealed since then.
Plus, CBS is considered a more reliable source than fox news.
your link didn't say anything. nadda. and why I gave you that one. until you can disprove the fact that steele stated it wasn't verified you got nadda..
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?
According to the ODNI's report on January 6, 2017, the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) had hacked the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the personal Google email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and forwarded their contents to WikiLeaks.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

In a testimony on February 13, 2018, before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the heads of the top six American intelligence agencies unanimously reaffirmed Russian interference. Three sources familiar with Trump's thinking told CNN he remains unconvinced that Russia interfered because it suggests he did not win the election solely on his own merits.

So clearly you are a fool who believes whatever Trump tells you.
fusion GPS is an american company, & opposition research is legal, albeit not a100% ethical... but that is not what happened here. & are you saying the pee pee tape exists? lol.... most of that dossier has been corroborated but the russian whores & their lack of potty training remains to be proven. what part of fine & dandy don't you understand, pops?

none of that dossier has been corroborated. missy. no sirreee. so, again, where did the material come from, not GPS nope a russian group. sorry bambi you lose this entire argument. BTW, I don't care at all about the dossier and how they got it, I care it was used to spy on americans bought and paid for by their opponent. yep now that is illegal. ILLEGAL as all fking shit. And, I don't care what you say. Just remember, you can spew your rhetoric around, and I don't care about it. It is fking ILLEGAL.
Where does this claim that none of the dossier has been corroborated, in fact a great deal of it has. The main theme was the kremlin helped Trump and hurt Hillary; which as been proven to have ocurred.
And about this spying on Trump, that one is false as well.

Get your facts straight, or provide references to your assertions, otherwise youre just talking out of your ass.
here schmuck, read this. Your links are for shit, why don't you pull the transcript that backs that the dossier was verified. LOL just like a lying leftist, making shit up.

UK court documents reveal details about Christopher Steele's dossier deposition

"New details have emerged about questions that former British spy Christopher Steele may be asked regarding the unverified "Trump-Russia" dossier during his upcoming court-ordered deposition in London."
Your story is dated in March 2018, and the story I provide is dated June 2018.
Your story is old; more has been revealed since then.
Plus, CBS is considered a more reliable source than fox news.
your link didn't say anything. nadda. and why I gave you that one. until you can disprove the fact that steele stated it wasn't verified you got nadda..
Republicans will stay focused on the Steele dosier but really even without it they are so obviously guilty.

Same way Rudy and Trump want to keep saying collusion isn't illegal. So what? All the other stuff Trump did was illegal like obstruction of justice and conspiring with a foreign agent.

Trump-Russia: FBI believed Carter Page 'collaborated and conspired' with Moscow
  • Former Trump adviser denies being ‘agent of foreign power’
  • President accuses own government of serious malpractice
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

The Trump administration has released documents related to the surveillance of the former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, as part of an investigation into whether he colluded with Russia to undermine the 2016 US presidential election.

A surveillance application filed by the FBI in October 2016, a month before the election, said: “The FBI believes that Page has been collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government.”
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